Göteborg: Ekonomiassistent - Humlys Huvudkontor Göteborg

Hitta ansökningsinfo om jobbet Ekonomiassistent - Humlys Huvudkontor Göteborg i Göteborg. Är det intressant kan du gå vidare och ansöka jobbet. Annars kan du klicka på arbetsgivaren eller yrkesbenämningen för att se alla jobb i Göteborg inom den kategorin.

Publicerad: 2024-05-02 // Varaktighet: Heltid

Låt ditt engagemang forma framtiden för utbildning!Lärare, de som bär med sig nyckeln till kunskap och förändring. De har kraften att vägleda och inspirera i en värld som ständigt förändras. Men, vi står inför en utmaning – var tionde lektion i västvärlden leds inte av ordinarie lärare. Istället för att se detta som en belastning på utbildningen, tror vi på att nya influenser kan vara källan till ökat engagemang och motivation hos våra barn och ungdomar. Tillsammans måste vi skapa nya, flexibla lösningar för att se till att varje lektion räknas.Humly har tagit saken i egna händer och utvecklat en digital plattform som sammanför skolor och förskolor med kompetenta vikarier baserat på skolornas behov och vikariernas styrkor och intressen. Vi är här för att se till att skapa möjligheter och valmöjligheter för våra vikarier.

Om tjänstenHumly söker en ekonomiassistent på heltid till vårt kontor i Göteborg. Du kommer arbeta som understöd till vår ekonomiansvarige med bland annat löpande redovisning och avstämningar, lönehantering samt administrativa uppgifter. Det är en heltidstjänst med start augusti/september 2024. Utgångspunkt för anställningen kommer vara på vårt kontor i Göteborg.
Arbetsuppgifter- Lönekörning för bolagets anställda och vikarier- Hantering och redovisning av leverantörsfakturor och inbetalningar- Löpande redovisning ochavstämningar- Rapportering till myndigheter- Upprättande av intyg till bland annat A-kassan, Försäkringskassan och Kronofogden.- Kontorsadministration

Vi söker dig som- Har en eftergymnasial utbildning inom ekonomi eller lön- Minst ett års erfarenhet av liknande arbetsuppgifter- Kan vara tillgänglig senast från och med första september 2024- Meriterande vid erfarenhet av Visma Business och Crona Webb
Som person är du:- Noggrann- Initiativtagande- Strukturerad- Självgående
Du tar med dig kunskap och erfarenhet från tidigare arbete, men som alla andra på Humly bör du utvecklas som person, i din roll och inom ditt område. Det gör du bäst genom att vara nyfiken och ta tag i de utmaningar som dyker upp.

Praktiskt om arbeteStart: Augusti/SeptemberPlats: GöteborgOmfattning: Heltid, vardagarLön: Fast lön enligt överenskommelse
Vi arbetar med löpande urval vilket gör att tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas, så vänta inte med att skicka ansökan.

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Andra jobb i Göteborg som Ekonomiassistent

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg som Ekonomiassistent.

Ekonomiassitent med kontorsansvar

Läs mer Sep 9
Ekonomiassistent med kontorsansvar (Vikariat)
Om tjänsten Vi söker en strukturerad och ansvarsfull ekonomiassistent med kontorsansvar för ett vikariat hos oss på Irisity! Är du en noggrann och självständig person som trivs med varierande arbetsuppgifter och skulle vilja testa på att arbeta på ett börsnoterat scale-up bolag med internationell prägel? Vill du jobba i ett engagerat ekonomiteam i vackra lokaler på huvudkontoret på Lindholmen? Då kan detta vara jobbet för dig!
I rollen som ekonomiassistent kommer du att arbeta med bland annat:
· Löpande bokföring och fakturahantering
· Leverantörsreskontra och kundreskontra
· Betalningar och bokföring av bank
· Hantering av utlägg och reseräkningar
· Kommunikation med kunder och leverantörer gällande fakturor

Utöver dina ekonomiska arbetsuppgifter kommer du även ha ett övergripande kontorsansvar, vilket innebär att du bland annat:
· Ser till att kontoret är välorganiserat och fungerar effektivt
· Beställer kontorsmaterial
· Hanterar post och enklare administrativa uppgifter

För rollen är nedan kvalifikationer meriterande, men det viktigaste för oss är en positiv och engagerad personlighet, så sök även om du inte uppfyller alla kriterier.
· Erfarenhet av arbete som ekonomiassistent, gärna med liknande arbetsuppgifter
· Grundläggande kunskaper i bokföring och ekonomiska system (vi arbetar i Fortnox)
· God datorvana, särskilt i MS Office-paketet (Excel)
· God kommunikationsförmåga och servicekänsla

Anställningsform Vikariat, med start omgående och pågår fram till 2025-08-31. Möjlighet till förlängning kan finnas.
Om oss
Irisity är en ledande leverantör av AI-baserad videoanalys. Bolaget utvecklar innovativ mjukvara som uppgraderar vanliga säkerhetskameror till intelligenta sensorer, samtidigt som vi skyddar den personliga integriteten. Irisity har kunder i mer än 90 länder och har aktiv närvaro i Sverige, USA, Ungern, Israel, Singapore, Förenade Arabemiraten, Australien, Argentina, Brasilien, Mexico, Colombia och Storbritannien. Vi verkar genom ett nätverk av återförsäljare, partners,säkerhetsföretag och kameratillverkare globalt. Huvudkontoret ligger i Göteborg.
Skicka din ansökan med CV och personligt brev så snart som möjligt. Intervjuer sker löpande, så vänta inte med att skicka in din ansökan!
Vi ser fram emot att höra från dig!

Ansök nu

Group Sustainability Manager till Elanders AB

Läs mer Aug 9
För dig som läser detta vill vi på Netjobs Group AB informera om att vi endast tar emot ansökningar via vår hemsida, inte via e-post eller telefon. För att ansöka till tjänsten, vänligen besök https://karriarguiden.se/sv/jobb/group-sustainability-manager-till-elanders-ab. Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!

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Finance Assistant

Läs mer Maj 21
Join Our Team as a Finance Assistant!
About Us:
Consilium Safety Group leads the way in providing fire, flame, and gas safety technologies across the marine, energy, transport, and building sectors. With a legacy dating back to 1912, we've grown into an international powerhouse, headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, with over 55 offices worldwide. Driven by innovation and a commitment to protecting lives and the planet, we're on a journey to shape the future of safety technology, aiming to become #1 in Safety Tech.
The Role:
As a Finance Assistant at Consilium Safety Group, you'll play a crucial role in our finance team at our Gothenburg headquarters. You'll be responsible for delivering reliable financial information, managing accounts receivable with precision and adherence to best practices, and supporting various functions within the company.
Your Responsibilities:
Independently manage payments, claims, and reminder processes.
Drive improvement initiatives for accounts receivable, focusing on quality.
Administer and book issued bank guarantees.
Perform account reconciliation and intercompany invoicing.
Manage reconciliation of group transactions.
Oversee communication in the finance function's shared mailbox.
Ensure compliance with internal control standards and perform credit report assessments.

Who Are We Looking For?
We're seeking a candidate with:
Post-secondary education in economics or a related field.
Experience in accounting and accounts receivable.
Strong Excel skills.
Excellent written and spoken English.

As a person we hope you are:
Structured, organized approach - Your attention to detail ensures excellence.
Self-driven, proactive attitude - You lead with initiative.
High integrity, ethical standards - Your values set you apart.
Ownership mentality - You drive tasks to success.
Excellent communication, cooperation - Your collaboration ensures success.

How to Apply:
If you're ready to take on this exciting opportunity and meet the qualifications and attributes we're looking for, we invite you to apply for the position of Finance Assistant at Consilium Safety Group. Please submit your resume and cover letter, showcasing your relevant experience and why you'd be a perfect fit for our team. We're eager to hear from you!

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Ekonomiassistent till vårt nya huvudkontor i centrala Göteborg

Läs mer Maj 14
Vi på Happident arbetar för en ny, revolutionerande tandvårdsupplevelse. En miljö bort ifrån klinikdoft, hårda stolar och kala väntrum, Vi jobbar för att attrahera Sveriges mest framstående och engagerade medarbetare i kombination med den senaste teknologin. Helt enkelt en miljö där patienter erbjuds en kundupplevelse i världsklass.Om HappidentHappident är den tredje största privata tandvårdskedjan i Sverige med kliniker i alla Sveriges storstäder. Vi är på en utvecklingsresa tillsammans och har målsättningen att inom de närmaste åren både utveckla och expandera verksamheten. Happident är grundat av tandläkare och ägs av tandläkare med många års erfarenhet av att bedriva kvalitativ och heltäckande tandvård i Sverige och internationellt. Kliniskt fokus genomsyrar hela vår verksamhet och vi har ambitionen att bygga den bästa arbetsplatsen för våra anställda. Genom vår unika ”klustermodell” kan vi tillgodose alla våra patienters behov samtidigt som vi skapar unika karriärmöjligheter för alla våra medarbetare.
I rollen som ekonomiassistent arbetar du med den löpande redovisningen och övrig ekonomi i en företagsgrupp som är under stark tillväxt. Det är en stimulerande tjänst där du ges möjlighet att utvecklas och där du blir en viktig representant för gruppens fortsatta utveckling. Det är en bred och utmanande roll som bland annat innebär löpande hantering av kund- och leverantörsreskontra, kravhantering, betalningar, avstämning av balans- och resultatrapporter samt löpande bokföring. Tjänsten är placerad på kontoret i centrala Göteborg.
Vem är du?
Vi söker en ekonomiassistent till vår ekonomiavdelning som ska avlasta övriga kollegor med administrativa arbetsuppgifter. Du har som lägst en avslutad gymnasieutbildning och gärna tidigare erfarenhet av administrativa arbetsuppgifter. Du är en god kommunikatör som har mycket goda kunskaper i svenska i såväl tal som skrift samt hanterar MS Office-paketet utan svårigheter. Vi söker dig som har en förmåga att självständigt planera och driva ditt arbete och kan prioritera när det behövs. Du är öppen, positiv, social och trivs i rollen som administratör och med att ge god service och ha många bollar i luften. Du är vidare stresstålig och flexibel samt ska kunna arbeta lika bra i grupp som självständigt. Stor vikt kommer läggas vid personliga egenskaper.
Vad kan vi erbjuda?
Ett stort eget ansvar över dina arbetsuppgifter
Generösa förmåner
Härliga kollegor
Varierande arbetsuppgifter

Du kommer att arbeta inom ett affärsområde med korta beslutsvägar och med en prestigelös atmosfär. Du kommer att ingå i ett härligt och kompetent gäng som arbetar tillsammans för att uppnå bästa resultat.
För mer information kring tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta Lina Merits, Redovisningschef, lina.merits@happident.se. Vi intervjuar löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan ansökningstiden har gått ut.
Varmt välkommen med din ansökan!
Praktisk informationStart: Omgående eller enligt överenskommelse.Omfattning: Heltid.Placering: Stampgatan 14, Göteborg

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Andra jobb i Göteborg från Humly Edtech AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg från Humly Edtech AB .

Senior Backend Developer

Läs mer Jun 24
Before Humly, Kristoffer (CPO) and Gustav (CEO) were college students and substitute teachers, dealing with the same problems many face with agencies: the last-minute work calls, the calls that don’t come, the lack of power or say in your career, and so much more. So they built a home where educators are as important as the job itself. They built Humly, so educators globally can have the power to choose when, where, and how much they work – simply and easily, without hassle. With 23k+teachers across 7.5k+ schools/nurseries and growing, it's fair to say that Humly has turned into growth adventure.
About the RoleAs Humly has graduated from Startup to Scale-up, the internal definition of "great" for our engineering efforts changed from "ship quickly" to "deliver well tested, clean and maintainable solutions for scale". As a data-focused Backend engineer in the team, your responsibility will be to make sure we live up to this transition. Over the years, we have accrued technical debt throughout our platform, and this is limiting our ability to take on higher traffic load and to build smarter and more efficient solutions. By contributing with strong experience in data modelling, , caching, migrations, API design, API integrations, and service architecture you will ensure that we have a better foundation for the future. The faster you help identify and restructure our legacy code base, the earlier you can shift focus to building interesting and value-creating solutions on top of this improved foundation. This could include anything from ML-driven matching algorithms to efficient data pipelines and analytics services.
Responsibilities Take ownership of our matching service
Work on improving the data integrity, standardisation and denormalisation of our database
Work with and improve our 3rd party integrations, like Hubspot, Google Maps, TravelTime, Staffology and many more
Collaborate with our data scientist on our datalake and analytics platform
Ensuring that we have good observability and test setups for the integrations
Our tech stack (reasonable) microservice architecture
Frontend: React, Typescript, Material-UI, Remix, GraphQL
Backend: Nest.js, Ruby on Rails, GraphQL, Postgres
Infrastructure: Kubernetes, UpCloud, RabbitMQ, OpenSearch, Prometheus, Jaeger
CI/CD based on GitOps operational framework
Qualifications BA or MS degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or related field.
5+ years of professional experience in software architecture and development using Node.js, TS and .
Confident in most of the concepts listed here: https://roadmap.sh/backend

Fluent in English.
Located in or around Gothenburg (or willing to relocate)
Exciting things about Humly's product team No sprints, but shaping and cycles: https://basecamp.com/shapeup
Business-focused and data-driven approach to development
Lots of influence in a small and flexible team
Hybrid office model - flexibility with responsibility, ~3 days at the office
International and diverse team
Real impact on quality education - a UN Sustainable Development Goal
How we hire
We evaluate candidates continuously, don't wait - send us your application today!
Intro call- A first casual 30 minute conversation with our CTO about Humly’s short and long-term goals and how those might be related to your personal career goals. This is a good time to discuss deal breakers and concerns you might have upfront.
Technical interview - A 1-hour deep-dive into the craft of software development with a couple of our engineers. We let you describe how you engage with problem solving and you can share your opinions about technical debt, project management, and favourite tech stacks. This is also an opportunity to learn more about what our team enjoys about working at Humly, and ask the hard questions.
CultureInterview- A 1-hour talk with our CTO and one of our founders into your previous experiences and learnings. Share with us your successes and failures and all the permutations in between. The goal is to get to know how what you’ve done before has shaped your perspective about the who/what/why/where/when of what you want to do next.
About Humly
Humly is a digital marketplace matching supply teachers and schools. 70 million teachers are needed globally to reach the 2030 UN sustainable development goals, and Humly is set to solve a piece of that puzzle.Humly has financially strong and active owners in Viking Ventures and Alfvén & Didrikson, and have raised 17 MEUR. We are in a scale-up phase in the UK and have high ambitions. The UK market alone is a 2 billion EUR, and Humly has a first mover advantage.Humly has 80 employees working at our offices in Gothenburg, Sweden and at several sites in the UK. The marketplace has over 5,000 active educators and over 5,000 active schools that each year helps save more than 1,000,000 hours of education.

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Backend Developer

Läs mer Jun 24
Before Humly, Kristoffer (CPO) and Gustav (CEO) were college students and substitute teachers, dealing with the same problems many face with agencies: the last-minute work calls, the calls that don’t come, the lack of power or say in your career, and so much more. So they built a home where educators are as important as the job itself. They built Humly, so educators globally can have the power to choose when, where, and how much they work – simply and easily, without hassle. With 23k+teachers across 7.5k+ schools/nurseries and growing, it's fair to say that Humly has turned into growth adventure.
About the RoleAs Humly has graduated from Startup to Scale-up, the internal definition of "great" for our engineering efforts changed from "ship quickly" to "deliver well tested, clean and maintainable solutions for scale". As a Backend engineer in the team, your responsibility will be to make sure we live up to this transition. Over the years, we have accrued technical debt throughout our platform, and this is limiting our ability to take on higher traffic load and to build smarter and more efficient solutions. By contributing with experience in feature development, design, caching, migrations, API design andintegrations you will ensure that we have a better foundation for the future. The faster you help identify and restructure our legacy code base, the earlier you can shift focus to building interesting and value-creating solutions on top of this improved foundation.
We are building new stuff in Nest.js/Node.js but yourexperience with Ruby on Rails would be a big plus as we are maintaining legacy while on this journey to refactor and improve our platform.
Responsibilities Take ownership of our Ruby on Rails legacy code base.
Develop and maintain our Nest.js/Node.js native based backend.
Design and implement features from inception to production.
Ensuring that we have good observability and test setups
Our tech stack (reasonable) microservice architecture
Frontend: React, Typescript, Material-UI, Remix, GraphQL
Backend: Nest.js, Ruby on Rails, GraphQL, Postgres
Infrastructure: Kubernetes, UpCloud, RabbitMQ, OpenSearch, Prometheus, Jaeger
CI/CD based on GitOps operational framework
Qualifications BA or MS degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or related field.
3+ years of professional experience in backend development using Ruby on Rails,Node.js, TS and .
Confident in most of the concepts listed here: https://roadmap.sh/backend

Fluent in English.
Located in or around Gothenburg (or willing to relocate)
Exciting things about Humly's product team No sprints, but shaping and cycles: https://basecamp.com/shapeup
Business-focused and data-driven approach to development
Lots of influence in a small and flexible team
Hybrid office model - flexibility with responsibility, ~3 days at the office
International and diverse team
Real impact on quality education - a UN Sustainable Development Goal
How we hire
We evaluate candidates continuously, don't wait - send us your application today!
Intro call- A first casual 30 minute conversation with our CTO about Humly’s short and long-term goals and how those might be related to your personal career goals. This is a good time to discuss deal breakers and concerns you might have upfront.
Technical interview - A 1-hour deep-dive into the craft of software development with a couple of our engineers. We let you describe how you engage with problem solving and you can share your opinions about technical debt, project management, and favourite tech stacks. This is also an opportunity to learn more about what our team enjoys about working at Humly, and ask the hard questions.
CultureInterview- A 1-hour talk with our CTO and one of our founders into your previous experiences and learnings. Share with us your successes and failures and all the permutations in between. The goal is to get to know how what you’ve done before has shaped your perspective about the who/what/why/where/when of what you want to do next.
About Humly
Humly is a digital marketplace matching supply teachers and schools. 70 million teachers are needed globally to reach the 2030 UN sustainable development goals, and Humly is set to solve a piece of that puzzle.Humly has financially strong and active owners in Viking Ventures and Alfvén & Didrikson, and have raised 17 MEUR. We are in a scale-up phase in the UK and have high ambitions. The UK market alone is a 2 billion EUR, and Humly has a first mover advantage.Humly has 80 employees working at our offices in Gothenburg, Sweden and at several sites in the UK. The marketplace has over 5,000 active educators and over 5,000 active schools that each year helps save more than 1,000,000 hours of education.

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Frontend Developer (React & React Native)

Läs mer Jun 21
Before Humly, Kristoffer (CPO) and Gustav (CEO) were college students and substitute teachers, dealing with the same problems many face with agencies: the last-minute work calls, the calls that don’t come, the lack of power or say in your career, and so much more. So they built a home where educators are as important as the job itself. They built Humly, so educators globally can have the power to choose when, where, and how much they work – simply and easily, without hassle. With 23k+teachers across 7.5k+ schools/nurseries and growing, it's fair to say that Humly has turned into growth adventure.
About the RoleAs a Frontend Developer at Humly, you will have full ownership of the projects you are a part of. You will belong to a cross-functional team, where you will have a genuine impact on the team's decisions. Meaning that when there will be a challenge or an obstacle, you will be able to overcome it together with colleagues that have your back.Sounds about right to you? Then check out the details below.
Responsibilities Develop and maintain our React and/or React nativebased frontends.
Design and implement features from inception to production.
Working closely with UX to improve end user experience.
Our tech stack (reasonable) microservice architecture
Frontend: React, Typescript, Material-UI, Remix, GraphQL
Backend: Nest.js, Remix, Ruby on Rails, GraphQL, Postgres
Infrastructure: Kubernetes, UpCloud, RabbitMQ, OpenSearch, Prometheus, Jaeger
CI/CD based on GitOps operational framework
Qualifications BA or MS degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or related field.
2+ years of professional experience in FE development with React and TS.
Confident in most of the concepts listed here: https://roadmap.sh/frontend

Fluent in English.
Located in or around Gothenburg (or willing to relocate)
Exciting things about Humly's product team No sprints, but shaping and cycles: https://basecamp.com/shapeup
Business-focused and data-driven approach to development
Lots of influence in a small and flexible team
Hybrid office model - flexibility with responsibility, ~3 days at the office
International and diverse team
Real impact on quality education - a UN Sustainable Development Goal
How we hire
We evaluate candidates continuously, don't wait - send us your application today!
Intro call- A first casual 30 minute conversation with our CTO about Humly’s short and long-term goals and how those might be related to your personal career goals. This is a good time to discuss deal breakers and concerns you might have upfront.
Technical interview - A 1-hour deep-dive into the craft of software development with a couple of our engineers. We let you describe how you engage with problem solving and you can share your opinions about technical debt, project management, and favourite tech stacks. This is also an opportunity to learn more about what our team enjoys about working at Humly, and ask the hard questions.
CultureInterview- A 1-hour talk with our CTO and one of our founders into your previous experiences and learnings. Share with us your successes and failures and all the permutations in between. The goal is to get to know how what you’ve done before has shaped your perspective about the who/what/why/where/when of what you want to do next.
About Humly
Humly is a digital marketplace matching supply teachers and schools. 70 million teachers are needed globally to reach the 2030 UN sustainable development goals, and Humly is set to solve a piece of that puzzle.Humly has financially strong and active owners in Viking Ventures and Alfvén & Didrikson, and have raised 17 MEUR. We are in a scale-up phase in the UK and have high ambitions. The UK market alone is a 2 billion EUR, and Humly has a first mover advantage.Humly has 80 employees working at our offices in Gothenburg, Sweden and at several sites in the UK. The marketplace has over 5,000 active educators and over 5,000 active schools that each year helps save more than 1,000,000 hours of education.

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Grundlärare, förskoleklass och 1-3
Läs mer Jul 23
Är du redo att ta kontrollen över din framtid och skapa din egen karriär inom förskola och skola?
Välkommen till Humly, Sveriges största digitala marknadsplats för vikarier, skolor och förskolor. Med över 3000 vikarier landet runt är vi stolta över att kunna erbjuda fantastiska möjligheter till de som är redo att göra skillnad i barns och ungdomars liv.
Med hjälp av vår egenutvecklade app ger vi DIG full kontroll. Leta efter lediga jobb, både kortare och längre uppdrag, och välj dem som passar just ditt liv och dina intressen. Och oroa dig inte, om ett uppdrag inte känns rätt, är det bara att tacka nej. Din frihet och flexibilitet är vårt löfte till dig.
I vår app får du även en översiktlig kalendervy för att hålla koll på ditt schema. Snabba justeringar kring tillgänglighet? Inga problem! Att ställa in dina intressen och preferenser? Enkelt och smidigt. På så vis matchar vi dig med de jobb som passar dig bäst. Och ja, möjligheterna är nästintill oändliga!
Hos Humly värderar vi utveckling - både vår egen och din. Ditt engagemang, dina idéer och din kreativitet bidrar till att göra Humly till en dynamisk och inspirerande arbetsplats. Vi tror på en stark gemenskap där alla har en viktig roll.
Våra förväntningar på dig:
Du har avslutad gymnasieexamen

Du har inlett studier på eftergymnasial nivå och/eller har annan relevant erfarenhet tillsammans med barn och ungdomar såsom engagemang inom idrottsföreningar eller liknande ungdomsverksamhet

Du har tillräckliga kunskaper för att kunna undervisa i svenska

Du bor inom rimligt avstånd från våra samarbetsskolor i och runt Göteborgs kommun

Så, är du redo att göra en insats? Att forma framtiden samtidigt som du formar din egen? Kom och bli en del av Humly-familjen och upptäck glädjen och friheten med att vara vikarie på dina egna villkor.

Ansök nu och låt oss tillsammans skapa en ljus framtid, ett klassrum i taget. Vem vet, ditt nästa äventyr kanske bara är ett klick bort!

Kom och bli en del av Humly - där varje vikarie är en hjälte.
Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov.

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Frontend Developer (React & React Native)

Läs mer Jun 25
Before Humly, Kristoffer (CPO) and Gustav (CEO) were college students and substitute teachers, dealing with the same problems many face with agencies: the last-minute work calls, the calls that don’t come, the lack of power or say in your career, and so much more. So they built a home where educators are as important as the job itself. They built Humly, so educators globally can have the power to choose when, where, and how much they work – simply and easily, without hassle. With 23k+teachers across 7.5k+ schools/nurseries and growing, it's fair to say that Humly has turned into growth adventure.
About the Role
As a Frontend Developer at Humly, you will have full ownership of the projects you are a part of. You will belong to a cross-functional team, where you will have a genuine impact on the team's decisions. Meaning that when there will be a challenge or an obstacle, you will be able to overcome it together with colleagues that have your back.Sounds about right to you? Then check out the details below.
Develop and maintain our React and/or React nativebased frontends.
Design and implement features from inception to production.
Working closely with UX to improve end user experience.

Our tech stack
(reasonable) microservice architecture
Frontend: React, Typescript, Material-UI, Remix, GraphQL
Backend: Nest.js, Remix, Ruby on Rails, GraphQL, Postgres
Infrastructure: Kubernetes, UpCloud, RabbitMQ, OpenSearch, Prometheus, Jaeger
CI/CD based on GitOps operational framework

BA or MS degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or related field.
2+ years of professional experience in FE development with React and TS.
Confident in most of the concepts listed here:
Fluent in English.
Located in or around Gothenburg (or willing to relocate)

Exciting things about Humly's product team
No sprints, but shaping and cycles: https://basecamp.com/shapeup
Business-focused and data-driven approach to development
Lots of influence in a small and flexible team
Hybrid office model - flexibility with responsibility, ~3 days at the office
International and diverse team
Real impact on quality education - a UN Sustainable Development Goal

How we hire
We evaluate candidates continuously, don't wait - send us your application today!

Intro call- A first casual 30 minute conversation with our CTO about Humly’s short and long-term goals and how those might be related to your personal career goals. This is a good time to discuss deal breakers and concerns you might have upfront.

Technical interview - A 1-hour deep-dive into the craft of software development with a couple of our engineers. We let you describe how you engage with problem solving and you can share your opinions about technical debt, project management, and favourite tech stacks. This is also an opportunity to learn more about what our team enjoys about working at Humly, and ask the hard questions.

CultureInterview- A 1-hour talk with our CTO and one of our founders into your previous experiences and learnings. Share with us your successes and failures and all the permutations in between. The goal is to get to know how what you’ve done before has shaped your perspective about the who/what/why/where/when of what you want to do next.
About Humly
Humly is a digital marketplace matching supply teachers and schools. 70 million teachers are needed globally to reach the 2030 UN sustainable development goals, and Humly is set to solve a piece of that puzzle.Humly has financially strong and active owners in Viking Ventures and Alfvén & Didrikson, and have raised 17 MEUR. We are in a scale-up phase in the UK and have high ambitions. The UK market alone is a 2 billion EUR, and Humly has a first mover advantage.Humly has 80 employees working at our offices in Gothenburg, Sweden and at several sites in the UK. The marketplace has over 5,000 active educators and over 5,000 active schools that each year helps save more than 1,000,000 hours of education.

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