Göteborg: Senior Hardware Engineer

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Publicerad: 2024-10-01 // Varaktighet: Heltid

Are you ready to take your career to new heights with a world-leading company in the space industry? Frontgrade Gaisler is looking for a Senior Hardware Engineer to join our experienced team in central Gothenburg.
Job description
As a Senior Hardware Engineer you will participate in the complete development process of system-on-chip designs based on our IP cores, from architectural design, through development and verification, to implementation and prototype validation. In a project you will take on a leading technical role, such as architectural design and technical investigations, development team leading, and work package management.
Your job tasks include:
Development of RTL models of IP cores and system-on-chip designs using VHDL
Verification and FPGA prototyping of designs
Implementation in target technologies, including both ASIC and FPGA
Technical support to customers and sales organization

To be a good fit for this position you need to have several years’ experience in RTL design in VHDL as well as verification and implementation, preferably targeting FPGA or ASIC development. You have a M.Sc. or Ph.D. in a relevant field and thrive on solving complex problems.
Your background includes working with some of the following areas:
FPGA tools from Intel/Altera, Microsemi, AMD/Xilinx, Lattice and/or NanoXplore
ASIC design using Synopsys and Cadence synthesis tools, DFT and PG
Verification in VHDL and/or SystemVerilog

You understand the importance of documentation, like sharing your competence with your colleagues and taking responsibility for your work tasks. Deadlines are something you are used to working with and you understand the importance of adapting your communication to the person or group you’re addressing. Working both independently and in a team suits you well and you’re always eager to learn more.
What we offer
Besides being a part of an experienced team and working with challenging tasks we also offer:
Hybrid workplace, allowing remote work two days per week
Health care insurance
Regular health check-ups
Annual wellness allowance of 5000 SEK
Extra paid days off in connection to Swedish holidays

Alla platsannonser →

Andra jobb i Göteborg som Civilingenjör, konstruktion, elektronik

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg som Civilingenjör, konstruktion, elektronik.

Consulting Engineer - ELECTRICAL ENGINEER

Läs mer Jan 22
We at Quokka see ourselves as individuals with great potential and not only as individuals with a certain competence. When becoming a part of us you will be a part of an exciting journey and join a community that help each other and our customers. At Quokka we are passionate about giving our employees the tools they need to develop both personal and professional, as well as the opportunity to develop Quokka and our future direction. Together we want to build meaningful relationships and technology.
The Quokka kangaroo is known for its curiosity and for being the happiest animal on the planet. Yes, that is right! We are a newly started technical center in Gothenburg who believe in the “Quokka attitude” and our core values CARE, JOY, CURIOSITY & INNOVATION.
We offer technical solutions and engineering services to some of Sweden’s leading companies and recent start-ups. At the same time, we also have an innovation hub to support and encourage our employees and partners to realize their business ideas. A combination which we believe makes us unique on the market.
We believe in being curious about our surroundings and the people around us. Curious about technology, new challenges and our own development. While being curious in finding new ways forward we believe in being caring and spreading joy. We like to call it the “Quokka Way” of doing things!
We are looking for authenticity, kindness, and willingness to share experience and joy. Someone that is engaged and wants to develop and listen to others. We believe that we do this together and your contribution to us, and ours to you, is key in the success.
We are now looking for ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.
Sounds interesting and curious to know some more? Read on!
Minimum B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineer or equivalent
Minimum 2 years work experience of electrical system engineering from automotive industry
Knowledge within Functional/System safety (ISO26262, TARA, HARA, FMEA etc)
Knowledge in Electronics and electrical components
General electrical/electronics knowledge and understanding
Proficient skills in Excel
Fluent in English (written and spoken)

Teamcenter experience
CAD skills in Catia V5 or CREO/ProEngineer
Knowledge of Low, Mid and High Voltage development in the automotive industry
Knowledge in electrical schematics
Knowledge in requirement handling and tools for this
Knowledge in coding
Agile experience according to the SAFe scaled agile framework

As Electrical engineer you will be developing and maintaining electrical systems, components or perform testing and validation within the area. You will be responsible to ensure on time deliveries with quality and to ensure all engineering work is carried out in accordance with specifications, laws, rules and regulations as well to assure the functional and system safety aspects and suggest solutions based on that.
You will lead and coordinate the development of the systems and/or components in close collaboration with the development teams and production suppliers. You will assure testing and validation according to the methods and processes. The work includes development, definition of requirements and other pre-requisites needed for the engineering work, as well as product documentation. To be able to succeed in this role, you need to have been working at least a few years and have a good understanding electronics and ISO26262. You are also fluent in English, both verbally and written. It is meritorious if you have experience in processes, systems and tools that are used for technical documentation.
We do have all the basics in place like wellness allowance, pension, insurances, and union agreement. But that is not why you choose us. You want to start working at Quokka because:
We are the company that put our employees first
We have a corporate culture that is unique
You get to be a part of creating something new
You get the best of two worlds: a caring culture and with great financial security
We do not believe in hierarchies. We are a flat organization where all voices are equally important

The recruitment process take place on an ongoing basis, so do not wait with sending in your application.
Apply by sending us your CV and a short presentation to application@quokka.se and let us know what you are interested in working with.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Curious to know some more about Quokka? Check out our website https://www.quokka.se/
Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov.

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Läs mer Jan 8
We at Quokka see ourselves as individuals with great potential and not only as individuals with a certain competence. When becoming a part of us you will be a part of an exciting journey and join a community that help each other and our customers. At Quokka we are passionate about giving our employees the tools they need to develop both personal and professional, as well as the opportunity to develop Quokka and our future direction. Together we want to build meaningful relationships and technology.
The Quokka kangaroo is known for its curiosity and for being the happiest animal on the planet. Yes, that is right! We are a newly started technical center in Gothenburg who believe in the “Quokka attitude” and our core values CARE, JOY, CURIOSITY & INNOVATION.
We offer technical solutions and engineering services to some of Sweden’s leading companies and recent start-ups. At the same time, we also have an innovation hub to support and encourage our employees and partners to realize their business ideas. A combination which we believe makes us unique on the market.
We believe in being curious about our surroundings and the people around us. Curious about technology, new challenges and our own development. While being curious in finding new ways forward we believe in being caring and spreading joy. We like to call it the “Quokka Way” of doing things!
We are looking for authenticity, kindness, and willingness to share experience and joy. Someone that is engaged and wants to develop and listen to others. We believe that we do this together and your contribution to us, and ours to you, is key in the success.
Sounds interesting and curious to know some more? Read on!
Minimum B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineer or equivalent
Minimum 2 years work-experience of electrical system engineering from automotive industry
Minimum 2 years work-experience of high voltage (>400V) electrical system engineering or high voltage hardware/components (such as OBC, DC/DC, BMS, EVI, Cooling etc)
High Voltage cabling and connectors
Knowledge in High Voltage Batteries technology and/or battery casing/housing, cells, modules, fusing, relays etc and/or high voltage battery testing
General electrical/electronics knowledge and understanding
Proficient skills in Excel
Fluent in English (written and spoken)

Teamcenter experience
CAD skills in Catia V5 or CREO/ProEngineer
Knowledge of Low, Mid and High Voltage development in the automotive industry
Knowledge of electrical schematics
Agile experience according to the SAFe scaled agile framework

As Electromobility engineer you will be developing and maintaining high voltage electrical systems, components or perform testing and validation within the area. You will be responsible to ensure on time deliveries with quality and to ensure all engineering work is carried out in accordance with specifications, laws, rules and regulations.
You will lead and coordinate the development of the systems and/or components in close collaboration with the development teams and production suppliers. You will assure testing and validation according to the methods and processes. The work includes development, definition of requirements and other pre-requisites needed for the engineering work, as well as product documentation. To be able to succeed in this role, you need to have been working at least a few years and have a good understanding electronics and High voltage systems of minimum 400 Volt. You are also fluent in English, both verbally and written. It is meritorious if you have experience in processes, systems and tools that are used for technical documentation.
We do have all the basics in place like wellness allowance, pension, insurances, and union agreement. But that is not why you choose us. You want to start working at Quokka because:
We are the company that put our employees first
We have a corporate culture that is unique
You get to be a part of creating something new
You get the best of two worlds: a caring culture and with great financial security
We do not believe in hierarchies. We are a flat organization where all voices are equally important

The recruitment process take place on an ongoing basis, so do not wait with sending in your application.
Apply by sending us your CV and a short presentation to application@quokka.se and let us know what you are interested in working with.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Curious to know some more about Quokka? Check out our website https://www.quokka.se/
Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov.

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Kraftingenjör inom kraftkort till Lumibird

Läs mer Dec 17
Har du erfarenhet av att designa kraftkort? Lockas du av att arbeta i en mindre organisation i en rollmed hög grad av självständigt arbete? Vill du arbeta med produkter ur ett helhetsperspektiv och hamöjlighet att påverka de tekniska lösningarna? Då ska du läsa vidare!
Om tjänsten
Den här tjänsten är en direktrekrytering vilket innebär att rekryteringsprocessen sker genom Bravura och du anställs direkt hos Lumibird.
Om företaget
Lumibird är specialiserat på avancerad laser- och fotoniklösningar, med fokus på design och utveckling av högpresterande lasersystem för kritiska applikationer inom områden som medicinteknik, industriell bearbetning, rymd och försvar. Företaget arbetar med komplexa optiska system och elektronik, där precision och tillförlitlighet är avgörande. Genom att kombinera expertis inom optik, elektronik, systemintegration och termisk hantering, utvecklar Lumibird lasersystem med höga uteffekter, pulslängder och våglängdsstabilitet som möter strikta krav på prestanda och robusthet i krävande miljöer. Företaget har även expertis inom optoelektroniska komponenter, och arbetar nära med både kunder och tillverkare för att säkerställa att lösningarna är optimalt anpassade till specifika tekniska krav.
I rollen som kraftingenjör ansvarar du för att utveckla och förbättra försörjningslösningar på kretskort där du arbetar brett med allt från teoretiska beräkningar till verifieringar och tester. För kretskorten tar du fram nya lösningar utifrån kravspecifikationer liksom underhåller och förbättrar befintliga konstruktioner. Som en del av ditt arbete stödjer du även hela produktionsprocessen samt skriver relevant dokumentation. I rollen har du ett nära och agilt samarbete med mekaniska, elektriska och optiska designers liksom med kollegor på inköp och sälj. Under processen kommer utdrag ur belastningsregistret att göras, liksom en säkerhetsprövning innan anställning.
Utveckla och förbättra försörjningslösningar på kretskort
Teoretiska beräkningar, verifieringar och praktiska tester
Designa lösningar efter kravspecifikationer samt underhåller och förbättrar befintliga konstruktioner
Stöd till produktionsprocessen och skriva dokumentation
Samarbete med mekaniska, elektriska och optiska designers samt inköp och sälj
Kontroll av belastningsregister och säkerhetsprövning

Utbildning, erfarenhet och personliga egenskaper
Erfarenhet av att designa kraftkort
Mycket goda kunskaper i och engelska i både tal och skrift, goda kunskaper i svenska
B-körkort är meriterande

För att lyckas i rollen tror vi att du är en person som har förmåga att skapa och upprätthålla struktur i ditt arbete samt att prioritera rätt uppgifter. Du kan sätta upp och hålla tidsramar, samtidigt som du tar ansvar för dina arbetsuppgifter och utvecklar egna metoder för att driva arbetet framåt. Du tvekar inte att be om hjälp när det behövs, men har även förmågan att fatta beslut trots ofullständigt underlag. Du uttrycker dig tydligt i både tal och skrift och är noggrann med att vara välformulerad. Vi ser också att du är noggrann och har en stark medvetenhet om kvalitetsstandarder och förväntningarna på din leverans. Dessutom har du ett strukturerat tillvägagångssätt för problemlösning och en lösningsorienterad inställning.
Övrig information
Start: Enligt överenskommelsePlats: KallebäckLön:Enligt överenskommelse
Vi använder en kompetensbaserad metodik i alla rekryteringsprocesser för att säkerställa fördomsfria urval. Vi jobbar också med löpande urval, vilket innebär att vi tar ner annonsen när tillräckligt många kandidater har ansökt. Om du blir aktuell för tjänsten kommer vi att kontakta dig för en första telefonintervju. Oavsett om du går vidare i processen eller inte så kommer du att få återkoppling på din ansökan.
Har du frågor om tjänsten eller kring din ansökan är du välkommen att kontakta vår support genom att maila till info@bravura.se eller ringa till nummer 010-171 47 10 så hjälper vi dig. Ange vilken tjänst det gäller.Vi rekommenderar att du skickar in din ansökan omgående då vi gör ett löpande urval.
Välkommen med din ansökan!

Ansök nu

Electrical Engineer Electromobility

Läs mer Nov 19
Techster Solutions befinner i dagsläget sig i en spännande tillväxtfas och söker nu fler kollegor, inledningsvis dig med2-6års erfarenhet och som kan stärka teamet.
Du kan förvänta dig en omväxlande miljö, dagarna kan se väldigt olika ut - men en sak är säkert, här får du använda dina kompetenser och sätter själv gränsen för hur mycket du vill utvecklas. Som ett kunskapsbolag är det viktigt för oss att våra specialister delar med sig av sin kompetens och får kollegorna att växa.
At Testing Technology & Metrology, we are responsible for all testing equipment within R&D. Our mission is to ensure that our global customers have access to the right tools and are supported by our expertise.
You will develop and support metrology and calibration solutions for the R&D organization, while also contributing new methods to enhance our development tools. By combining your theoretical knowledge with practical work, you will tackle challenges faced by our customers. Your primary focus will be on creating solutions for our electric vehicles, specifically in the areas of voltage and current measurements.
You will collaborate closely with test engineers from Vehicle Propulsion, Active Safety, Chassis, and Electrics/Electronics teams to find the most suitable measurement solutions for their needs.
Through knowledge sharing, you will build and maintain a broad personal network, both within R&D and with our suppliers. This role offers the opportunity to shape your contributions and further develop your skills—both technically and in the field of metrology. You will work with a range of tools, such as frequency analyzers, oscilloscopes, power supplies, EV chargers, Rogowski coils, function generators, and various data loggers.
A typical task might involve assisting testers with the right signal conditioning tools to minimize disturbances like EMI, ensuring accurate measurements. Another responsibility could be to procure and benchmark equipment to meet future needs.
As part of our team, you’ll have the chance to grow in a dynamic, continually evolving field. Examples of development tools we use include Vector, Dewesoft, and Ipetronik, and we work with communication protocols such as Ethernet, CAN, LIN, and Flexray.
Requirements & Merits:We see that you have Bachelor or Master grade in Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Mechatronics, or relevant experience.If you have experience in electric drive, working with battery (high voltage), charging and inverters it is meritorious, as well as a drivers license B.Knowledge about tools like Vector, Dewesoft, Ipetronik is beneficialand also programming skills in C, C++, C#, Python, or other language.

Ansökan Tror du att du är Techster Solutions nästa stjärna? Tveka då inte att skicka in din ansökan redan nu. Urval sker löpande och tillträde sker enligt överenskommelse.
Arbetsplats och kulturVi är ett entreprenördrivet IT företag, med både produktkunskap och försäljning (Techster AB) och konsultativa tjänster (Techster Solutions AB). Det innebär att vi är mycket öppna för nya tekniska lösningar, kunskapsutbyte och ständigt lärande. Att ha roligt och samtidigt behålla den familjära andan utan hierarkier är lika viktigt.
Vi vill skapa det konsultbolag som du alltid velat jobba för, men kanske inte hittat ännu. Redan idag har vi en blandning av seniora och yngre medarbetare, såväl som män och kvinnor. Det vill vi fortsätta att bygga på. Så välkommen med din ansökan!

Ansök nu

Project Engineer - Camera Hardware

Läs mer Nov 5
Techster Solutions befinner i dagsläget sig i en spännande tillväxtfas och söker nu fler kollegor, inledningsvis dig med minst 5+ års erfarenhet och som kan stärka teamet.
Du kan förvänta dig en omväxlande miljö, dagarna kan se väldigt olika ut - men en sak är säkert, här får du använda dina kompetenser och sätter själv gränsen för hur mycket du vill utvecklas. Som ett kunskapsbolag är det viktigt för oss att våra specialister delar med sig av sin kompetens och får kollegorna att växa.
Whats in it for you? Join our Safe Vehicle Automation team, a department with over 120 talented engineers dedicated to pioneering active safety and self-driving vehicle platforms. Our Agile Release Train (ART) in Autonomous Drive & Advanced Driver Assistance Systems develops end-to-end sensor and software solutions for features such as collision avoidance, automated parking, and autonomous driving. We specialize in designing and verifying cutting-edge LiDAR, ultrasonic, camera, and radar sensors.We are now seeking a Camera Hardware Project Engineer to strengthen our Exterior Camera Sensor team. What youll doWe're looking for a curious and open-minded team player with a "bring-it-on" approach to join our Camera Sensor Integration team. As a Camera Hardware Project Engineer.Youll lead efforts in defining, guiding, and integrating camera sensors mechanically and electrically into our vehicles. Working closely with team members, suppliers, and other stakeholders, you?ll develop various concepts and prototypes, supporting verification processes to ultimately bring the solution to production readiness. Do you fit the profile?-You hold at least a bachelors degree in electronics, mechatronics, robotics, or a related field. -Demonstrated leadership experience such as roles in college clubs, sports teams, or professional settings?is essential, and we encourage you to highlight this in any interview discussions. -Expertise in photonics, camera systems, or vision systems is valued. You have a strong ability to balance sensor performance, time, cost, and quality requirements and bring out the best in each. -Experience in sensor performance verification is also advantageous. We see you as a person passionate about self-driving technology, committed to building robust perception functions. Your personal qualities should reflect a driven, structured, and resourceful team player, capable of delivering both "how" and "what" in a dynamic, multidisciplinary, and multicultural environment. You excel at managing complexity and bringing teams together to enhance product performance. Fluency in English (both verbal and written) is required and knowledge of Swedish or possession of a valid EU drivers license (Category B) is a plus
Ansökan Tror du att du är Techster Solutions nästa stjärna? Tveka då inte att skicka in din ansökan redan nu. Urval sker löpande och tillträde sker enligt överenskommelse.
Arbetsplats och kulturVi är ett entreprenördrivet IT företag, med både produktkunskap och försäljning (Techster AB) och konsultativa tjänster (Techster Solutions AB). Det innebär att vi är mycket öppna för nya tekniska lösningar, kunskapsutbyte och ständigt lärande. Att ha roligt och samtidigt behålla den familjära andan utan hierarkier är lika viktigt.
Vi vill skapa det konsultbolag som du alltid velat jobba för, men kanske inte hittat ännu. Redan idag har vi en blandning av seniora och yngre medarbetare, såväl som män och kvinnor. Det vill vi fortsätta att bygga på. Så välkommen med din ansökan!

Ansök nu

Andra jobb i Göteborg från Frontgrade Gaisler AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg från Frontgrade Gaisler AB .

System-on-Chip Architect for space processors

Läs mer Feb 4
Do you want to be part of our team creating the highest performing space microprocessor ever?
Frontgrade Gaisler, a world leader for space microprocessors, is leading a European state-of-the-art project to develop advanced semiconductor elements for the most performant microprocessors for space leveraging a 7nm Ultra Deep Sub-Micron (UDSM) node.
As part of our design team your job tasks will include:
Design space exploration and collaboration with architects and software engineers to realize the desired system functions and interfaces of our most advanced microprocessor
Digital design optimization, synthesis and interaction with physical design to reach high performance

We seek a person to join our digital design, software, and radiation effects engineering teams in Göteborg, Sweden. We operate in a hybrid work model, and employment in Germany or Spain can be considered if you are the right candidate.
We are looking for an experienced System-on-Chip (SoC) architect to join our skilled development team! To be a good fit for this position you need to have many years of experience in ASIC development including RTL design, IP core integration and implementation. You have a M.Sc. in a relevant field and thrive on solving complex problems and technical challenges.
Your background includes working with some of the following areas:
Integration of IP Cores into a SoC with high-performance functions and interfaces
Digital ASIC design with a good understanding of Synopsys Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools
DFT strategies and DFT implementation
Optimization of large high-speed digital designs

What we offer
Besides being part of an experienced team and working with challenging tasks we also offer:
Hybrid workplace, allowing remote work two days per week
Health care insurance
Regular health check-ups
Annual wellness allowance of 5000 SEK
Extra paid days off in connection with Swedish holidays

Ansök nu

Senior Software Designer

Läs mer Jan 8
Are you curious about starting a new and exciting role at a world-leading company in the space industry? Then this is your opportunity! Frontgrade Gaisler is looking for a skilled Embedded Software Designer to join our experienced team in central Gothenburg. We are expanding our software ecosystem to include support for our next generation microprocessor and our new RISC-V processor architecture.
Job description
As an Embedded Software Designer at Frontgrade Gaisler you will primarily be responsible for the development of embedded system software, from specification to implementation and documentation. This is an opportunity to take part in a dedicated team around the software development for our LEON/SPARC32 and NOEL-V/RISC-V processors, and you can also be involved in supporting development of instruction simulators and hardware debug software tools support, which are tightly coupled with our SoC solutions. The software ecosystem is to a large degree based on open-source projects where you will be involved in public discussions and contributions from time to time.
We are looking for a candidate with at least 10 years of applicable experience within embedded systems development such as SW/HW integration, device drivers, communication protocols and real-time systems. Your experience should also include:
Embedded operating systems, such as Real-time Operating System (RTOS) and bare metal C
Device driver design, or other low-level programming skills
SoC computer architecture understanding, such as bus communication or ISA
Peripheral interfaces and communication protocols
Automated testing using available frameworks, such as Jenkins
The development is mainly performed using C programming, but also using SPARC/RISC-V assembly, C++, and scripting languages.

With multiple years of embedded software experience or previous experiences as a team leader, this can also be an opportunity as a team lead or product owner.
Personal Qualities
You enjoy analyzing complex problems with attention to detail and quality. You possess excellent English skills, both verbally and written. You’re always eager to learn more and share your competence with your colleagues. If you are a senior embedded developer or have previous experience as a team leader, this is considered a plus, and the role will be adapted accordingly.
What we offer
In the software section we offer you a creative environment where you can influence your work and have the possibility to work within several projects ranging from simulators, debuggers, operating systems, drivers and boot loaders. Since all hardware SoC design and supporting software development takes place in-house at Frontgrade Gaisler, a unique expertise within SoC, and microprocessor hardware design, target software and tools is at hand.
Besides being a part of an experienced team and working with challenging tasks we also offer:
Hybrid workplace, allowing remote work two days per week
Health care insurance
Regular health check-ups
Annual wellness allowance of 5000 SEK
Extra paid days off in connection to Swedish holidays

About us
Frontgrade Gaisler is a world leader in the space industry, making a real difference by providing cutting-edge products for mission-critical solutions in space. Our customer base is worldwide in an exciting and growing market, working on a scale that benefits humanity on Earth and extends across the solar system.
Keywords: RTOS, RTEMS, VxWorks, Hypervisor, Secure boot, Cryptography

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Hardware Engineer

Civilingenjör, konstruktion, elektronik
Läs mer Jan 8
Are you a Hardware Engineer eager to take on a new challenge at a world-leading company in the space industry? This is your opportunity! Frontgrade Gaisler is looking for a Hardware Engineer to join our experienced team in central Gothenburg. Be part of exciting projects and contribute to the future of space technology!
Job description
As a Hardware Engineer you will participate in the complete development process of system-on-chip designs based on our IP cores, from architectural design, through development and verification, to implementation and prototype validation.
Your job tasks include:
Development of RTL models of IP cores and system-on-chip designs using VHDL
Verification and FPGA prototyping of designs
Implementation in target technologies, including both ASIC and FPGA
Technical support to customers and sales organization

To be a good fit for this position, you should have some years of relevant experience, along with knowledge in RTL design, verification, and implementation, preferably targeting FPGA or ASIC development. You have a M.Sc. or Ph.D. in a relevant field and thrive on solving complex problems.
We consider it valuable if you have experience in one or more of these areas:
System-on-chip design with on-chip buses, such as AMBA AHB or AXI
IP core development in an HDL, preferably VHDL
Experience from working with FPGAs and FPGA tools
Knowledge in computer architecture, microprocessor design, RISC-V, SPARC
Knowledge in communication protocols: Ethernet, CAN, PCIe, JESD204, USB, etc.
Test bench development in VHDL and/or SystemVerilog

You understand the importance of technical documentation like sharing your competence with your colleagues and taking responsibility for your work tasks. Working both independently and in a team suits you well and you’re always eager to learn more.
What we offer
Besides being a part of an experienced team and working with challenging tasks we also offer:
Hybrid workplace, allowing remote work two days per week
Health care insurance
Regular health check-ups
Annual wellness allowance of 5000 SEK
Extra paid days off in connection to Swedish holidays

Ansök nu

Senior Linux Software Designer

Läs mer Jan 8
Are you ready for a new challenge at a world-leading company in the space industry? This is your opportunity! Frontgrade Gaisler is currently seeking a talented Linux Software Designer to join our experienced team in central Gothenburg.
Job description
As a Linux Software designer at Frontgrade Gaisler you will primarily be responsible for the development of embedded system software, from specification to implementation and documentation. It is an opportunity to take part in a dedicated team around the Linux development for our LEON/SPARC32 and NOEL-V/RISC-V processors. As part of our software team, you may also be involved in supporting development of instruction simulators and hardware debug software tools support, which are tightly coupled with our SoC solutions. The Linux software environment is developed based on open-source projects where you will be involved in public discussions from time to time.
We are looking for a candidate with at least 10 years of applicable experience within embedded systems development such as SW/HW integration, device drivers, communication protocols and real-time systems. Your experience should also include:
Embedded operating systems such as Linux and bare metal C
Device driver design, or Linux kernel programming skills
SoC computer architecture understanding, such as bus communication or ISA
The development is mainly performed using C programming, but also using SPARC/RISC-V assembly, C++, and scripting languages.

If you have multiple years of embedded Linux experience or have previous experiences as a team leader, this can also be an opportunity as a team lead.
Personal Qualities
You enjoy analyzing complex problems with attention to detail and quality. You possess excellent English skills, both verbally and written. You’re always eager to learn more and share your competence with your colleagues. If you are a senior embedded developer or have previous experience as a team leader, this is considered a plus, and the role will be adapted accordingly.
What we offer
In the software section we offer you a creative environment where you can influence your work and have the possibility to work within several projects ranging from simulators, debuggers, operating systems, drivers and boot loaders. Since all hardware SoC design and supporting software development takes place in-house at Frontgrade Gaisler, a unique expertise within SoC, and microprocessor design, target software and tools is at hand.
Besides being a part of an experienced team and working with challenging tasks we also offer:
Hybrid workplace, allowing remote work two days per week
Health care insurance
Regular health check-ups
Annual wellness allowance of 5000 SEK
Extra paid days off in connection to Swedish holidays

About us
Frontgrade Gaisler is a world leader in the space industry, making a real difference by providing cutting-edge products for mission-critical solutions in space. Our customer base is worldwide in an exciting and growing market, working on a scale that benefits humanity on Earth and extends across the solar system.
Keywords: Linux kernel, Yocto, Buildroot, RTOS, RTEMS, VxWorks, Hypervisor, Secure boot, Cryptography.

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