Göteborg: Global Digitalisation Graduate ERP

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Publicerad: 2024-02-12 // Varaktighet: Heltid

Global Digitalisation Graduate Program at Mölnlycke®
IT, Digital Enablement and Global Business Services

Make your next step a big one
If you’re ready to have an impact in a career that makes a difference, Mölnlycke® is your next step.
Healthcare professionals are struggling to cope with the immense pressure on the healthcare system. The trend to deliver more with less has been increasing for several years. The pace of digitalisation is high and the global digital health market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years, as software, hardware and services are incorporated into healthcare.
Mölnlycke aims to be the industry benchmark, creating sustainable, competitive and differentiated value by delivering customer-centric digital solutions. This includes a focus on digital ecosystems, new business models and data-driven healthcare using artificial intelligence, Big Data and analytics. The company will also ensure it has a robust and future proof digital backbone to enable efficient ways of working
When joining our graduate program you’ll be helping to equip medical professionals around the world with solutions to improve outcomes for patients. Either at the core of the product development or at the foundation that makes it possible. And you’ll be developing yourself in a global environment with a caring, inspiring culture. All that while building a successful career, with real purpose.
Mölnlycke Healthcare invites forward-thinking graduates to embark on a journey – where passion, purpose, courage, and collaboration converge to redefine what's possible in the world of medtech.

Who you are
• Strong interest in digital capabilities in combination with business process development
• Interest in how a company through ERP (SAP) platform can optimise business and support processes.
• Curious drive and willingness to learn and explore
• Analytical and logical skills for solving complex problems
• A humble, self-reflective mindset open to change.
• A structured and independent way of working
• Ability to combine theoretical knowledge with hands-on application
• Excellent communication, networking and collaboration skills
• Strong ability to express your perspective and ideas verbally and inwritten

Education and Experience
• University graduate from 2022-2024, any of the below or a combination:
- M.Sc. Engineering, Computer Science or equivalent
- M.BA Finance, Accounting or equivalent
• Fluency in English spoken and written.

Is this exactly what you’re looking for? Or what you didn’t know you were looking for? Then let’s start up a conversation!

Our approach to diversity and inclusion
At Mölnlycke diversity is not just a vision, but our strength. We are dedicated to fostering an inclusive workplace that values and celebrates the power of diversity. At the heart of our
commitment is the belief that diversity fuels innovation, creativity, and problem-solving. We invite you to be a part of a team where authenticity is embraced, and every employee,
regardless of background or any other traits, experiences a true sense of belonging

Programme details
Duration: 19 August 2024 – 30 June 2026
Conditions: Full time permanent position
Location: Gothenburg, at the Mölnlycke® headquarters New headquarter from 2025 in GoCo Health Innovation City, Mölndal.

Application & assessment
We look forward to receive your application! Upload your CV and personal letter.

In your personal letter, include: a theoretical/practical problem you’ve come across during your studies or at work. What intrigued you, how you approached it and what you learned.

Assessment process
If you are selected as one of our possible candidates to the Global Digitalisation Program you will be invited to a full day assessment the 25th of March. Please secure that you are available for this.

For the final candidates the last interviews will take place the 27th or 28th of March 2024.

Contacts and link

What is an ERP transformation? Read more here:

Meet us and ask about the program:
We will invite to a teams/live session for you as applicant to understand more about the program and what an ERP transformation means for Mölnlycke. The invitation will be sent to you when you have applied.

We will be present at the following student fairs in February 2024:

CHARM, Calmers Gothenburg 6-7th of Feb
LARM, LIU Linköping 13th of Feb
Teknikfokus, Lunds Uni., 14th of Feb
EEE-days, Lunds Uni., 22nd of Feb.


About Mölnlycke®
Mölnlycke is a world-leading medical products and solutions company that equips healthcare professionals to achieve the best patient, clinical and economic outcomes.
Our business is organised in the four business areas Wound Care, Operating Room Solutions, Gloves and Antiseptics, where customer centricity, sustainability and digitalisation are at the heart of everything we do.
Mölnlycke employs around 8,700 people. The company headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden and we operate in more than 100 countries worldwide. Mölnlycke is a founding partner of GoCo Health Innovation City, a world-class innovation cluster for health, and in early 2025 our headquarters will move there.
Since 2007, the company has been part of Investor AB, an engaged owner of high-quality, global companies which was founded by the Wallenberg family in 1916. For more information, please visit www.molnlycke.com and www.molnlycke.com/career

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Andra jobb i Göteborg som IT-samordnare

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg som IT-samordnare.

Team Coach, enhet plattformar

Läs mer Okt 3
Vill du vara med och bidra till att skapa Sveriges bästa hälso-och sjukvård och ett hållbart samhälle med tillväxt i hela Västra Götaland? Västra Götalandsregionen är Sveriges största offentliga arbetsgivare med ambitionen att bli Sveriges bästa offentliga arbetsgivare.

På Koncernkontoret arbetar vi dagligen med att göra skillnad för patienter, medarbetare, besökare och invånare.

Vår målsättning är att erbjuda en enastående användarupplevelse genom innovation och snabbhet, utan att kompromissa med säkerhet och stabilitet. För att lyckas med detta arbetar vi med tvärfunktionella och autonoma produktteam som kontinuerligt levererar mot våra tekniska tjänster. Våra team är drivna av användarcentrerad design och ett ”utifrån och in”-perspektiv.

Enheten plattformar befinner sig just nu i den spännande utvecklingsfas i samband med fokus på införandet av en produktcentrisk organisation Vi ska nu utöka vårt team av coacher med ytterligare en engagerad och erfaren Team Coach. Hos oss får du möjlighet att arbeta nära våra produktteam som utvecklar och förvaltar en rad innovativa och varierande produkter och plattformar.

Artificiell intelligens & Machine learningplattform
Hosting och databasplattform
Identitet och åtkomst

Ta chansen och sök dig till en av Sveriges största arbetsgivare.

Ditt uppdrag
Som Team Coach kommer du:

Facilitera agila möten och processer för att säkerställa ett effektivt samarbete och kontinuerlig förbättring.
Coacha team, produktansvariga och hela organisationen för att maximera potentialen och främja självorganisering.
Fungera som en mentor och guida teamet till en högre agil mognad i sitt arbete.
Identifiera och undanröja hinder som påverkar teamets arbete.
Stötta och hjälpa till att hantera konflikter på ett konstruktivt sätt.
Verka som en förändringsagent för att implementera och ständigt förbättra agila metoder och processer.

Vad kan vi erbjuda dig?
Hos oss är fokus på innovation och samarbete, vilket skapar en grund för att arbeta med de senaste teknologierna och bidra till viktiga initiativ. Hos oss får du stöd i din professionella utveckling, och du blir en del av ett engagerat team som uppmuntrar och värdesätter dina idéer och insatser. Det är en plats där du har möjligheten att växa, lära och göra en verklig skillnad.

Digital tillgänglighet är ett lagkrav på oss som offentlig verksamhet och Västra Götalandsregionen erbjuder flexibla arbetsformer och det finns möjlighet att kombinera arbete från något av våra kontor i Göteborg, Mölndal, Skövde, Vänersborg och Borås med distansarbete.

För att lyckas i rollen
Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet och för att bli framgångsrik i rollen behöver du ha en bra förståelse för vad det är som driver agilitet, gilla att facilitera och kommunicera, ha en förmåga att inspirera och motivera människor samt en vilja att kontinuerligt söka förbättringsmöjligheter


Minst 3 års erfarenhet som Team Coach, Scrum Master, Agile Coach eller liknande roller.
Certifiering inom Scrum, SAFe och Agil Coach är meriterande.
Mycket god förmåga att kommunicera på svenska såväl muntligt som skriftligt

Då tjänsten kan komma att bli säkerhetsklassad kan krav på svenskt medborgarskap komma att ställas.

Det är viktigt för oss att du kan arbeta utifrån vår värdegrund:

Tillsammans gör vi varandra framgångsrika.
Vi lyssnar in. Vi lyssnar av.
Feedback bidrar till vår utveckling.


Som en av Sveriges största arbetsgivare kan vi erbjuda rätt person goda karriär- och utvecklingsmöjligheter.

Vi eftersträvar jämlikhet för alla medarbetare, att de trivs på arbetsplatsen och värnar om en god balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv.

Läs gärna mer om våra förmåner, verksamheter och vår avdelning. 
Om Västra Götalandsregionen
Västra Götalandsregionen finns till för människorna i Västra Götaland. Vi ser till att det finns god hälso- och sjukvård för alla. Vi arbetar för en hållbar utveckling och tillväxt, bra miljö, förbättrad folkhälsa, ett rikt kulturliv och goda kommunikationer i hela Västra Götaland.
Västra Götalandsregionen arbetar aktivt för att digitalisera fler arbetssätt. För att vara en del av den digitala omvandlingen har du med dig grundläggande färdigheter och kan använda digitala verktyg och tjänster. Du kan söka information, kommunicera, interagera digitalt, är riskmedveten och har motivation att delta i utvecklingen för att lära nytt.
Västra Götalandsregionen krigsplacerar alla tillsvidareanställda medarbetare.

Vill du veta mer om Västra Götalandsregionen kan du besöka vår introduktion till nya medarbetare på länken https://www.vgregion.se/introduktion.  Du kan även läsa mer i presentation om https://mellanarkiv-offentlig.vgregion.se/alfresco/s/archive/stream/public/v1/source/available/sofia/rs4011-467070786-672/surrogate.

Västra Götalandsregionen ser helst att du registrerar din ansökan via rekryteringssystemet. Om du som sökande har frågor om den utannonserade tjänsten eller av särskilda och speciella skäl inte kan registrera dina uppgifter i ett offentligt system - kontakta kontaktperson för respektive annons.

Till bemannings-, förmedlings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare:
Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings-, förmedlings- och rekryteringsföretag samt andra externa aktörer och försäljare av ytterligare jobbannonser. Västra Götalandsregionen har upphandlade avtal.

Ansök nu

Runtime Performance Specialist

Läs mer Aug 27

The Global Headquarters for Volvo Financial Services is seeking a Runtime Performance Specialist for the Privacy, Vendor & Runtime Management team of VFS Digital and IT.  
What you will do

As Runtime Performance Specialist, you will monitor and drive performance improvements across our application portfolio. You will support the digital product owners, both in the global and regional IT organizations, and will work closely with other supporting functions. You will also be the liaison between VFS and Volvo Group Digital & IT and ensure appropriate collaboration across the organization. 

Together with your colleagues at VFS and in the broad cross-functional network at the Volvo Group, you will take responsibilities in the following areas:

* Monitor KPIs for the VFS application portfolio and identify areas for improvement 
* Develop and drive initiatives to improve overall performance and quality of our application portfolio  
* Provide insights and reports for VFS Executive Management 
* Support the VFS Digital & IT community regarding IT Operations best practices and standards  
* Ensure IT solutions meet minimum organization standards, reducing IT operational risks  
* Participate in Volvo Group and VFS forums to stay up to date with the latest process and requirements, share knowledge and contribute to improving Group-wide processes 
* Develop and provide training, primarily for Digital Product Owners 

Your future team
You will report directly to the Director Privacy, Vendor & Runtime Management.  Digital and IT is the engine of the VFS business, and we continue our strategic journey to further improve performance and to deliver the best customer experience in the industry. In this exciting environment, we are focused on Digital Innovation to meet the demands of our customers in an increasingly digitalized world. 

In many of our markets, VFS has won the Great Place To Work award, where Great Work is done.  By interacting with each other as an on-site business, we build relationships, which allow us to work together more efficiently and form stronger bonds with our colleagues and customers.  The preferred location is Gothenburg, Sweden where we are establishing our new Global Hub; an alternative location is Wroclaw, Poland. 

Who are you?

Do you dream big? We do too, and we are excited to grow together. In this role, we believe it is the right mindset that will make a difference at VFS. If you want to help create a high performing IT organization, then we would welcome you to apply for this role. 

Qualifications likely required to be successful in this role include:

* Hands on experience within IT delivery, IT management or related areas 
* Experience in developing and implementing effective company-wide processes
* A university degree in Computer Science, Systems Engineering, or similar
* Good understanding of principles and standards for IT Delivery, including security, compliance, quality and risk
* Excellent stakeholder management and communication skills
* Strong structuring and organizing skills 
* Problem solving attitude and ability to provide pragmatic solutions
* Financial Services industry experience favourable
* Experience working in an agile set-up
* Proficiency in English (oral and written) is a must
* Ability to work in multi-cultural and diverse environments
* Communication experience with all levels of the organization
Availability to travel internationally 

What’s in it for you?

We offer a solid and competitive package of compensation and benefits, plus you will enjoy a diverse working environment with a culture of care and inclusion. As an investment, we support your personal development and growth to achieve your career aspirations. Volvo Financial Services is an on-site business, and we understand that you might need occasional or temporary flexibility, which your leader is equipped to manage and fits well to our culture, as well as develop you for continued success.

Ready for the next move?

If you want to make a real impact in your career, Volvo Financial Services is where you want to be. We look forward to meeting you. We’ll discuss how we can help each other on our journey together. Don’t hesitate to connect with us.

Last Application Date: 09.17.2024

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. 

At Volvo Financial Services, we are working together to shape the world we want to live in. As the captive finance arm of the Volvo Group, VFS provides financial services and solutions that meet the needs of our customers’ evolving business. Through our dedication to innovation, we support society in its adoption of sustainable transport and equipment solutions. VFS is headquartered in Greensboro, North Carolina, USA and serves Volvo Group customers and dealers in more than 50 markets.

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Cloud Platform Engineer

Läs mer Aug 16
Platform Cloud Engineer – NOVO Energy, Gothenburg

We are looking for a Platform Cloud Engineer join our growing team and help us implement and develop cloud-first, state-of-the-art factory solutions. If you're a hands on Cloud Engineer, eager to build Industry 4.0 solutions, develop and drive AWS products in a true high-tech industry we'd love to see you on the team.

Our mission
Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Gigafactory in Torslanda will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with the potential to produce battery cells for half a million Volvo cars per year.

The role
As a Platform Cloud engineer, you will be part of building the foundation for NOVO Energy’s Gigafactory in close collaboration with Northvolt by implementing selected solutions. This will be a cloud first, smart factory / Industry 4.0 state-of-the-art MES system. Extensively using Amazon Web Services (AWS) for modern cloud capabilities will be a key.

This role will see you working on a proprietary technology that is key to advanced lithium-ion battery manufacturing. As such you will work in tight partnership with the Northvolt teams, where you will be the main point of knowledge transfer. This will offer you a rare opportunity to influence the direction and functionality of cloud solutions with some of the very best in the business.

As such, this role requires frequent travels to Stockholm to meet with, and learn from the teams there.

Key responsibilities

- Bring best practices from DevOps and site reliability engineering disciplines to industrial technology while building and improving the tooling needed to support this.
- Design, test and deploy infrastructure to operate a modern factory producing large amounts of data and connected batteries daily using infrastructure as code.
- Collaborate with software engineers to develop automation solutions for how we safely test and deploy code.
- Work to develop and help to document NOVO Energy’s processes around infrastructure and software deployment, best practices and ways of working.
- Work with the Security team to continuously test, monitor, and improve the security of our infrastructure.
- Work with people with network competence to help build out the right network architecture and deployment solutions for 3rd party software we need.
- Improve and build the ML/AI Platform leveraging the data available from all our factories
- Keep up with the state of the art in infrastructure, “everything as a software,” virtualization, CI/CD frameworks, cross-platform software development, engineering processes, as well as develop more domain knowledge in related areas (among others, automation, battery manufacturing and connectivity)
- Help us build a great team and make NOVO Energy a great place to work!

You and your skills

We know that many different names are given to this role in other companies, and your experience likely spans a variety of areas including software development, cloud and traditional infrastructure. It is likely that in the past you have had titles like devops, infrastructure, software, cloud or site reliability engineer.

We believe you are a strong team player with an outgoing, holistic and cost efficient fit for purpose approach. You understand that the mission is to establish a well-functioning Gigafactory where the timeplan is tight and the collaboration with our owners are key. Finding ways to proceed in a context where there are numerous of questions is something you are comfortable with. It is important for us to work with people that are reliable, good at communication and structured.

In addition we believe you have experience from:

- deploying and managing infrastructure in the cloud (AWS, GCP or Azure) using infrastructure as code (ideally Terraform)
- developing and managing highly automated continuous integration and deployment pipelines and helping developers increase their productivity
- working with distributed systems, microservices, load balancing, etc.
- working with virtualization, containerization, Kubernetes and related technologies
- programming in at least one language (ideally Go or Python) and desire to learn more

What’s in it for you?

The teams at NOVO Energy are highly collaborative. Together we innovate, reinvent, and learn quickly to build a world class Gigafactory, establishing a new high-tech industry in Gothenburg and build an exceptional business. Currently in a start-up phase, this is an outstanding opportunity for you to make an outsized impact, contribute to our shared success and to grow your role, remit and career together with us.

Our expansion is rapid, and in coming years there will be 3,000 of us operating in a high-tech manufacturing setting where IT will be a critical enabler.

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Gigafactory in Gothenburg will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with a potential annual cell production capacity of up to 50 gigawatt hours (GWh) - thereby enabling a supply of batteries for approximately half a million Volvo cars per year. Our state-of-the-art R&D facility will gather leading expertise from all over the world, to create the next generation battery cells.

You can read more about this joint venture in these press releases, here and here.

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Cloud Platform Engineer

Läs mer Aug 16
Platform Cloud Engineer – NOVO Energy, Gothenburg

We are looking for a Platform Cloud Engineer join our growing team and help us implement and develop cloud-first, state-of-the-art factory solutions. If you're a hands on Cloud Engineer, eager to build Industry 4.0 solutions, develop and drive AWS products in a true high-tech industry we'd love to see you on the team.

Our mission
Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Gigafactory in Torslanda will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with the potential to produce battery cells for half a million Volvo cars per year.

The role
As a Platform Cloud engineer, you will be part of building the foundation for NOVO Energy’s Gigafactory in close collaboration with Northvolt by implementing selected solutions. This will be a cloud first, smart factory / Industry 4.0 state-of-the-art MES system. Extensively using Amazon Web Services (AWS) for modern cloud capabilities will be a key.

This role will see you working on a proprietary technology that is key to advanced lithium-ion battery manufacturing. As such you will work in tight partnership with the Northvolt teams, where you will be the main point of knowledge transfer. This will offer you a rare opportunity to influence the direction and functionality of cloud solutions with some of the very best in the business.

As such, this role requires frequent travels to Stockholm to meet with, and learn from the teams there.

Key responsibilities

- Bring best practices from DevOps and site reliability engineering disciplines to industrial technology while building and improving the tooling needed to support this.

- Design, test and deploy infrastructure to operate a modern factory producing large amounts of data and connected batteries daily using infrastructure as code.

- Collaborate with software engineers to develop automation solutions for how we safely test and deploy code.

- Work to develop and help to document NOVO Energy’s processes around infrastructure and software deployment, best practices and ways of working.

- Work with the Security team to continuously test, monitor, and improve the security of our infrastructure.

- Work with people with network competence to help build out the right network architecture and deployment solutions for 3rd party software we need.

- Improve and build the ML/AI Platform leveraging the data available from all our factories

- Keep up with the state of the art in infrastructure, “everything as a software,” virtualization, CI/CD frameworks, cross-platform software development, engineering processes, as well as develop more domain knowledge in related areas (among others, automation, battery manufacturing and connectivity)

- Help us build a great team and make NOVO Energy a great place to work!

You and your skills

We know that many different names are given to this role in other companies, and your experience likely spans a variety of areas including software development, cloud and traditional infrastructure. It is likely that in the past you have had titles like devops, infrastructure, software, cloud or site reliability engineer.

We believe you are a strong team player with an outgoing, holistic and cost efficient fit for purpose approach. You understand that the mission is to establish a well-functioning Gigafactory where the timeplan is tight and the collaboration with our owners are key. Finding ways to proceed in a context where there are numerous of questions is something you are comfortable with. It is important for us to work with people that are reliable, good at communication and structured.

In addition we believe you have experience from:

- deploying and managing infrastructure in the cloud (AWS, GCP or Azure) using infrastructure as code (ideally Terraform)

- developing and managing highly automated continuous integration and deployment pipelines and helping developers increase their productivity

- working with distributed systems, microservices, load balancing, etc.

- working with virtualization, containerization, Kubernetes and related technologies

- programming in at least one language (ideally Go or Python) and desire to learn more

What’s in it for you?

The teams at NOVO Energy are highly collaborative. Together we innovate, reinvent, and learn quickly to build a world class Gigafactory, establishing a new high-tech industry in Gothenburg and build an exceptional business. Currently in a start-up phase, this is an outstanding opportunity for you to make an outsized impact, contribute to our shared success and to grow your role, remit and career together with us.

Our expansion is rapid, and in coming years there will be 3,000 of us operating in a high-tech manufacturing setting where IT will be a critical enabler.

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Gigafactory in Gothenburg will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with a potential annual cell production capacity of up to 50 gigawatt hours (GWh) - thereby enabling a supply of batteries for approximately half a million Volvo cars per year. Our state-of-the-art R&D facility will gather leading expertise from all over the world, to create the next generation battery cells.

You can read more about this joint venture in these press releases, here and here.

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Software Asset & Compliance Manager

Läs mer Jul 3
Software Asset & Compliance Manager – NOVO Energy IT Gothenburg

NOVO Energy is a Northvolt Volvo Cars joint venture formed in order to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars. We are building a state-of-the-art facility for research and development of the next generation of battery cells, and we need your help in making it happen!

The new European battery industry is key to the electrification of cars. By joining NOVO Energy, you get a unique opportunity to prepare for the electrification of automotive and at the same time contributing to a climate-neutral way of life for future generations.

What we offer

We are looking for a Software Asset & Compliance Manager who can establish a structured way of working and drive various initiatives required to ensure NOVO Energy has a system landscape that is fit for purpose. The person we are looking for will play an active role in exploring, building and supporting the establishment of the digital landscape, setting the foundation for NOVO Energy! We are in a scale up phase, so you have great opportunities to contribute to our future success.

Thanks to the joint venture there is also an exclusive opportunity to collaborate and network with our parent companies.

Key responsibilities
- Apply Software Asset Management, e.g. establish and administrate processes, policies and procedures that support the procurement, deployment, use, maintenance and disposal of software applications within NOVO Energy - Ensure NOVO Energy has a license portfolio that is fit for purpose and compliant from various perspectives - Establish proper governance and make sure it is being followed - Lifecycle management and continuous improvements - Collaborate with different stakeholders to understand their needs and present suitable and efficient alternatives - Collaborate with our suppliers to purchase and renew licenses - Represent the IT & Digital organisation in questions related to legal requirement, e.g. GDPR, NIS2.
You and your skills

We believe you are a strong team player with an outgoing, holistic and fit for purpose approach. You understand that the mission is to establish a well-functioning Gigafactory where the timeplan is tight and the collaboration with our owners is key. Finding ways to proceed in a context where there are numerous of questions is something you are comfortable with. You also enjoy being hands on. It is important for us to work with people that are reliable, good at communication and structured.

In addition, we believe you meet the following requirements:
- B.Sc. IT, Computer Science or equivalent working experience - Experience from similar roles - Experience from working with vendor/supplier - Fluent in English
Information about the recruitment process during the summer vacation period: We would like to inform you that our recruitment process may take longer than usual due to the holiday season. We ask for your understanding as our lead times are extended during the summer, and we appreciate your patience. We will review your application as soon as possible and get back to you at the earliest opportunity.

Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to connecting with you! 

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Gigafactory in Gothenburg will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with a potential annual cell production capacity of up to 50 gigawatt hours (GWh) - thereby enabling a supply of batteries for approximately half a million Volvo cars per year. Our state-of-the-art R&D facility will gather leading expertise from all over the world, to create the next generation battery cells.

You can read more about this joint venture in these press releases, here and here.

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Andra jobb i Göteborg från Mölnlycke Health Care AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg från Mölnlycke Health Care AB .

Technical Lead OR Solutions

Testledare/QA lead
Läs mer Okt 7
Help us make breakthrough innovations in healthcare.
If you're ready to have an impact in a career that makes a difference, Mölnlycke could be your next step. You’ll be helping to develop solutions that improve the efficiency and safety of operating rooms globally. And you’ll be part of a global organisation with an inspirational culture and plenty of opportunities for personal and professional growth. All the while building a successful career, with real purpose.
Are you passionate about leading technical development in cutting-edge digital solutions? Mölnlycke is now looking for a Tech Lead to join our ORS Global Digital Ecosystem team in Gothenburg. As Tech Lead, you will be a pivotal figure in driving and continuously developing our ORS digital solutions – the foundation of our efficiency solutions for the operating room.

About the Job
As the Tech Lead for ORS Digital Solutions, you'll have a hands-on role in leading and supporting the team in software development, technical architecture, and engineering work. You'll be responsible for developing and managing the architecture of our digital platforms, ensuring robust, scalable, and secure solutions. Collaborating closely with business stakeholders and partners, you’ll maximize the value of our ORS Digital Solutions, helping healthcare professionals achieve the best outcomes for patients.

Your key responsibilities will include:
Driving and leading the development of ORS Digital Solutions.
Hands-on software development and contributing to DevOps practices and processes.
Securing alignment with overall architecture and security standards.
Promoting best practices in architecture and design, ensuring the solution meets changing business needs.
Managing the development of architectural and software artifacts for our applications and platforms.
Supporting the team with technical leadership and strategic guidance.

Your Growth and Development
At Mölnlycke, we value continuous learning and development. In this role, you’ll have the opportunity to:
Shape the future of digital health solutions with your technical leadership.
Collaborate with a diverse range of stakeholders, from business leaders to solution architects.
Advance your career with a company committed to innovation, digitalisation, and sustainability.

What you’ll get:
Hybrid working.
Competitive benefits package.
Wellbeing initiatives.

What you’ll need:
Degree in Engineering, Computer Science, or Information Technology.
Minimum 7 years of experience leading software development teams and projects.
Proficiency in full-stack web development and experience with API-oriented architecture.
Strong skills in frontend development (Vue, Angular, React) and backend development (.NET/Python/).
Strong skills with cloud platforms (Azure, AWS) and containerization technologies (Kubernetes, Docker).
Strong skills with DevOps practices and tools such as Azure DevOps, Confluence, and Jira.
Experience in event-driven architectures and CI/CD processes.
Experience working with and managing external partners.
Ability to structure, simplify, visualize, and explain complex topics.
Experience with any of the following would be a plus: HR7/FHIR, SaMD, mobile applications.
Fluency in English is required.

Your Work-Life Balance
This is a hybrid role preferably based in Gothenburg HQ. Although HQ Sweden is preferred; we are open to considering other locations within Europe for the right candidate.

Our Approach to Diversity and Inclusion
We strive to have a diverse mix of people from different cultures, ages, geographies, and genders to reflect the world in which we operate and to facilitate innovative thinking across the business.

About Mölnlycke
Mölnlycke is a world-leading medical products and solutions company that equips healthcare professionals to achieve the best patient, clinical, and economic outcomes. Our business is organised into four business areas: Wound Care, Operating Room Solutions, Gloves, and Antiseptics, where customer centricity, sustainability, and digitalisation are at the heart of everything we do.
Mölnlycke employs around 8,700 people. The company headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden, and we operate in more than 100 countries worldwide. Mölnlycke is a founding partner of GoCo Health Innovation City, a world-class innovation cluster for health, and in early 2025, our headquarters will move there. Since 2007, the company has been part of Investor AB, an engaged owner of high-quality global companies.
For more information, please visit www.molnlycke.com and www.molnlycke.com/careers.

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Global Professional Affairs Coordinator

Läs mer Okt 7
HCP Engagement Coordinator
Healthcare Professional (HCP) Engagement Coordinator (Temporary Maternity Leave Cover)
Location: HQ Sweden is preferred; however, we are open to considering other locations for the right candidate.
Department: Global Professional Affairs (prev. Global Professional Education)
Reporting to: Global Director Professional Affairs
Duration: Now until June (minimum duration of contract, could be extended beyond this date for determined duration)

Purpose of Position
This is a temporary maternity leave cover position for a Global Professional Affairs Co-ordinator. The role will be for the minimum duration until June 2025.
The Global Professional Affairs Co-ordinator will provide support to the Professional Affairs team, extending to the full Clinical, Medical and Professional Affairs (CMPA) department when required, on operational activities, managing specific projects, and initiatives that drive departmental efficiency and development. The successful candidate will play a key role in fostering a collaborative and cohesive culture throughout the department.

Key Accountabilities
Maintain the HCP engagement procedure and deliver training to ensure compliance across the WC BA.
Manage contracts for KOLs engaged across the CMPA team.
Co-ordinate the internal approval of assets prior to external promotion.
Oversee the translation of learning materials for external use.
Manage the training calendar for internal clinical upskilling of relevant wound care business area (WC BA) staff, including co-ordinating attendance at externally runtraining courses.
Manage the Global Professional Affairs email account.
Support event planning for educational events and co-ordinate logistics such as travel, accommodation, technical requirements, and feedback surveys.
Co-ordinate onboarding for new hires in the CMPA team.

Key Decisions
Identify and raise any areas of concern related to workflows or employee motivation.

Capabilities, Qualifications, and Experience
Basic knowledge of regulations related to the medical device industry.
Strong documentation skills in English.
Service-oriented and adaptable mindset.
Excellent organization and time management skills.
Ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously under tight deadlines.
Digitally proficient
Team-focused, agile, and service-minded.
Excellent networking and communication skills.
Relevant administrative background.
Experience working in dynamic, global organizations
Experience in business process management and change management.

Our Approach to Diversity and Inclusion
At Mölnlycke, we strive to build an inclusive work environment that reflects the diverse world in which we operate. We encourage people of all backgrounds to apply and join us in making a difference in healthcare.

About Mölnlycke
Mölnlycke is a world-leading med-tech company, dedicated to empowering healthcare professionals to deliver the best outcomes for patients. With a focus on innovation, digitalisation, and sustainability, we employ around 8,700 people worldwide. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden, and we operate in over 100 countries.
For more information, visit www.molnlycke.com and www.molnlycke.com/careers.

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Global Purchasing Manager Indirect & Sterilisation ORS

Läs mer Okt 7
Join us and make a difference
Do you want a career that impacts millions of people for the good? At Mölnlycke, you’ll be helping to equip medical professionals with solutions to improve outcomes for patients. And you’ll develop your career in a growing organisation with an inspirational culture – where you’ll be recognised for the results you’ve achieved.
In ORS at Mölnlycke, we aim for frictionless flow in the operating room, with solutions designed for safety.

About the Job
Are you ready to challenge yourself in a new environment and have a real impact? Mölnlycke is now looking for a Global Purchasing Manager Indirect & Sterilisation ORS.
As a Global Purchasing Manager Indirect & Sterilisation ORS, there is great opportunity and variety in your daily activities. You will lead the Indirect Purchasing within ORS across all factories to ensure purchases are compliant and cost-effective. You will also lead and develop the indirect procurement teams in Belgium, Czech Republic, Thailand, and potentially other countries in the future. Additionally, you will be responsible for leading the sterilisation procurement for the entire company, driving process, project, and cost improvement initiatives.

Key Responsibilities
Lead the Indirect Purchasing team for all factories within ORS, including team development.
Develop the Indirect function for ORS to ensure good control of Indirect spend with clear cost-saving targets.
Ensure cost-saving targets are achieved.
Develop and harmonise the process for Indirect Purchasing across the ORS factories.
Establish close collaboration with the central Indirect team to maximise synergies with the global team and other BAs.
Work closely with Factory GMs to set strategies for Indirect Purchasing per factory.
Represent Mölnlycke in appropriate audits.
Act as a Global Procurement Category Manager for sterilisation suppliers, ensuring sufficient capacity at competitive prices with excellent service and quality levels.
Ensure contractual agreements with sterilisation partners are in place.
Collaborate with other BAs to understand their sterilisation demand and source capacity accordingly.
Communicate performance from sterilisation partners and internal factories with management regularly.
Ensure operational tasks with external sterilisation suppliers are completed.
Support any sterilisation validation and regulatory activities.

What you’ll need
Strong independent leadership abilities.
Procurement knowledge covering Indirect & Sterilisation Services.
Excellent negotiation skills.
Drive to ensure execution.
People leadership and stakeholder management.
Commercially minded with analytical and strategic skills.
In-depth understanding of procurement processes.
Understanding of the medical device industry.
Cultural sensitivity and fluency in English.
Academic Business and/or technical degree.
Over 5 years of experience in purchasing/sourcing.
Experience in remote working leadership.

Your work-life
Global travel up to 20% of the time is necessary to visit subordinates, internal factories, and suppliers.

Our approach to diversity and inclusion
We strive to have a diverse mix of people from different cultures, ages, geographies, and genders, to reflect the world in which we operate and to facilitate innovative thinking across the business.

About Mölnlycke
Mölnlycke is a world-leading medical products and solutions company that equips healthcare professionals to achieve the best patient, clinical and economic outcomes.
Our business is organised in the four business areas Wound Care, Operating Room Solutions, Gloves and Antiseptics, where customer centricity, sustainability and digitalisation are at the heart of everything we do.
Mölnlycke employs around 8,700 people. The company headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden and we operate in more than 100 countries worldwide. Mölnlycke is a founding partner of GoCo Health Innovation City, a world-class innovation cluster for health, and in early 2025 our headquarters will move there.
Since 2007, the company has been part of Investor AB, an engaged owner of high-quality, global companies which was founded by the Wallenberg family in 1916. For more information, please visit www.molnlycke.com and www.molnlycke.com/careers

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Clinical Evidence Specialist

Läs mer Okt 2
Clinical Evidence Specialist
If you’re ready to have an impact in a career that makes a difference, Mölnlycke could be your next step. You’ll be helping to equip medical professionals around the world with solutions to improve outcomes for patients. And you’ll be developing yourself in a global environment with an inspirational culture, with lots of opportunities. All the while building a successful career, with real purpose.
Mölnlycke is looking for a Clinical Evidence Specialist to play a crucial role in executing Clinical Evaluations, PMCF planning and providing clinical perspective input to cross-functional teams in new product development and life cycle management for Mölnlycke´s medical devices.
In this job you will be based at our headquarters in Gothenburg and very soon at our new office at GoCo Health Innovation City, a world-class innovation cluster for health!

About the job
This is a great opportunity to contribute to our product development process and life management activities with regards to clinical evidence and PMCF input (Clinical Evaluation Plans, Clinical Evaluation Reports and PMCF documentation).

These are the main accountabilities for this position
Grow your career in an international environment! In this position you’ll provide clinical evidence knowledge and input for Mölnlycke´s medical devices.
You’ll work cross-functionally and provide relevant clinical input to project development projects and life cycle management activities.
You’ll be the SME for clinical evidence input to the technical documentation for assigned products.
You’ll search, review and appraise clinical literature and information specifically applicable to clinical performance and safety of Mölnlycke´s medical devices.
You’ll provide input to Post Market Follow-up strategies for Mölnlycke´s medical devices .
You’ll evaluate clinical evidence to support clinical performance and safety including support for Claims and Marketing messages.
You’ll provide support and be the SME for Clinical Evaluations and PMCF during internal and external audits.

What you’ll need
In this role we would like you to have the following capabilities, qualifications and experience:
PhD (in relevant medical/scientific area) OR Relevant medical/scientific degree + 5 years´ relevant experience in the medical device industry OR + 10 years´ relevant experience in the medical device industry.
Experience from Medical Device or Pharmaceutical Industry preferably within Clinical Research/Clinical Evaluations.
Analytical thinking and scientific mindset, knowledge in MDR, relevant MDCG guidance documents and MEDDEV standards for Clinical Evaluations and PMCF.
Experience in systematic literature search strategies, critical appraisal of clinical studies,, proficient scientific writing and with a digitalization mindset.
To be successful in this role you'll need to have the ability to act in a transparent and consistent manner while driving results, be a problem solver and solution-oriented with evidence of risk-adjusted decision making and to have good networking and organizational skills as well as sense of ownership and execution. You'll need to be a strong team player who can manage multiple and diverse stakeholders and to have strong and clear communication skills utilized to reach decisions that balance a diverse set of needs.
You’ll need to be fluent in English (both written and spoken).

What you’ll get
Wellness benefits
Flexible working hours
Great colleagues in a global company
An open, friendly and fair working atmosphere
Competitive compensation package including company pension plan, bonus, company health care

Our approach to diversity and inclusion
At Mölnlycke diversity is not just a vision, but our strength. We are dedicated to fostering an inclusive workplace that values and celebrates the power of diversity. At the heart of our commitment is the belief that diversity fuels innovation, creativity and problem-solving. We invite you to be a part of a team where authenticity is embraced, and every employee, regardless of background or any other traits, experiences a true sense of belonging. Your attitude, drive, enthusiasm, and eagerness to learn are just as important to us as the requirements for the role.

About Mölnlycke
Mölnlycke is a world-leading medical products and solutions company that equips healthcare professionals to achieve the best patient, clinical and economic outcomes. Our business is organized in the four business areas Wound Care, Operating Room Solutions, Gloves and Antiseptics, where customer centricity, sustainability and digitalisation are at the heart of everything we do.
Mölnlycke employs around 8,700 people. The company headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden and we operate in more than 100 countries worldwide. Mölnlycke is a founding partner of GoCo Health Innovation City, a world-class innovation cluster for health, and in early 2025 our headquarters will move there. Since 2007, the company has been part of Investor AB, an engaged owner of high-quality, global companies which was founded by the Wallenberg family in 1916.
For more information, please visit www.molnlycke.com and www.molnlycke.com/careers
If this sounds like you and you feel you have what it takes to succeed in this role, we want to hear from you as soon as possible.

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Data Engineer

Läs mer Okt 2
Are you ready to make a real impact within a global company and help shaping our technological future? Mölnlycke is accelerating its value creation by leveraging digitalization with new technologies, data, and a newly created Digital Enablement organisation.
We are seeking a Data Engineer to design and develop robust, scalable, high-performance data pipelines for data solutions! This is a great opportunity to be a part of and contribute to our digital journey!
You will be stationed out of our headquarters in Gothenburg and very soon at our new office at GoCo Health Innovation City, a world-class innovation cluster for health!

About the job
As part of Mölnlycke's next level of growth, we are accelerating our value creation, leveraging digitalization with new technologies, data and a newly created internal IT organization. Looking to deliver increased customer focus, enhanced business collaboration and the adoption of a new DevOps operating model with end-to-end ownership of technology solutions across the organisation.
This is a chance to have a real tangible impact within a global business and see how your work directly contributes to the shape of our technological future. You will be empowered to make a true difference, not only for Mölnlycke, but also for patients and health care professionals across the globe.
In this position you'll participate in every stage of the data product development lifecycle, i.e. from requirements gathering with product owners, through development with architects, AI/ML & software engineers, to production deployments with DevOps.

These are the key accountabilities for the role
Design and develop robust, scalable, high-performance data pipelines for data solutions such as AI/ML models, having profiled, explored, evaluated, and cleansed data, while developing solutions, e.g. scripts, to handle various data quality issues.
Work closely with AI COE and Digital New Ventures to turn working prototypes into well-abstracted, reusable modules to create scalable data solutions for business problems.
Define label specifications and plan and manage labelling activities in line with project timelines.
Identify opportunities for better data modelling, abstraction, testing, internal tooling, and other software development practices to optimise efficiencies in data projects.
Provide constructive feedback to Analytics Platform team on how to improve data ingestion and integration.
Estimate efforts required to build data pipelines after understanding the data landscape and complexity.
Visualise and translate data analysis outputs into easily understandable, actionable insights for the stakeholders and develop clear, concise communication to explain relevant technical concepts and analysis outputs to the business stakeholders.
Research and develop new data engineering techniques while helping define a data ecosystem covering data infrastructure, frameworks, open-source tools, data science languages, etc.
Stay up-to-date with the latest development in data engineering by attending conferences and contribute to advancing thought leadership.

?If all that sounds appealing, then here is what we would like you to demonstrate
Bachelor’s or master’s degree in a STEM field such as Computer Science, Engineering, Statistics, or Mathematics.
3 + years of object-oriented programming experience in a high-level language like Python, Java, C#, and Scala, with a good understanding of coding practices and version control software such as Git.
3+ years’ experience in building automated data pipelines
Strong analytical skills and ability to optimise the data and modelling process.
Advanced and experience in / No database management system.
Strong understanding of data structures, data science concepts and modelling techniques.
Other data wrangling with tools like Hive and Spark and libraries like Pandas, NumPy and SciPy.
Experience with Rest APIs and CLIs.
Excellent communication and teamwork skills.
High proficiency in English language.

Knowledge of / experience in ML Life Cycle Management, i.e. containerization (Docker, Kubernetes), APIfication, MLOps, etc.
Familiar with client-server architecture and microservice architecture.
Experience in working in cloud environments, e.g. Azure, Snowflake.
Good knowledge of SDLC best practices including testing, continuous integration, and DevOps.
Experience in programming with distributed systems (e.g. Hadoop, Spark, MPI).
Agile development skills and experience.
MedTech / Life Science domain experience.

Our approach to diversity and inclusion
At Mölnlycke diversity is not just a vision, but our strength. We are dedicated to fostering an inclusive workplace that values and celebrates the power of diversity. At the heart of our commitment is the belief that diversity fuels innovation, creativity and problem-solving. We invite you to be a part of a team where authenticity is embraced, and every employee, regardless of background or any other traits, experiences a true sense of belonging. Your attitude, drive, enthusiasm, and eagerness to learn are just as important to us as the requirements for the role.

About Mölnlycke
Mölnlycke is a world-leading medical products and solutions company that equips healthcare professionals to achieve the best patient, clinical and economic outcomes. Our business is organized in the four business areas Wound Care, Operating Room Solutions, Gloves and Antiseptics, where customer centricity, sustainability and digitalisation are at the heart of everything we do.
Mölnlycke employs around 8,700 people. The company headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden and we operate in more than 100 countries worldwide. Mölnlycke is a founding partner of GoCo Health Innovation City, a world-class innovation cluster for health, and in early 2025 our headquarters will move there. Since 2007, the company has been part of Investor AB, an engaged owner of high-quality, global companies which was founded by the Wallenberg family in 1916.
For more information, please visit www.molnlycke.com and www.molnlycke.com/careers
If this sounds like you and you feel you have what it takes to succeed in this role, we want to hear from you as soon as possible.

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Internship Business Ethics Governance

Läs mer Okt 14
If you want to launch your professional career in Business Ethics Governance, Mölnlycke is the place to do it. Mölnlycke Healthcare invites forward-thinking students to embark on a journey – where passion, purpose, courage, and collaboration converge to redefine what's possible in the world of medtech.

Position: Internship Business Ethics Governance
Location: Gothenburg
Job type/duration: Full time/10-20 weeks Spring 2025
Team: You will join the Business Ethics Governance team
Application deadline: Wednesday October 30th
Additional information: Unpaid internship, must be a part of the university curriculum

At Mölnlycke, Business Ethics means: Acting with integrity!
Mölnlycke is committed to acting with integrity and adhere to the highest standards of professional and ethical business. The Business Ethics & Governance team provides sound and solution-oriented business ethical advice and improve systems and processes to identify and mitigate risks to protect our organisation and our colleagues. We strive to have a robust risked-based Business Ethics & Governance program under which employees understand their responsibilities and managers demonstrate their accountability. Our programs cover Business Ethics including anti-corruption and anti-bribery, Human Rights, Competition Law and Trade Compliance.
The Business Ethics & Governance team consists of 15 people working in all parts of the world and we support the global Mölnlycke organization. We are here to ensure that our colleagues are properly trained and to support them when faced with integrity dilemmas and ethical decisions.
This internship offers a fantastic opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the field, and make a meaningful contribution to our team. As an intern with Mölnlycke, you will support the Business Ethics Governance team with focus on some key critical projects, such as:
various administrative tasks within the function
be accountable conducting or supporting screenings when needed
be accountable for administrative work regarding various trainings and translations
be accountable for communication tasks such as update to the intranet, review of communication material and other relevant
be accountable for administrative work regarding support to Business Ethics Representatives

Knowledge and experience
Studying for Bachelor's and/or Master’s degree within law studies, political science or similar (L.lm. program).
Strong written and verbal communication skills
Analytical skills
Fluent in English (both verbal and written).
Good level in technical skills within Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint
Effective communication skills with the ability to collaborate in a team-oriented environment.

Personal qualities:
Self-motivated, proactive in suggesting ideas and improvements
Exceptional interpersonal skills to collaborate with various stakeholders
Creative thinker with the ability to innovate
Positive, timely and a can-do attitude
Professional and acting with integrity

Workplace & benefits
You will have the opportunity to learn, engage and evolve with the safety of a supportive team of experts
You will experience an open, friendly and fair working atmosphere
You will have great colleagues in a global setting with diversity in all aspects

To gain a deeper understanding of who you are and your passion for the field, please answer the following questions in your cover letter, which should be submitted alongside your resume:
Internship Period: We are looking for interns to start in 2025, preferably from February onwards. Between which dates is your internship applicable?
Internship Duration: Please specify the duration of your internship (in weeks)?
Location Confirmation: Can you confirm that you will be available to complete the internship onsite at our headquarters in Gothenburg for its entire duration?
Curriculum Confirmation: Is this internship a required part of your academic curriculum? (Please confirm this is a formal part of your studies, which university and also what year you’re at and when you are supposed to exam?)

Please also answer these questions:
Why are you interested in internship within Mölnlycke Heath Care?
What would be your passion within the field?
What would you want to experience during your internship?
What would you need from a mentor during your internship?
What would be your contribution to Mölnlycke as intern?

Please also attach your internship plan from your school!

Our approach to diversity and inclusion
At Mölnlycke diversity is not just a vision, but our strength. We are dedicated to fostering an inclusive workplace that values and celebrates the power of diversity. At the heart of our commitment is the belief that diversity fuels innovation, creativity, and problem-solving. We invite you to be a part of a team where authenticity is embraced, and every employee, regardless of background or any other traits, experiences a true sense of belonging.
Your attitude, drive, enthusiasm, and eagerness to learn are just as important to us as the requirements for the role.

About Mölnlycke
Mölnlycke is a world-leading medical products and solutions company that equips healthcare professionals to achieve the best patient, clinical and economic outcomes.
Our business is organised in the four business areas Wound Care, Operating Room Solutions, Gloves and Antiseptics, where customer centricity, sustainability and digitalisation are at the heart of everything we do.
Mölnlycke employs around 8,700 people. The company headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden and we operate in more than 100 countries worldwide. Mölnlycke is a founding partner of GoCo Health Innovation City, a world-class innovation cluster for health, and in early 2025 our headquarters will move there.
Since 2007, the company has been part of Investor AB, an engaged owner of high-quality, global companies which was founded by the Wallenberg family in 1916. For more information, please visit www.molnlycke.com and www.molnlycke.com/career

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