Göteborg: NVH CAE Engineer with passion for great sound

Hitta ansökningsinfo om jobbet NVH CAE Engineer with passion for great sound i Göteborg. Är det intressant kan du gå vidare och ansöka jobbet. Annars kan du klicka på arbetsgivaren eller yrkesbenämningen för att se alla jobb i Göteborg inom den kategorin.

Publicerad: 2024-06-11 // Varaktighet: Heltid



In the role you will work with assignments in the NVH CAE area. The purpose is to do virtual simulations to optimize tomorrow’s cars in respect to e.g. comfort, environmental footprints and regulation fulfillments. We work constantly to find opportunities that match your dream assignment, and help you on your own personal career path. The personal qualities that we value are your passion for dynamic simulations related to NVH, your ability to act independently and professionally, your commitment and your team spirit. You are positive, outgoing and driven with the ability to create and maintain great relationships with our customers. 


What awaits you is a department consisting of skilled engineers and a great working culture. You will benefit from an internal network that you will have frequent opportunities to meet and make use of. We have an open and transparent culture where feedback is of great importance. As Europe’s greatest consulting firm, we have an unlimited number of options for your future!

 Minimum 2 years of experience within NVH CAE with use of MSC Nastran and ANSA.
Proven experience from automotive industry.
You should be fluent in English, both spoken and written. 


Experience in MSC Actran
Experience from NVH CAE in electric driveline
Skills in Matlab and Python.
Skills in other FEM Softwares like Abaqus and Optistruct.
Experience from either work close with NVH testing or has experience from perform NVH testing.
Understanding of the area Vehicle dynamics.



At ALTEN, every individual is equally valuable in building tomorrow’s world today. We meet future challenges by supporting our clients’ projects and enabling our people to reach their full potential.

We are convinced that your development is driven by your passion. By being active in several different industries, we can offer a wide range of assignments and an opportunity to influence both the world around you and your own development.  With a coaching leadership, our leaders will guide you in the right direction. We also offer personalized training opportunities through your individual training budget, which you can use in our internal ALTEN Academy or on external courses.

At ALTEN, there are numerous opportunities to join an inspiring togetherness and do what you enjoy, together with your colleagues. We have several internal networks, such as ALTEN Sports and Women@ALTEN, where you are given the opportunity to get active with your colleagues or pursue issues and topics that you are passionate about.

At ALTEN, we think it's important to have a balance between work and spare time, which is why we offer three extra days off a year. We have a collective agreement and offer benefits like pension, insurances and wellness grants. 

We are looking forward to your application!

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Andra jobb i Göteborg som Civilingenjör, teknisk fysik

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg som Civilingenjör, teknisk fysik.

Projektledare & Energisystemexpert till CIT Renergy

Läs mer Sep 27
Inom CIT Renergy kombinerar vi djup teknisk kunskap med ett övergripande energisystemperspektiv. Vi har mångårig praktisk och analytisk erfarenhet och bred kompetens inom klimatomställning och energi- och resurseffektivisering i såväl industri och transportsektorn som byggnader samt inomhusmiljö. Tillsammans med våra kunder skapar vi energi-, miljö- och kostnadseffektiva lösningar. CIT Renergy har ca 35 medarbetare och är en del av koncernen Chalmers Industriteknik.
Just nu söker vi en engagerad projektledare med energisystemexpertis till affärsområde Samhälle.
Hos oss får du möjligheten att vara en nyckelspelare i arbetet med att driva en energi- och resurseffektiv klimatomställning framåt. Vi tillämpar ett energisystemperspektiv och analyserar samband mellan regelverk och målsättningar, strategier och tekniska åtgärder för att nå dessa mål samt påverkan på energianvändning och klimat. Med vår unika kompetens, erfarenhet och vetenskapliga metoder levererar vi kvalificerade beslutsunderlag och värdefull kunskap till näringsliv, myndigheter och andra organisationer. Vi är också aktiva i forskningsnära projekt som formar framtidens samhälle.
Om rollen
I rollen som projektledare och energisystemexpert kommer du att leda och delta i olika typer av uppdrag kopplade till affärsområdets verksamhet. Särskilt kommer du att bidra till uppdrag rörande elektrifieringens påverkan på energisystemet. Du arbetar också med kollegorna i verksamhetens övriga affärsområden. Hos oss arbetar du i en platt organisation där du ges mycket eget ansvar och frihet att utveckla projekt från början till slut. Detta innebär att du har möjlighet att påverka och driva frågor som du brinner för, samtidigt som du får stöd av ett engagerat team. Du rapporterar till affärsområdeschefen för Samhälle.
Ansvarsområde Fungera som energiexpert, analytiker och strategisk rådgivare för näringsliv, myndigheter och andra organisationer.
Leda och genomföra energi- och klimatrelaterade projekt.
Utveckla affärsmöjligheter och samarbeten genom att identifiera kunder, marknadstrender och kundbehov.
Initiera och utforma anbud och offerter.
Arbeta strategiskt och systematiskt med kunder.
Bidra till utvecklingen av vårt affärsområde och påverka dess framtida riktning.
Om dig Du har en högskole- eller universitetsexamen inom relevant ämnesområde.
Flera års arbetslivserfarenhet och/eller forskningserfarenhet. Du har goda kunskaper om energi- och elsystemet och dess sektorskopplingar, regelverk kopplat till energi och klimat på nationell och EU-nivå samt energi- och klimatanalys.
Erfarenhet från energibranschen och av analyser inriktade mot elektrifiering av energisystemet samt insikt i hur en konsultverksamhet bedrivs är meriterande, liksom en forskarutbildning.
Det är särskilt viktigt att du har en djup förståelse för energisystemets utmaningar och behovet av helhetssyn i omställningen till hållbarhet.

Som person trivs du i projektledar- och konsultrollen och med att utveckla relationer med kunder och kollegor. Du är strukturerad, handlingskraftig och van vid att hantera flera olika uppdrag samtidigt. Du har också ett affärsmässigt tänkande och en vilja att samarbeta, påverka och bidra till verksamhetens utveckling. Du har god samarbets- och kommunikationsförmåga, kan uttrycka dig väl i både tal och skrift på svenska och engelska. Du har även god digital vana och behärskar olika verktyg och system.
Du erbjuds
Hos oss arbetar du med omväxlande och inspirerande frågeställningar tillsammans med kunniga och engagerade kollegor. Här väntar spännande utmaningar och möjligheten att göra verklig skillnad genom meningsfulla uppdrag som bidrar till samhällets energi- och klimatomställning.
Tjänsten är tillsvidareanställning på heltid. Vårt kontor ligger centralt beläget vid Chalmers och du erbjuds en hybrid lösning där du har möjlighet att varva kontorsarbete med arbete hemifrån.
Sista ansökningsdatum: 27 oktober 2024. Urval kommer att ske löpande.
Vi ser gärna att du bifogar/skriver ett personligt brev ihop med din ansökan (CV).
Kontakt vid frågor
Ingrid Nyström, Affärsområdeschef Samhälle, CIT Renergy: ingrid.nystrom@chalmersindustriteknik.se / 070 382 4565
Sara Wagiström, HR partner: sara.wagistrom@chalmersindustriteknik.se / 031-772 43 91
Kontakt från rekryteringsföretag, CV- och annonssäljare undanbedes.
Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!

Ansök nu

Utredare/Systemkonstruktör El&IC

Läs mer Jul 25
Civilingenjör, Elektroteknik, Teknisk Fysik, Maskinteknik med teoretisk inriktning. Specialisering på I&C.
Civilingenjör för utredningar, granskningar och kravarbete inom främst Kärnkraftsindustri, m fl.
Kunder både i Sverige och utomlands.
Flera olika typer av tjänster.
Berdiz erbjuder kanske marknadens bästa anställningsvillkor, och stor flexibilitet för de anställda.
Krav på svenskt medborgarskap.

Ansök nu


Läs mer Okt 4
Har du en utbildning inom Teknisk fysik ett närliggande område? Är du dessutom intresserad av att arbeta i ett globalt företag med fokus på digital modellering och simulering? Vill du vara en del av ett tvärfunktionellt och Agilt team där innovation står i centrum? Då är denna tjänst något för dig!

Vi på Friday söker nu en CAE- Ingenjör för vår kund, en global aktör inom fordonsindustrin. Du kommer att ingå i ett mindre team på fyra personer där du kommer att spela en viktig roll i utvecklingen av simuleringsplattformen hos en komplett bil som beräknar energiflöden i bilen.


Sitta med fysikalisk och mekanisk modulering
Koda industriella applikationer i Python
Ansvara för dina tilldelade uppgifter i det agila projektteamet och leverera enligt mål.

Avklarad Civilingenjörsutbildning inom teknisk fysik eller likvärdig utbildning.
Kunskap av Python och C
Förståelse för fysikaliska system.
Behärskar engelska flytande, då språket kommuniceras internt.

Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid din personliga lämplighet, där vi som person tror att du är kommunikativ, strukturerad och har en positiv attityd. Dessutom trivs du i en miljö där du får vara kreativ och bidra till innovation inom produktutveckling.

Detta är ett konsultuppdrag vilket innebär att du kommer till en början att vara anställd av Friday. Anställningen är tidsbegränsad och sträcker sig 9 månader med möjlighet till förlängning.

Omfattning: Heltid
Start: Enligt överenskommelse
Placering: Göteborg.
Rekryteringsansvarig: Stina Högström
Lön: Fast månadslön.

Är du redo att ta nästa steg i din karriär och vara en del av ett globalt team? Tveka inte att skicka in din ansökan på länken nedan. Kom ihåg att vara snabb med din ansökan då vi gör löpande urval av kandidater och att annonsen kan stängs ner innan tjänsten är tillsatt om vi gått över till urvals och intervjufasen.

Genom att vara en partner både till våra kandidater och kunder strävar vi efter att hitta den bästa matchningen. Det gör vi genom att lära känna våra kunder och kandidater på riktigt! Vi ser självklart till att kunskaps- och erfarenhetskrav matchar, men framförallt lägger vi vikt vid samsyn kring värderingar och företagskultur som båda parter värdesätter.

Vår passion är att hjälpa människor till rätt roll, arbetsplats och sammanhang inom IT och teknik. Därför grundade vi Friday med ambition att hjälpa dig till jobbet som ger dig fredagskänslan – varje dag!

Vi riktar oss främst till dig som är i början av din karriär eller studerar vid högskola/universitet inom IT och Teknik. 

Vår övertygelse är att människor uppnår sin fulla potential när man ser fram emot att gå till jobbet varje morgon. ”Friday – everyday”, hur låter det?

Ansök nu

Support- och offertingenjör

Läs mer Sep 20
Support- och offertingenjör till Göteborg
Har du ett stort tekniskt intresse och vill hjälpa våra kunder att hitta optimala lösningar för sina applikationer? Vill du jobba med teknik i framkant, världsledande produkter och ha ett nära samarbete med våra kunder inom processindustrin? Då kan rollen som support- och offertingenjör vara något för dig!
Vi erbjuder
Som support- och offertingenjör får du ett givande arbete på en trygg arbetsplats där alla jobbar för samma sak, en nöjd kund. Vi är 10 personer som sitter i öppna och ljusa lokaler i Västra Frölunda där alla har ett eget kontor. Genom tjänsten erbjuds du privat sjukvårdsförsäkring och vi har bonussystem, friskvårdsbidrag och flexibla arbetstider. Vi månar om balansen mellan arbete och fritid och har 37,5 h arbetsvecka.

Vad tycker Petrus Henriksson, försäljningsingenjör, om livet på John Crane?
"Det som lockade mig till John Crane för sex år sedan var den intressanta och komplexa produkt vi själva tillverkar. Jag stortrivs här. Det är en stor variation mellan sälj och support och jag får jobba med många intressanta kunder. "

Vad har Maria Krebs, kontorschef, att säga om tjänsten och företaget?
"Jag har tidigare jobbat inom processindustrin och sökte mig till John Crane då jag gillar branschen. Dessutom är det roligt att jobba hos en leverantör med premiumprodukter. Vår framtidsvision är att vara en global marknadsledare när det gäller att designa, tillverka, installera och underhålla lösningar för roterande utrustning för att säkerställa effektiv, säker och miljömässigt hållbar drift för processindustrin.
John Crane erbjuder kvalitetsprodukter och vi får jobba med fantastiska kunder över hela Sverige. Vi har också mycket samarbete med duktiga kollegor på John Crane-kontor i andra länder. "

Om rollen
Som support- och offertingenjör levererar du effektiv teknisk support till vårt försäljningsteam och hjälper våra kunder med förslag till bästa möjliga tekniska och kommersiella lösning. Du har nära kontakt med våra kunder som finns över hela Sverige och du bygger även ett stort nätverk inom John Crane globalt för att vi tillsammans ska kunna hjälpa kunderna på bästa sätt.
I rollen ingår att:
Komma med förslag på tekniska lösningar för våra kunder
Ta fram offerter och teknisk dokumentation
Prissätta renoveringar i vår verkstad
Följa upp kundärenden
Sambesök med sälj och service ute på plats hos kunderna

Våra kunder är välkända processindustrier inom papper & massa, kemisk industri, läkemedelsindustri och energiföretag, olja & gas, gruvor och allmän industri.
Om dig
Eftersom tjänsten innebär att ge snabb och högkvalitativ service i kombination med teknisk dokumentation behöver du vara serviceorienterad och drivande samtidigt som du är noggrann och ordningsam.
Högskoleingenjör inom maskinteknik eller annan motsvarande teknisk utbildning
Kanske arbetar du idag som maskin- eller processingenjör och/eller har en materialbakgrund
Kan läsa tekniska ritningar, instruktioner och dokumentation
Flytande svenska och engelska är ett krav, både i tal och i skrift
Meriterande med erfarenhet av roterande utrustning som pumpar, omrörare, kompressorer, axelkopplingar och filtersystem
Erfarenhet av SAP eller annat affärssystem är meriterande

Kontakt och ansökan
I denna rekrytering samarbetar vi med rekryteringskonsult Maria Ahlén, 0708-490288, och Mattias Lyckberg, 0733-336080, på Intenso Teknikrekrytering.
Skicka in din ansökan via ansökningsknappen. Vi arbetar med löpande urval under denna rekrytering, vi vill därför gärna ha in din ansökan snarast möjligt.
Välkommen med din ansökan!
Om John Crane
John Crane designar, tillverkar och utför service på mekaniska tätningar, axelkopplingar, filtersystem och tillhörande produkter till processindustrier inom papper & massa, kemisk industri, läkemedelsindustri och energiföretag, olja & gas, gruvor och allmän industri. John Crane Sverige har sitt huvudsäte i Göteborg. Vid huvudkontoret finns försäljningsavdelning, teknisk supportavdelning, orderhantering, service, utbildnings- och renoveringsverksamhet samt lager. John Crane är ett globalt företag som funnits på marknaden i mer än 100 år. Idag har John Crane 6 000 anställda i 50 länder.
Läs mer på www.johncrane.se.

Ansök nu

NVH CAE Engineer with passion for great sound!

Läs mer Okt 15


In the role you will work with assignments in the NVH CAE area. The purpose is to do virtual simulations to optimize tomorrow’s cars in respect to e.g. comfort, environmental footprints and regulation fulfillments. We work constantly to find opportunities that match your dream assignment, and help you on your own personal career path. The personal qualities that we value are your passion for dynamic simulations related to NVH, your ability to act independently and professionally, your commitment and your team spirit. You are positive, outgoing and driven with the ability to create and maintain great relationships with our customers. 


What awaits you is a department consisting of skilled engineers and a great working culture. You will benefit from an internal network that you will have frequent opportunities to meet and make use of. We have an open and transparent culture where feedback is of great importance. As Europe’s greatest consulting firm, we have an unlimited number of options for your future!

 Minimum 2 years of experience within NVH CAE with use of MSC Nastran and ANSA.
Proven experience from automotive industry.
You should be fluent in English, both spoken and written. 


Experience in MSC Actran
Experience from NVH CAE in electric driveline
Skills in Matlab and Python.
Skills in other FEM Softwares like Abaqus and Optistruct.
Experience from either work close with NVH testing or has experience from perform NVH testing.
Understanding of the area Vehicle dynamics.



At ALTEN, every individual is equally valuable in building tomorrow’s world today. We meet future challenges by supporting our clients’ projects and enabling our people to reach their full potential.

We are convinced that your development is driven by your passion. By being active in several different industries, we can offer a wide range of assignments and an opportunity to influence both the world around you and your own development.  With a coaching leadership, our leaders will guide you in the right direction. We also offer personalized training opportunities through your individual training budget, which you can use in our internal ALTEN Academy or on external courses.

At ALTEN, there are numerous opportunities to join an inspiring togetherness and do what you enjoy, together with your colleagues. We have several internal networks, such as ALTEN Sports and Women@ALTEN, where you are given the opportunity to get active with your colleagues or pursue issues and topics that you are passionate about.

At ALTEN, we think it's important to have a balance between work and spare time, which is why we offer three extra days off a year. We have a collective agreement and offer benefits like pension, insurances and wellness grants. 

We are looking forward to your application!

Ansök nu

Andra jobb i Göteborg från Alten Sverige AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg från Alten Sverige AB .

NVH CAE Engineer with passion for great sound!

Civilingenjör, teknisk fysik
Läs mer Okt 15


In the role you will work with assignments in the NVH CAE area. The purpose is to do virtual simulations to optimize tomorrow’s cars in respect to e.g. comfort, environmental footprints and regulation fulfillments. We work constantly to find opportunities that match your dream assignment, and help you on your own personal career path. The personal qualities that we value are your passion for dynamic simulations related to NVH, your ability to act independently and professionally, your commitment and your team spirit. You are positive, outgoing and driven with the ability to create and maintain great relationships with our customers. 


What awaits you is a department consisting of skilled engineers and a great working culture. You will benefit from an internal network that you will have frequent opportunities to meet and make use of. We have an open and transparent culture where feedback is of great importance. As Europe’s greatest consulting firm, we have an unlimited number of options for your future!

 Minimum 2 years of experience within NVH CAE with use of MSC Nastran and ANSA.
Proven experience from automotive industry.
You should be fluent in English, both spoken and written. 


Experience in MSC Actran
Experience from NVH CAE in electric driveline
Skills in Matlab and Python.
Skills in other FEM Softwares like Abaqus and Optistruct.
Experience from either work close with NVH testing or has experience from perform NVH testing.
Understanding of the area Vehicle dynamics.



At ALTEN, every individual is equally valuable in building tomorrow’s world today. We meet future challenges by supporting our clients’ projects and enabling our people to reach their full potential.

We are convinced that your development is driven by your passion. By being active in several different industries, we can offer a wide range of assignments and an opportunity to influence both the world around you and your own development.  With a coaching leadership, our leaders will guide you in the right direction. We also offer personalized training opportunities through your individual training budget, which you can use in our internal ALTEN Academy or on external courses.

At ALTEN, there are numerous opportunities to join an inspiring togetherness and do what you enjoy, together with your colleagues. We have several internal networks, such as ALTEN Sports and Women@ALTEN, where you are given the opportunity to get active with your colleagues or pursue issues and topics that you are passionate about.

At ALTEN, we think it's important to have a balance between work and spare time, which is why we offer three extra days off a year. We have a collective agreement and offer benefits like pension, insurances and wellness grants. 

We are looking forward to your application!

Ansök nu

Engineer within virtual simulations of vehicle crash performance

Civilingenjör, teknisk fysik
Läs mer Okt 15
Alten CAE is expanding and now looking for CAE engineers with experience from vehicle crash simulations and also with great personalities and skills to strengthen the team. In the role you will work at the client’s site. You will perform virtual simulations of vehicle crash performance, analyzing and evaluating occupant protection and structural performance together with participate in method development assignments and system requirement setting.

In the role you will work with assignments in the NVH CAE area. The purpose is to do virtual simulations to optimize tomorrow’s cars in respect to e.g. comfort, environmental footprints and regulation fulfillments. We work constantly to find opportunities that match your dream assignment, and help you on your own personal career path. The personal qualities that we value are your passion for dynamic simulations related to NVH, your ability to act independently and professionally, your commitment and your team spirit. You are positive, outgoing and driven with the ability to create and maintain great relationships with our customers. 


What awaits you is a department consisting of skilled engineers and a great working culture. You will benefit from an internal network that you will have frequent opportunities to meet and make use of. We have an open and transparent culture where feedback is of great importance. As Europe’s greatest consulting firm, we have an unlimited number of options for your future!

Personal qualities that we value are the ability to act professionally as a consultant and to understand the client’s goals and values. We are looking for someone who is positive, outgoing and driven, able to create and maintain long-lasting relationships with our customers, thrilled by problem solving, and able to use creativity and hard work to find new solutions. 
You have at least a master’s degree within strength or structural dynamics and minimum 5 years of work experience as a CAE engineer.

Minimum 3 years of experience within virtual vehicle crash simulations involving at least 1 of the following areas:
Frontal impact
Side impact
Pedestrian safety
Rear impact
Interior safety
Extensive experience of ANSA, META and LS-DYNA.
Extensive experience from Europe and/or US OEM:s.
Experience of legal and consumer requirements.



At ALTEN, every individual is equally valuable in building tomorrow’s world today. We meet future challenges by supporting our clients’ projects and enabling our people to reach their full potential.

We are convinced that your development is driven by your passion. By being active in several different industries, we can offer a wide range of assignments and an opportunity to influence both the world around you and your own development.  With a coaching leadership, our leaders will guide you in the right direction. We also offer personalized training opportunities through your individual training budget, which you can use in our internal ALTEN Academy or on external courses.

At ALTEN, there are numerous opportunities to join an inspiring togetherness and do what you enjoy, together with your colleagues. We have several internal networks, such as ALTEN Sports and Women@ALTEN, where you are given the opportunity to get active with your colleagues or pursue issues and topics that you are passionate about.

At ALTEN, we think it's important to have a balance between work and spare time, which is why we offer three extra days off a year. We have a collective agreement and offer benefits like pension, insurances and wellness grants. 

We are looking forward to your application!



Ansök nu

Simulation Engineer Vehicle Efficiency

Automationsingenjör, maskin
Läs mer Okt 15
ALTEN CAE is expanding, and we are now looking for an experienced simulation engineer to work with simulations related to energy consumption, electric range, and performance for electrified vehicles.

In the role you will work with either complete vehicle simulations, or sub systems, in commercial tools and/or scripting/programming. The purpose is to do virtual simulations to optimize tomorrow’s vehicles with respect to e.g. electric range, comfort, performance, environmental footprints etc. Depending on your background and interest, the role can also be more focused on software development of simulation tools.

Personal qualities that we value are the ability to act professionally as a consultant and to understand the client’s goals and values. We are looking for someone who is positive, outgoing and driven, able to create and maintain long-lasting relationships with our customers, thrilled by problem solving, and able to use creativity and hard work to find new solutions. And of course, we want someone who is genuinely interested in technology!

Three years or more of work experience within the automotive sector
Experienced from working with
MSc., or PhD within mechanical, mechatronics, automotive, engineering mathematics or similar.
Good communication skills in English


Knowledge of vehicle energy consumption and performance (effects of drivetrain, aerodynamics, topography, etc.)
Experience from software development
Experience from working with SIL and HIL
Familiarity with AGILE framework and GIT version control
Experience from scripting/programming in

What awaits you is a department consisting of skilled engineers and a great working culture. You will have several colleagues at ALTEN in the same niche as you, but also in neighbouring fields within simulation and CAE.




At ALTEN, every individual is equally valuable in building tomorrow’s world today. We meet future challenges by supporting our clients’ projects and enabling our people to reach their full potential.

We are convinced that your development is driven by your passion. By being active in several different industries, we can offer a wide range of assignments and an opportunity to influence both the world around you and your own development.  With a coaching leadership, our leaders will guide you in the right direction. We also offer personalized training opportunities through your individual training budget, which you can use in our internal ALTEN Academy or on external courses.

At ALTEN, there are numerous opportunities to join an inspiring togetherness and do what you enjoy, together with your colleagues. We have several internal networks, such as ALTEN Sports and Women@ALTEN, where you are given the opportunity to get active with your colleagues or pursue issues and topics that you are passionate about.

At ALTEN, we think it's important to have a balance between work and spare time, which is why we offer three extra days off a year. We have a collective agreement and offer benefits like pension, insurances and wellness grants. 

We are looking forward to your application!

Ansök nu

Experienced CAE engineer within durability

Automationsingenjör, elkraft
Läs mer Okt 15
We at ALTEN CAE are looking for new members to strengthen our team within Automotive related to Durability in Gothenburg.

You will be part of a team with various competencies and backgrounds, engineers with experience in the range of 2 to 20+ years from different sectors. 

Personal qualities that we value are the ability to act professionally as a consultant and to understand the client’s goals and values. We are looking for someone who is positive, outgoing, and driven, able to create and maintain long-lasting relationships with our customers, thrilled by problem-solving, and able to use creativity to find new solutions. 

M.Sc. or Ph.D. in relevant area.
Proven experience within ANSA, and ABAQUS.
Minimum 3 years of experience working as CAE Engineer within Durability for the Automotive industry.
You should be fluent in English, both spoken and written. Swedish is a plus. We are expecting excellent communication skills, ease of translating complicated computational concepts to the public, and a collaborative approach with co-workers and customers.

Skills in MATLAB and PYTHON. 
Experience from electric driveline CAE.



At ALTEN, every individual is equally valuable in building tomorrow’s world today. We meet future challenges by supporting our clients’ projects and enabling our people to reach their full potential. We do so by offering technological challenges, fulfilling opportunities, inspiring togetherness, and the possibility to contribute to a sustainable future.

We are convinced that your development is driven by your passion. By being active in several different industries, we can offer a wide range of assignments and an opportunity to influence both the world around you and your own development.  With coaching leadership, our leaders will guide you in the right direction. We also offer personalized training opportunities through your individual training budget, which you can use in our internal ALTEN Academy or on external courses.

At ALTEN, there are numerous opportunities to join an inspiring togetherness and do what you enjoy, together with your colleagues. We have several internal networks, such as ALTEN Sports and Women@ALTEN, where you are given the opportunity to get active with your colleagues or pursue issues and topics that you are passionate about.

At ALTEN, we think it's important to have a balance between work and spare time, which is why we offer three extra days off a year. We have a collective agreement and offer benefits like pension, insurance, and wellness grants. 

We are looking forward to your application!

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Functional Safety Engineer

Läs mer Okt 15
Join us in shaping the future of autonomous and electric vehicles, where safety is paramount in every step of the process. At ALTEN, we're expanding our team, and we're actively seeking talented system engineers with a focus on functional safety.


Are you passionate about contributing to innovative projects? Do you have a background in software or hardware functional safety? Whether you come from the automotive industry or bring expertise from other sectors, we welcome your unique skills and experiences.



At ALTEN, we believe in nurturing your passion for technology and innovation. With diverse projects across various industries, you'll have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the world while advancing your own career. Our supportive leaders provide coaching and guidance to help you grow professionally. Additionally, you'll have access to personalized training opportunities through our ALTEN Academy and external courses, empowering you to reach your full potential.



For this role, we see that you have:

Proven experience within SW or HW Functional Safety.

Familiarity with standards such as ISO 26262, IEC 61508, or ISO 13849.

Certification as a Functional Safety Engineer from TÜV SÜD, TÜV Rheinland, or TÜV Saar.
Knowledge of SOTIF.

As a consultant at ALTEN, you'll have the opportunity to showcase your analytical abilities, commitment to quality, and collaborative spirit. If you're ready to take the next step in your career and be part of a dynamic team driving innovation in the automotive industry, we encourage you to apply today. Your expertise and perspective are essential as we shape the future together. 



ALTEN is one of Europe’s largest consulting companies within Engineering, IT and Life Sciences with over 57,000 employees in more than 30 countries. We’re a global actor with a local presence with 1400 committed colleagues in offices from Lund in the south to Skellefteå in the north. Our engineers carry out complex and highly technical projects throughout the product development chain of the most prestigious companies in sectors such as Automotive, Aerospace & Defense, Energy, Manufacturing, Public Sector and Life Sciences.


For four years in a row, ALTEN has been named one of Sweden's most attractive employers by Karriärföretagen, an award for employers that offer unique career and development opportunities.

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Automotive Model-Based Software Engineer

Läs mer Okt 15
We are excited to expand our team with talented and passionate engineers who specialize in model-based development. As we continue to drive innovation in electrification, we invite engineers eager to shape the future of electric vehicles to join us.


Your responsibilities:
Develop model-based software for automotive systems and components.
Defining test requirements and participating in test activities.
Possible focus areas include electromobility, vehicle dynamics, powertrain, and AD/ADAS.

In your role, you will be a part of our customers' missions to drive the technology shift within the field of electrification. As a consultant for several of our major international clients in the Gothenburg region, the work can be done both on-site or in our in-house projects.



At ALTEN, we believe in nurturing your passion for technology and innovation. With diverse projects across various industries, you'll have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the world while advancing your own career. Our supportive leaders provide coaching and guidance to help you grow professionally. Additionally, you'll have access to personalized training opportunities through our ALTEN Academy and external courses, empowering you to reach your full potential.



To excel in this role, we're looking for candidates who possess:
Experience in model-based SW development in MATLAB/Simulink.
A minimum of 5 years of experience in the automotive electronics field.
Professional experience with OEMs or Tier 1 suppliers.
A BSc. and/or a MSc. in engineering.


Meritorious experience:
Programming in Python.
CANalyzer (or similar tool).
Automotive functional safety standard ISO 26262.
Communication protocols (CAN, LIN, Ethernet, UDS, FlexRay).

If you're ready to take on an exciting challenge and contribute to the advancement of electromobility, apply now! Your expertise and passion are essential as we drive innovation forward together!




ALTEN is one of Europe’s largest consulting companies within Engineering, IT and Life Sciences with over 57,000 employees in more than 30 countries. We’re a global actor with a local presence with 1400 committed colleagues in offices from Lund in the south to Skellefteå in the north. Our engineers carry out complex and highly technical projects throughout the product development chain of the most prestigious companies in sectors such as Automotive, Aerospace & Defense, Energy, Manufacturing, Public Sector and Life Sciences.


For four years in a row, ALTEN has been named one of Sweden's most attractive employers by Karriärföretagen, an award for employers that offer unique career and development opportunities.

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