Job Description:
Vårt språkföretag söker en driven lärare i Svenska för utbildning av vuxna affärsmänniskor i Göteborgs regionen. Fokus kommer att vara allmän- och- affärs Svenska. Erfarenhet av undervisning är att föredra men dock ej nödvändigt.
Önskade kvaliteter är målmedvetenhet samt flexibilitet. Ersättning utgår per timme.
Experience in teaching is not necessary.
Duration: Part time
Start: Juli-augusti
(SW)Intermittent , 25-50 %
Salary: As agreed
Send application to: E-mail:
or fax 08 798 2070
or mail to above address
No phone calls.
Last application day 2022-01-06
GMS Language Services®
GMS Language Services®
Box 104
135 23 Tyresö , Sweden
GLG dba, GMS International® is a global education company specialized in customized solutions and services for the corporate market - leadership, communications, language, culture, customer service, sales, project management, stress management, personal effectivity & change management. Our courses are delivered at our client’s offices and facilities or at centrally located course facilities.
GLG dba, GMS International® is a global education company specialized in customized solutions and services for the corporate market - leadership, communications, language, culture, customer service, sales, project management, stress management, personal effectivity & change management. Our courses are delivered at our client’s offices and facilities or at centrally located course facilities.
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