Göteborg: Software Developer

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Publicerad: 2023-08-21 // Varaktighet: Heltid

About this opportunity
We develop 5G and beyond. Our multi-site department consist of very committed developers with the mission to build the world’s best telecom products. Our teams are autonomous and self-empowered, and we take pride in making the world a better place, simplifying, and improving the lives for billions.
For us, building the mobile systems that makes remote health care and self-driving cars possible, it's very motivating and exciting work. 5G is gradually becoming world standard and for us it means that our purpose is ever so important, that we continue to become better and faster. We are proud to see our contribution to new services based on outstanding network user speed combined with the lowest latency.
We believe our teams to be highly motivated, continuously developing competence in their respective areas, and creativity is encouraged. A team consists of 6-7 team members with expertise in development, integration, and test. Our office is in the scenic and vibrant Lindholmen area in the central parts of Göteborg just on the shore of the Göta Älv river.
We are looking to recruit a Software Developer.

What you will do
Be an integral part of your teams feature development; from study phase to implementation phase and on to test and delivery.
Work with some of the best software developers in Sweden.
Have the possibility to try to set the next world record within mobile packet switching.
Become a specialist in C coding and IP protocols.

You will bring
A passion for software development and love to continuously experiment.
Problem-solving skills, you enjoy digging into complex problems.
BSc or MSc level in Computer Science or the equivalent level of knowledge.

Technologies we use
Linux development, Microservices.
C for product implementation, and Java and Python for System Test.
L2/L3, Routing, 3GPP
Docker, Kubernetes, GCP, Amazon EKS, OpenStack, VMware

Our products put high technical requirements on the team, including high-performance application development, low latency requirements, multi-threaded programming, embedded development, DPDK knowledge and framework design in the IP Connectivity competence area.
We develop in a Linux environment, and code is committed to Git repositories. We are proud of our modern Continuous Integration and Deployment frameworks using Jenkins with over 2500 commits per month and weekly pre-deliveries to customers.

Why join Ericsson?
At Ericsson, you´ll have an outstanding opportunity. The chance to use your skills and imagination to push the boundaries of what´s possible. To build never seen before solutions to some of the world’s toughest problems. You´ll be challenged, but you won’t be alone. You´ll be joining a team of diverse innovators, all driven to go beyond the status quo to craft what comes next.

What happens once you apply?
Click Here to find all you need to know about what our typical hiring process looks like.

Primary location for this role: Göteborg, Sweden.

If you have any questions, you can contact recruiter Aleksandra Rusa-Warda aleksandra.rusa-warda@ericsson.com.
You will report to Line Manager - User Plane Core Development.

Encouraging a diverse and inclusive organization is core to our values at Ericsson, that's why we nurture it in everything we do. We truly believe that by collaborating with people with different experiences we drive innovation, which is essential for our future growth. We encourage people from all backgrounds to apply and realize their full potential as part of our Ericsson team.
Ericsson is proud to be an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer, learn more.
Primary country and city: Sweden (SE) || Sweden : Västra Götaland : Göteborg
Req ID: 733145

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Andra jobb i Göteborg som Övriga ekonomer

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg som Övriga ekonomer.

Fullstack Software Developer

Läs mer Feb 6
Are you Maersks next Fullstack Software Developer?
Joining Maersk will embark you on a great journey with career development in a global organization. As a fullstack software developer, you will engage with Platform product owners, scrum teams, solution vendors and platform vendors through the solution lifecycle with prime responsibility from requirement gathering, analysis, identifying technologies to be used, suggesting development strategies, coding to develop functionalities and deployment in production.
This is an extremely exciting time to join a fast paced, growing, and dynamic team that solves some of the toughest problems in the industry and builds the future of trade & logistics.
We aim to be a world-class professional IT organization that delivers business value through automation, standardization, and innovation. We believe in empowerment where each of us takes ownership and responsibility for developing and implementing new ways of working.
Key responsibilities
Develop data adaptors and integrate internal/customer applications with central databases.
Collaborate with cross-functional teams to design and implement custom integration capabilities for global applications.
Lead the full application lifecycle: research, design, development, testing, and continuous deployment.
Champion adoption of new technologies and best design practices to enhance product usability and performance.
Engineer highly resilient, cloud-native, distributed solutions, ensuring high availability and scalability.
Provide technical leadership, guiding design and code reviews with a focus on user experience, performance, and scalability.
Collaborate with R&D, IT, and Business Ops to align on product and operational needs.
Ensure high-quality API design, including versioning, compatibility, authentication, and rate limiting.
Support code quality through green builds, effective code management, and constructive peer feedback.

Bachelor’s degree in computer science or equivalent (master’s preferred).
Several years of hands-on enterprise software development experience, focused on cloud-native, scalable, high-performance solutions.
Proficient in API Gateways and integrations (e.g., Apigee, Akana).
Strong knowledge of algorithms, data structures, OOP, design patterns, and multi-threaded programming.
Skilled in unit and integration testing; advocates for automated testing.
Experienced as a technical lead on major projects.
Knowledgeable in MVC, Event-Driven Architecture, Domain-Driven Design, and Microservices.
Solid background in low-level design, data modeling, and data quality governance.

Technical skills
Advanced backend design and programming skills with .NET, Azure, C++/C#, .Net Core/.NET 6/Java, focused on enterprise server solutions.
Cloud native development experience with Kubernetes
Proficient in developing/debugging RESTful & SOAP microservices.
Skilled in low-latency, scalable, distributed, and multi-threaded applications.
Experienced in designing service interfaces, public APIs, and working with databases (, No).
Familiar with messaging/streaming (Kafka, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ) and Big Data tools (Spark, Hive, Elasticsearch).
Strong CI/CD experience (Git, GitLab, GitHub Actions, Jenkins).
Effective collaborator with technical teams and business leaders.
Proficient in Agile, BDD, and TDD methodologies.

We are looking for a detail-oriented individual with a strong sense of ownership and is committed to delivering high-quality solutions. You should be highly responsible, possess excellent communication skills, and be comfortable working both independently and collaboratively across functions. Strong organizational skills, a process-oriented mindset, and flexibility to support global projects across time zones are essential.
If this sounds like you, we welcome your application!

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Senior Utvecklare – Backstage, GitHub & Azure DevOps

Läs mer Feb 6
Är du en senior utvecklare som brinner för utvecklarresan (DevEx) och vill skapa en bättre vardag för andra utvecklare?
Gillar du att automatisera flöden, bygga effektiva utvecklarportaler och förenkla arbetet för dina kollegor?
Vi söker dig som älskar att leverera kundvärde genom kod och som trivs i en DevEx-roll, där du får möjligheten att förbättra utvecklingsflöden och plattformar.
Det skadar inte om du är social, glad och öppen – vi värdesätter en härlig gemenskap!
5+ års erfarenhet av mjukvaruutveckling.
Erfarenhet av Backstage och utvecklarportaler.
Stark kompetens inom GitHub och ADO (Azure DevOps).
Erfarenhet av CI/CD, automatisering och plattformsutveckling.
Meriterande: Kunskap i TypeScript, React och pluginutveckling för Backstage. ---
Logikfabriken är ett konsultbolag av och för talangfulla, engagerade och roliga personer inom tech.
Ambitionen är att bli Sveriges bästa och mest inspirerande arbetsgivare.
Tillsammans skapar vi förutsättningar och driver företaget framåt.
Vi värdesätter gemenskap och åker på två konferenser per år, anordnar talks, afterworks och mycket annat skoj.
Schyst ersättning & transparens:
Alla på Logikfabriken har samma villkor, sätter sin egen lön, pension, föräldraersättning, antal semesterdagar och andra förmåner.
Vår modell är flexibel, trygg och ger i de flesta fall en ordentlig löneökning.
Kolla själv vad du skulle kunna tjäna: Räkna ut din lön
Vi brinner för hållbarhet. Sedan 2017 är Logikfabriken klimatneutralt och vi jobbar aktivt för att minska vårt avtryck.

Här hittar du hela vårt erbjudande: Logikfabrikens FAQ

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Senior .NET systemutvecklare

Läs mer Jan 27
Vill du bli en värdefull del av CANEAs framgångssaga? Som senior .NET systemutvecklare på CANEA har du möjlighet att bygga mjukvarulösningar som skapar verklig nytta.

Vi söker en erfaren .NET systemutvecklare som vill vara en del av vårt växande team och arbeta med att utveckla avancerade lösningar. Denna öppning erbjuder en unik möjlighet där du får stort utrymme för personlig utveckling, samtidigt som du är en central del i progressen av vår produkt.

Vi erbjuder dig:

- Work-life balance där du erbjuds mycket frihet under ansvar och flexibilitet.

- Maximalt friskvårdsbidrag för att främja välbefinnande och hälsa.

- En stimulerande miljö där du får möjlighet att växa som systemutvecklare och arbeta i ett reflekterande team.

- Labbdagar som ger dig möjlighet att experimentera och utforska nya tekniker och verktyg.

- Ett härligt arbetsklimat som präglas av ödmjukhet, prestigelös inställning och vänlighet.

- Arrangerat afterwork en gång i månaden, årliga konferenser och teamdagar.

- Ett fräscht och nyrenoverat kontor i centrala Göteborg med utsikt ut mot älven.

Som systemutvecklare hos CANEA kommer du att:

- Jobba i en agil process där samarbete och kommunikation är en viktig pusselbit.

- Vara en del i att hantera alla typer av förädlingar av vår produkt; från mindre buggrättningar och att bidra till teknisk transition, till att skapa nya möjligheter för våra kunder.

- Hjälpa till att utveckla våra arbetssätt och oss som team.

Vår produkt CANEA ONE är ett heltäckande ledningssystem för effektiv verksamhetsledning. Dokument, projekt, ärenden, processer och mål är med hjälp av CANEA ONE en knapptryckning bort tack vare smarta sökfunktioner, grafisk navigering och virtuella mappar. Produkten är webbaserad och bygger på C#, ASP.NET, MS Server, Angular och Javascript.

Vem är du?
Vi söker dig som har flerårig erfarenhet av webbutveckling och stark kompetens inom C# och .NET, troligtvis har du lärt dig grunderna på en eftergymnasial utbildning. För att trivas i rollen har du erfarenhet av att arbeta i team med andra systemutvecklare. Du värdesätter teamwork, är engagerad i ditt arbete och har en prestigelös inställning.

CANEA är en arbetsgivare som värdesätter mångfald och lika möjligheter och vi uppmanar personer med olika bakgrunder och erfarenheter att ansöka. Om du tror att du är rätt person för tjänsten, välkomnar vi din ansökan!

CANEA levererar varaktiga resultat genom att kombinera konsulttjänster, IT-lösningar och utbildningar.

Vi lever i en snabbt föränderlig värld där det ständigt ställs nya krav på en organisation. Vår filosofi är att ge företag och verksamheter de strategier, system, arbetssätt och den kompetens som skapar förutsättningar för framgång och säkerställer bästa resultat.

Vi jobbar tillsammans för fortsatt utveckling – av våra kunder, företaget och dig som medarbetare. För om du är väl rustad och trivs i din roll, skapar du också de bästa förutsättningarna för oss och våra kunder. Med utveckling i fokus arbetar vi för att möjliggöra en kreativ miljö för innovation oavsett om det gäller arbetssätt, våra produkter eller tjänster. Vi är prestigelösa och du uppmuntras att komma med idéer och driva dem fram till att de blir förverkligade.

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Mjukvaruutvecklare till Saab Surveillance

Läs mer Feb 4
Tog du nyligen examen inom teknisk fysik, data eller elektro och vill arbeta med radarteknik? Saab Surveillance söker nu en nyexaminerad mjukvaruutvecklare med intresse för simulering och radar.Rollen är kopplad till ett talangprogram som ger dig den ultimata övergången mellan studier och arbetsliv.
Att jobba som mjukvaruutvecklare hos Saab Surveillance
Som mjukvaruutvecklareblir du en del av ett tvärfunktionellt team som ansvarar för utveckling och underhåll av radarapplikationer och simulatorprogramvara. Rollen omfattar hela utvecklingscykeln, från kravanalys och design till implementation, integration, test och verifiering.
För att trivas i denna roll behöver du tycka omatt arbeta i en teamorienterad miljö och ha en god samarbetsförmåga.Du är bra på problemlösning, haröga för detaljer och har starka kommunikationsfärdigheter.
Rollen är placerad i Kallebäck, Göteborg.

Att vara konsult på Nexer Tech Talent
Nexer Tech Talent är specialister på att ge unga techtalanger den ultimata starten på arbetslivet. För denna roll kommer du att bli anställd av Nexer Tech Talent men arbeta hos Saab Surveillancemed start omgående. Du kommer även att få ta del av ett skräddarsytt utbildningsprogram där du får möjlighet att utveckla och fördjupa dina tekniska kunskaper i områden som AI, Cloud och cybersäkerhet,men även inom tex. ledarskap och personlig utveckling.
Du kommer att coachas av en mentor hosSaabsamt en konsultchef på Nexer Tech Talent. Som konsult hos oss blir du väl omhändertagen och bjuds ofta in på gemensamma aktiviteter så som föreläsningar, afterwork och lunchträffar. Efter framgångsrikt genomförande av konsultuppdraget är intentionen att du erbjuds en anställning hos Saab Surveillance.

Vi söker dig som:
Är i början av din karriär och har en kandidatexameninom data, elektro, teknisk fysik eller liknande.
Har ett intresseför radar, signalbehandling och simulering av mjukvara.
Som person är du driven, tar egna initiativoch har enstark problemlösningsförmåga.
Har goda kunskaper i Svenska och Engelska.
Har goda kunskaper i C++samt erfarenhet av Git (Bitbucket, GitLab eller liknande) och Jenkins eller motsvarande CI/CD-verktyg.

Denna befattning kräver att du genomgår och blir godkänd, vid var tids gällande, bestämmelser för säkerhetsskydd. För befattningar där vår kund har krav på säkerhetsklassplacering kan, i förekommande fall, medföra krav på visst medborgarskap.
Låter detta som något för dig? Vi arbetar löpande med rekryteringen, så skicka in din ansökan snarast möjligt. Om du har du frågor eller funderingar är du välkommen att kontakta Talent Coordinator Agnes Sanne Öhrnellpå agnes.sanneohrnell@nexergroup.com
Vi ser fram emot att höra från dig!

Om Nexer Tech Talent
Nexer Tech Talent är en del av Nexer Group – ett techbolag med djupa rötter i svenskt entreprenörskap och innovation. Tillsammans är vi över 2500 medarbetare i 15 länder som i mer än 35 år hjälpt våra kunder att ligga steget före både strategiskt, teknologiskt och kommunikativt. Läs mer om Nexer Tech Talent här.

Om kund
Saab är ett ledande försvars- och säkerhetsföretag med uppdrag att hjälpa nationer att skydda sin befolkning och bidrar till trygghet för människor och samhällen. Med 18 000 talangfulla medarbetare utvecklar Saab teknik och lösningar för en säkrare, mer hållbar och mer rättvis värld.
Sektionen är organiserad under affärsområdet Surveillance som erbjuder världsledande sensorteknik inom övervakning och beslutsstöd för att skydda mot hot. Portföljen omfattar luftburna, markbaserade och marina radarer, elektronisk krigföring, stridsledning, flygsystem och cybersäkerhet.

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C#/.NET-utvecklare till globalt bolag

Läs mer Jan 30
Om tjänsten
Det här är ett konsultuppdrag med goda möjligheter till överrekrytering. I den här rollen får du initialt en anställning hos Bravura, och det är uttalat att företaget har för avsikt att erbjuda dig anställning hos dem på sikt. Detta ger både dig och företaget bra möjlighet att lära känna varandra samt utvärdera hur ni trivs med ert samarbete.
Uppdragstiden blir en ömsesidig testperiod där du som konsult har samma trygghet somen anställd. Läs mer om vad det innebär att vara konsult på Bravuras hemsida.

Om företaget
Företaget är ett globalt företag som erbjuder innovativa informationslösningar och programvara för yrkesverksamma inom juridik, redovisning, hälsovård och finans. Deras produkter hjälper till att hantera regleringar, förenkla arbetsflöden och förbättra beslutsfattande.
Kontoret är beläget i centrala Göteborg. De arbetar i en öppen och positiv arbetsmiljö som främjar mångfald och en inkluderande företagskultur där alla medarbetare ges möjlighet att bidra och utvecklas. Förmåner inkluderar tjänstepension, friskvård, flexibla arbetstider och möjlighet att arbeta hemifrån upp till tre dagar i veckan.
Det här är en annons där företagets namn inte framgår. Ibland väljer vi eller företaget själva att inte gå ut med namnet. Självklart kommer vi att berätta vilket företag det är under rekryteringsprocessen.

I rollen som C#/.NET-utvecklare arbetar du nära utvecklare och produktägare för att omvandla krav till tekniska lösningar. Du ansvarar för att implementera funktionalitet enligt UX- och arkitekturprinciper och säkerställer att lösningen är testad och testbar innan acceptanstestning. Du följer etablerade kodningsstandarder och riktlinjer för att garantera hög kvalitet och långsiktig hållbarhet. Tillsammans med teamet utvecklar du effektiva och skalbara lösningar som möter både tekniska och affärsmässiga behov.

• Ansvara för att omvandla krav till tekniska lösningar genom att utveckla och implementera relevant funktionalitet
• Säkerställa en hållbar och skalbar lösning tillsammans med teamet
• Implementera lösningen i enlighet med fastställda UX-principer och arkitekturstandarder för att garantera hög kvalitet och användarvänlighet

Utbildning, erfarenhet och personliga egenskaper
• Eftergymnasial utbildning inom datavetenskap eller motsvarande
• Minst 5 års arbetslivserfarenhet av C#, .NET och WPF
• Erfarenhet av Angular
• Obehindrad svenska och engelska i tal och skrift
För att trivas i rollen ser vi att du har en stark förståelse för molnutveckling, gärna med erfarenhet av Azure-tjänster och Azure DevOps-pipelines. Du har också arbetat med agila utvecklingsmetoder och trivs med att navigera i dynamiska och snabbt föränderliga arbetsmiljöer. Din problemlösningsförmåga är väl utvecklad, och du hittar kreativa lösningar på komplexa utmaningar. Vi söker dig som har förmågan att arbeta effektivt både självständigt och i team, och som inte räds att ta egna initiativ för att driva arbetet framåt.

Övrig information
Start: Enligt överenskommelse
Plats: Göteborg
Vid frågor eller funderingar, kontakta ansvarig rekryterare Marcus Eriksson viamarcus.eriksson@bravura.seeller +46 73 567 04 89.

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Andra jobb i Göteborg från Ericsson AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg från Ericsson AB .

Next Generation: Power Hardware Designer

Läs mer Feb 7
Ericsson AB

Join our Team

About this opportunity:
Power Design at Lindholmen is at the forefront of research, development, and maintenance of power solutions for Ericsson's product portfolio. As part of our global design organization, we are committed to developing cutting-edge products for present and future mobile networks. We are seeking a junior power electronics engineer to strengthen our design team. 

What you will do:
You will be part of a design team responsible for developing the power solutions for Ericsson baseband products. Our section is responsible for the full design cycle, from early studies and requirement handling to design, verification and maintenance. Typical tasks include DC-DC converter design, schematic design, troubleshooting, and hands-on lab measurements. You will work closely with other design disciplines, such as digital designers, firmware, and thermal design. As we are a global organization, international contacts will be a part of your daily work.

The skills you bring:
* Bachelor’s or Master’s in Electrical Engineering, Power Electronics, or similar
* New graduate up to 3 years of working experience
* Interest in electronics design and hands-on measurements. Interest in simulation and scripting is a plus
* Fluent in English, both spoken and written

Additional Requirements:
* Strong interpersonal skills and ability to network
* Adaptability and innovative thinking
* Result-oriented with strong planning and organizational skills

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Software Developer Mobile Networks

Läs mer Feb 7
Ericsson AB

Join our Team

About this opportunity:
We are looking for curious and creative software developers to join our team and help build a product that millions of people use every day for one of our most profound needs as human beings – communication.

You will play an important part in our team of brilliant software developers, implementing new features, improving performance, and building elegant solutions for our customers.

We work with radio base stations, at the core of mobile communication, enablers of emerging technologies, such as 5G and IoT. Our products are involved in anything from streaming video, listening to music while on the move, to old-school voice communication like calling grandma.

What you will do:
* Develop functionality in a complex system, enabling everyday communication for millions of people around the globe.
* You will work in an agile scrum team and collaborate closely with other developers in the team.
* The team develop new functionality in a large software system from early requirement phases to customer deliveries. 
* You will work according to scrum methodology within your team and work with tasks prioritized in team’s backlog.
* Work from our awesome office in Gothenburg at the river waterfront.

Who you are:
* You are a skilled developer with a passion for technology and software development.
* You are curious about new technologies and you like working in a fast-paced and agile environment.
* You know how to write readable and maintainable C++ and Java code supported by well-defined processes and guidelines.
* You care about quality, and you know what it means to ship high quality code.
* You value team success over personal success.

You have a Bachelor or Master of Science (e.g Science within Electrical Engineering, Data Communication, Computer Science and Engineering, Software Engineering of Distributed Systems, Engineering Physics) or equivalent formal education.

What we offer:
We offer an open atmosphere with plenty of opportunities for personal development. A culture where sharing knowledge and helping each other comes as natural as challenging existing ways of working and continuously striving to improve.
Apart from offering a unique environment working with great developers, we offer a modern work environment. When taking a break, there is free freshly brewed coffee in our in-house café and a large recreational area with a shuffleboard and a well-equipped gym. In addition, we also provide compensation for medical costs, monthly lunch benefits and plenty of money for physical activities.

We also offer a diverse multi-cultural community, where everyone is given equal opportunities to succeed.

Do you want to join a great team? Please send us your application in English already today!

Work Location: 
These positions are based in Göteborg in our top modern facility at Lindholmen Science Park.

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Antenna Design Engineer

Läs mer Feb 3
Ericsson AB

Grow with us

About this opportunity:

Do you want a challenge? Join us in our vision, shaping the future of mobile and broadband connectivity.
Ericsson is one of the leading providers of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to service providers. We enable the full value of connectivity by creating game-changing technology and services that are easy to use, adopt, and scale, making our customers successful in a fully connected world. Our department Antenna System & Technology at Ericsson Lindholmen is a part of Ericsson’s global radio product development organization. We have a strong focus on advanced antenna system for 5G and coming 6G radio products. We are engaged in in-house and outsourced development of antenna solutions, antenna systemization for overall system performance as well as for products and solutions, conducting advanced antenna measurements and development of spatial performance test methods. To strengthen our antenna design team, we are now looking for an antenna design engineer with great interest in developing antennas.
As an antenna design engineer, you will take part in in-house antenna development for the next generation of 5G and coming 6G radio products. As our projects are often realized in cooperation with external partners you will have many opportunities for international contacts.

What you will do:

•    Develop antenna & radome design solutions for Sub 10/15 GHz and mmWave frequencies.
•    Develop new test beds for new generation products.
•    Perform technical investigations.
•    Work with continuous improvements of products and processes flows.
•    Develop own and others competence, through continuous learning and knowledge sharing. 
•    Work with strategic technical leadership.
•    Perform trouble shooting and customer support.

The skills you bring:

We´re looking for a result-oriented antenna design engineer and a team worker with strong customer focus. You have high interest in the field of antenna technology and for advanced antenna system functionalities for cellular radio networks. We find the following important for this position:

* MSc degree in electrical engineering or physics or equivalent education. Preferable participated in antenna related courses during the studies.
* Some years of experience of developing antenna solutions.
* Experienced in using HFSS, CST or similar EM simulation software.
* Experienced in coding in Python/Matlab or similar programming language.
* Good understanding in available antenna technologies and products.
* Good understanding in Radio and RF technologies and products, and cellular radio networks, is advantageous.
* Ability to work in a global cross-functional and network-oriented organization.
* Innovating, adapting, and responding to change.
* Excellent written and oral communications skills in English and preferably Swedish

The position is based in Gothenburg and the choice and interview process are ongoing. Therefore, send in your application in English as soon as possible. If you have any specific questions, you are welcome to send an email to hiring manager Jean-Marc Pfeiffer at jean-marc.pfeiffer@ericsson.com.

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Senior Software Developer Mobile NW

Läs mer Jan 24
Ericsson AB

Join our Team

About this opportunity:
We are looking for curious and creative software developers to join our team and help build a product that millions of people use every day for one of our most profound needs as human beings – communication.
You will play an important part in our team of brilliant software developers, implementing new features, improving performance, and building elegant solutions for our customers.
We work with radio base stations, at the core of mobile communication, enablers of emerging technologies, such as 5G and IoT. Our products are involved in anything from streaming video, listening to music while on the move, to old-school voice communication like calling grandma.

What you will do:
* Develop functionality in a complex system, enabling every day communication for millions of people around the globe.
* Collaborate closely with other developers.
* Write clear, maintainable code that will scale across a number of projects and distributed development teams that is released on many hardware platforms.
* Become a valued member of an autonomous, cross-functional team.
* Work from our awesome office in Gothenburg at the river waterfront

Design: Participate in and lead the design of software solutions, ensuring architecture meets both current and future needs.
Requirements Analysis: Analyze and interpret requirements to ensure that software solutions are aligned with business objectives.
Development: Develop robust, efficient, and scalable software for embedded systems.
Testing: Create and implement comprehensive test plans to ensure software reliability and performance.
CI/CD: Implement and manage continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines to streamline development and deployment processes.
Troubleshooting: Diagnose, debug, and resolve complex software issues in both development and production environments.
Documentation: Produce clear, concise documentation that supports development, maintenance, and user understanding of the software.

The skills you bring:
* 5+ years of experience in embedded software development.
* Proficiency in C++ and Java: Capable of writing readable, maintainable code while adhering to established coding guidelines and workflows.
* Quality Focus: You understand what it means to ship high-quality code and are committed to excellence in software delivery.
* Strong understanding of system architecture and embedded systems principles.
* Experience with version control systems like Git.
* Familiarity with agile methodologies, including Scrum or Kanban.
* Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment, valuing team success over personal achievements.

You are a skilled developer with a passion for technology and software development. You are curious about new technologies and thrive in a fast-paced, agile environment. 
We're not just looking for a developer; we need someone who can take on broader responsibilities and has expertise in design, testing, CI/CD, troubleshooting, and documentation. If you're passionate about contributing to all aspects of software development from conception to delivery, we want to hear from you.

We are based in Göteborg in the top modern facility at Lindholmen Science Park.
Currently our office presence is 3 days a week, and 2 days working from home.

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3GPP-Standardization researcher (761671)

Forskare, IT
Läs mer Jan 24
Join our Team
About this opportunity
Ericsson's 6G vision, first introduced in 2020, remains pivotal for transforming business and society in the 2030s through secure, efficient, and sustainable communication services. As 6G development progresses into a more concrete phase of regulation and standardization we are looking for researchers that would like to join us, co-creating a cyber-physical world.
Ericsson Research develops new communication solutions and standards. The organization is responsible for providing Ericsson with world-class system concepts, technology innovations, and research methodology. Rapidly growing demands for mobile broadband access in combination with needs for new technology and solutions motivated by the ongoing transformation of society where everything that benefits from being connected will be connected creates challenging and exciting opportunities. Building on our experience from real network operations, profound knowledge about existing standards, and forward-looking research, we pioneer and excel in innovative ideas and solutions that craft todays and tomorrow’s mobile radio communication.
Ericsson Research Area Radio provides advanced system and signal processing solutions, including multi-antenna concepts, targeting standardization of radio access systems. Are you passionate about technology and love inventing new things? Are you an exceptionally skilled and motivated researcher interested in developing cutting-edge technology for future radio networks? Does joining our world-leading radio research team sound appealing?
Shape the future of global connectivity with us—be at the forefront of 6G innovation!

What you will do
• Be responsible for defining and evaluating concepts and solutions for future radio access technologies and bringing them to standards and regulatory fora, such as 3GPP and ITU-R for 5G, 6G and future generations.
• Develop and use simulation tools for evaluating new concepts and solutions.
• Be part of the continuous development and improvement of existing standards by creating and driving Intellectual Property Rights and by writing standardization contributions
• Cooperate with internal and external partners, represent Ericsson in standardization and regulatory fora.

What skills you bring
For the available positions, we are looking for highly competent and driven researchers with in-depth competence and experience within areas relevant for physical layer wireless communication systems, such as wireless communications, information theory, signal processing, propagation, electromagnetics, antenna theory, applied physics, mathematical modelling, positioning, sensing, spectrum regulation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc.
The positions are available for both experienced researchers and newly graduated M.Sc. or Ph.D., preferably with demonstrated experience and knowledge in the above-mentioned required skills.
You will also bring
Proficiency in programming languages, such as C++ and Java as well as scripting in MATLAB and Python, as developing and running simulations will be natural parts of the work. Experience with AI/ML & Simulation workflows in cloud environments is a plus.
A good understanding or background in 3GPP RAN1 or RAN4 is a plus.
Ability to work in a multidisciplinary team, with people of diverse backgrounds.
Ability to rapidly absorb new information and adapt to emerging technologies and research areas.
Proven track record of developing innovative solutions and novel approaches to overcome challenges in wireless communication.
Proficiency in both written and spoken English, with the ability to communicate complex concepts clearly and effectively.
Strong personal drive and a strong focus on the tasks at hand.

Why join Ericsson?
At Ericsson, you´ll have an outstanding opportunity. The chance to use your skills and imagination to push the boundaries of what´s possible. To build solutions never seen before to some of the world’s toughest problems. You´ll be challenged, but you won’t be alone. You´ll be joining a team of diverse innovators, all driven to go beyond the status quo to craft what comes next.

What happens once you apply?
Click Here to find all you need to know about what our typical hiring process looks like.
Encouraging a diverse and inclusive organization is core to our values at Ericsson, that's why we champion it in everything we do. We truly believe that by collaborating with people with different experiences we drive innovation, which is essential for our future growth. We encourage people from all backgrounds to apply and realize their full potential as part of our Ericsson team. Ericsson is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. learn more.
Primary country and city: Sweden (SE) || Göteborg
Req ID: 761671

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Hardware Developer (759823)

Utvecklingsingenjör, el-tele
Läs mer Jan 24
Grow with us

Ericsson is a world-leading provider of telecommunications equipment and services to mobile and fixed network operators. Over 1,000 networks in more than 180 countries use Ericsson equipment, and more than 40 percent of the world's mobile traffic passes through Ericsson networks. Using innovation to empower people, business and society, Ericsson is working towards the Networked Society: a world connected in real time that will open opportunities to create freedom, transform society and drive solutions to some of our planet’s greatest challenges.

About this opportunity
Our Microwave & Digital design team in Gothenburg is looking for a new talent who wants to join our journey towards the future! We are looking for a highly motivated senior digital hardware designer to work with our MINI-LINK product portfolio.

MINI-LINK is a microwave network node delivering market leading performance driven by the rapid evolution of smartphones, IoT and the next generation of mobile networks.

Our unit has responsibility for designing the MINI-LINK indoor units as well as the outdoor millimeter wave products. You will belong to a team that has the full hardware design responsibility for one of those product areas. That responsibility ranges from new product development to maintenance of already released products and interacting with other design teams, production, test development, suppliers and stakeholders.

What you will do
• Work in a team and experience a truly collaborative, supportive and encouraging environment, both in terms of tools and colleagues
• Act as a leader within the digital design domain and drive related simulation competence
• Work in close collaboration with other teams and competencies (e.g. layout, power design, mechanical and thermal design) within the organisation
• Do schematic design, pre- and post layout-simulations, support layout, verification and much more!
• Work hands-on with verification, troubleshooting etc. in our great lab
Join our Team

You will bring
• Experience of digital hardware design, including deep familiarity with components such as CPU’s, memories (DRAM/flash), Ethernet switches, clock synthesizers/jitter cleaners, etc.
• Thorough understanding of signal integrity and the challenges it presents. Ability to simulate complex signal integrity problems using industry-standard tools (e.g. Siemens HyperLynx, Ansys SIwave)
• Experience of schematic capture and familiarity with PCB design using industry-standard EDA tools (Cadence DesignEntry/System Capture + Cadence Allegro)
• Hands-on experience of working in a hardware lab. Good soldering skills, familiarity with instruments (power supplies, multimeters, oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, etc.) and an understanding of measurement techniques
• The ability to work independently and drive things forward, actively seeking out information when needed and building a personal network of contacts both inside and outside of Ericsson

We also believe that our ideal candidate
• Is good at collaboration and how to share knowledge and communicate efficiently
• Has a strong problem-solving ability
• Could take on a mentoring role within SI simulations and implement improvements in how we work related to simulation
• Has an interest in innovation and coming up with new solutions and ideas that you would like to try out with support from others

Why join Ericsson?
At Ericsson, you´ll have an outstanding opportunity. The chance to use your skills and creativity to push the boundaries of what´s possible. To build never seen before solutions to some of the world’s toughest problems. You´ll be challenged, but you won’t be alone. You´ll be joining a team of diverse innovators, all driven to go beyond the status quo to craft what comes next.

Location: Gothenburg, Sweden

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