Göteborg: Maintenance Technician

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Publicerad: 2024-07-02 // Varaktighet: Heltid

Maintenance Technician

Take the next step in your career with us at NOVO and be part of making a real difference to the next generation! Are you a structured and organized person who has a “can do-attitude” and entrepreneurial spirit? The NOVO Energy team is growing fast and are now looking for a Maintenance Technician to join our manufacturing team! By joining our team, you will contribute to a dynamic work environment where innovation and collaboration are key to our success.

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery.

Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Becoming a part of our team at NOVO means you can expect to work in an environment where diversity and inclusion are central values. We are dedicated to creating a workplace where every individual feels welcome and respected. We pride ourselves on a company culture characterized by strong values, a good reputation for ethical practices, and a commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility.

What you will do!

As a Maintenance Technician at NOVO Energy, you'll play an important role in supporting the manufacturing teams on the shop floor. You'll be responsible for ensuring that machinery and production equipment are kept in good condition, and receive the service needed to prevent downtime.

Your responsibilities will include:

· Act on process deviations and correct equipment in agreement with shift manager

· Execute the Preventive Maintenance plan to secure the function and capability of equipment

· Support Manufacturing Operators analysis (2nd line) when having process or product deviations suspecting equipment being root cause. Identify the root causes and suitable permanent solutions

· Monitor indicators from equipment in area to predict conditions and eliminate disturbances.

· Report process deviation and actions taken according to maintenance and manufacturing routines

· Suggest method or instruction improvements to Maintenance Engineering.

· Provide trainings to employees to improve understanding and caretaking of equipment (TPM).

Skills & Requirements

As a person we see that you are structured and organized and can work under hard time pressure. We also believe that you have a strong understanding of culture fit and its implications. Qualities that we cherish is also that you have a strong safety mindset and good communications skills.

· Technical gymnasium or vocational education (YH or similar)

· Experience from maintenance in industrial operations with a minimum of 5+ years

· English (Eng5 or corresponding)

· Knowledge in maintenance process

· Good technical knowledge about concerned machine objects, (electrical, mechanical, automation, hydraulic and pneumatic)

Join us - and play a key role in our manufacturing journey.

If this sounds like the opportunity you've been looking for, make sure to apply today. We promise you a competitive salary and lots of perks, an out-of-the ordinary experience with NOVO Energy.

Apply with your CV in English. Full time employment, fixed salary. Start date negotiable with regards to notice period.

Information about the recruitment process during the summer vacation period:

We would like to inform you that our recruitment process may take longer than usual due to the holiday season. We ask for your understanding as our lead times are extended during the summer, and we appreciate your patience. We will review your application as soon as possible and get back to you at the earliest opportunity.

Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to connecting with you!

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Gigafactory in Gothenburg will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with a potential annual cell production capacity of up to 50 gigawatt hours (GWh) - thereby enabling a supply of batteries for approximately half a million Volvo cars per year. Our state-of-the-art R&D facility will gather leading expertise from all over the world, to create the next generation battery cells.

You can read more about this joint venture in these press releases, here and here.

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Andra jobb i Göteborg som Underhållsarbetare

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg som Underhållsarbetare.

Underhållstekniker till Målerifabriken, Natthelg - Volvo Cars Torslanda

Läs mer Sep 9
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Vill du utveckla för att göra livet enklare?

Tycker du det är spännande och utvecklande att jobba i en miljö där det händer mycket? Vill du vara på en avdelning där du får möjligheten att lära dig nya uppgifter och där man strävar efter att se möjliga lösningar istället för problem? Då kan jobbet som Underhållstekniker på underhållsavdelningen i Målerifabriken vara rätt för dig.

Vad erbjuder vi?

Som Underhållstekniker arbetar du med att säkerställa produktionsutrustningars driftsäkerhet genom reparationer samt utförande av förebyggande och avhjälpande underhåll. I uppgiften ingår också utredningsuppdrag avseende tekniska störningar, samt att genomföra ombyggnads - och förbättringsarbeten i produktionsutrustningar.
Den högautomatiserade produktionsutrustningen består av PLC-system, robotar, transportsystem, ugnar, ventilationssystem och produktanpassad mekanik. 
Som Underhållstekniker kommer du att arbeta i många olika typer av produktionsutrustningar. Arbetet är förlagt på natthelg.

Du och dina färdigheter

Vi tror att du har en 2-4 årig utbildning med inriktning mot industriautomation/el-styr eller liknande erfarenhet. Vi värdesätter tidigare praktisk erfarenhet av förebyggande samt avhjälpande underhåll inom el, industriautomation och verkstadsarbeten. Det är mycket meriterande med goda kunskaper i PLC (Siemens 7, TIA portal) och av robot/felsökning samt teoretisk/praktisk el-kompetens motsvarande begränsad behörighet BB2.  
Arbetet kräver goda kunskaper i engelska och svenska i både tal och skrift samt mycket god PC-vana inom både mjukvaru- och hårdvaruområdet. Du behöver ha B-körkort. Har du stort intresse och kunskap inom flera teknikområden är det meriterande för denna roll. Det är även mycket meriterande om du har kunskap/erfarenhet från processindustri samt underhållssystemet Maximo.

Vem är du?

Vi lägger väldigt stor vikt vid dig som person. Som person anser du att ett gott samarbete och att vara serviceinriktad är avgörande för att driva arbetet framåt. Du värnar om ett glädjefullt och motiverande arbetsklimat där du visar respekt och tillit till dina kollegor. Du älskar att lösa problem och har en god analytisk förmåga.
Arbetet är händelsestyrt och ställer stora krav på flexibilitet, så för att du ska trivas i rollen krävs det att du är öppen för förändringar och att du är van att prioritera om. Du ställer höga krav på kvalitet och tillämpar ett strukturerat arbetssätt med ett utpräglat säkerhetstänk.

Nyfiken på att veta mer

För ytterligare information kring tjänsten, var vänlig kontakta?rekryterande chef  
Mikael Ottergran på?telefon: 072-371 71 58 eller mail: mikael.m.ottergran@volvocars.com
Om du har frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen, var vänlig kontakta ansvarig rekryterare, Vlatko Gicarevski på mail: vlatko.gicarevski@volvocars.com 
Vänligen notera att ansökningar som inkommer via mail inte kommer att behandlas. Var god sök digitalt via vår karriärsida.
Sista ansökningsdatum är 1 oktober 2024.

Ansök nu

Underhållsingenjör Cell Coating & Brick Build - Torslanda - Batterifabriken

Läs mer Aug 29
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Vad erbjuder vi? 
Torslanda Battery Assembly Shop (TBA) är just nu under uppbyggnad och den beräknade färdigtidpunkten är i slutet av 2025. Här finner du möjligheterna att skapa något nytt och att växa tillsammans med ett lag av kompetenta och hängivna medarbetare.

Vår högautomatiserade produktionsutrustning består av laser- och plasmateknik, PLC-system, robotar, utrustning för lim- och tätningsapplicering, målning, transportsystem samt produktanpassad mekanik.

Denna tjänst är förlagd till dagtid och ingår i IF metalls fackliga avtal. 

Vad kommer du att utföra?   
Målet är att förvalta och optimera den tekniska tillgängligheten och optimera produktionsutrustningen i balans med kostnadsmassan. 

Detta betyder att du kommer samla in drift-relaterade uppgifter och utifrån data & analyser säkerställa maskinernas prestanda & även utveckla utrustningarna mot morgondagens teknik. Du kommer att jobba med både förebyggande underhåll (FU) som optimerar utrustningen utifrån resurs/tillgänglighet och avhjälpande underhåll där du tar fram felsökningsdokument och reparationsdokument. Uppdatering av all dokumentation sker även löpande då det behövs. Vid behov kommer du ihop med arbetsledning/planering prioritera och optimera underhållsaktiviteter/resurser. 

I rollen ansvarar du även för den tekniska delen i serviceavtal vid upphandling tillsammans med inköp och att utvärdera de leverantörer som underhåll använder sig av. Du ansvarar även för att utrustningsstruktur är uppdaterad i Maximo-systemet vilket innebär att bereda, lägga upp och skrota reservdelar ur förrådet samt att det finns en ersättningsinvesteringsplan för området.

Andra arbetsuppgifter som ingår i rollen: 
* Följa upp ansvarsområdes kostnadsutfall och driva förbättringar samt bistå Underhållschefen vid utformning och styrning av budgetarbetet.
* Analysera, ta fram korrigerande aktiviteter samt skapa handlingsplan inkl. kostnadsberäkningar för optimerande tillgänglighet till en värdeskapande nivå för ansvarsområde.
* Ansvara för att ge input till standarder och projektspecifikationer för underhållsrelaterade områden och delta som underhållsexpert och i förekommande fall driva/initiera riskbedömningar.
* Ta fram utbildningsbehov inom ansvarsområde tillsammans med arbetsledning. 

Dina färdigheter
Vi ser att du har en teknisk högskolekompetens samt praktisk erfarenhet från underhållsarbete inom ett eller flera specialkompetensområden, till exempel El, Plc eller Maskinteknik.  Det är meriterande om du har kunskap om Value Driven Maintenance (VDM), likaså om du arbetat inom Automotive eller angränsande branscher.

Andra meriterande kunskaper innefattar maskindirektivet (Maskinsäkerhet), erfarenhet av underhållssystemet Maximo samt olika metoder för problemlösning.

Du har goda kunskaper i engelska, svenska samt mycket god datorvana och kunskap att hantera företagets underhålls och dokumentationssystem.

Du som person
Vi lägger stor vikt vid dig som person och söker dig som är en positiv lagspelare som naturligt får andra att känna förtroende för dig.  Du har lätt för att kommunicera och anpassar ditt budskap beroende på mottagare.

Du?är logisk och systematisk i ditt tänkande och har en lösningsfokuserad förmåga?som?hjälper dig att hitta nya vägar att lösa problem eller att ta ett beslut när det behövs.?Som person agerar du självständigt och lägger alltid ett stort fokus på hög kvalitet, nöjd kund och leveransprecision, i allt du tar dig för. 

Tillsammans värnar vi om ett glädjefullt och motiverande arbetsklimat där du uppvisar både respekt och tillit. Det är en självklarhet för dig att agera i enlighet med Volvo Cars kultur för att prestera och även utveckla dig själv.

Ansök nu

Vi söker underhållstekniker till vår kund i Göteborgsområdet

Läs mer Aug 27
Om företaget
Vi är NearYou. Vi har gått från att vara ett bolag bland andra till att bli en samhällsaktör. Med oss som partner och arbetsgivare lovar vi att ge mer av det vi är bäst på. Vi är bäst på att vara nära, mänskliga och en motpol till stress, människor som statistik och en alltför opersonlig digitalisering.

Vi är hos dig, ett handslag, ett löfte. Vi vill ge det som vi tror en trasig arbetsmarknad behöver. För dig som kandidat innebär det en aktör som backar dig oavsett var i karriären du är och vill vara. Vi vill vara tryggheten i en snabb värld. Vi stöttar, utmanar och frågar hur det går. Helt naturligt, tycker vi.

Som underhållstekniker hos vår kund i Göteborgsområdet kommer du att fokusera på en stabil driftsäkerhet och god tillgänglighet i produktion och dess utrustning. Vidare kommer du att utföra förebyggande underhåll enligt plan och löpande underhållsarbete vilket bland annat innefattar:

• Inspektioner och funktionskontroller
• Kalibreringar
• Avhjälpande underhåll och bereda underhållsarbeten
• Reparera och renovera komponenter
• Söka och registrera alla arbeten i ett underhållssystem
• Arbete med förbättringsåtgärder genom ett systematiskt analysarbete
• Göra korrigerade åtgärder för att minimera störningar

Vidare kommer du representera underhållsavdelningen vid olika möten och bidra vid nyanskaffningar samt modifiering av utrustning. Du ska aktivt medverka till att skapa, delta i och underhålla kontakter med kunder och leverantörer inom ansvarsområdet.

För denna roll läggs stor vikt vid personlighet. Du kommer ha många personkontakter vilket kräver en positiv attityd och god känsla för service. Vidare är det viktigt att du är en metodisk, kreativ och flexibel lagspelare.

Du behöver även:

• Ha flerårig erfarenhet av underhållsarbete, gärna med inriktning mot industri inom el och mekanik.
• Teknisk utbildning på gymnasienivå eller motsvarande kunskaper med inriktning mot automation, mekanik eller el.
• Kunna hantera svenska och engelska i tal och skrift
• Ha god datavana

Meriterande är det om du har tidigare erfarenhet av arbete med svetsautomation, hanteringsrobotar, hydraulik, pneumatik samt av arbete i underhållssystem.

Låter det intressant?
Tveka då inte att ansöka redan idag och motivera varför vi ska anställa just dig.
Vi arbetar med löpande urval så tjänsten kan bli tillsatt innan sista ansökningsdagen.
Har du frågor angående tjänsten hör av dig till konsultchef Therese Olofsson 0702-205131.
Med anledning av nya dataskyddsförordningen GDPR, ber vi dig att utesluta de sista fyra siffrorna i ditt personnummer samt eventuella referenskontakter i din ansökan/CV.

Välkommen med din ansökan!

Om NearYou
NearYou är ett rekryterings- och bemanningsföretag med kontor i 17 städer. Vi har gått från att vara ett bolag bland andra i branschen till att också bli en samhällsaktör. Med oss som partner och arbetsgivare lovar vi att ge mer av det vi är bäst på. Vi är bäst på att vara nära, mänskliga och en motpol till stress, människor som statistik och en alltför opersonlig digitalisering.

Vi är hos dig, ett handslag, ett löfte. För dig som kandidat innebär det en aktör som backar dig, oavsett var i karriären du är och vill vara. Vi vill vara tryggheten i en snabb värld. Vi stöttar, utmanar och frågar hur det går. Helt naturligt, tycker vi.

Läs gärna mer om oss på www.nearyou.se

Att arbeta som konsult på NearYou
Som konsult hos NearYou är du anställd hos oss och arbetar ute hos någon av våra kunder. För oss är det viktigt att erbjuda en trygg och hållbar anställning för alla våra anställda. Du har samma fördelar och trygghet som hos en traditionell arbetsgivare och du omfattas av kollektivavtalens villkor för till exempel lön, försäkringar, pension och semester.

Som konsult hos oss får du en konsultchef som hjälper dig i ditt val av uppdrag och ger dig tips och råd hur du kan utvecklas i arbetslivet. Du får även möta olika företagskulturer och får erfarenhet från olika branscher, vilket gör att du utvecklar din kompetens och ditt nätverk och gör dig till en mer attraktiv medarbetare.

Ansök nu

Underhållstekniker sökes till kund i Göteborg!

Läs mer Aug 7
Är du en självgående och ansvarsfull person som är nyfiken och har ett stort teknikintresse? Trivs du dessutom i en roll där arbetsuppgifterna innebär att du får ta ett stort eget ansvar? Skicka in din ansökan idag och ta chansen att testa på hur det är att arbeta på ett stort, framgångsrikt och väletablerat företag!


Fokusera på stabil driftsäkerhet och god tillgänglighet i produktion och dess utrustningar.

Utföra löpande underhållsarbete:

• Förebyggande underhåll enligt plan

• Inspektioner och funktionskontroller

• Kalibreringar

• Avhjälpande underhåll

• Felsökning

• Reparera och renovera komponenter

• Bereda underhållsarbeten

• Söka och registrera alla arbeten i ett underhållssystem

• Fokusera på förbättringsåtgärder genom systematiskt analysarbete.

• Göra korrigerande åtgärder för att minimera störningar.

• Deltagande i projekt kan förekomma.

Aktivt medverka till att skapa, delta i och underhålla kontakter med kunder och leverantörer inom ansvarsområdet. Aktivt samverka till att sprida kompetens inom avdelningen. Positivt medverka i handledning och utbildning. Följa gällande rutiner och regler hos kundföretaget.

Vem söker vi?

För att du ska lyckas och trivas i den här rollen har du en teknisk utbildning eller motsvarande kunskaper med inriktning mot el, automation eller mekanik. Du har en god vana av att arbeta i olika system och har ett genuint intresse för problemlösning.

Som person är du en lagspelare, god social förmåga med servicetänk då du kommer att ha kontakt med produktionen samt externa leverantörer via telefon. Du har mycket driv och en vilja av att lära dig nya saker, är hungrig på utveckling och är metodisk samt kreativ i ditt sätt att arbeta och tänka.

Slutligen behärskar du svenska och engelska i både tal och skrift.


• Goda kunskaper samt intresse inom datorer och teknik
• Teknisk gymnasieutbildning eller motsvarande kunskaper inom automation, el eller mek.
• Flera års erfarenhet av underhållsarbete, gärna inriktning mot industri inom el och mek.
• Goda kunskaper i både engelska och svenska i såväl tal som skrift
• Erfarenhet av underhållssystem
• Goda kunskaper i MS-Office


• EL-utbildning
• Dokumenterade el kunskaper
• Erfarenhet av svetsautomation och hanteringsrobotar
• Erfarenhet av arbete med hydraulik och pneumatik

Om anställningen

• Placeringsort: Göteborg
• Tjänstgöringsgrad: Heltid, dagtid
• Tillträde: Omgående/Enligt överenskommelse
• Anställningsform: Visstidsanställning 6 månader på Lernia Bemanning med goda möjligheter till övertag.

Vi arbetar kontinuerligt med urval och intervjuer. Tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan ansökningstiden är slut, så välkommen med din ansökan redan idag!

Forma framtiden med oss!

Lernia är ett av Sveriges ledande företag inom kompetensutveckling och kompetensförsörjning. Vi finns över hela landet och har tjänster inom vuxenutbildning, bemanning, rekrytering och omställning. Varje år får 9 000 bemanningskonsulter jobb på Lernia. Som konsult kan du prova på olika roller, dra nynna nytta av din befintliga kompetens eller kanske ta nästa steg i karriären, samtidigt som du har samma trygghet som hos andra företag. Välkommen till Lernia – tillsammans formar vi din framtid!
Läs mer på lernia.se.

Ansök nu

Andra jobb i Göteborg från NOVO Energy Production AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg från NOVO Energy Production AB .

Machine Vision Engineer - Battery Cell Process & Equipment Engineering

Civilingenjör, systemutveckling
Läs mer Maj 7
Machine Vision Engineer
We are building a state-of-the-art Gigafactory that will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe. We are now looking for a Machine Vision Engineer to join our Engineering team!

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery.

Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Engineering team is coalition of specialists, engineers and technical project managers across a broad range of technical disciplines. Together they work toward the shared goal of scaling and industrializing the production of our lithium-ion battery technology that will help Volvo transform into a pure electric car manufacturer.

Our Engineering team collaborative, nimble, and always open to learn and grow. Their skills and experiences come from a variety of industries all over the world and span chemical, electrical, mechanical, and industrial engineering. The team is currently focused on designing, planning and equipping a world class Gigafactory in time for start of production in 2026.

About the role
As Machine Vision Engineer you will be part of the NOVO Engineering department. In your role you will collaborate with a cross-functional group of experts from automation, control, materials flow, factory design and software engineering. Together, we will design and implement software systems that enable a highly automated production process.

Key responsibilities will include:

- Design, build, develop and implement state-of-the-art machine vision system solutions to enhance system performance and reliability.
- Collaborate in Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) and Site Acceptance Tests (SAT) to ensure smooth system integration.
- Work with product specifications, process requirements, and system complexity to guarantee successful deployment.
- Demonstrate proficiency in identifying and resolving issues with vision system mechanical, hardware, and software components.
- Implement effective troubleshooting, diagnostic, and repair strategies.
- Engage in effective communication with various stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including vendors and suppliers, to ensure a holistic approach to system development and integration.

Skills & requirements:
As a person you are self-going, solution oriented with a passion for solving complex problems. You have the ability to work well with others in a multi-cultural team environment, as well as independently. We believe that you have:

- Degree in Computer-, Mechatronics-, Software, Information Systems- or Electronics Engineering or similar
- Proficiency developing vision algorithms with common vision platforms: Cognex VPro, Keyence, Halcon, OpenCV, Basler
- Experience developing vision applications using common languages such as VB, C++, C#, Python
- Experience specifying the vision system hardware including cameras(area scan, line scan), lights, lenses, frame grabbers, laser profilers
- Experience commissioning vision systems for 2D/3D quality inspection, ID solutions
- Familiarity with industrial protocols such as Profinet, EthernetIP, EtherCAT

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Gigafactory in Gothenburg will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with a potential annual cell production capacity of up to 50 gigawatt hours (GWh) - thereby enabling a supply of batteries for approximately half a million Volvo cars per year. Our state-of-the-art R&D facility will gather leading expertise from all over the world, to create the next generation battery cells.

You can read more about this joint venture in these press releases, here and here.

Ansök nu

Machine Safety & CE-marking Engineer

Läs mer Aug 30
Machine Safety & CE-marking Engineer

We are building a state-of-the-art Gigafactory that will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe. We are now looking for a Machine Safety & CE-marking Engineer to join our Engineering team!

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery.

Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Few industries offer as great an opportunity for career growth and personal development as the new European battery industry. In working with us at NOVO Energy, you'll not only develop skills that are highly sought after in the global automotive and industrial sector, but you are also contributing to a climate-neutral way of life for future generations.

What you will do
In your role as Machine Safety and CE-marking Engineer, your primary responsibility will be to ensure the CE-marking compliance of automated manufacturing and material handling equipment. You will oversee the coordination of all CE-related activities, both internally and with external suppliers, engineering integrators, and other stakeholders. Your goal is to establish a safe and compliant working environment.

In close collaboration with process engineering, construction teams, and equipment suppliers primarily located in Europe and Asia, you will play a vital role. Regular travel to suppliers will be required to assess the progress of CE-marking, conduct inspections, and ensure effective testing and evaluation.

By joining our team, you will have the opportunity to make a significant impact on our success story and witness the solid outcomes of your efforts. As a Machine Safety and CE-marking Engineer, you will be a key member of our engineering team.

Your responsibilities will include:

Key competence for the organization in Machinery Directive and CE-marking.

Detailed planning of CE activities in projects.

Review and approve supplier CE activities.

Support, guide and educate suppliers as well NOVO team in EU directives and CE-marking

Skills & Requirements
You have the ability to work both as team player and independently. You see the importance of collaboration and have good problem-solving skills. As a person you are structured with an eye for details where you have a strong sense of quality. In this role it is important to have a solid engineering background and in-depth knowledge from equipment design phase through to commissioning new equipment.

We believe that you have:

- BSc or MSc in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Electrical Engineering or similar.

- Previous working experience in Machine Safety and CE-marking of equipment/machinery.

- Experience from driving large and challenging asset projects with high demands on CE-marking and safety functionality, preferably you have experience from building machinery and delivering equipment with CE marking as your responsibility in manufacturing industry.

- Knowledge regarding EU product directives, harmonized standards and preferable Swedish legislation.

- Trackable machine safety and CE training.

- Experience from functional safety and evaluation of safety-related parts of control systems, PL/SIL calculation.

- Excellent English written and oral skills.

It is a merit if you have:

- Experience and understanding of ATEX directive and/or PE directive (PED).

- Experience from working in a multi-cultural environment

Information about the recruitment process during the summer vacation period
We would like to inform you that our recruitment process may take longer than usual due to the holiday season. We ask for your understanding as our lead times are extended during the summer, and we appreciate your patience. We will review your application as soon as possible and get back to you at the earliest opportunity.

Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to connecting with you!

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Gigafactory in Gothenburg will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with a potential annual cell production capacity of up to 50 gigawatt hours (GWh) - thereby enabling a supply of batteries for approximately half a million Volvo cars per year. Our state-of-the-art R&D facility will gather leading expertise from all over the world, to create the next generation battery cells.

You can read more about this joint venture in these press releases, here and here.

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Project Planner - Battery Cell Process & Equipment Engineering

Planeringsingenjör, maskin
Läs mer Sep 6
We are building a state-of-the-art Gigafactory that will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe. We are now looking for a Project Planner to join our Engineering team!

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery.

Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Engineering team is coalition of specialists, engineers and technical project managers across a broad range of technical disciplines. Together they work toward the shared goal of scaling and industrializing the production of our lithium-ion battery technology that will help Volvo transform into a pure electric car manufacturer.

Our Engineering team collaborative, nimble, and always open to learn and grow. Their skills and experiences come from a variety of industries all over the world and span chemical, electrical, mechanical, and industrial engineering.

The team is currently focused on designing, planning and equipping a world class Gigafactory in time for start of production in 2026. This is an immense undertaking requiring the joint efforts and contributions of engineers working cross-functionally, with the ultimate goal of producing the world’s most sustainable lithium-ion batteries.

What you will do
In your role as Project Planner you will be part of the Engineering organization of NOVO Energy. You will have ownership of the detailed Engineering timeline including design, manufacturing, shipping, installations, commissioning and start of production related to the process and material handling equipment. In this role you are responsible for all the dependencies and maintain multiple schedules in the tool Primavera Cloud and collaborate with internal and external parties to secure quality outputs.

You will be working closely with various members of the Engineering team and Technical Project Mangers, to develop and implement a plan - both in terms of time and quality. The environment has high demands on communication, flexibility, long-term strategic thinking skills.

Key responsibilities include:

- Develop, manage, and maintain the schedules in in the tool Primavera (Cloud) for project scope delivered by Engineering.

- Enter or create new activities or dependencies when no previous planning exists.

- Conduct the scheduling meetings to determine the requirements and dependencies within the Engineering team.

- Monitor and track project progress and identify the risks accordingly.

- Report the progress or the new schedule to the PMO planner on weekly basis.

Skills & Requirements:
We're looking for you who enjoys working in an international environment and understands the importance of building good relationships and managing stakeholders to achieve results. You should be highly organized, focused on delivering outcomes, and take initiative with a can-do attitude that consistently exceeds expectations.

- Relevant university degree (B.Sc. / B.Eng. or similar) or apprenticeship in relevant discipline

- Relevant experience within Primavera

- Fluency in written and spoken English

- Good MS Office suite skills

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Gigafactory in Gothenburg will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with a potential annual cell production capacity of up to 50 gigawatt hours (GWh) - thereby enabling a supply of batteries for approximately half a million Volvo cars per year. Our state-of-the-art R&D facility will gather leading expertise from all over the world, to create the next generation battery cells.

You can read more about this joint venture in these press releases, here and here.

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HV/MV Commissioning Lead

Civilingenjör, bygg
Läs mer Maj 3
HV/MV Commissioning Lead

Are you a meticulous electrical professional looking for the project of a lifetime? At NOVO Energy we offer you a project of significant multidisciplinary complexity for you to tackle together with a highly motivated and skilled team!

We are building a state-of-the-art Gigafactory that will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe. We are now looking for a HV/MV Commissioning Lead to join our Facility & EPC team!

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery.

Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

What you will do

In this role you will be overseeing the commissioning activities of your discipline, working in close collaboration with Commissioning Manager, construction Team and subcontractors. You will be the first point of contact when it comes to HV/MV commissioning, ensuring a high level of standard and safety throughout the phases.

Your responsibilities will include:

- Organize and supervise the HV/MV Electrical commissioning team from systems turnover to Facility handover.
- Prepare, manage, perform, coordinate, and monitor the HV/MV electrical commissioning of the specified systems, development of commissioning plans, testing procedures, protocols, and reports for the equipment’s and auxiliaries thru the commissioning management system.
- Securing and confirming all isolations during equipment commissioning activities, and enforce HSE site requirements.
- Facilitate the handover of systems from erection to commissioning and from commissioning to the Facility in accordance with current procedures.
- Ensure the commissioning, operation, quality record and feedback documentation are issued.
- Ensure that technical deviations are reported with a corresponding non-conformance report and that the same are followed up until their completion.

Skills & Requirements

- University degree, BSc, MSc or equivalent, within electrical engineering or power systems.

- Strong practical experience with industrial commissioning activities.

- Minimum 5 years documented experience from similar position in previous projects within greenfield industrial projects.

- Good knowledge and competence within commissioning documentation and procedures.

- Previous experience with commissioning management software is a plus.

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Gigafactory in Gothenburg will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with a potential annual cell production capacity of up to 50 gigawatt hours (GWh) - thereby enabling a supply of batteries for approximately half a million Volvo cars per year. Our state-of-the-art R&D facility will gather leading expertise from all over the world, to create the next generation battery cells.

You can read more about this joint venture in these press releases, here and here.

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Installation Manager - Onsite

Civilingenjör, bygg
Läs mer Jul 30
Tool Install Superintendent

Are you ready to be part of an innovative venture at the forefront of sustainable technology?

We are building a state-of-the-art Gigafactory that will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe. We are now looking for a passionate and experienced Tool Install Supervisor to our dynamic team within the Facility & EPC organization, where you will lead hands-on technical solutions directly in the field and play a pivotal role in installation and construction processes.

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery.

Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

What you will do:
In this position you will act as a Superintendent and quickly respond to queries and resolve any technical barriers to completion between external and internal parties. As a Tool Install Supervisor, you will understand construction sequences and review designs for constructability on Clean Dry room equipment integration. Your role involves troubleshooting, walking down, and resolving issues that arise on the field in relation to process equipment integration with the Facility.

Your responsibilities will include:

- Work with supplier tech crews, NOVO field engineers, NOVO design engineers, local utility companies, and local statutory agencies to execute project installations

- Interface with Facility engineering team, Process engineering team, construction team, procurement, equipment suppliers, and commissioning team to execute integration of equipment to NOVO Facility

- Provide technical input to identify and resolve project risks including construction methods, work plan and material requirements, safety and schedule activities. Documents daily activities and meeting notes using Company approved document methods.

- Coordinate with internal equipment team and external vendors to ensure that project work is equipped with appropriate equipment and material quantities to complete production within assigned budget and schedule.

- Manage construction of complex equipment (fans, process equipment, etc.) and scopes within a treatment/process plant atmosphere.

- Support and promote strict adherence to safety and process controls regarding operating equipment, worksite safety and documentation requirements

- Coordinates project close out activities in line with Company standards and Juristriction checklist requirements.

Skills & Requirements
We believe that you have a hands on the field approach with focus on technical solutions. For this role you need experience with:

- LV Electrical Systems, 24v IO troubleshooting, Fire alarm and network topography

- Understanding of line diagrams, P&ID; schematics, and building floor plans

- Understanding of Mechanical completion and troubleshooting of equipment throughout installation

- EU codes, CE, and ATEX

You possess expert knowledge in construction site equipment operation and maintenance, combined with a strong track record of enforcing safety protocols. Your passion for sustainability and commitment to making the world a better place make you an invaluable asset to our team.


- At least 5-7 years of experience as General superintendent or as General foreman on large commercial or industrial construction projects

- Mechanical equipment and HVAC construction experience is required.

- Construction/field management experience is required. 

- Excellent communication skills in both written and spoken English

- Basic understanding of office programs Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, Excel, etc.

- Ability to work with mathematical concepts such as probability and statistics, and fundamentals geometry.

- Ability to apply concepts such as fractions, percentages, ratios, and proportions to practical situations


- If you have a Bachelor's Degree

- Prior experience with manufacturing or process plant construction

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Gigafactory in Gothenburg will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with a potential annual cell production capacity of up to 50 gigawatt hours (GWh) - thereby enabling a supply of batteries for approximately half a million Volvo cars per year. Our state-of-the-art R&D facility will gather leading expertise from all over the world, to create the next generation battery cells.

You can read more about this joint venture in these press releases, here and here.

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Technical Project Manager - Facility & EPC

Projektledare, bygg och anläggning
Läs mer Sep 2
We are building a state-of-the-art Gigafactory that will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe and construction is set to begin in 2023. To make that happen we need the best and we are now looking for a Technical Project Manager to join our fantastic team!

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery.

Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo and Polestar cars.

Few industries offer as great opportunity for career growth and personal development as the new European battery industry. In working for this joint venture, you'll not only develop skills that are highly sought after in the global automotive and industrial sector, but you are also contributing to a climate-neutral way of life for future generations.

About the role
In this position , you will be part of the Facility & EPC organization of NOVO Energy working within the team of Technical Project Managers. In this role you will
facilitate the communications between manufacturing, workplace, and operations, and ensure all stakeholders expectations are transferred into our design requirements. You will be responsible for ensuring that requirements from the different facility stakeholders are captured during the design phase and executed accordingly during the construction phase.

Key responsibilities include but are not limited to:

Act as a key integrator for the operational stakeholders ensuring their considerations and requirements are being communicated for consideration and/or inclusion in our design intent.

Be the link between the EPCM design team and the equipment fabricators so that the team includes all utility and facility requirements in the design phase.

Maintain stakeholder inclusion during the construction phase by properly updating the different teams in alignment with their expectations.

Ensure that any requirement that has been missed is included in our change management process.

Capturing Lessons Learnt to address critical issues and prevent repeated mistakes?

Define, implement and drive project requirements, workflows and plans while managing timelines, resources, communications, quality, risks, uncovering roadblocks, defining critical paths, identifying resource constraints, and any other issues that arise.

Partnering with the program leads, architects, tech leads and engineers, business leads and dependent system stakeholders to ensure milestones are met and project is a success.

Identify and document all project milestones and deliverables and keep project plans up to date at all times, including resource allocations, tracking hours, monitoring schedules, milestones, deliverables, updating percentage completion, etc.

Set goals, track deliverables, manage expectations, identify risk and drive mitigations across all stages of the project.

Provide insight around potential risks and opportunities, resolve conflict, initiate resolution and deliver results.

Continuously monitor and measure project processes and activities to identify and communicate potential issues, risks, or problems in a timely fashion and provide corrective action options to drive to resolution.

Escalate schedule delays due to issues and risks.

Track and manage change requests to scope and obtain approval if necessary.

Create formal project communication plans, key project metrics and dashboards for project status communication.

Conduct project evaluations, post-mortems, and drive process change to incorporate learning.

We belive that you have:

BS/MS in Engineering or MBA, and 5-10 years of program/project management experience in a fast paced, highly fluid environment or other evidence of exceptional ability. PMP is preferred but not required.

Experience in a multicultural environment

Experienced in product development processes including product road maps, requirements traceability management (verification/validation), safety certification

Proficiency in Jira/Aconex/CxAlloy.

Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

Demonstrated, applied experience delivering complex programs and projects.

Experience working with stakeholders, Product & Engineering Managers to keep everyone aligned.

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo and Polestar cars.

Our Gigafactory in Gothenburg will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with a potential annual cell production capacity of up to 50 gigawatt hours (GWh) - thereby enabling a supply of batteries for approximately half a million Volvo and Polestar cars per year. Our state-of-the-art R&D facility will gather leading expertise from all over the world, to create the next generation battery cells.

You can read more about this joint venture in these press releases, here and here.

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