Göteborg: Director Electric Motor Management System

Hitta ansökningsinfo om jobbet Director Electric Motor Management System i Göteborg. Är det intressant kan du gå vidare och ansöka jobbet. Annars kan du klicka på arbetsgivaren eller yrkesbenämningen för att se alla jobb i Göteborg inom den kategorin.

Publicerad: 2024-06-11 // Varaktighet: Heltid

Volvo Groups’ Electromobility organization has grown immensely, and we are now adapting to take the next leap by transforming the business. We are determined that a foundational and operational model change is necessary, and we are expanding with a line of directors to help us drive and accelerate our journey.

Join our dynamic team as a Director of Electric Motor Management System within the Electronics Engineering function and make a significant impact. Are you a forward-thinking leader with a passion to drive a sustainable future? Do you inspire and bring out the best of your leaders and teams by promoting collaboration and understanding in the workplace, committed to creating an inclusive and supportive environment, we would love to hear from you!?? 

About us:?
The R&D resources for the three truck brands (Volvo Trucks, Renault Trucks, and Mack Trucks) are centralized into Volvo Group Trucks Technology. Volvo Group Trucks Technology?provides state-of-the-art research, cutting-edge engineering, and product planning, as well as aftermarket product support.? 

The Electromobility organization is responsible for the complete development lifecycle of our electric powertrains – from advanced engineering through product development into the maintenance phase. The function has a truly purpose-driven leadership and together we drive Electromobility transition based on cutting-edge engineering and state-of-the-art research within the Volvo Group. By joining us, you’ll be part of a global and diverse team of highly skilled professionals. We make our customers, the planet and our future generations win.? 

This is how you can make a difference:? 
Your leadership expertise will play a pivotal role in driving the cultural shift essential for fostering innovation and transformation. With a passion for leading change and empowering leaders, coupled with a customer-centric mindset, you have a track record of transforming good teams into exceptional ones. We believe you have a can-do attitude and a results-oriented mindset, enabling you to tackle challenging assignments successfully. We have a feeling that you have a true passion about Electromobility as a technology domain and what it can do to transform the transportation industry.? 

Together, we will continue to grow and build state-of-the-art technology. You will be part of the Electronics Engineering management team and report directly to Vice President Electronics Engineering. 

To make this a success:? 
In the role as Director of Electric Motor Management System, you will take on a challenging senior position with a large influence on organizational, strategical and main deliveries.  

As a leader within the function of Electronics Engineering, you’ll need to be proficient in driving development, quality and delivery of electronic hardware and software platforms. And contribute to the technical roadmap, architecture, and design within the area. It’s important that you are equipped to handle challenges and have a strategic understanding of how to continuously improve component quality, safety, and performance over time. 

The key to success is to drive innovation by the ability to actively manage change, balancing and handling multiple and competing priorities within a fast-paced environment.?You have the experience to optimize the efficiency of existing processes, ways of working and set new structures.? 

Your deep understanding of complete technical solutions, customer expectations, stakeholder management abilities in the automotive industry.  

Your proficiency in processes and deliverables, coupled with your ability to take action, will enable you to successfully lead your team and contribute to elevating the Electronics Engineering function to the next level.? 

What to bring:? 

•    Solid experience from embedded systems development, within the area of electric motor system.  
•    Experience in Electronic Hardware development and supplier management.  
•    Extensive knowledge in software and electronic hardware requirements, design, development, and verification.   
•    Extensive experience of leading platform development.? 
•    Former experience in a senior line managerial role preferably within automotive industry (leading leader level).? 
•    Demonstrated ability to balance a strategic, holistic end-to-end view with operational considerations.? 
•    Knowledge in Functional safety, ISO 26262 and A-SPICE 
•    Engineering education, preferably a MSc. 

Work location is in Gothenburg at the Group Trucks Technology HQ.? 

Information: ? 
Please do not wait with your application, interviews will be conducted continuously.? We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. 
Questions? Johanna Judkins, Global People & Culture BP Lead Electromobility??? 

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Andra jobb i Göteborg som Affärsområdeschef

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg som Affärsområdeschef.


Läs mer Nov 18
Om rollen
Som Affärsområdeschef för Cooling & Heating hos Swegon har du fullt ansvar för att driva och utveckla affärsområdet med fokus på lönsamhet och tillväxt. Du ansvarar för hela affärsområdets Profit and Loss (P&L), sätter och följer upp verksamhetsmål och strategier, samt leder ett dedikerat team för att säkerställa framgång och hållbar utveckling.
Med breda kontaktytor i organisationen och ett nära samarbete med vår produktionsverksamhet i Italien behöver du vara självgående och affärsmässig, med ett strukturerat arbetssätt. Arbetet innebär regelbundna resor, både inom Sverige och internationellt.
Ansvarsområden: Driva och utveckla affärsområdet Cooling & Heating med fullt P&L-ansvar.
Sätta, följa upp och rapportera verksamhets- och affärsmål.
Utveckla och implementera säljstrategier och leda marknadsaktiviteter.
Skapa långsiktiga kundrelationer och identifiera nya affärsmöjligheter.
Samarbeta med övriga affärsområden och ansvara för kommunikationen med produktionen i Italien.
Vem är du?
Vi söker dig som har gedigen erfarenhet inom kyl- och värmeteknik eller liknande och har tidigare arbetat i en ledande roll med ekonomiskt ansvar. Du har:
Teknisk utbildning och flerårig erfarenhet inom branschen.
Dokumenterad erfarenhet av att leda ett säljteam och ta ansvar för affärsområdets ekonomiska resultat.
Flytande kunskaper i svenska och engelska (koncernspråket är engelska).
God vana att arbeta med Microsoft Office, särskilt Excel.
Som person är du: Affärsmässig, strukturerad och samarbetsinriktad med ett starkt resultatfokus.
En engagerad ledare som motiverar och utvecklar ditt team.
Självgående med ett starkt driv och initiativförmåga.
Mer om tjänsten
Affärsområdeschefen rapporterar direkt till VD för Swegon Sverige och ingår i ledningsgruppen. Rollen omfattar ett budgetansvar för intäkter och resursbehov samt att säkerställa att affärsområdet har tillräckliga resurser för att nå sina mål. Du är övergripande ansvarig för affärsområdets fortlöpande verksamhet och har mandat att fatta självständiga beslut inom ramarna för företagets policy och de befogenheter som fastställts av företagsledningen.
Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet och söker dig som vill göra skillnad i ett expansivt och innovativt företag.
Vill du veta mer?
Känner du att ovanstående låter intressant och passar väl in med dina erfarenheter och ambitioner? Då är du varmt välkommen att höra av dig. I den här rekryteringen samarbetar Swegon med Nexer Recruit. Välkommen att kontakta rekryteringskonsult Fredrik Karlström via e-post: fredrik.karlstrom@nexergroup.comeller telefon +46703020273för mer information. Då urval och intervjuer sker löpande ber vi dig skicka din ansökan så snart som möjligt. Dock senast 2024-12-08. Vi ser fram emot att höra från dig!
Om SwegonÄgt av det på Stockholmsbörsen listade Investment AB Latour, är en marknadsledande leverantör för ett hälsosamt inomhusklimat, med lösningar för ventilation, värme, kyla och klimatoptimering, samt uppkopplade tjänster och teknisk expertis. Swegon har dotterbolag och distributörer över hela världen och 17 produktionsenheter i Europa, Nordamerika och Indien. Företaget har ca 3300 anställda och har 2023 en omsättning på ca 8,8 miljarder SEK.

Ansök nu

Affärsdriven Konsultchef

Läs mer Okt 21
Är du en driven och affärsinriktad person med ett etablerat kontaktnät inom Göteborgs techsektor? Vill du vara en nyckelspelare i ett snabbt växande bolag inom mjukvaruutveckling? Då kan du vara den vi söker!
Om Baronit:
Baronit är ett Göteborgs-baserat konsultföretag som specialiserar sig på mjukvaruutveckling. Vi förenar de bästa tech-talangerna med företag som behöver innovativa lösningar. Våra seniora konsulter levererar högkvalitativa resultat för att säkerställa kundernas framgång och tillväxt.
Om rollen:
Som Affärsdriven Konsultchef på Baronit kommer du att spela en avgörande roll i att utveckla affärerna genom att skapa och förvalta starka, långsiktiga kundrelationer. Du kommer att ansvara för att matcha rätt kompetens med rätt projekt, samt rekrytera och leda vårt team av konsulter. Rollen erbjuder stor möjlighet att påverka företagets tillväxt och din egen karriärutveckling.
Dina huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter:
Rekrytering och personalansvar för våra konsulter inom mjukvaruutveckling.
Bygga och utveckla relationer med både nya och befintliga kunder.
Driva affärer från start till avslut, med fokus på att leverera hög kundnöjdhet.
Delta i företagets strategiska utveckling och tillväxt i Göteborg.

Vi söker dig som:
Har en högskoleutbildning motsvarande högskoleingenjör eller civilingenjör från inom relevant område, alternativt motsvarande kunskap från annan erfarenhet.
Har ett starkt och etablerat kontaktnät inom Göteborgs techbransch.
Har flera års erfarenhet som konsultchef, affärsutvecklare eller i en liknande roll.
Är affärsorienterad, lösningsfokuserad och har ett genuint intresse för affärsrelationer, teknik och mjukvaruutveckling.
Har ett entreprenöriellt driv och trivs i en dynamisk miljö där du får vara med och påverka.
Är resultatinriktad och har en förmåga att omvandla affärsmöjligheter till framgångsrika samarbeten.

Vad vi erbjuder:
En central roll i ett växande företag där du har stor möjlighet att påverka både verksamheten och din egen utveckling.
Ett stimulerande och dynamiskt arbetsklimat där dina idéer och initiativ värderas högt.
Möjligheter till professionell utveckling och att skapa långsiktiga affärsrelationer i en stark marknad.
Konkurrenskraftiga villkor och stor frihet att forma din roll.

Är detta en roll som passar dig? Skicka in din ansökan redan idag! Vid frågor, vänligen kontakta oss på info@baronit.com så återkommer vi till dig.
Vänligen skicka ditt CV och ett personligt brev där du beskriver hur din erfarenhet, passion och kompetens är precis vad vi behöver för denna nyckelposition.

Ansök nu

Country Manager Göteborg – Led tillväxt hos expansiva E-Wheels!

Läs mer Jan 10
Driv tillväxt och framgång i detaljhandeln!

Vill du leda ett dynamiskt team, ta ansvar för strategisk och operativ styrning och skapa tillväxt i en expansiv organisation? Vi söker en resultatorienterad och drivande Country Manager som ser värdet i hårt arbete och är redo att ta nästa steg i karriären.

Som Country Manager får du möjlighet att ta dig an en bred och varierad roll där du driver vår tillväxtresa i Sverige. Du kommer att inspirera och leda teamet genom att bygga en stark och engagerad arbetskultur där alla avdelningar – från verkstad och butik till lager och e-handel – samarbetar för att nå gemensamma mål. Med fokus på resultat ansvarar du för att öka försäljningen och leverera lönsamhet genom att skapa innovativa lösningar, effektivisera processer och säkerställa en kundupplevelse i världsklass.

Rollen innebär också att du får omsätta företagets globala vision till framgångsrika strategier på den svenska marknaden och stärka vår konkurrenskraft. Som en del av en nordisk organisation har du dessutom möjlighet att bidra till utvecklingen i både Danmark och Finland, vilket ger en extra dimension till detta spännande uppdrag.

Ditt ansvar sträcker sig över flera områden, vilket gör rollen både dynamisk och utmanande. Du säkerställer en smidig och effektiv daglig drift, både online och offline, samtidigt som du leder och utvecklar personal på alla nivåer för att bygga ett framgångsrikt och engagerat team. Du optimerar vår e-handel och förbättrar kundupplevelsen i nära samarbete med marknad och logistik. Ekonomisk styrning är också en central del av din roll, där du ansvarar för budget och kontinuerlig uppföljning av nyckeltal (KPI:er) för att maximera lönsamheten.

Det här är en unik möjlighet för dig som söker en varierad och påverkande roll där du får arbeta strategiskt, operativt och kreativt – allt i en dynamisk och expansiv miljö.

Vi söker dig som:

• Har dokumenterad erfarenhet av ledarskap och drift, men inte nödvändigtvis som etablerad VD. Du är redo att ta nästa steg och leda en hel organisation.

• Är en strategisk tänkare med stark operativ genomförandeförmåga.

• Har en passion för att utveckla team och skapa en positiv arbetsmiljö.

• Förstår vikten av kundnöjdhet och kan kombinera affärsmannaskap med service.

• Erfarenhet av e-handel och digitala verktyg är ett plus!

• Erfarenhet av detaljhandeln är ett krav för att säkerställa framgång i denna nyckelroll.

Vi erbjuder dig:

En ledarroll med stor påverkan och möjlighet att driva verklig förändring i en dynamisk arbetsmiljö där din insats verkligen gör skillnad. Du får chansen att arbeta med dedikerade kollegor och bli en del av en framgångsrik global organisation, samtidigt som vi ger dig stöd och resurser för att utveckla din egen kompetens och karriär.

Din framtid börjar här

Om du är redo att ta nästa steg i din karriär och axla en central roll i vår fortsatta framgång, vill vi höra från dig!

E-Wheels har valt att samarbeta med Kraftsam Rekrytering & Bemanning i denna rekrytering. Vid eventuella frågor är du välkommen att kontakta ansvarig rekryterare Agnes Hedberg via e-post: agnes.hedberg@kraftsam.se.

Ansök nu

Retail Manager

Läs mer Jan 14
Ledare inom retail - Göteborg

Vi söker en driven ledare som vill vara med och driva vår kunds utveckling i Sverige. Här får du chansen att leda ett engagerat team, fatta strategiska beslut och skapa förändring i en växande organisation.

Vad innebär rollen?

Du ansvarar för både strategi och operativ drift – från butik och lager till e-handel. Du kommer att skapa lösningar som förbättrar försäljningen och effektiviserar arbetet samtidigt som du leder ditt team mot gemensamma mål. Dessutom får du möjlighet att bidra till expansionen i Danmark och Finland.

Vi söker dig som:

Har erfarenhet av att leda team och driva verksamhet.
Är både strategisk och operativ, och gillar att ta ansvar.
Brinner för att skapa en bra arbetsmiljö och nöjda kunder.
Har erfarenhet från detaljhandeln och gärna e-handel.

Vi erbjuder dig:

En chans att göra verklig skillnad i en dynamisk organisation, med stort fokus på innovation och utveckling. Här får du stöd att växa både i rollen och i din karriär.

Är du redo att ta nästa steg?

Kunden har valt att samarbeta med Kraftsam Rekrytering & Bemanning i denna rekrytering. 

Vid eventuella frågor är du välkommen att kontakta ansvarig rekryterare Agnes Hedberg via e-post: agnes.hedberg@kraftsam.se.

Ansök nu

Business Development Director, Infrastructure

Läs mer Feb 5
Great infrastructure projects begin long before construction - they start with strong ideas, clear strategy, and well-crafted proposals. At COWI, we are committed to shaping a more sustainable and connected future, and that begins with securing the right projects. We are looking for a motivated professional to play a key role in our business development efforts in Sweden, working on high-priority Customers that help bring impactful projects to life.
If you thrive in a dynamic environment and want to make a tangible difference in the infrastructure sector, this is your opportunity to contribute.
Drive the development of tomorrow’s Infrastructure sector
We are looking for a Business Development Director (in COWI context called Market Director) to take responsibility for coordinating sales efforts, driving business development, Customer dialog and leading the execution of large proposals within the infrastructure sector. You will manage key customer relationships, ensure a strong pipeline of opportunities, and participate in strategic decision-making processes.
We are a close working team in our Swedish business development, dedicated to work with our most prioritized proposals to our key customers. We are proud to have contributed to project wins such as Railway plan Borås, Göteborg-Borås, detail design of the new railway through Kolmården - part of the Eastlink, as well as the Vävra-Marstrand Wastewater pipes.
Your expertise. Our team. Together, we're shaping the future.
To excel this position, you are eager to collaborate with the people around you, whether they are colleagues, partners, or customers. Developing ties with others is something you do by acting respectfully and delivering on your promises. Additionally, you never get set in your ways but keep exploring new insights and ways to improve.
On top of that, you will have:
Depth knowledge from the construction industry/contractors.
A relevant master's degree or equivalent qualification.
Deep experience and knowledge from infrastructure projects.
A proven track record of long-term management of key client relationships and business development in Sweden.
Strong leadership skills in leading teams for complex proposal and contract preparation.
A strong strategic outlook.
Exceptional communication skills in both Swedish and English, both written and spoken.
Ability to thrive in a dynamic, collaborative team environment.

A place to work and so much more
At COWI, we work together with our customers to shape a sustainable and liveable world. We do it by applying our knowledge and curiosity – and sometimes even our courage – to create the solutions the world needs today to enable a better tomorrow.
We value differences and development and cultivate an environment of belonging and having fun. Because that is what brings out the best in you, at work and at home.
With offices primarily located in Scandinavia, the UK, North America and India, we are currently 7,300 people who bring their expertise in engineering, architecture, energy and environment into play.

Do you have more questions?
To apply, please submit your resume and cover letter highlighting your relevant experience and competencies. If you have any questions about the role or what we have to offer, please reach out to, Senior Business Development Director Kirsti Engebretsen Larssen kla@cowi.com or Talent Acquisition Specialist, Sara Kuikka srki@cowi.com.
We look forward to receiving your application!
Get to know us even better at our website, www.cowi.com, where you can learn more about our projects, our strategy, what we want to achieve and what life is like at COWI.
Equal Opportunities for All
At COWI, we value equal opportunities for all employees and applicants based on individual circumstances without regard to gender, gender identity, gender expression, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or age.


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Andra jobb i Göteborg från Volvo Business Services AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg från Volvo Business Services AB .

Group Manager - System Verification and Validation

Gruppchef, teknik
Läs mer Feb 5
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

Volvo Group Trucks Technology provides Volvo Group Trucks and Business Area's with state-of-the-art research, cutting-edge engineering, product planning and purchasing services, as well as aftermarket product support. With Volvo Group Trucks Technology, you will be part of a global and diverse team of highly skilled professionals who work with passion, trust each other, and embrace change to stay ahead. We make our customers win.

Shaping tomorrow's technology
At Vehicle Technology, we are passionate about shaping tomorrow’s technology to create excellent sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions to make the world a better place for future generations. We provide innovative, safe and driver-friendly solutions, we develop top quality services, and we make our customer operations more efficient by using excellent data insights. We support the Volvo Group engineering community with cutting edge tools and methods.
Thermal Management is a department within Vehicle Technology responsible for developing, delivering, and maintaining an optimized cab climate and vehicle cooling & heating systems for all types of propulsion installations to all truck brands within the Volvo Group. We are responsible for leading the work with strategies and advanced engineering globally. We are located at Gothenburg & Bangalore, and we have close cooperation with the sites in Greensboro and Lyon.
Join the Thermal Management Sub Stream, within the Vehicle Motion and Thermal Management department. Embark on the journey to develop the future Volvo Group Thermal Management systems and functions.

What are we looking for?
On our exciting adventure to develop the future at Volvo Group, we are now looking for a Group Manager in the Data Simulation and Verification section.
Can you see yourself responsible for identifying customer needs and prioritizing development activities? Then, join the Thermal Management Sub Stream within the Vehicle Motion and Thermal Management department.
As a Group manager in this position, you will be a leader in an organization dedicated to technology, people, and performance, where customer satisfaction is our ultimate performance measurement.
You possess a multicultural mindset, agile development expertise, and a goal-oriented approach. With inspiring leadership, you build cross-functional, global networks and foster a climate where team members excel. You balance daily group tasks with a strategic leadership perspective, ensuring accountability for Thermal Management and aligning with common goals. Customer-focused, you prioritize value delivery, understand customer needs, and drive engagement by delegating responsibly, encouraging decisions, and recognizing achievements.
To succeed in this role, we are looking for someone with the following qualifications:
* MSc/BSc in Electrical, Electronics, Mechatronics or Computer Science engineering or similar.
* Minimum five years of leadership experience (line and/or project/product management) in the engineering field.
* Previous experience in leading complex system or component development, conducting simulations and verification activities, or managing vehicle hardware/software integrations, preferably within the automotive industry.
* Strong networking abilities and communication skills in a global and multicultural environment.
* Experience with Verification and Validation processes and activities.
* Good knowledge of Truck / Car complex systems and Thermal Management (ICE-BEV-Fuel cell drivelines & cab climate).

What will you do?
As a group manager, your key responsibilities include:
* Implement TM enablers and ensure smooth flow between groups, securing effective cross section working groups.
* Maintain and develop networks within GTT Thermal teams as well as Volvo Penta, Bus, and VCE Thermal groups.
* Secure on Vehicle level the Hardware/Software integration in term of performance.
* Support Product Section (Cab Climate & Thermal Supply) and other stream providing the right planning, process and equipment to enable Verification & Verification on System, subsystem, component, software level.
* Drive the team in innovation related to advanced engineering, patent, cost improvement and method development. Foster the growth and development of your team members through an innovation culture and a fun place to work. 
* Contribute to the TM budget by providing accurate inputs to the Data Simulation Verification section.
* As a part of the Data Simulation Verification section leadership team drive section and TM substream strategies. 
* Plan and secure group strategies, deliveries, and quality inline to overall section level strategy.

Ready for the next move?
Volvo Group believes in diversity, equity, and inclusion and offers a safe environment to grow. Use your open mind and can-do attitude to help us steer our transportation solutions toward a more sustainable tomorrow.
Come, join us as we take our solutions into a new era and make modern life possible. Let's drive progress together.

Ansök nu

Group Manager - Cab Climate Vehicle System

Gruppchef, teknik
Läs mer Feb 5
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

Volvo Group Trucks Technology provides Volvo Group Trucks and Business Area's with state-of-the-art research, cutting-edge engineering, product planning and purchasing services, as well as aftermarket product support. With Volvo Group Trucks Technology, you will be part of a global and diverse team of highly skilled professionals who work with passion, trust each other, and embrace change to stay ahead. We make our customers win.

Shaping tomorrow's technology
At Vehicle Technology, we are passionate about shaping tomorrow’s technology to create excellent sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions to make the world a better place for future generations. We provide innovative, safe and driver-friendly solutions, we develop top quality services, and we make our customer operations more efficient by using excellent data insights. We support the Volvo Group engineering community with cutting edge tools and methods.
Thermal Management is a department within Vehicle Technology responsible for developing, delivering, and maintaining an optimized cab climate and vehicle cooling & heating systems for all types of propulsion installations to all truck brands within the Volvo Group. We are responsible for leading the work with strategies and advanced engineering globally. We are located at Gothenburg & Bangalore, and we have close cooperation with the sites in Greensboro and Lyon.
Join the Thermal Management Sub Stream, within the Vehicle Motion and Thermal Management department. Embark on the journey to develop the future Volvo Group Thermal Management systems and functions.

What are we looking for?
On our exciting adventure to develop the future at Volvo Group, we are now looking for a Group Manager in the Cab Climate section.
As a Group manager in this position, you will be a leader in an organization dedicated to technology, people, and performance, where customer satisfaction is our ultimate performance measurement.
You possess a multicultural mindset, agile development expertise, and a goal-oriented approach. With inspiring leadership, you build cross-functional, global networks and foster a climate where team members excel. You balance daily group tasks with a strategic leadership perspective, ensuring accountability for Thermal Management and aligning with common goals. Customer-focused, you prioritize value delivery, understand customer needs, and drive engagement by delegating responsibly, encouraging decisions, and recognizing achievements.

To succeed in this role, we are looking for someone with the following qualifications and experience:
* MSc/BSc in Mechatronics or Computer Science engineering or similar.
* Minimum five years of leadership experience (line and/or project/product management) in the engineering field.
* Previous experience in the development of complex systems including HW & SW
* Experience with Mechatronics development suppliers (e.g. HVAC, Heaters, Valves, compressor) and thermal management engineering and driveline.
* Strong networking abilities and communication skills in a global and multicultural environment.
* Good knowledge of Truck/Car complex systems and Thermal Management (ICE-BEV-Fuel cell drivelines, cab climate).

What will you do?
As a group manager, your key responsibilities include:
* Drive the development of the cab climate system, including end-user function development, climate feature development and system architecture.
* Secure strategies and roadmaps for the technical area.
* Drive the team in innovation related to advanced engineering, patent, cost improvement and method development. Foster the growth and development of your team members through an innovation culture and a fun place to work.
* Contribute to the TM budget by providing accurate inputs to the Cab Climate section budgeting.
* As a part of the Cab Climate section leadership team drive section and TM sub stream strategies.
* Implement TM enablers and ensure smooth flow between groups, securing effective cross section working groups.
* Address roadblocks that have not been resolved at the group level.
* Plan and implement workforce strategies (internal/external) to meet capacity needs.
* Maintain and develop networks within GTT Thermal teams as well as Volvo Penta, Bus, and VCE Thermal groups.

Ready for the next move?
This position is located in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group believes in diversity, equity, and inclusion and offers a safe environment to grow. Use your open mind and can-do attitude to help us steer our transportation solutions toward a more sustainable tomorrow.
Come, join us as we take our solutions into a new era and make modern life possible. Let's drive progress together.

Ansök nu

Senior Regulation Engineer

Civilingenjör, kvalitet, elektronik
Läs mer Feb 5
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

Transport is at the core of modern society. Imagine using your expertise to shape sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions for the future? If you seek to make a difference on a global scale, working with next-gen technologies and the sharpest collaborative teams, then we could be a perfect match. 
Position Description

In this role, you will be responsible for overseeing global non-road and marine emissions regulations for the Volvo Penta portfolio.
The “Regulatory Works” team within Emission Compliance department consists of two Regulatory Affairs Managers, who focus on lawmaking and lobbying activities for marine and industrial emission regulations, and two Regulation Engineers, who ensure compliance by integrating published regulations into Volvo Penta projects.
The department also includes dedicated teams for certification, post-certification, and regulatory works, along with country managers. This highly skilled team is spread across Sweden, U.S., China, and South Korea.
Given the importance of collaboration with both internal and external stakeholders, strong networking and communication skills are essential for success in this position.
You will report to the Director of Emission Compliance.

Who are you?

Do you dream big? We do too, and we are excited to grow together. In this role, you will bring: 
Proven experience in regulatory affairs, lawmaking, or a related field, preferably with a focus on emission regulations. Deep knowledge and strong interest in regulations, their terminology, and the ability to coach and train internal teams. Experience collaborating with authorities, ensuring compliance and influencing regulatory discussions. High integrity mindset, with a commitment to ethical and transparent decision-making.


•    Master’s degree (MSc) or preferably a PhD in Internal Combustion Engines (ICE), ATS or a related technical field.
•    Structured and detail-oriented approach to work, ensuring accuracy and compliance.
•    Fluent in English (additional language skills are a plus).
•    Excellent communication skills, both written (reports, documentation) and verbal (presentations, discussions).

What’s in it for you?

We offer a solid package of compensation and benefits, plus you will enjoy:  
Be a part of best compliance team in the industry!
Be part of the transformation into sustainability!

Ready for the next move?

Come join us for a cup of coffee or a call. We’ll discuss how we can help each other on our journey together. Here are our contact details Kuthan Toydemir, Director Emission Compliance, kuthan.toydemir@volvo.com
Kindly note that due to GDPR, we will not accept applications via mail. Please use our career site.

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. 

Who we are and what we believe in 
Our focus on Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity allows each of us the opportunity to bring our full authentic self to work and thrive by providing a safe and supportive environment, free of harassment and discrimination. We are committed to removing the barriers to entry, which is why we ask that even if you feel you may not meet every qualification on the job description, please apply and let us decide.

Applying to this job offers you the opportunity to join Volvo Group. Every day, across the globe, our trucks, buses, engines, construction equipment, financial services, and solutions make modern life possible. We are almost 100,000 people empowered to shape the future landscape of efficient, safe and sustainable transport solutions. Fulfilling our mission creates countless career opportunities for talents with sharp minds and passion across the group’s leading brands and entities. 

Volvo Penta, a world-leading supplier of engines and complete drive systems for marine and industrial applications, you will be part of a global and diverse team of highly skilled professionals who works with passion, trust each other and embraces change to stay ahead. We make our customers win.

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Measurement Engineer

Civilingenjör, konstruktion, maskin
Läs mer Feb 5
Transport is at the core of modern society. Imagine using your expertise to shape sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions for the future? If you seek to make a difference on a global scale, working with next-gen technologies and the sharpest collaborative teams, then we could be a perfect match.

What you will do

Are you looking to join a team with strong commitment and spirit of collaboration? Do you want to be an expert in your field and support good quality and high performance in vehicles? If you want to contribute to sustainable and efficient transport solutions, then we could be a perfect match. 

At Testing Technology, you will contribute to product development projects with equipment, solutions and support to provide data to make our vehicles even better. You will be responsible for equipment and systems, and planning based on project needs. You will coordinate with test engineers, project managers and other stakeholders to make sure we have the right equipment and the right setup in test vehicles according to the time plan and make sure that the right data is available for the engineers and analysts. You will also contribute to long term plans when defining road maps and investigation future tools and systems. This role will require both technical depth and breadth since you will not only work with the measurement technology but also the larger eco system of the complete vehicle and the backend systems.

Your future team

We are a diverse team with different backgrounds, different experience, and different perspectives. We have a lot of experience and expertise in the team, and we focus a lot of knowledge sharing to learn from each other. There is a genuine sense of care and camaraderie in the team, and we always try to help and support each other.

Who are you?

In this role a combination of the right mindset and the right technical competencies is what will make you successful. In this position you will be working very hands on with the HW equipment and trucks and take a lot of responsibility for our collaborations with other departments as well as suppliers.
Some of these experiences could be part of your background:  
•    BSc or MSc in electrical engineering/mechatronics or other relevant educational background
•    Experience with data logging equipment and related backend systems
•    Experience from one or more of these areas: electronics, vehicle diagnostics, CAN/LIN/Ethernet communication, electrical architecture or vehicle verification

Some of the skills required in this position are:

•    Strong planning, prioritization and communication skills 
•    Good collaborations skills, both within the team and with other departments
•    Ability to think ahead, and understand future needs both short and long term
•    A C-level driver’s license would be a great bonus!

What's in it for you?

We offer a solid package of compensation and benefits, plus you will enjoy:

•    An opportunity to learn a lot about our testing technology, our vehicle technology, and the entire Volvo Group
•    A team where we work together and care for each other
•    Opportunities to collaborate with many different people in different roles, different projects, and different global sites, and grow your network of contacts 
•    A place to grow yourself as you develop in your role, as we develop our technical area and in a company with a lot of possibilities 
•    Hands on work with our equipment and systems, and with the vehicles that the equipment is used in

Ready for the next move?

If this sounds like a great fit for you, apply today! Do you have some questions, call or text Cecilia Kroner Grogarn, Group Manager Testing Technology, +46 739 02 66 87 
Last day to apply is the 2nd of March. 

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail.

Applying to this job offers you the opportunity to join Volvo Group. Every day, across the globe, our trucks, buses, engines, construction equipment, financial services, and solutions make modern life possible. We are almost 100,000 people empowered to shape the future landscape of efficient, safe and sustainable transport solutions. Fulfilling our mission creates countless career opportunities for talents with sharp minds and passion across the group’s leading brands and entities. 
Group Trucks Technology are seeking talents to help design sustainable transportation solutions for the future. As part of our team, you’ll help us by engineering exciting next-gen technologies and contribute to projects that determine new, sustainable solutions. Bring your love of developing systems, working collaboratively, and your advanced skills to a place where you can make an impact. Join our design shift that leaves society in good shape for the next generation.

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Summer jobs for students in Engineering - Volvo Group Gothenburg 2025

Läs mer Jan 31
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

Transport is at the core of modern society. Imagine using your expertise to shape sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions for the future? If you seek to make a difference on a global scale, working with next-gen technologies and the sharpest collaborative teams, then we could be a perfect match. 

What´s your plans for the Summer 2025?  
When we think of the Volvo Group's brand and what we stand for we cannot help but feel a sense of hope for the future. Take for example, our goal to produce 100 % fossil-free vehicles. We are over 100,000 employees worldwide sharing the feeling of pride connected to our contribution to society. Would you also like an opportunity to contribute to society by developing sustainable transport solutions?  

Do you want to gain experience of working in production by helping us build our products? Or do you perhaps want to support our business with everything from administrative tasks to product development? Regardless of your interest, we might have the job for you this summer!  

We offer summer jobs within different business areas, for example; Technology, Research and development, Aftermarket services, Purchasing, Logistics, IT, Finance etc.   
The summer jobs are available in various Volvo companies, with tasks that may vary. Some positions require higher levels of qualification and competence, such as current studies in fields like: Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Design, Automation and Mechatronics, Software, Programming, Supply Chain, and Industrial Economics. However, we also offer positions that do not require any previous experience or knowledge; instead, we prioritize traits such as curiosity and motivation.  

The employment time for Summer job positions varies from a couple of weeks to several weeks. Please specify in your personal letter what areas and positions you are interested in and why, to make it easier for us to match your profile with available Summer jobs.  

To apply for a summer job at Volvo Group we do have some criteria, but it is your unique personality and what you can contribute that is most important to us!  

To apply for a summer job you need to:  
* Currently be a student and plan to continue your studies in fall 2025.  
* You must be 16 years old at the start of the summer job. However, most of our positions require you to be at least 18 years old.  

How to apply:  
Prepare and submit your application by using the 'apply' button. We kindly request that you attach your personal letter and CV with your application. You can choose to write in either Swedish or English. In your application, please include information about your education and any specific work areas that interest you the most. Additionally, please indicate the weeks you are available this summer.  
* To increase your chances of securing a summer job, it's crucial to emphasize your skills and provide accurate answers to all questions in the application.  
* Do not forget to continuously look at your e-mail and junk mail as we communicate mainly by e-mail.  

We need your application no later than March 3rd. However, we are continuously reviewing all applications, so don't hesitate to apply!  
If you have questions about the summer jobs or the recruitment process, please contact us at sommarjobb@volvo.com

We look forward to your application!  

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail.

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Summer jobs for students Logistics & Purchasing-Volvo Group Gothenburg 2025

Läs mer Jan 31
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

Transport is at the core of modern society. Imagine using your expertise to shape sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions for the future? If you seek to make a difference on a global scale, working with next-gen technologies and the sharpest collaborative teams, then we could be a perfect match. 
What´s your plans for the Summer 2025?  
When we think of the Volvo Group's brand and what we stand for we cannot help but feel a sense of hope for the future. Take for example, our goal to produce 100 % fossil-free vehicles. We are over 100,000 employees worldwide sharing the feeling of pride connected to our contribution to society. Would you also like an opportunity to contribute to society by developing sustainable transport solutions?  

Do you want to gain experience of working in production by helping us build our products? Or do you perhaps want to support our business with everything from administrative tasks to product development? Regardless of your interest, we might have the job for you this summer!  

We offer summer jobs within Logistics, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management.  
The summer jobs are available in various Volvo companies, with tasks that may vary. Some positions require higher levels of qualification and competence, such as current studies in fields like: Logistics, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Computer Science, Industrial Engineering. However, we also offer positions that do not require any previous experience or knowledge; instead, we prioritize traits such as curiosity and motivation.  

The employment time for Summer job positions varies from a couple of weeks to several weeks. Please specify in your personal letter what areas and positions you are interested in and why, make it easier for us to easier match your profile with available Summer jobs.  

To apply for a summer job at Volvo Group we do have some criteria, but it is your unique personality and what you can contribute that is most important to us!  

To apply for a summer job you need to:  
* Currently be a student and plan to continue your studies in fall 2025.  
* You must be 16 years old at the start of the summer job. However, most of our positions require you to be at least 18 years old.  

How to apply:  
Prepare and submit your application by using the 'apply' button. We kindly request that you attach your personal letter and CV with your application. You can choose to write in either Swedish or English. In your application, please include information about your education and any specific work areas that interest you the most. Additionally, please indicate the weeks you are available this summer.  
* To increase your chances of securing a summer job, it's crucial to emphasize your skills and provide accurate answers to all questions in the application. 
* Do not forget to continuously look at your e-mail and junk mail as we communicate mainly by e-mail.  

We need your application no later than March 3rd. However, we are continuously reviewing all applications, so don't hesitate to apply!  
If you have questions about the summer jobs or the recruitment process, please contact us at sommarjobb@volvo.com. 

We look forward to your application!  

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail.

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