Göteborg: Test Engineers to ALTEN Sweden

Hitta ansökningsinfo om jobbet Test Engineers to ALTEN Sweden i Göteborg. Är det intressant kan du gå vidare och ansöka jobbet. Annars kan du klicka på arbetsgivaren eller yrkesbenämningen för att se alla jobb i Göteborg inom den kategorin.

Publicerad: 2024-06-11 // Varaktighet: Heltid




Every employee is equally valuable in the success of ALTEN! We believe in growing together by offering opportunities, development and togetherness. ALTEN operates in several different industries, having a wide variety of assignments, coaching managers and training through ALTEN Academy, which means that it will always be possible to develop at ALTEN. Your wishes will guide your way forward.  


As a consultant, you will get the genuine team feeling at your assignment but also a wonderful togetherness at ALTEN. Through our different internal networks, such as Women@ALTEN and ALTEN Sports you will get the opportunity to drive topics and activities that are close to your heart. At ALTEN, we think it's important to have a balance between work and spare time, which is why we offer three extra days off a year. We have a collective agreement and offer benefits like pension, insurances and wellness grants.  


We are looking for test engineers with mechatronic or electrical testing experience within the automotive industry. We need dedicated team players who are sociable and highly motivated, and we need you to possess the ability to multitask, given that you might be working on several projects simultaneously and communicating with various other departments. At ALTEN our priority is always to match you against assignments that interests you.



Experience from product development is a merit.
Experience of tools like CANalyzer, KOLA, SE-Tool or similiar is a merit.
Minimum 3 years of experience from automotive testing.
Experience from the autmotive industry. 
Master's or Bachelor's degree in engineering. 
You must be fluent in English, written and spoken. Swedish is a big advantage.



ALTEN is one of Europe’s largest consulting companies within Engineering, IT and Life Sciences with over 57,000 employees in more than 30 countries. We’re a global actor with a local presence with 1400 committed colleagues in offices from Lund in the south to Skellefteå in the north. Our engineers carry out complex and highly technical projects throughout the product development chain of the most prestigious companies in sectors such as Automotive, Aerospace & Defense, Energy, Manufacturing, Public Sector and Life Sciences.


For four years in a row, ALTEN has been named one of Sweden's most attractive employers by Karriärföretagen, an award for employers that offer unique career and development opportunities.

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Andra jobb i Göteborg som Elingenjör

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg som Elingenjör.

Sök nu och gör skillnad snabbt – Projektör till vårt konsultteam!

Läs mer Sep 24
Vi är måna om att hjälpa vår kund så snabbt som möjligt, vilket innebär att vi söker dig som är redo att ta dig an uppdraget snarast och bidra med din kompetens från dag ett! För att göra denna möjlighet ännu mer attraktiv erbjuder vi en sign-on bonus.
Är du en driven och ambitiös Projektör som söker nya utmaningar och vill ta nästa steg i karriären?
Vi söker nu en engagerad Projektör för ett spännande konsultuppdrag hos vår ramavtalskund. Här får du chansen att bidra med din expertis i en dynamisk och utvecklande miljö.
Vad du kommer att göra
Som Projektör kommer du att ha en nyckelroll i att utveckla och förstärka vår kunds nät. Ditt fokus blir på:
Servisprojektering / anslutningsärenden – där du får planera och projektera anslutningar som är kritiska för vår kunds framgång
Nätförstärkningar– där du genomför förbättringar för att säkra stabilitet och framtidssäkerhet i kundens nät.
Din profil
Vi söker dig som har en stark bakgrund inom elkraft, med både utbildning och erfarenhet som gör dig till en expert inom ditt område. Vi tror att du har:
Examen från gymnasium/högskola/universitet inriktning elkraft eller likvärdig erfarenhet
Dokumenterade utbildningar som ESA-utbildning Grund och Arbete, Arbete på Väg och BAS-P
För att lyckas i rollen behöver du Yrkeserfarenhet av ovan nämnda ansvarsområden
Kunna arbeta i kundens lokaler minst 2-3 dagar i veckan
Inneha B-körkort
Ha god förmåga att uttrycka dig i tal och skrift på svenska
Vad vi erbjuderHos oss får du möjlighet till utmanande uppdrag men fastnar inte i en och samma roll. Du får arbeta i stora bolag men får samtidigt chans att bidra till utvecklingen och affärerna hos oss.LönFörväntad lön för dig som har minst 3 års erfarenhetligger mellan 45.000och 55.000 kr, anpassat efter din erfarenhet och kompetens.Om oss
Vi är specialiserade inom energibranschen och som konsult erbjuder vi dig det bästa av två världar. Här får du möjlighet till utmanande uppdrag men fastnar inte i en och samma roll. Du får arbeta i stora bolag men får samtidigt chans att bidra till utvecklingen och affärerna hos oss.
Vi ser gärna att du har några års erfarenhet, men även om du är i början av din karriär är du varmt välkommen att söka!

Ansök nu

Electronics Engineer

Läs mer Sep 23
Techster Solutions befinner i dagsläget sig i en spännande tillväxtfas och söker nu fler kollegor, inledningsvis dig med minst 3+ års erfarenhet och som kan stärka teamet.
Du kan förvänta dig en omväxlande miljö, dagarna kan se väldigt olika ut - men en sak är säkert, här får du använda dina kompetenser och sätter själv gränsen för hur mycket du vill utvecklas. Som ett kunskapsbolag är det viktigt för oss att våra specialister delar med sig av sin kompetens och får kollegorna att växa.
Assignment Description
Our client in the automotive industry is currently seeking an Electronics Engineer.
Main Responsibilities:
Be part of the Electronics Engineering team for Core System Components, responsible for all existing and planned vehicles.
Involve in electric, electronic, and mechatronic designs as well as software (SW) firmware.
Collect, break down, and implement component requirements and technical documentation in cooperation with suppliers.
Ensure that Analysis and Verification requirements are created, monitored, and implemented in collaboration with your team.
Develop detailed solutions on PCB level, including electronics selection, for strategic components.
Contribute to the system design for the Core System.
Collaborate closely with the software development area to optimize solutions.
Incorporate Functional Safety and Cyber Security throughout the development process.
Engage in work from concept and architectural design to quality and maintenance of the product.
Manage and perform Design Reviews for the assignment.
Handle Change Management and support purchasing in supplier evaluation and selection.

Required Qualifications:
B.Sc. or M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Electronics, or Mechatronics.
Knowledge and understanding of integrating electronics, functions, and architecture.
Fluency in English (written and spoken).
Clear communication skills, team spirit, and strong collaboration abilities.

Additional Qualifications:
Experience in cross-functional work within the automotive industry.
Product development experience in fast-paced environments.
Experience in electronics development or digital systems design engineering.

Desired Attributes:
Self-motivated, proactive, and with a strong drive to make a difference.
Initiative and strong problem-solving skills.
Strong team spirit with the ability to work effectively with diverse stakeholders.

Ansökan Tror du att du är Techster Solutions nästa stjärna? Tveka då inte att skicka in din ansökan redan nu. Urval sker löpande och tillträde sker enligt överenskommelse.
Arbetsplats och kulturVi är ett entreprenördrivet IT företag, med både produktkunskap och försäljning (Techster AB) och konsultativa tjänster (Techster Solutions AB). Det innebär att vi är mycket öppna för nya tekniska lösningar, kunskapsutbyte och ständigt lärande. Att ha roligt och samtidigt behålla den familjära andan utan hierarkier är lika viktigt.
Vi vill skapa det konsultbolag som du alltid velat jobba för, men kanske inte hittat ännu. Redan idag har vi en blandning av seniora och yngre medarbetare, såväl som män och kvinnor. Det vill vi fortsätta att bygga på. Så välkommen med din ansökan!

Ansök nu

Tekniska konsulter Elnät

Läs mer Aug 23
Vi söker nu Beredare, Projektörer och Projektledare för att stärka vårt team och leverera högkvalitativa lösningar till våra kunder.
Vi har sedan tidigare i år ingått ramavtal med Göteborg Energi, Kungälv Energi, Lerum Energi och Mölndal Energi. Utöver dessa arbetar vi även tillsammans med Vattenfall och Ellevio.
Dina ansvarsområden kan bland annat innefatta Ansvara för projektmöten, leda praktiskt arbete och representera företaget gentemot intressenter
Hantera administration, dokumentation, projektledning och säkerställa efterlevnad av lagkrav och säkerhetsaspekter
Ta fram detaljerade bygghandlingar, inklusive mängdförteckningar, materiallistor, ritningar för schakt, markberedning, stationsscheman och specifikationer för kabelskåp
Arbeta med stationsprojektering och ombyggnadsprogram för nätstationer, inklusive utbyte av gammal utrustning och modernisering av stationer i storstadsmiljö
Följa beställarens riktlinjer och dokumentationskrav och leverera underlag i önskat format
Din bakgrund Examen från gymnasium/högskola/universitet inriktning elkraft eller likvärdig erfarenhet
Erfarenhet av rollen inom distributionsnät/lokalnät för 0,4-20kV
Erfarenhet av arbete i stadsmiljö
Krav Inneha B-körkort
Ha god förmåga att uttrycka sig i tal och skrift på svenska
Kunna arbeta på plats i kundens lokaler eller lokalt i fält varje vecka, om det efterfrågas

Om oss
Vi är specialiserade inom energibranschen och som konsult erbjuder vi dig det bästa av två världar. Här får du möjlighet till utmanande uppdrag men fastnar inte i en och samma roll. Du får arbeta i stora bolag men får samtidigt chans att bidra till utvecklingen och affärerna hos oss.

Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!

Ansök nu


Läs mer Sep 24
Vi söker nu en erfaren och driven underhållstekniker som kan stödja våra kunder med sin expertis. Uppdraget är långsiktigt med god chans till förlängning. Är du en praktiskt person med ett tekniskt intresse som är redo för en ny utmaning? Sök då denna tjänst hos oss på www.randstad.se

Rådgiva och utbilda kundens personal för att förbättra drift och underhåll.
Delta i installations- och optimeringsprojekt för ny och befintlig utrustning.
Skapa rapporter och dokumentation som stödjer kundernas beslutsfattande.
Utföra förebyggande underhåll

Flera års erfarenhet som underhållstekniker
Relevant teknisk utbildning eller certifiering är meriterande
Flytande i svenska i tal och skrift
Erfarenhet av problemlösning

För att du ska passa i rollen ser vi att du är en lagspelare som inte har några problem med att ta initiativ,

Om företaget

På Randstad vet vi att alla människor har en plats på arbetsmarknaden. Med verksamhet över hela landet och inom alla kompetensområden hjälper vi människor att hitta ett jobb som känns bra, och där de får möjlighet att växa, utvecklas och uppnå sin fulla potential.

Med närmare 600 000 anställda i 38 länder är Randstad världsledande inom HR-tjänster, med målsättningen att bli världens främsta och mest uppskattade partner på arbetsmarknaden. Genom att kombinera vår passion för människor med kraften i dagens teknologi hjälper vi människor och företag att uppnå deras fulla potential. Vi kallar det Human Forward.

Ansök nu

Entreprenöriell projektledare till Blinkfyrar i Göteborg

Läs mer Jul 5
Blinkfyrar har framgångsrikt specialiserat sig på produkter och tjänster för trafiklösningar och digital skyltning i över 60 år. Vi är en helhetspartner inom infrastruktur och en aktiv del av utvecklingen av moderna och hållbara samhällen.Läs mer om oss på: www.blinkfyrar.seVi söker en projektledare som kan leda våra projekt med innovativt tänkande och starkt affärssinne inomIntelligenta Transportsystem (ITS) till vårt expanderande Göteborgskontor. Du kommer att spela en nyckelroll i att driva och utveckla kontorets verksamhet i en entreprenöriell anda. Rollen innebär mycket kundkontakt inom teknisk försäljning och projektledning.
Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter
Projektledning: Aktivt ansvara för och driva våra ITS-projekt, inklusive offertarbete, offentlig upphandling, inköp, leverans, montering, ekonomisk uppföljning och eftermarknad.
Kundbearbetning: Ansvara för att bygga och utveckla affären i nära samarbete med kunden.
Drift- och Underhållsavtal: Ansvara för hantering och övervakning av drift- och underhållsavtal.
Ekonomisk Uppföljning: Ha översikt kring ekonomisk uppföljning av projekt och avtal samt säkerställa att budgetar och mål upprätthålls.
Eftermarknad: Övervakning av eftermarknaden för attsäkerställa effektiv hantering och förlängningav våra avtal.
Teamansvar: Leda ditt team och hantera resursplanering för projekten, inklusive underentreprenörer.
Montageledning: Säkerställa att rätt saker görs vid rätt tidpunkt med rätt resurser.

Lägst gymnasiekunskap inom El & Tele eller liknande, gärna med påbyggnadsutbildning som YH eller Yrkeshögskola.
Erfarenhet av projektledning inom belysning, mobil kommunikation, systemstyrning eller liknande branscher.
Grundläggande tekniska kunskaper inom el & tele, elektronik, IT, datakommunikation ochdigitalisering.
Erfarenhet av att bygga och utveckla affären i samarbete med kunden.
Kommersiell ochresultatinriktad med förmåga att förstå kunders behov och förklara varför.
Svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.
Erfarenhet av något affärssystem/projektledningssystem ochMS Office.

Personliga egenskaperVi söker en självgående och kommunikativ person med ledaregenskaper och tekniskt intresse. Du kombinerar självförtroende med ödmjukhet och är bra på att bygga långvariga relationer. Du trivs med varierade arbetsdagar och har flexibilitet, prestigelöshet och entreprenöriell nyfikenhet som starka egenskaper.
Vi erbjuderDu kommer att få en nyckelposition inom företaget där du får arbeta i en bred och varierad roll med präglad av stor frihet och bra villkor. Vi är ett välmående bolag med god lönsamhet och det finns stora möjligheter till arbetsmässig såväl som personlig utveckling allt eftersom vårt Göteborgskontor och såväl som vårt bolag växer.
AnsökanI den här rekryteringen samarbetar Blinkfyrar med Ingenio Consulting Group. För frågor kring tjänsten och rekryteringsprocessen är du välkommen att kontakta Kajsa Littorin på 0730-841270, kajsa.littorin@ingenio.se. Vi granskar ansökningar och intervjuar löpande därför vi ser fram emot din ansökan så snart som möjligt.
Välkommen att bli en del av vårt team och bidra till framtidens trafiklösningar!

Ansök nu

Andra jobb i Göteborg från Alten Sverige AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg från Alten Sverige AB .

NVH CAE Engineer with passion for great sound!

Civilingenjör, teknisk fysik
Läs mer Okt 15


In the role you will work with assignments in the NVH CAE area. The purpose is to do virtual simulations to optimize tomorrow’s cars in respect to e.g. comfort, environmental footprints and regulation fulfillments. We work constantly to find opportunities that match your dream assignment, and help you on your own personal career path. The personal qualities that we value are your passion for dynamic simulations related to NVH, your ability to act independently and professionally, your commitment and your team spirit. You are positive, outgoing and driven with the ability to create and maintain great relationships with our customers. 


What awaits you is a department consisting of skilled engineers and a great working culture. You will benefit from an internal network that you will have frequent opportunities to meet and make use of. We have an open and transparent culture where feedback is of great importance. As Europe’s greatest consulting firm, we have an unlimited number of options for your future!

 Minimum 2 years of experience within NVH CAE with use of MSC Nastran and ANSA.
Proven experience from automotive industry.
You should be fluent in English, both spoken and written. 


Experience in MSC Actran
Experience from NVH CAE in electric driveline
Skills in Matlab and Python.
Skills in other FEM Softwares like Abaqus and Optistruct.
Experience from either work close with NVH testing or has experience from perform NVH testing.
Understanding of the area Vehicle dynamics.



At ALTEN, every individual is equally valuable in building tomorrow’s world today. We meet future challenges by supporting our clients’ projects and enabling our people to reach their full potential.

We are convinced that your development is driven by your passion. By being active in several different industries, we can offer a wide range of assignments and an opportunity to influence both the world around you and your own development.  With a coaching leadership, our leaders will guide you in the right direction. We also offer personalized training opportunities through your individual training budget, which you can use in our internal ALTEN Academy or on external courses.

At ALTEN, there are numerous opportunities to join an inspiring togetherness and do what you enjoy, together with your colleagues. We have several internal networks, such as ALTEN Sports and Women@ALTEN, where you are given the opportunity to get active with your colleagues or pursue issues and topics that you are passionate about.

At ALTEN, we think it's important to have a balance between work and spare time, which is why we offer three extra days off a year. We have a collective agreement and offer benefits like pension, insurances and wellness grants. 

We are looking forward to your application!

Ansök nu

Engineer within virtual simulations of vehicle crash performance

Civilingenjör, teknisk fysik
Läs mer Okt 15
Alten CAE is expanding and now looking for CAE engineers with experience from vehicle crash simulations and also with great personalities and skills to strengthen the team. In the role you will work at the client’s site. You will perform virtual simulations of vehicle crash performance, analyzing and evaluating occupant protection and structural performance together with participate in method development assignments and system requirement setting.

In the role you will work with assignments in the NVH CAE area. The purpose is to do virtual simulations to optimize tomorrow’s cars in respect to e.g. comfort, environmental footprints and regulation fulfillments. We work constantly to find opportunities that match your dream assignment, and help you on your own personal career path. The personal qualities that we value are your passion for dynamic simulations related to NVH, your ability to act independently and professionally, your commitment and your team spirit. You are positive, outgoing and driven with the ability to create and maintain great relationships with our customers. 


What awaits you is a department consisting of skilled engineers and a great working culture. You will benefit from an internal network that you will have frequent opportunities to meet and make use of. We have an open and transparent culture where feedback is of great importance. As Europe’s greatest consulting firm, we have an unlimited number of options for your future!

Personal qualities that we value are the ability to act professionally as a consultant and to understand the client’s goals and values. We are looking for someone who is positive, outgoing and driven, able to create and maintain long-lasting relationships with our customers, thrilled by problem solving, and able to use creativity and hard work to find new solutions. 
You have at least a master’s degree within strength or structural dynamics and minimum 5 years of work experience as a CAE engineer.

Minimum 3 years of experience within virtual vehicle crash simulations involving at least 1 of the following areas:
Frontal impact
Side impact
Pedestrian safety
Rear impact
Interior safety
Extensive experience of ANSA, META and LS-DYNA.
Extensive experience from Europe and/or US OEM:s.
Experience of legal and consumer requirements.



At ALTEN, every individual is equally valuable in building tomorrow’s world today. We meet future challenges by supporting our clients’ projects and enabling our people to reach their full potential.

We are convinced that your development is driven by your passion. By being active in several different industries, we can offer a wide range of assignments and an opportunity to influence both the world around you and your own development.  With a coaching leadership, our leaders will guide you in the right direction. We also offer personalized training opportunities through your individual training budget, which you can use in our internal ALTEN Academy or on external courses.

At ALTEN, there are numerous opportunities to join an inspiring togetherness and do what you enjoy, together with your colleagues. We have several internal networks, such as ALTEN Sports and Women@ALTEN, where you are given the opportunity to get active with your colleagues or pursue issues and topics that you are passionate about.

At ALTEN, we think it's important to have a balance between work and spare time, which is why we offer three extra days off a year. We have a collective agreement and offer benefits like pension, insurances and wellness grants. 

We are looking forward to your application!



Ansök nu

Simulation Engineer Vehicle Efficiency

Automationsingenjör, maskin
Läs mer Okt 15
ALTEN CAE is expanding, and we are now looking for an experienced simulation engineer to work with simulations related to energy consumption, electric range, and performance for electrified vehicles.

In the role you will work with either complete vehicle simulations, or sub systems, in commercial tools and/or scripting/programming. The purpose is to do virtual simulations to optimize tomorrow’s vehicles with respect to e.g. electric range, comfort, performance, environmental footprints etc. Depending on your background and interest, the role can also be more focused on software development of simulation tools.

Personal qualities that we value are the ability to act professionally as a consultant and to understand the client’s goals and values. We are looking for someone who is positive, outgoing and driven, able to create and maintain long-lasting relationships with our customers, thrilled by problem solving, and able to use creativity and hard work to find new solutions. And of course, we want someone who is genuinely interested in technology!

Three years or more of work experience within the automotive sector
Experienced from working with
MSc., or PhD within mechanical, mechatronics, automotive, engineering mathematics or similar.
Good communication skills in English


Knowledge of vehicle energy consumption and performance (effects of drivetrain, aerodynamics, topography, etc.)
Experience from software development
Experience from working with SIL and HIL
Familiarity with AGILE framework and GIT version control
Experience from scripting/programming in

What awaits you is a department consisting of skilled engineers and a great working culture. You will have several colleagues at ALTEN in the same niche as you, but also in neighbouring fields within simulation and CAE.




At ALTEN, every individual is equally valuable in building tomorrow’s world today. We meet future challenges by supporting our clients’ projects and enabling our people to reach their full potential.

We are convinced that your development is driven by your passion. By being active in several different industries, we can offer a wide range of assignments and an opportunity to influence both the world around you and your own development.  With a coaching leadership, our leaders will guide you in the right direction. We also offer personalized training opportunities through your individual training budget, which you can use in our internal ALTEN Academy or on external courses.

At ALTEN, there are numerous opportunities to join an inspiring togetherness and do what you enjoy, together with your colleagues. We have several internal networks, such as ALTEN Sports and Women@ALTEN, where you are given the opportunity to get active with your colleagues or pursue issues and topics that you are passionate about.

At ALTEN, we think it's important to have a balance between work and spare time, which is why we offer three extra days off a year. We have a collective agreement and offer benefits like pension, insurances and wellness grants. 

We are looking forward to your application!

Ansök nu

Experienced CAE engineer within durability

Automationsingenjör, elkraft
Läs mer Okt 15
We at ALTEN CAE are looking for new members to strengthen our team within Automotive related to Durability in Gothenburg.

You will be part of a team with various competencies and backgrounds, engineers with experience in the range of 2 to 20+ years from different sectors. 

Personal qualities that we value are the ability to act professionally as a consultant and to understand the client’s goals and values. We are looking for someone who is positive, outgoing, and driven, able to create and maintain long-lasting relationships with our customers, thrilled by problem-solving, and able to use creativity to find new solutions. 

M.Sc. or Ph.D. in relevant area.
Proven experience within ANSA, and ABAQUS.
Minimum 3 years of experience working as CAE Engineer within Durability for the Automotive industry.
You should be fluent in English, both spoken and written. Swedish is a plus. We are expecting excellent communication skills, ease of translating complicated computational concepts to the public, and a collaborative approach with co-workers and customers.

Skills in MATLAB and PYTHON. 
Experience from electric driveline CAE.



At ALTEN, every individual is equally valuable in building tomorrow’s world today. We meet future challenges by supporting our clients’ projects and enabling our people to reach their full potential. We do so by offering technological challenges, fulfilling opportunities, inspiring togetherness, and the possibility to contribute to a sustainable future.

We are convinced that your development is driven by your passion. By being active in several different industries, we can offer a wide range of assignments and an opportunity to influence both the world around you and your own development.  With coaching leadership, our leaders will guide you in the right direction. We also offer personalized training opportunities through your individual training budget, which you can use in our internal ALTEN Academy or on external courses.

At ALTEN, there are numerous opportunities to join an inspiring togetherness and do what you enjoy, together with your colleagues. We have several internal networks, such as ALTEN Sports and Women@ALTEN, where you are given the opportunity to get active with your colleagues or pursue issues and topics that you are passionate about.

At ALTEN, we think it's important to have a balance between work and spare time, which is why we offer three extra days off a year. We have a collective agreement and offer benefits like pension, insurance, and wellness grants. 

We are looking forward to your application!

Ansök nu

Functional Safety Engineer

Läs mer Okt 15
Join us in shaping the future of autonomous and electric vehicles, where safety is paramount in every step of the process. At ALTEN, we're expanding our team, and we're actively seeking talented system engineers with a focus on functional safety.


Are you passionate about contributing to innovative projects? Do you have a background in software or hardware functional safety? Whether you come from the automotive industry or bring expertise from other sectors, we welcome your unique skills and experiences.



At ALTEN, we believe in nurturing your passion for technology and innovation. With diverse projects across various industries, you'll have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the world while advancing your own career. Our supportive leaders provide coaching and guidance to help you grow professionally. Additionally, you'll have access to personalized training opportunities through our ALTEN Academy and external courses, empowering you to reach your full potential.



For this role, we see that you have:

Proven experience within SW or HW Functional Safety.

Familiarity with standards such as ISO 26262, IEC 61508, or ISO 13849.

Certification as a Functional Safety Engineer from TÜV SÜD, TÜV Rheinland, or TÜV Saar.
Knowledge of SOTIF.

As a consultant at ALTEN, you'll have the opportunity to showcase your analytical abilities, commitment to quality, and collaborative spirit. If you're ready to take the next step in your career and be part of a dynamic team driving innovation in the automotive industry, we encourage you to apply today. Your expertise and perspective are essential as we shape the future together. 



ALTEN is one of Europe’s largest consulting companies within Engineering, IT and Life Sciences with over 57,000 employees in more than 30 countries. We’re a global actor with a local presence with 1400 committed colleagues in offices from Lund in the south to Skellefteå in the north. Our engineers carry out complex and highly technical projects throughout the product development chain of the most prestigious companies in sectors such as Automotive, Aerospace & Defense, Energy, Manufacturing, Public Sector and Life Sciences.


For four years in a row, ALTEN has been named one of Sweden's most attractive employers by Karriärföretagen, an award for employers that offer unique career and development opportunities.

Ansök nu

Automotive Model-Based Software Engineer

Läs mer Okt 15
We are excited to expand our team with talented and passionate engineers who specialize in model-based development. As we continue to drive innovation in electrification, we invite engineers eager to shape the future of electric vehicles to join us.


Your responsibilities:
Develop model-based software for automotive systems and components.
Defining test requirements and participating in test activities.
Possible focus areas include electromobility, vehicle dynamics, powertrain, and AD/ADAS.

In your role, you will be a part of our customers' missions to drive the technology shift within the field of electrification. As a consultant for several of our major international clients in the Gothenburg region, the work can be done both on-site or in our in-house projects.



At ALTEN, we believe in nurturing your passion for technology and innovation. With diverse projects across various industries, you'll have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the world while advancing your own career. Our supportive leaders provide coaching and guidance to help you grow professionally. Additionally, you'll have access to personalized training opportunities through our ALTEN Academy and external courses, empowering you to reach your full potential.



To excel in this role, we're looking for candidates who possess:
Experience in model-based SW development in MATLAB/Simulink.
A minimum of 5 years of experience in the automotive electronics field.
Professional experience with OEMs or Tier 1 suppliers.
A BSc. and/or a MSc. in engineering.


Meritorious experience:
Programming in Python.
CANalyzer (or similar tool).
Automotive functional safety standard ISO 26262.
Communication protocols (CAN, LIN, Ethernet, UDS, FlexRay).

If you're ready to take on an exciting challenge and contribute to the advancement of electromobility, apply now! Your expertise and passion are essential as we drive innovation forward together!




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