Göteborg: Machine Safety & CE-marking Engineer

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Publicerad: 2024-08-30 // Varaktighet: Heltid

Machine Safety & CE-marking Engineer

We are building a state-of-the-art Gigafactory that will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe. We are now looking for a Machine Safety & CE-marking Engineer to join our Engineering team!

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery.

Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Few industries offer as great an opportunity for career growth and personal development as the new European battery industry. In working with us at NOVO Energy, you'll not only develop skills that are highly sought after in the global automotive and industrial sector, but you are also contributing to a climate-neutral way of life for future generations.

What you will do
In your role as Machine Safety and CE-marking Engineer, your primary responsibility will be to ensure the CE-marking compliance of automated manufacturing and material handling equipment. You will oversee the coordination of all CE-related activities, both internally and with external suppliers, engineering integrators, and other stakeholders. Your goal is to establish a safe and compliant working environment.

In close collaboration with process engineering, construction teams, and equipment suppliers primarily located in Europe and Asia, you will play a vital role. Regular travel to suppliers will be required to assess the progress of CE-marking, conduct inspections, and ensure effective testing and evaluation.

By joining our team, you will have the opportunity to make a significant impact on our success story and witness the solid outcomes of your efforts. As a Machine Safety and CE-marking Engineer, you will be a key member of our engineering team.

Your responsibilities will include:

Key competence for the organization in Machinery Directive and CE-marking.

Detailed planning of CE activities in projects.

Review and approve supplier CE activities.

Support, guide and educate suppliers as well NOVO team in EU directives and CE-marking

Skills & Requirements
You have the ability to work both as team player and independently. You see the importance of collaboration and have good problem-solving skills. As a person you are structured with an eye for details where you have a strong sense of quality. In this role it is important to have a solid engineering background and in-depth knowledge from equipment design phase through to commissioning new equipment.

We believe that you have:

- BSc or MSc in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Electrical Engineering or similar.

- Previous working experience in Machine Safety and CE-marking of equipment/machinery.

- Experience from driving large and challenging asset projects with high demands on CE-marking and safety functionality, preferably you have experience from building machinery and delivering equipment with CE marking as your responsibility in manufacturing industry.

- Knowledge regarding EU product directives, harmonized standards and preferable Swedish legislation.

- Trackable machine safety and CE training.

- Experience from functional safety and evaluation of safety-related parts of control systems, PL/SIL calculation.

- Excellent English written and oral skills.

It is a merit if you have:

- Experience and understanding of ATEX directive and/or PE directive (PED).

- Experience from working in a multi-cultural environment

Information about the recruitment process during the summer vacation period
We would like to inform you that our recruitment process may take longer than usual due to the holiday season. We ask for your understanding as our lead times are extended during the summer, and we appreciate your patience. We will review your application as soon as possible and get back to you at the earliest opportunity.

Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to connecting with you!

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Gigafactory in Gothenburg will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with a potential annual cell production capacity of up to 50 gigawatt hours (GWh) - thereby enabling a supply of batteries for approximately half a million Volvo cars per year. Our state-of-the-art R&D facility will gather leading expertise from all over the world, to create the next generation battery cells.

You can read more about this joint venture in these press releases, here and here.

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Andra jobb i Göteborg som Säkerhetsingenjör

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg som Säkerhetsingenjör.

Junior Cybersäkerhetskonsult till Zacco Digital Trust!

Läs mer Sep 18
Är du en driven person med kunskap och intresse för cybersäkerhet? Är du en strukturerad problemlösare? Nu finns möjligheten att bli en del av Zacco Digital Trust - ett innovativt och spännande bolag som ligger i framkant inom informations- och cybersäkerhet. Vi tillämpar löpande urval, skicka in din ansökan idag!


Zacco Digital Trusts ambition är att bli den bästa europeiska cybersäkerhetspartnern för både kunder och anställda. De fokuserar på att lösa morgondagens cybersäkerhetsutmaningar. De drivs av ett team av mycket erfarna cybersäkerhetsspecialister, mjukvaruutvecklare och forskare. Idag arbetar cirka 120 experter inom Cyber Security, Digital Threat Intelligence, Secure Development och TechLaw. Här ingår du alltså i ett sammansvetsat och kompetent team där du får stöd av kollegor med lång erfarenhet från flera branscher med en unik mix av kompetenser.


Som cybersäkerhetskonsult kommer du att arbeta tillsammans med Zaccos kunder för att hjälpa dem att identifiera och hantera säkerhetsutmaningar. Du kommer att vara involverad i ett flertal olika uppdrag hos kunderna, alla med ett tydligt fokus på att förbättra säkerhetsställningen.

I din roll som cybersäkerhetskonsult kommer du bland annat: 

Stötta kunder vid deras informationssäkerhetsarbete genom underhållning och utveckling av dess processer och rutiner
Identifiera och minimera risker
Se till att säkerställa så att lagstiftade kontraktuella informationssäkerhetsramverk efterlevs

Har en högskole- eller civilingenjörsexamen inom IT, gärna med inslag av cybersäkerhet.
Har goda färdigheter i Java.
Har ett genuint intresse för informations- och cybersäkerhet.
Kan i både tal och skrift behärska svenska och engelska språket, då detta används i det dagliga arbetet.

Det är inget krav men meriterande om du: 

Har erfarenhet av liknade roll sedan tidigare.

Vi kommer även att lägga stor vikt vid dina personliga egenskaper. Vi söker dig som är utåtriktad och ser kommunikation som en naturlig del av arbetet. Du föredrar att arbeta i grupp och ser det som ett tillfälle att lära från dina kollegor, likväl som att själv få stötta och delge egen erfarenhet och kunskap vid behov. Vidare ser vi gärna att du är en positiv medarbetare som håller ett lösningsfokus genomgående i processer och projekt. 


Detta är ett konsultuppdrag vilket innebär att du till en början kommer att vara anställd av Friday. Ambitionen från Zaccos och vår sida är att du efter uppdragsperioden blir direktanställd hos Zacco.


Zacco Digital Trust fokuserar som tidigare nämnt på att lösa framtida cybersäkerhetsutmaningar och består av ett team med mycket erfarna mjukvaruutvecklare, cybersäkerhetsspecialister m.m. Idag arbetar cirka 120 experter inom bolaget med bland annat Digital Threat Intelligence, Cyber Security, Secure Development. Zaccos vision är att utvecklas och förbättras kontinuerligt för att i framtiden bli den bästa leverantören i Europa gällande cybersäkerhet, både för kunder och anställda.

Läs mer om Zacco Digital Trust här!

Omfattning: Heltid
Start: Omgående.
Placering: Göteborg, Lindholmen.
Rekryteringsansvarig: Sanja Velimirovic, sanja.velimirovic@friday.se.
Lön: Marknadsmässig månadslön.


Genom att vara en partner både till våra kandidater och kunder s, trävar vi efter att hitta den bästa matchningen. Det gör vi genom att lära känna våra kunder och kandidater på riktigt! Vi ser självklart till att kunskaps- och erfarenhetskrav matchar, men framförallt lägger vi vikt vid samsyn kring värderingar och företagskultur som båda parter värdesätter.

Vår passion är att hjälpa människor till rätt roll, arbetsplats och sammanhang inom IT och teknik. Därför grundade vi Friday med ambition att hjälpa dig till jobbet som ger dig fredagskänslan – varje dag!

Vi riktar oss främst till dig som är i början av din karriär eller studerar vid högskola/universitet inom IT och Teknik. 

Vår övertygelse är att människor uppnår sin fulla potential när man ser fram emot att gå till jobbet varje morgon. ”Friday – everyday”, hur låter det??

Ansök nu

Informations- och IT-säkerhetsspecialist till Försvarsföretag

Läs mer Okt 3
Nu söker vi för kunds räkning en Informations- och IT-säkerhetsspecialist i Göteborg som vill utveckla IT och informationssäkerheten på ett världsledande företag inom försvarsindustrin.

Vill du vara en del av ett snabbväxande företag? Har du erfarenhet av att leda cybersäkerhetsprojekt och implementering? Ser du dig själv i en central roll inom en organisation där ansvar och samarbete är nyckeln? Om så är fallet kan denna utmaning vara perfekt för dig!

Om rollen: I rollen som informations- och IT-säkerhetsspecialist kommer du att leda design och implementering av IT-säkerhetsarkitekturer och säkerställa att dessa uppfyller branschens bästa praxis, kundbehov och regulatoriska standarder. Du kommer att arbeta med den senaste teknologin inom kommunikationsövervakning, radiokommunikation och kryptering. Du kommer också att spela en nyckelroll i att driva frågor kring cyber- och informationssäkerhet i samband med implementeringen av dessa system på den svenska marknaden.


• Leda design och implementering av IT-säkerhetsarkitekturer.
• Stödja systemingenjörer och utvecklingsingenjörer.
• Leda ett tvärfunktionellt IT-säkerhetsteam.
• Analysera cybersäkerhetssystem och identifiera hot.
• Hitta kostnadseffektiva lösningar på cybersäkerhetsutmaningar.
• Utveckla bästa praxis och säkerhetsstandarder.

Din Profil

• Kandidatexamen i elektroteknik, datavetenskap, datateknik eller motsvarande erfarenhet.
• Utmärkt förståelse av informationssäkerhet och riskhantering.
• Erfarenhet av säkerhetssystem och lösningar (IPS, NAC, EDR, Firewall).
• Erfarenhet av organisatoriska informationssäkerhetssystem (SIEM, SOC).
• Kunskap om nätverksgrunder och IT-system (VMWare, HyperV, Microsoft, Linux).
• Relevanta cybersäkerhetscertifikat (CISSP, CISM, CCIE).
• Flytande i engelska och svenska.
• Erfarenhet inom försvarssektorn är meriterande.

Vi söker dig med starka analytiska färdigheter, självständigt lärande och problemlösningsförmåga. Du bör kunna påverka andra effektivt och samarbeta sömlöst över avdelningar samt med externa partners. Erfarenhet av att arbeta i teammiljö och kommunicera effektivt är högt värderad.

Om företaget
Svensk Försvarskompetens är ett ledande rekryteringsföretag specialiserat på att förmedla kompetenser till försvarssektorn. Med vår nischade inriktning har vi etablerat oss som experter på att identifiera och attrahera ledande talanger till både offentliga och privata försvarsorganisationer. Vår styrka ligger i vår förmåga att förstå branschspecifika utmaningar och behov, vilket möjliggör för oss att effektivt koppla samman kandidater med passande roller.

Urval sker löpande och intervjuer kommer att bokas efter sommaren, så skicka in din ansökan så snart som möjligt via Svensk Försvarskompetens. Om du har frågor om rollen, kontakta Clemens Döring på clemens.doring@forsvarskompetens.se.

Som ett säkerhetsföretag genomför vi en säkerhetskontroll på våra anställda och du behöver vara svensk medborgare.

Välkommen med din ansökan idag!

Ansök nu

Projektledare - Tekniska Säkerhetsanläggningar

Läs mer Sep 26
Projektledare - Tekniska Säkerhetsanläggningar
Regionområde Västfastigheter bygg och förvaltning har kundansvar, är representant för fastighetsägaren i frågor som rör regionens fastighetsbestånd och försörjer regionens verksamheter med lokaler.

Vi ansvarar även för regionens behov av extern inhyrning samt tekniska säkerhetsanläggningar i dessa lokaler.Våra kunder finns främst inom hälso-och sjukvården, men också inom kultursektorn, vid folkhögskolor, naturbruksgymnasier samt resecentrum, buss och tågdepåer inom hela Västra Götalandsregionen.
Nu söker vi Projektledare för tekniska säkerhetsanläggningar för externa lokaler

Som projektledare hos oss kommer du att projektleda projekt inom tekniska säkerhetsanläggningar (TSA). Du fungerar som byggherre- samt beställarombud, du är den som driver och ansvarar för investering, reinvesteringsprojekt och underhållsprojekt avseende tekniska säkerhetsanläggningar i inhyrda lokaler.

Du är den som representerar och bevakar kundens intressen i TSA-projektet, ofta från tidiga skeden.

Vidare ansvarar du för upphandling/avrop av erforderliga konsulter och entreprenörer samt att säkerställa leveransen från dessa. Inom ditt område ligger även uppföljning av projektens mål avseende budget, tid, kvalitet, energi, miljö och återbruk samt överlämning av projekt.

I rollen som projektledare upprätthåller och säkerställer du en god kunddialog. Du rapporterar till projektägare.

Du kommer arbeta i ett härligt team med olika professioner där ni samarbetar och har stöd i varandra och samarbete med våra interna tekniska förvaltare samt fastighetsförvaltare i arbetet att säkerställa och upprätthålla byggteknisk standard.


Utbildad högskoleingenjör eller högskoleutbildning inom samhällsbyggnad bygg/fastighetsförvaltning alternativt annan utbildning med erfarenhet som bedöms likvärdig med erfarenhet inom säkerhetsområdet och tekniska säkerhetssystem.

Minst några års erfarenhet av projektledning inom fastighets, installations, konsult eller säkerhetsbranschen i befattningar som projektledare, eller motsvarande roll inom området säkerhetstekniska området.

Du har goda kunskaper i entreprenadjuridik, samt erfarenhet av att arbeta i enlighet med LOU. Du har också stor erfarenhet/kunskap kring projekt med säkerhetstekniskt innehåll, såväl fysisk säkerhet, nätverk och regelverk,   God erfarenhet av budgetansvar, ekonomisk styrning och uppföljning, med förhandlingsvana och god affärsmässighet. God förmåga att kommunicera, såväl muntligt som skriftligt

Du är driven och självgående, och har lätt för att organisera ditt arbete och planera på ett effektivt sätt. Du har förmågan att fatta beslut och agera utifrån de ansvarsområden och mandat du har.

För att trivas i rollen tänker vi att du trivs med mycket ansvar och förstår vikten av att alltid ha med dig helhetsperspektivet. Du är handlingskraftig, har ett systematiskt arbetssätt och har lätt för att organisera ditt arbete och prioritera på ett effektivt sätt. Du har förmågan att fatta snabba beslut och agera utifrån dessa.

Rekryteringsprocess och erbjudande 
Vi erbjuder dig att få arbeta med stimulerande och utmanade projekt där samhällsnyttan är i fokus. Du kommer få möjligheten att samarbete med flera funktioner i vår organisation och med våra kunder. Hos oss får du möjlighet till individuell utveckling och ett öppet arbetsklimat.

Placering vid regionens hus Göteborg.  Uppdraget kommer att innebära resor inom regionen, du behöver därför ha B-körkort. Där det är möjligt använder vi gärna kollektivtrafik eller poolbil vid resande.

Varmt välkommen med din ansökan senast 21 oktober. Intervjuer är planerade till 30 oktober.
I rekryteringsprocessen används personlighets och färdighetstest i enlighet med Västra Götalandsregionens riktlinjer. Tjänsten kan komma att placeras i säkerhetsklass. Det innebär att säkerhetsprövning och registerkontroll kan komma att genomföras i enlighet med bestämmelser i säkerhetsskyddslagen före anställning.

Fastighet, stöd och service är Västra Götalandsregionens egen serviceorganisation och fastighetsförvaltare som ser till att saker fungerar som de ska. Vi tar bland annat hand om fastigheters drift, ser till att alla anställda får lön, att lokaler städas och att uppdrag inom regionen bemannas med specialistkompetens. Vi vill arbeta nära dem vi stödjer för vi tror att tillsammans kan vi göra skillnad. Med öppenhet och fokus på utveckling och samarbete verkar vi för ett gott liv i Västra Götalandsregionen.

Om Västra Götalandsregionen
Västra Götalandsregionen finns till för människorna i Västra Götaland. Vi ser till att det finns god hälso- och sjukvård för alla. Vi arbetar för en hållbar utveckling och tillväxt, bra miljö, förbättrad folkhälsa, ett rikt kulturliv och goda kommunikationer i hela Västra Götaland.
Västra Götalandsregionen arbetar aktivt för att digitalisera fler arbetssätt. För att vara en del av den digitala omvandlingen har du med dig grundläggande färdigheter och kan använda digitala verktyg och tjänster. Du kan söka information, kommunicera, interagera digitalt, är riskmedveten och har motivation att delta i utvecklingen för att lära nytt.
Västra Götalandsregionen krigsplacerar alla tillsvidareanställda medarbetare.

Vill du veta mer om Västra Götalandsregionen kan du besöka vår introduktion till nya medarbetare på länken https://www.vgregion.se/introduktion.  Du kan även läsa mer i presentation om https://mellanarkiv-offentlig.vgregion.se/alfresco/s/archive/stream/public/v1/source/available/sofia/rs4011-467070786-672/surrogate.

Västra Götalandsregionen ser helst att du registrerar din ansökan via rekryteringssystemet. Om du som sökande har frågor om den utannonserade tjänsten eller av särskilda och speciella skäl inte kan registrera dina uppgifter i ett offentligt system - kontakta kontaktperson för respektive annons.

Till bemannings-, förmedlings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare:
Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings-, förmedlings- och rekryteringsföretag samt andra externa aktörer och försäljare av ytterligare jobbannonser. Västra Götalandsregionen har upphandlade avtal.

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Andra jobb i Göteborg från NOVO Energy Production AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg från NOVO Energy Production AB .

Machine Vision Engineer - Battery Cell Process & Equipment Engineering

Civilingenjör, systemutveckling
Läs mer Maj 7
Machine Vision Engineer
We are building a state-of-the-art Gigafactory that will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe. We are now looking for a Machine Vision Engineer to join our Engineering team!

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery.

Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Engineering team is coalition of specialists, engineers and technical project managers across a broad range of technical disciplines. Together they work toward the shared goal of scaling and industrializing the production of our lithium-ion battery technology that will help Volvo transform into a pure electric car manufacturer.

Our Engineering team collaborative, nimble, and always open to learn and grow. Their skills and experiences come from a variety of industries all over the world and span chemical, electrical, mechanical, and industrial engineering. The team is currently focused on designing, planning and equipping a world class Gigafactory in time for start of production in 2026.

About the role
As Machine Vision Engineer you will be part of the NOVO Engineering department. In your role you will collaborate with a cross-functional group of experts from automation, control, materials flow, factory design and software engineering. Together, we will design and implement software systems that enable a highly automated production process.

Key responsibilities will include:

- Design, build, develop and implement state-of-the-art machine vision system solutions to enhance system performance and reliability.
- Collaborate in Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) and Site Acceptance Tests (SAT) to ensure smooth system integration.
- Work with product specifications, process requirements, and system complexity to guarantee successful deployment.
- Demonstrate proficiency in identifying and resolving issues with vision system mechanical, hardware, and software components.
- Implement effective troubleshooting, diagnostic, and repair strategies.
- Engage in effective communication with various stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including vendors and suppliers, to ensure a holistic approach to system development and integration.

Skills & requirements:
As a person you are self-going, solution oriented with a passion for solving complex problems. You have the ability to work well with others in a multi-cultural team environment, as well as independently. We believe that you have:

- Degree in Computer-, Mechatronics-, Software, Information Systems- or Electronics Engineering or similar
- Proficiency developing vision algorithms with common vision platforms: Cognex VPro, Keyence, Halcon, OpenCV, Basler
- Experience developing vision applications using common languages such as VB, C++, C#, Python
- Experience specifying the vision system hardware including cameras(area scan, line scan), lights, lenses, frame grabbers, laser profilers
- Experience commissioning vision systems for 2D/3D quality inspection, ID solutions
- Familiarity with industrial protocols such as Profinet, EthernetIP, EtherCAT

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Gigafactory in Gothenburg will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with a potential annual cell production capacity of up to 50 gigawatt hours (GWh) - thereby enabling a supply of batteries for approximately half a million Volvo cars per year. Our state-of-the-art R&D facility will gather leading expertise from all over the world, to create the next generation battery cells.

You can read more about this joint venture in these press releases, here and here.

Ansök nu

Manager Electrode Engineering - Coating

Läs mer Sep 30
Manager Electrode Engineering – Coating
We are building a state-of-the-art Gigafactory that will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe. We are now looking for a Manager Electrode Engineering – Coating to join our team!

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery.

Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

In this role, you will be part of our Manufacturing Engineering function. The team consist of specialists and engineers across a broad range of engineering disciplines. Together they work toward the shared goal of scaling and industrializing the production of our Lithium-Ion battery technology that will help Volvo Cars transform into a pure electric car manufacturer.

Our Engineers are collaborative, nimble, and always open to learn and grow. Their skills and experiences come from a variety of industries all over the world and span chemical, electrical, automation, mechanical, and industrial engineering. The team is currently focused on designing, planning and equipping a world class Gigafactory in time for start of production in 2026.

What You Will Do
In your role as Manager Electrode Engineering – Coating , you will have a unique opportunity to form and mentor a team of skilled engineering talents within Battery Cell Process and Equipment, within the department Coating. Together with your future team you will be part in shaping our ways of work by interacting with other key departments to find seamless collaboration within the NOVO Energy organization.

You will have responsibility of all aspects of engineering management related to battery cell manufacturing processes in coating area. This includes designing and implementing new technologies and specialized equipment for battery manufacturing together with the help of your team.

In this role, you will be responsible for team growth working a lot with recruiting future team players, you as the leader will cover development and long-term employee satisfaction. Additionally, you will play a crucial role in facilitating cross-functional integration with relevant engineering teams to define interfaces for advanced real-time monitoring, production control, and optimization.

Your responsibilities will include:
Responsible for overall engineering management related to Electrode (Wet) manufacturing process. From factory launch, including design and implementation of new technologies and Electrode (Wet) manufacturing equipment in cooperation with material flow, automation, new product introduction engineering projects for advanced factories.

Skills & requirements:
You have professional work experience of engineering leadership in fast-growing environments, particularly within the battery cell, semiconductor, electrochemical, or food and pharmaceutical industries. With your previous experience in project management, you can support and coach your future team with developing manufacturing processes.

You as a leader thrive on leading your team by building trust, and you have a genuine passion for people growth, innovation and technology. The person we are looking for is strongly goal oriented and possess excellent time management skills.

- BSc. or M.Sc. in mechanical, chemical, industrial manufacturing engineering or equivalent.

- At least 3 years experiences in managing engineers and large-scale projects in multi-cultural environment. Experience in Electrode manufacturing would be an asset.

- Extensive project management experience in demanding industrial environments.

- Technical experienced in development of manufacturing process for industrial manufacturing equipment.

- Competences in industrial methodologies such as value stream analysis, lean manufacturing, FMEA, design to cost etc.

- Excellent English written and oral skills.

Information about the recruitment process during the summer vacation period: We would like to inform you that our recruitment process may take longer than usual due to the holiday season. We ask for your understanding as our lead times are extended during the summer, and we appreciate your patience. We will review your application as soon as possible and get back to you at the earliest opportunity.

Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to connecting with you!

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Gigafactory in Gothenburg will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with a potential annual cell production capacity of up to 50 gigawatt hours (GWh) - thereby enabling a supply of batteries for approximately half a million Volvo cars per year. Our state-of-the-art R&D facility will gather leading expertise from all over the world, to create the next generation battery cells.

You can read more about this joint venture in these press releases, here and here.

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Senior Manager Quality Compliance

Civilingenjör, kvalitet, kemiteknik
Läs mer Sep 2
Senior Manager Quality Compliance

Are you an experienced leader, specialized in quality competencies and with extensive knowledge in quality management systems? Would you like to play a key role in one of Europe’s most exciting industrial projects? This is a unique opportunity to be involved early in the development of our organization, building a team and processes for the future.

We are building a state-of-the-art Gigafactory that will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe. We are now looking for a Senior Manager Quality Compliance to lead and develop our Quality Central team.

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery.

Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

What you will do:

As Senior Manager Quality Compliance, you will have an important role in leading all activities and people in your team. Your team will be responsible for three important areas; the management system, customer & field quality and operations support.

Your key responsibilities will include:

- Lead and develop the organization, leaders, and team members in line with NOVO Energy’s Mission, Vision, and Culture values.

- Secure that leaders and employees in the organization have the correct competence, tools, and equipment to perform their tasks.

- Drive continuous improvement within the team and processes.

- Secure the creation of training material as well as the execution of training to the team in quality topics.

Management system:

- Lead the NOVO Energy management system framework. Definition – implementation – certification – audit (internal and external) - continuous development. Secure compliance with ISO 9001, IATF 16949 and ISO 14001

- Manage the quality strategy, policy and targets.

- Process owner for several quality processes, for example the APQP process, the Problem solving process and the Warranty process.

- Business ownership of Quality IT systems.

Customer & field quality

- Lead the quality planning for new product introductions.

- Lead the analysis on products already released to customer, in case of claims or field issues. Secure efficient problem-solving and decision-making

- Lead the Critical Concern Action Process.

- Lead the Warranty process.

Operations support

- Manage quality methods and tools, and host related competences, used in for example problem solving and statistical process control & statistical quality control.

Skills & Requirements

To excel in this role, you need to have a proven strong leadership capability with 5-10 years’ experience from leading roles in Quality; battery, automotive, food or pharma industry. As a person you are structured, organized and meticulous with good communication skills. You are execution oriented and able to solve complex problems, as well as organize teams and competences on short notice. You have a high level of integrity, also under pressure and are able to efficiently sort and prioritize between tasks.

Part from that we see that you have the following competences:

- BSc in Engineering.

- Knowledge in statistics and problem-solving methods

- Strong knowledge of quality management systems, e.g. ISO 9001, and IATF16949

- Strong knowledge in APQP process according to AIAG

- Excellent English skills - written and oral

- Analytical and fact based when making decisions.

- Able to manage risk.

- Always strive to improve with focus on safety, quality, environment and production efficiency.

Please be aware that all selected candidates will be required to undergo a mandatory background check as part of our recruitment process.

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Gigafactory in Gothenburg will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with a potential annual cell production capacity of up to 50 gigawatt hours (GWh) - thereby enabling a supply of batteries for approximately half a million Volvo cars per year. Our state-of-the-art R&D facility will gather leading expertise from all over the world, to create the next generation battery cells.

You can read more about this joint venture in these press releases, here and here.

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Senior Manager Quality Compliance

Civilingenjör, kvalitet, kemiteknik
Läs mer Sep 2
Senior Manager Quality Compliance

Are you an experienced leader, specialized in quality competencies and with extensive knowledge in quality management systems? Would you like to play a key role in one of Europe’s most exciting industrial projects? This is a unique opportunity to be involved early in the development of our organization, building a team and processes for the future.

We are building a state-of-the-art Gigafactory that will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe. We are now looking for a Senior Manager Quality Compliance to lead and develop our Quality Central team.

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery.

Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

What you will do:

As Senior Manager Quality Compliance, you will have an important role in leading all activities and people in your team. Your team will be responsible for three important areas; the management system, customer & field quality and operations support.

Your key responsibilities will include:

- Lead and develop the organization, leaders, and team members in line with NOVO Energy’s Mission, Vision, and Culture values.

- Secure that leaders and employees in the organization have the correct competence, tools, and equipment to perform their tasks.

- Drive continuous improvement within the team and processes.

- Secure the creation of training material as well as the execution of training to the team in quality topics.

Management system:

- Lead the NOVO Energy management system framework. Definition – implementation – certification – audit (internal and external) - continuous development. Secure compliance with ISO 9001, IATF 16949 and ISO 14001

- Manage the quality strategy, policy and targets.

- Process owner for several quality processes, for example the APQP process, the Problem solving process and the Warranty process.

- Business ownership of Quality IT systems.

Customer & field quality

- Lead the quality planning for new product introductions.

- Lead the analysis on products already released to customer, in case of claims or field issues. Secure efficient problem-solving and decision-making

- Lead the Critical Concern Action Process.

- Lead the Warranty process.

Operations support

- Manage quality methods and tools, and host related competences, used in for example problem solving and statistical process control & statistical quality control.

Skills & Requirements

To excel in this role, you need to have a proven strong leadership capability with 5-10 years’ experience from leading roles in Quality; battery, automotive, food or pharma industry. As a person you are structured, organized and meticulous with good communication skills. You are execution oriented and able to solve complex problems, as well as organize teams and competences on short notice. You have a high level of integrity, also under pressure and are able to efficiently sort and prioritize between tasks.

Part from that we see that you have the following competences:

- BSc in Engineering.

- Knowledge in statistics and problem-solving methods

- Strong knowledge of quality management systems, e.g. ISO 9001, and IATF16949

- Strong knowledge in APQP process according to AIAG

- Excellent English skills - written and oral

- Analytical and fact based when making decisions.

- Able to manage risk.

- Always strive to improve with focus on safety, quality, environment and production efficiency.

Please be aware that all selected candidates will be required to undergo a mandatory background check as part of our recruitment process.

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Gigafactory in Gothenburg will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with a potential annual cell production capacity of up to 50 gigawatt hours (GWh) - thereby enabling a supply of batteries for approximately half a million Volvo cars per year. Our state-of-the-art R&D facility will gather leading expertise from all over the world, to create the next generation battery cells.

You can read more about this joint venture in these press releases, here and here.

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Senior Manager Test & Validation

Civilingenjör, kvalitet, kemiteknik
Läs mer Sep 20
Senior Manager Test & Validation

Are you an experienced leader, specialized in Li-ion Battery testing and problem solving? Would you like to play a key role in one of Europe’s most exciting industrial projects? This is a unique opportunity to be involved early in the development of our organization, building a team and processes for the future.

We are building a state-of-the-art Gigafactory that will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe. We are now looking for a Senior Manager Test & Validation to lead and develop our Test & Validation team.

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery.

Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

What you will do:

As Senior Manager Test & Validation, you will have a crucial role in leading all activities and people in your team. The Test & Validation team is managing two labs in the Gigafactory, doing performance & life testing as well as safety & environment testing. This testing is the base for continuous production process validation. This testing is also a key element in problem solving in operations.

Your key responsibilities will include:

Management system:

- Manage the strategy and targets for the team.

- Process owner for the T&V processes.

- Business ownership of T&V IT systems.


- Lead and develop the organization, leaders, and team members in line with NOVO Energy’s Mission, Vision, and Culture values.

- Secure that leaders and employees in the organization have the correct competence, tools, and equipment to perform their tasks.

- Drive continuous improvement within the team and processes.

- Secure the creation of training material as well as the execution of training to the team in quality topics.

- Lead the operations of the T&V laboratories.

- Accountable for the T&V laboratory areas, always ensuring safe operation by employees in the laboratories.

- Own the T&V instruments and equipment, secure maintenance, calibration, documentation, and training.

- Define, own, and execute the method and equipment development roadmap, as well as the development and validation of analytical methods.

Project phase:

- Secure the deliveries from the Quality team, according to the project plan, when establishing the T&V- labs. Examples of deliveries from the Quality team is layout, specifications, support in the RFQ process and execution of installations and commissioning of equipment / instruments.

Skills & Requirements

To excel in this role, you need to have a proven strong leadership capability with 5-10 years’ experience from leading roles in Li-ion battery testing. As a person you are structured, organized and meticulous with good communication skills. You are execution oriented and able to solve complex problems, as well as organize teams and competences. You have a high level of integrity, also under pressure and are able to efficiently sort and prioritize between tasks.

Part from that you have the following competences:

- BSc in Engineering.

- Experience from working with high voltage according to Swedish law and safety standards.

- Strong knowledge in statistics and problem-solving methods

- Excellent English skills - oral and written

- Analytical and fact based when making decisions.

- Able to manage risk.

- Always strive to improve with focus on safety, quality, environment and production efficiency.

Please be aware that all selected candidates will be required to undergo a mandatory background check as part of our recruitment process.

Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo cars.

Our Gigafactory in Gothenburg will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with a potential annual cell production capacity of up to 50 gigawatt hours (GWh) - thereby enabling a supply of batteries for approximately half a million Volvo cars per year. Our state-of-the-art R&D facility will gather leading expertise from all over the world, to create the next generation battery cells.

You can read more about this joint venture in these press releases, here and here.

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