Göteborg: Learning Programme Manager

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Publicerad: 2024-07-09 // Varaktighet: Heltid

Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

The role:
We are looking for a committed and passionate Programme Manager to lead our departments Project Management Office (PMO). As Programme Manager, you must ensure we have effective and effiecient project delivery across the team, seamlessly enabling our impact on people performance in the commercial and technical Automotive area.

* You will support the department to deliver our strategic ambitions as part of the Management Team, whilst also line managing the teams project managers, overseeing their deployement to manage our largest and most complex projects to time, cost and quality.
* You will be responsible for resource planning and providing ongoing support and escalation for the project managers, as well as maintaining oversight of live projects and reporting their performance to senior stakeholders.
* You will be accountable for the continuous improvement and embedding of our project managament process, standards, toolkits and methodologies.
* You will join a highly interesting area with a large business scope; an area that secures profitable and efficient omni-channel development and drives future oriented premium consumer experience in support of our retailers globally.

Key Responsibilities:
* Effective co-ordination of the programme's projects and management of their inter-dependencies including oversight of any risks and issues arising.
* Implement and govern project mgmt toolkit to be used across department and across company.
* Define and implement a method for monitoring progress for projects and programmes across the department.
* Accountable for delivery of projects to time, quality, and costs.
* Coordination of tender processes.
* Develop and maintain standard tools (e.g., project plan).
* Monitor resource capacity, supervision of employees and external consultants.

Key Skill Areas:
* You have in depth knowledge and experience in Program and Project Mgmt methods and principles including Change Management principles.
* Proven ability to establish credibility with senior stakeholders, excellent influencing skills to build and maintain relationships and work collaboratively.
* You understand well the Automotive world and have an L&D background.
* You are experienced as a leader and coach for a remotely working team.
* Excellent planning and organization skills to be able to plan and organize work at both a strategic and operational level for yourself and your team, and to deliver work to agreed timescales and standards.
* You are comfortable operating in a matrix organization and delivering through others as part of a shared vision.
* You can prioritize efforts and move between rapidly changing goals.
* Effective verbal and written communication skills (English).

Has an in depth understanding of digital learning solutions and their practical
About you:
You have a high level of integrity and professionalism and are keen to take ownership in your areas of expertise. You are comfortable working independently but at the same time you have cross-functional and integrated work experience, with the ability to cooperate and work in a global, and truly diverse environment.

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Andra jobb i Göteborg som Övriga ekonomer

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg som Övriga ekonomer.

Fullstack Software Developer

Läs mer Feb 6
Are you Maersks next Fullstack Software Developer?
Joining Maersk will embark you on a great journey with career development in a global organization. As a fullstack software developer, you will engage with Platform product owners, scrum teams, solution vendors and platform vendors through the solution lifecycle with prime responsibility from requirement gathering, analysis, identifying technologies to be used, suggesting development strategies, coding to develop functionalities and deployment in production.
This is an extremely exciting time to join a fast paced, growing, and dynamic team that solves some of the toughest problems in the industry and builds the future of trade & logistics.
We aim to be a world-class professional IT organization that delivers business value through automation, standardization, and innovation. We believe in empowerment where each of us takes ownership and responsibility for developing and implementing new ways of working.
Key responsibilities
Develop data adaptors and integrate internal/customer applications with central databases.
Collaborate with cross-functional teams to design and implement custom integration capabilities for global applications.
Lead the full application lifecycle: research, design, development, testing, and continuous deployment.
Champion adoption of new technologies and best design practices to enhance product usability and performance.
Engineer highly resilient, cloud-native, distributed solutions, ensuring high availability and scalability.
Provide technical leadership, guiding design and code reviews with a focus on user experience, performance, and scalability.
Collaborate with R&D, IT, and Business Ops to align on product and operational needs.
Ensure high-quality API design, including versioning, compatibility, authentication, and rate limiting.
Support code quality through green builds, effective code management, and constructive peer feedback.

Bachelor’s degree in computer science or equivalent (master’s preferred).
Several years of hands-on enterprise software development experience, focused on cloud-native, scalable, high-performance solutions.
Proficient in API Gateways and integrations (e.g., Apigee, Akana).
Strong knowledge of algorithms, data structures, OOP, design patterns, and multi-threaded programming.
Skilled in unit and integration testing; advocates for automated testing.
Experienced as a technical lead on major projects.
Knowledgeable in MVC, Event-Driven Architecture, Domain-Driven Design, and Microservices.
Solid background in low-level design, data modeling, and data quality governance.

Technical skills
Advanced backend design and programming skills with .NET, Azure, C++/C#, .Net Core/.NET 6/Java, focused on enterprise server solutions.
Cloud native development experience with Kubernetes
Proficient in developing/debugging RESTful & SOAP microservices.
Skilled in low-latency, scalable, distributed, and multi-threaded applications.
Experienced in designing service interfaces, public APIs, and working with databases (, No).
Familiar with messaging/streaming (Kafka, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ) and Big Data tools (Spark, Hive, Elasticsearch).
Strong CI/CD experience (Git, GitLab, GitHub Actions, Jenkins).
Effective collaborator with technical teams and business leaders.
Proficient in Agile, BDD, and TDD methodologies.

We are looking for a detail-oriented individual with a strong sense of ownership and is committed to delivering high-quality solutions. You should be highly responsible, possess excellent communication skills, and be comfortable working both independently and collaboratively across functions. Strong organizational skills, a process-oriented mindset, and flexibility to support global projects across time zones are essential.
If this sounds like you, we welcome your application!

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Senior Utvecklare – Backstage, GitHub & Azure DevOps

Läs mer Feb 6
Är du en senior utvecklare som brinner för utvecklarresan (DevEx) och vill skapa en bättre vardag för andra utvecklare?
Gillar du att automatisera flöden, bygga effektiva utvecklarportaler och förenkla arbetet för dina kollegor?
Vi söker dig som älskar att leverera kundvärde genom kod och som trivs i en DevEx-roll, där du får möjligheten att förbättra utvecklingsflöden och plattformar.
Det skadar inte om du är social, glad och öppen – vi värdesätter en härlig gemenskap!
5+ års erfarenhet av mjukvaruutveckling.
Erfarenhet av Backstage och utvecklarportaler.
Stark kompetens inom GitHub och ADO (Azure DevOps).
Erfarenhet av CI/CD, automatisering och plattformsutveckling.
Meriterande: Kunskap i TypeScript, React och pluginutveckling för Backstage. ---
Logikfabriken är ett konsultbolag av och för talangfulla, engagerade och roliga personer inom tech.
Ambitionen är att bli Sveriges bästa och mest inspirerande arbetsgivare.
Tillsammans skapar vi förutsättningar och driver företaget framåt.
Vi värdesätter gemenskap och åker på två konferenser per år, anordnar talks, afterworks och mycket annat skoj.
Schyst ersättning & transparens:
Alla på Logikfabriken har samma villkor, sätter sin egen lön, pension, föräldraersättning, antal semesterdagar och andra förmåner.
Vår modell är flexibel, trygg och ger i de flesta fall en ordentlig löneökning.
Kolla själv vad du skulle kunna tjäna: Räkna ut din lön
Vi brinner för hållbarhet. Sedan 2017 är Logikfabriken klimatneutralt och vi jobbar aktivt för att minska vårt avtryck.

Här hittar du hela vårt erbjudande: Logikfabrikens FAQ

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Senior .NET systemutvecklare

Läs mer Jan 27
Vill du bli en värdefull del av CANEAs framgångssaga? Som senior .NET systemutvecklare på CANEA har du möjlighet att bygga mjukvarulösningar som skapar verklig nytta.

Vi söker en erfaren .NET systemutvecklare som vill vara en del av vårt växande team och arbeta med att utveckla avancerade lösningar. Denna öppning erbjuder en unik möjlighet där du får stort utrymme för personlig utveckling, samtidigt som du är en central del i progressen av vår produkt.

Vi erbjuder dig:

- Work-life balance där du erbjuds mycket frihet under ansvar och flexibilitet.

- Maximalt friskvårdsbidrag för att främja välbefinnande och hälsa.

- En stimulerande miljö där du får möjlighet att växa som systemutvecklare och arbeta i ett reflekterande team.

- Labbdagar som ger dig möjlighet att experimentera och utforska nya tekniker och verktyg.

- Ett härligt arbetsklimat som präglas av ödmjukhet, prestigelös inställning och vänlighet.

- Arrangerat afterwork en gång i månaden, årliga konferenser och teamdagar.

- Ett fräscht och nyrenoverat kontor i centrala Göteborg med utsikt ut mot älven.

Som systemutvecklare hos CANEA kommer du att:

- Jobba i en agil process där samarbete och kommunikation är en viktig pusselbit.

- Vara en del i att hantera alla typer av förädlingar av vår produkt; från mindre buggrättningar och att bidra till teknisk transition, till att skapa nya möjligheter för våra kunder.

- Hjälpa till att utveckla våra arbetssätt och oss som team.

Vår produkt CANEA ONE är ett heltäckande ledningssystem för effektiv verksamhetsledning. Dokument, projekt, ärenden, processer och mål är med hjälp av CANEA ONE en knapptryckning bort tack vare smarta sökfunktioner, grafisk navigering och virtuella mappar. Produkten är webbaserad och bygger på C#, ASP.NET, MS Server, Angular och Javascript.

Vem är du?
Vi söker dig som har flerårig erfarenhet av webbutveckling och stark kompetens inom C# och .NET, troligtvis har du lärt dig grunderna på en eftergymnasial utbildning. För att trivas i rollen har du erfarenhet av att arbeta i team med andra systemutvecklare. Du värdesätter teamwork, är engagerad i ditt arbete och har en prestigelös inställning.

CANEA är en arbetsgivare som värdesätter mångfald och lika möjligheter och vi uppmanar personer med olika bakgrunder och erfarenheter att ansöka. Om du tror att du är rätt person för tjänsten, välkomnar vi din ansökan!

CANEA levererar varaktiga resultat genom att kombinera konsulttjänster, IT-lösningar och utbildningar.

Vi lever i en snabbt föränderlig värld där det ständigt ställs nya krav på en organisation. Vår filosofi är att ge företag och verksamheter de strategier, system, arbetssätt och den kompetens som skapar förutsättningar för framgång och säkerställer bästa resultat.

Vi jobbar tillsammans för fortsatt utveckling – av våra kunder, företaget och dig som medarbetare. För om du är väl rustad och trivs i din roll, skapar du också de bästa förutsättningarna för oss och våra kunder. Med utveckling i fokus arbetar vi för att möjliggöra en kreativ miljö för innovation oavsett om det gäller arbetssätt, våra produkter eller tjänster. Vi är prestigelösa och du uppmuntras att komma med idéer och driva dem fram till att de blir förverkligade.

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Mjukvaruutvecklare till Saab Surveillance

Läs mer Feb 4
Tog du nyligen examen inom teknisk fysik, data eller elektro och vill arbeta med radarteknik? Saab Surveillance söker nu en nyexaminerad mjukvaruutvecklare med intresse för simulering och radar.Rollen är kopplad till ett talangprogram som ger dig den ultimata övergången mellan studier och arbetsliv.
Att jobba som mjukvaruutvecklare hos Saab Surveillance
Som mjukvaruutvecklareblir du en del av ett tvärfunktionellt team som ansvarar för utveckling och underhåll av radarapplikationer och simulatorprogramvara. Rollen omfattar hela utvecklingscykeln, från kravanalys och design till implementation, integration, test och verifiering.
För att trivas i denna roll behöver du tycka omatt arbeta i en teamorienterad miljö och ha en god samarbetsförmåga.Du är bra på problemlösning, haröga för detaljer och har starka kommunikationsfärdigheter.
Rollen är placerad i Kallebäck, Göteborg.

Att vara konsult på Nexer Tech Talent
Nexer Tech Talent är specialister på att ge unga techtalanger den ultimata starten på arbetslivet. För denna roll kommer du att bli anställd av Nexer Tech Talent men arbeta hos Saab Surveillancemed start omgående. Du kommer även att få ta del av ett skräddarsytt utbildningsprogram där du får möjlighet att utveckla och fördjupa dina tekniska kunskaper i områden som AI, Cloud och cybersäkerhet,men även inom tex. ledarskap och personlig utveckling.
Du kommer att coachas av en mentor hosSaabsamt en konsultchef på Nexer Tech Talent. Som konsult hos oss blir du väl omhändertagen och bjuds ofta in på gemensamma aktiviteter så som föreläsningar, afterwork och lunchträffar. Efter framgångsrikt genomförande av konsultuppdraget är intentionen att du erbjuds en anställning hos Saab Surveillance.

Vi söker dig som:
Är i början av din karriär och har en kandidatexameninom data, elektro, teknisk fysik eller liknande.
Har ett intresseför radar, signalbehandling och simulering av mjukvara.
Som person är du driven, tar egna initiativoch har enstark problemlösningsförmåga.
Har goda kunskaper i Svenska och Engelska.
Har goda kunskaper i C++samt erfarenhet av Git (Bitbucket, GitLab eller liknande) och Jenkins eller motsvarande CI/CD-verktyg.

Denna befattning kräver att du genomgår och blir godkänd, vid var tids gällande, bestämmelser för säkerhetsskydd. För befattningar där vår kund har krav på säkerhetsklassplacering kan, i förekommande fall, medföra krav på visst medborgarskap.
Låter detta som något för dig? Vi arbetar löpande med rekryteringen, så skicka in din ansökan snarast möjligt. Om du har du frågor eller funderingar är du välkommen att kontakta Talent Coordinator Agnes Sanne Öhrnellpå agnes.sanneohrnell@nexergroup.com
Vi ser fram emot att höra från dig!

Om Nexer Tech Talent
Nexer Tech Talent är en del av Nexer Group – ett techbolag med djupa rötter i svenskt entreprenörskap och innovation. Tillsammans är vi över 2500 medarbetare i 15 länder som i mer än 35 år hjälpt våra kunder att ligga steget före både strategiskt, teknologiskt och kommunikativt. Läs mer om Nexer Tech Talent här.

Om kund
Saab är ett ledande försvars- och säkerhetsföretag med uppdrag att hjälpa nationer att skydda sin befolkning och bidrar till trygghet för människor och samhällen. Med 18 000 talangfulla medarbetare utvecklar Saab teknik och lösningar för en säkrare, mer hållbar och mer rättvis värld.
Sektionen är organiserad under affärsområdet Surveillance som erbjuder världsledande sensorteknik inom övervakning och beslutsstöd för att skydda mot hot. Portföljen omfattar luftburna, markbaserade och marina radarer, elektronisk krigföring, stridsledning, flygsystem och cybersäkerhet.

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C#/.NET-utvecklare till globalt bolag

Läs mer Jan 30
Om tjänsten
Det här är ett konsultuppdrag med goda möjligheter till överrekrytering. I den här rollen får du initialt en anställning hos Bravura, och det är uttalat att företaget har för avsikt att erbjuda dig anställning hos dem på sikt. Detta ger både dig och företaget bra möjlighet att lära känna varandra samt utvärdera hur ni trivs med ert samarbete.
Uppdragstiden blir en ömsesidig testperiod där du som konsult har samma trygghet somen anställd. Läs mer om vad det innebär att vara konsult på Bravuras hemsida.

Om företaget
Företaget är ett globalt företag som erbjuder innovativa informationslösningar och programvara för yrkesverksamma inom juridik, redovisning, hälsovård och finans. Deras produkter hjälper till att hantera regleringar, förenkla arbetsflöden och förbättra beslutsfattande.
Kontoret är beläget i centrala Göteborg. De arbetar i en öppen och positiv arbetsmiljö som främjar mångfald och en inkluderande företagskultur där alla medarbetare ges möjlighet att bidra och utvecklas. Förmåner inkluderar tjänstepension, friskvård, flexibla arbetstider och möjlighet att arbeta hemifrån upp till tre dagar i veckan.
Det här är en annons där företagets namn inte framgår. Ibland väljer vi eller företaget själva att inte gå ut med namnet. Självklart kommer vi att berätta vilket företag det är under rekryteringsprocessen.

I rollen som C#/.NET-utvecklare arbetar du nära utvecklare och produktägare för att omvandla krav till tekniska lösningar. Du ansvarar för att implementera funktionalitet enligt UX- och arkitekturprinciper och säkerställer att lösningen är testad och testbar innan acceptanstestning. Du följer etablerade kodningsstandarder och riktlinjer för att garantera hög kvalitet och långsiktig hållbarhet. Tillsammans med teamet utvecklar du effektiva och skalbara lösningar som möter både tekniska och affärsmässiga behov.

• Ansvara för att omvandla krav till tekniska lösningar genom att utveckla och implementera relevant funktionalitet
• Säkerställa en hållbar och skalbar lösning tillsammans med teamet
• Implementera lösningen i enlighet med fastställda UX-principer och arkitekturstandarder för att garantera hög kvalitet och användarvänlighet

Utbildning, erfarenhet och personliga egenskaper
• Eftergymnasial utbildning inom datavetenskap eller motsvarande
• Minst 5 års arbetslivserfarenhet av C#, .NET och WPF
• Erfarenhet av Angular
• Obehindrad svenska och engelska i tal och skrift
För att trivas i rollen ser vi att du har en stark förståelse för molnutveckling, gärna med erfarenhet av Azure-tjänster och Azure DevOps-pipelines. Du har också arbetat med agila utvecklingsmetoder och trivs med att navigera i dynamiska och snabbt föränderliga arbetsmiljöer. Din problemlösningsförmåga är väl utvecklad, och du hittar kreativa lösningar på komplexa utmaningar. Vi söker dig som har förmågan att arbeta effektivt både självständigt och i team, och som inte räds att ta egna initiativ för att driva arbetet framåt.

Övrig information
Start: Enligt överenskommelse
Plats: Göteborg
Vid frågor eller funderingar, kontakta ansvarig rekryterare Marcus Eriksson viamarcus.eriksson@bravura.seeller +46 73 567 04 89.

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Andra jobb i Göteborg från Volvo Personvagnar AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg från Volvo Personvagnar AB .

Function Test Engineer

Testledare/QA lead
Läs mer Feb 6
Who are we?

Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.

Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.

We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Who We Are

In the AD and ADAS Functions Department, we are responsible for developing and delivering cutting-edge Collision Avoidance functions. We continuously improve these functions to maintain our leadership in automotive safety, ensuring the best possible experience for our customers.

What You'll do

As a Function Verification Engineer, you will work within a cross-functional team to develop and launch Collision Avoidance features. Your key responsibilities include planning, designing, implementing, and reporting on verification activities that support feature integration and deployment. This involves developing test cases, primarily collecting but also analyzing the collected data by participating in test and verification activities on test tracks or on expeditions around Europe, and finally, participating in certification and rating activities, fault tracing, and system tuning.

You will contribute to testing in virtual environments as well as real-world testing at Hällered Proving Ground and other test tracks across Europe. By collaborating with various teams involved in function development and verification, you will enhance test automation and improve continuous integration processes, ultimately increasing the quality and efficiency of the testing cycle.

Who You Are

You have a background in ADAS and thrive in a cross-functional, collaborative environment, where achieving high-quality results on time is key. You are a trusted team player with a positive attitude and effective communication skills. You work well in small, tight-knit teams where collaboration is critical, and you are always eager to take on new challenges and learn.

You hold a B.Sc. degree (an M.Sc. degree is meritorious) in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field. Fluency in English and a B driver's license are required, as you will be involved in on-road testing. Your experience spans function development and verification in a complete vehicle verification environment, and you are passionate about developing virtual test scenarios through HIL (Hardware-in-the-Loop) and SIL (Software-in-the-Loop) methods. You are also proficient in Python programming and tool development for verification processes.

We would also like to communicate that if you find yourself less experienced in one or a couple of the areas mentioned above but still have a passion for ADAS systems and a strong interest in “vehicles” as a product, your application is still most welcome.

Merits and Additional Skills
In addition to your experience in the automotive industry, driving experience in complex situations is highly valued. Familiarity with ISO 26262 and communication protocols such as CAN or Ethernet will be beneficial. Your motivation to improve and adapt to new technologies drives you to continuously enhance the safety and reliability of our systems.

Soft Skills
You are recognized for your collaborative nature and ability to work effectively in group settings. Your excellent communication skills and willingness to embrace new challenges make you an invaluable team member. You thrive in environments where you can contribute, listen, and engage with others to reach shared goals.

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Senior Java Developer

Läs mer Feb 5
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Let's introduce ourselves

Our team, Product Costing Comet team are a dynamic team at Volvo Cars, focused on revolutionising the metrics of every car sold at Volvo Cars. Would you like to be a problem solver in an amazing organization serving one of the core areas of the Volvo Cars business? Do you want to help us innovate in product costing experience?  As a Backend Engineer in Product Costing Comet, you will be instrumental in Volvo Cars’ financial core by building services that provide information for steering and controlling. Our product team is responsible for solutions used for calculating all costs incurred when manufacturing a product or a service.  Our mission is to provide accurate and timely data for analysis, in order to give management relevant data for decision making.

What you'll do

In this role you will drive innovation in product costing experience by developing backend services. We are a diverse product team of frontend and backend engineers working with Java, Spring Boot, React, NextJS and Azure. Other tools and components are IBM MQ, GraphQL, REST API’s, event driven architectures with Kafka, Snowflake and more.  You will be a part of a product team and will alongside with the developers 

* Design and implement server-side logic and database architecture
* Design and implement integrations using different types of integration platforms
* Ensure application performance, scalability, and security
* Develop and maintain APIs for web applications
* Collaborate with front-end developers for seamless application integration
* Implement automated testing and participate in code reviews
* Stay updated with new technologies and best practices in backend development
* Contribute and improve way-of-working
* Take responsibility of your own work as well as being supportive to all colleagues
* Collaborate both inside and outside the tea

What you'll bring

* 4+ years of experience in backend development using Java and SpringBoot including data integrations to other systems and experience in designing solutions
* Strong knowledge of relational databases (Postgre, Server) and No databases (MongoDB, Redis, Elastic)
* Proficiency in object-oriented design, multi-threading, and asynchronous programming
* Experience with testing frameworks and unit/integration testing
* BS/MS in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field
* Familiarity with frontend frameworks, information security practices, Azure, Kubernetes, and Elasticsearch preferred

Location : Gothenburg, Sweden

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Verktygstekniker Tool/Die - Mega Casting - Torslanda

Processoperatör, metallindustri
Läs mer Feb 4
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Vad erbjuder vi?

Produktionsorganisationen Tool & Die - rekryterar nu Verktygsunderhållare. Du erbjuds en unik möjligheten att vara en av produktionsorganisation inom Tool&Die; från grunden. Allt kommer att utföras med underhållsprocesserna enligt Value Driven Maintenance som byggstenar och baseras på den samlade underhållserfarenheten, den nya tekniken och inte minst din personliga profil. 
Du erbjuds att vara med på en spännande resa under en uppbyggnadsfas där tyngdpunkten ligger på utveckling av din egen samt dina kollegors kompetens inom verksamhetsområdena. Tillsammans med teknik och underhållsorganisationen, manufacturing engineering (ME) samt de valda leverantörerna skapar vi tillsammans en ny verktygsunderhålls avdelning. Resor i tjänsten kan förekomma. 

Om rollen

Som Operatör kommer du att arbeta med ständiga förbättringar gällande pressgjutningsverktyg och pressgjutningsprocessen. Inom ansvarsområdet ingår även arbeten av förebyggande karaktär. Du kommer att vara den som utför akut avhjälpande underhållsåtgärder kopplat till verktygen under produktion, inklusive efterföljande analys och förslag på åtgärder. Du förväntas rapportera allt utfört arbete i underhållssystemet när det kommer till typ av åtgärd, tidsåtgång osv. Som verktygstekniker deltar du vid haverianalyser, svetsar, slipar och monterar pressgjutningsverktyg i maskinerna.  
Det är en fördel om du har arbetat i en underhållsverkstad eller har praktiserat några av dessa nyckelkompetenser som VVS, svetsning, 3D-skanning och läsning av ritningar, manövrering av kran.
Du kommer att erbjudas en unik utvecklingsplan där du kommer att bredda dina kunskaper inom verktygsunderhåll, verktygsteknik, kvalitet, säkerhet, miljö osv. Detta kommer att vara en av organisationens framgångsfaktorer.
På Tool&Die; kommer du att säkerställa gjutverktygets tekniska tillgänglighet genom utförande av avhjälpande och förebyggande underhåll. Du kommer även att arbeta med funktionstest/inspektionsuppdrag avseende nya verktyg. (gäller även verktyg där större förändringar skett) Det kan även förekomma behov av vissa ombyggnads och förbättringsarbeten på verktygen. Inom viss mån sker de i underhållsverkstaden.

Du och dina färdigheter

För att lyckas inom Tool & Die verktygsunderhåll är det en förutsättning att ha ett högt säkerhetstänkt samt förståelse av vikten med en god säkerhetskultur. 
Vi lägger stor vikt kring din personlighet och söker därför dig som är prestigelös. Du har en hög samarbetsvilja, är serviceinriktad samt har förmågan att se helhetsbilden för att på så sätt kunna förstå och tillgodose slutanvändarens behov. Att kommunicera är lätt för dig. Du kan anpassa din kommunikation efter mottagare och har lätt för att utrycka dig i tal och skrift på både svenska och engelska. Vidare ser vi att du är en analytisk, initiativtagande och självgående person som har lätt för att se vad som behöver göras, agerar och levererar.

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Test Engineer - Battery Lab

Läs mer Jan 31
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

What we offer
Propulsion & Climate Labs is Volvo Cars’ Centre for testing of propulsion systems in complete vehicle as well as in component form. We operate and develop propulsion test facilities for vehicles, drivelines, electric motors, batteries, transmissions, as well as aerodynamic and climatic testing. Our work includes hardware- and software preparation of testing, test execution and processing of measurement data. We also develop and build new test facilities.

The Battery Lab is designed as a lab that can support the industrialization of the future electrified powertrains from Volvo Cars. We work tight together to develop the testing, from battery cells to complete batteries. We are in a technology shift, where the design is changing in a rapid pace and we as a team needs to be agile while delivering repeatable and precise data.
To meet the future, we need to utilize state of the art methods to test and verify next generation cars in an efficient and correct manner. Do you like to work with innovative products and test critical parts of our cars? Do you appreciate the combination of both practical and office work? Then the role as Test Engineer within the Battery Lab is the place for you to thrive.

What you’ll do
In your daily work you will plan, execute and analyze tests together with internal customers. This includes coding test programs, evaluating test results and preparing test objects. You will constantly learn new test methods and systems as we are in an expansion phase. 
You will be responsible for the daily operation of the testbed, ensuring that all test equipment used is maintained and calibrated. You will program the automatic test system and code test procedures. The work also requires problem solving and therefore it´s important to have an open mindset and a hands-on attitude.
Last but not least, you will work in a team, constantly developing the battery lab and our way of working.

You and your skills
•    Master’s or bachelor’s degree in electronic/electrical/chemical Engineering
•    Experience from lab work 
•    Knowledge within Validation & Verification
•    Skills in Python or similar
•    Knowledge in Li-ion cells and CAN is meritorious 

You are an curios team player, who enjoy what great teamwork can bring! You have a genuine interest of batteries and the oppurtunity to work within a laboratory.  As a person, you are patient and can keep accuracy over time. 
You enjoy working in a young, international team and you are interested in joining one of our social activities like our ping pong tournament or an afterwork with bowling and pizza.

How to Apply    
We welcome your application before October 21st, 2024.
Please note that due to GDPR we can’t handle applications via email.
Hope you will become our new colleague!

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Sensor Fusion Design Engineer

Läs mer Jan 31
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Who We Are

At our department of Autonomous Drive and Active Safety Functions we design, integrate, and verify the complete vehicle solution for autonomous cars and active safety functions. We collaborate with some of the most innovative industry partners to reach our future visions of safety, convenience, and mobility.

Autonomous drive has the potential to fundamentally change how cars are used and are part of our society. As a Team Leader you will contribute to the team’s purpose to take the lead in safe, customer valued and purposeful functions for Advanced Driver Assistance systems (ADAS) and Autonomous Driving (AD). The responsibility, communal with the team, is to develop and launch robust and safe, world-class functionality.

What You'll Do

We are looking for a team member for our team of talented perception engineers.

The team works with partners and other stakeholders to define and refine the technical strategy for perception solutions for the future and by that ensuring alignment with broader company goals and customer needs. This requires knowledge about different sensor technologies, such as radar, camera and lidar, and about different sensor fusion approaches, such as neural networks and Kalman finlters.

The team is responsible for driving and balancing the AD/ADAS sensor needs towards the specific sensor teams, such as LIDAR, radar and Ultra Sonic sensor teams. This means you need an understanding of how the different AD/ADAS functions work, and what their needs are, and you make a system design that scales over time. In this process you collaborate closely with other teams at VCC and at partner companies, and you have fun every day!
One cornerstone in the team is to work with analysis of sensor data from customer cars to statistically evaluate different aspects of the performance of the sensor fusion. Another cornerstone is to define and promote an interface that provides sensor data to other non-AD/ADAS functions in the vehicle, which means you will have to cooperate with many different teams and understand their needs versus the limitations in the sensor data on a deep technical level.

You are a self-driven team player with high ambitions. You are a good communicator. As a person, you are curious and innovative. You care about people around you and you get things done.

Who You Are

We believe that you have several years of experience in the automotive industry and have worked with sensor fusion-related problems, either as a sensor fusion data user or developer, preferably within the context of AD/ADAS. You possess knowledge of data analysis methodologies and have experience in requirement development, including the decomposition of requirements at various levels of abstraction. Additionally, you are familiar with applying ISO26262, SOTIF, and FMEA methods. You hold an MSc degree in Systems, Control and Mechatronics, Data Science, Computer Engineering, Engineering Physics, Electrical Engineering, or a related field, or have equivalent experience. You are fluent in English, both spoken and written.

As for who you are, you are a fast learner, self-driven, and proactive, with a strong team-oriented mindset and high ambitions. You communicate well, are curious and innovative, and always eager to learn and understand your environment. You care about people and enjoy interacting and working together. You take initiative and feel a sense of responsibility in ensuring tasks are completed. Even in areas where you have limited experience, you are always willing to lend a hand. You actively participate in meetings, bringing enthusiasm, and you are proud to share and support others with your knowledge.

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Senior Product Manager Factory Transactions

Läs mer Jan 29
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

What you'll do

We are now searching for a Senior Product Manager for the Factory Transaction Product which is a part of our Industrial Cluster located within Digital Finance. The digital transformation is running with full speed forward with multiple ongoing transformation programs related to our manufacturing footprint at Volvo Cars, and you will be one of the centrepieces in it. You will be responsible for the products deliveries, securing that the right things get’s done and that the backlog is correctly prioritized. 

To help you realizing the value of the product you will have a dedicated development and support team lead by the engineering lead. They are responsible to build the solutions, where you are responsible to make sure that right things are built by maximizing business value in each iteration. 

The domain is highly integrated into all aspects of Volvo Cars operations. Volvo Cars is on a journey to replace a lot of the legacy systems that are currently in the manufacturing and finance areas to a new greenfield SAP S4 landscape. This transformation is in full swing you will have to manage multiple SAP implementation projects at the same time as you are managing finance operations on the SAP platform. Your in-depth knowledge in SAP FI/CO and manufacturing controlling will support your efficient decision making and team organization. In your role you are expected to lead the product and the finance function in at least one SAP implementation project.

Your input will be key to the features that the product is delivering. You will set the right level of specification to make sure that the features are delivered with the right speed and quality, always with the customer requirements and the business outcome in the back of your mind. The large stakeholder community will put their trust in you and your ability to make the right priorities for the product.

You will strive for continuous improvement in the way of working to set the Cluster, Digital Finance and Volvo Cars up for success. Working with culture, diversity and inclusion, psychological safety, way of working and other key areas, you will push us forward and catalyse improvement together with your peers. Helping our organization provide the best, possible environment for our teams and individuals to thrive in to deliver as much value as possible. 

What you'll bring

To succeed in this role, we believe you need to be a servant leader that easily articulate your vision to the product team. You have a deep understanding of Finance, controlling in the automotive industry and SAP FI/CO. You have successfully implemented SAP S4 FI/CO and product costing modules in an international environment, and you have gained experience from all steps in an implementation. You can also ensure that IT operations on are working efficiently and adheres to established SLA agreements. One key aspect of manufacturing controlling is product costing, so if you have experience from this in SAP it is an advantage. 

Your holistic thinking allows you to effectively navigate through the organization in times of change and disruption. These personal skills and positive influence have led you to successful digital implementations in the past. 

You have experience from agreeing and setting solution and feature designs and you are not afraid to dig deep into fully understanding which is the desired outcome. Setting the right pre-requisites for the development team is essential, and we believe that you have worked with IT and process development in the past. 

We believe that you have a background with a higher education degree in finance and/or IT. With the core expertise obtained in the academic world we believe that you have then worked passionately with both IT & Finance for many years. In your career you have worked with SAP as system, and you have done at least five major projects were your technical and functional skill have made the difference. In these projects you have enriched and widened your skills outside finance to also cover SAP authorizations and SAP Logistics modules (mainly MM).

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