Göteborg: Affärsdriven Konsultchef

Hitta ansökningsinfo om jobbet Affärsdriven Konsultchef i Göteborg. Är det intressant kan du gå vidare och ansöka jobbet. Annars kan du klicka på arbetsgivaren eller yrkesbenämningen för att se alla jobb i Göteborg inom den kategorin.

Publicerad: 2024-10-01 // Varaktighet: Heltid

Utveckla Linköping med oss:
Hej, ledarinnovatörer och affärsentusiaster! DevPort i Linköping söker en Konsultchef som vill vara med och lyfta vårt kontor till nya höjder. Vi tror på att innovation, hållbarhet och teknik, vilka är nyckeln till att forma framtidens produkter. Om du vill vara en nyckelspelare i vårt engagerade team och utveckla din karriär i ett etablerat företag som strävar efter att bli ännu bättre, så har du kommit rätt!

Vår DevPort-värld:
På DevPort i Linköping erbjuder vi våra kunder en bred kompetensleverans inom mjukvara, konstruktion inom el och produktutveckling, projektledning samt kvalitet och verksamhetsutveckling. Vi leverera vår kompetens både ute hos kund och från 11:e våningen på Mjärdevi Center.

Vår arbetskultur:
Hos DevPort har vi en inspirerande gemenskap. Vi tror på samarbete och att vi tillsammans kan uppnå något extraordinärt. Vi jobbar nära våra konsulter och chefskollegor för att nå optimala lösningar för kunden och för våra medarbetares utveckling.

Din roll som Konsultchef:
I din roll som Konsultchef kommer du att ha en central viktig plats i utvecklingen av vår verksamhet i Linköping. Du kommer att vara ansvarig för att leda och utveckla ett befintligt team av medarbetare i Linköping och du kommer samarbeta med andra konsultchefer i Linköping, Jönköping samt på andra DevPort-kontor. Du kommer att ha blandade kompetenser från samtliga av våra kompetensområden i din grupp. För att lyckas krävs det att du är en vass säljare med en djup förståelse för både affären och de människor som driver den. Samtidigt behöver du vara nära dina medarbetare för att kunna vara den karriär och kompetens-coach som rollen innebär. Du kommer att ingå i den lokala ledningsgruppen för Region Mitt och rapporterar till Regionchefen.

Du är en ledare med en kombination av goda ledaregenskaper och fördjupad förståelse för gruppdynamik. Du är skicklig på att inspirera, kommunicera och motivera andra ledare och har en stark känsla för vision och strategiskt tänkande, kunna se det större sammanhanget och styra gruppens arbete mot gemensamma mål. Du har erfarenhet från teknikkonsultbranschen och därmed djup förståelse för denna typ av verksamhet och affär.

Har du erfarenhet från Saab så är det meriterande.

Våra erbjudande:

• En ledande position i ett framstående företag.
• Möjlighet att påverka och forma den egna gruppen, kontoret samt DevPorts utveckling framåt.
• En dynamisk och engagerande arbetsmiljö.
• Deltagande i ledningsgrupp

Vi söker dig:

• som har en högskoleutbildning motsvarande högskoleingenjör eller civilingenjör från inom relevant område, alternativt motsvarande kunskap från annan erfarenhet.
• som har tidigare erfarenhet från ledande roller.
• med erfarenhet från att tidigare ha arbetat som konsultchef i teknikkonsultbranschen.
• som har stor förståelse för affären.
• som tycker om utmaningar och som har ett lösningsorienterat arbetssätt.
• både kan arbeta operativt och leda arbetet inom områdena rekrytering, kundrelationer samt nykundsbearbetning.
• Som är samarbetsvillig, empatisk, resultatfokuserad och trivs med att ha ett helhetsperspektiv.
• Krav på flytande svenska i tal och skrift.

Om du är intresserad av att ta ledarrollen som konsultchef hos oss och driva en grupp mot nya framgångar, ser vi fram emot din ansökan.

Vänligen skicka ditt CV och ett personligt brev där du beskriver hur din erfarenhet, passion och kompetens är precis vad vi behöver för denna nyckelposition.

Ansökan skall vara inkommen senast 2024-10-31.

Har du frågor om tjänsten går det bra att kontakta Risto Kesti hos oss på epost risto.kesti@devport.se, eller på 0727-44 13 00. Rekryteringsbolag undanbedes kontakta oss för denna rekrytering.

Bli en ledande kraft i vårt team och hjälp oss skapa framtidens konsultbolag!

Alla platsannonser →

Andra jobb i Göteborg som Affärsområdeschef

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg som Affärsområdeschef.

Director Complete Product Documentation & Release

Läs mer Okt 8
“The Volvo Group drives prosperity through transport solutions, offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to shaping the future landscape of sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions. Countless career opportunities are offered across the group’s leading brands and entities that share a culture of Trust, Passion, High Performance, Change and Customer Success. “

Volvo Groups’ Electromobility organization has grown immensely, and we are now adapting to take the next leap by transforming the business. We are determined that a foundational and operational model change is necessary, and we are expanding with a line of directors to help us drive and accelerate our journey.
Join our dynamic team as a Director of Complete Product Documentation & Release within the System Complete department and make a significant impact. Are you a forward-thinking leader with a passion to drive a sustainable future? Do you inspire and bring out the best of your leaders and teams by promoting collaboration and understanding in the workplace, committed to creating an inclusive and supportive environment, we would love to hear from you! 
About us:
The R&D resources for the three truck brands (Volvo Trucks, Renault Trucks, and Mack Trucks) are centralized into Volvo Group Trucks Technology. Volvo Group Trucks Technology provides state-of-the-art research, cutting-edge engineering, and product planning, as well as aftermarket product support.
Electromobility is changing the automotive world, and we are now looking for you who want to be part of making this change happening in our industry! The Electromobility organization is responsible for the complete development lifecycle of our electric powertrains – from advanced engineering through product development into the maintenance phase. The function has a truly purpose-driven leadership and together we drive Electromobility transition based on cutting-edge engineering and state-of-the-art research within the Volvo Group. By joining us, you’ll be part of a global and diverse team of highly skilled professionals. We make our customers, the planet and our future generations win.
This is how you can make a difference:
Your leadership expertise will play a pivotal role in driving the cultural shift essential for fostering innovation and transformation. With a passion for leading change and empowering leaders, coupled with a customer-centric mindset, you have a track record of transforming good teams into exceptional ones. We believe you have a can-do attitude and a results-oriented mindset, enabling you to tackle challenging assignments successfully. We have a feeling that you have a true passion about Electromobility as a technology domain and what it can do to transform the transportation industry. 
Together, we will continue to grow and build state-of-the-art technology. You will be part of the System Complete function management team and report directly to VP System Complete. 

To make this a success:
The Director Complete Product Documentation & Release a challenging senior position with a large influence on organizational, strategical, conceptual, and main deliveries. Proficient in overseeing end-to-end system requirements, managing system design, verification processes, and ensuring delivery sign-off. The key to success is to drive innovation by the ability to actively manage change, balancing and handling multiple and competing priorities within a fast-paced environment.  You have the experience to optimize the efficiency of existing processes, way of working and set new structures for internal and external stakeholders.

Your deep understanding of complete technical solutions, market experience, stakeholder management abilities in the automotive industry, and proficiency in processes and deliverables, coupled with your ability to take action, will enable you to successfully lead your team and elevate the System Complete department in Electromobility to the next level.
What to bring:
•    Extensive experience within System design and technical governance for complex automotive systems.
•    Extensive experience of product documentation & release (incl. Product data management and product life cycle management).
•    Experience in complete Electric Propulsion systems.  
•    Former experience in a senior line managerial role preferably within automotive industry (leading leader level)
•    Demonstrated ability to balance a strategic, holistic end-to-end (E2E) view with operational considerations.
•    Engineering education, preferably a MSc.

Work location is in Gothenburg at the Group Trucks Technology HQ.
Last day for application using our career site is May 4th. We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. 
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact:
Johanna Judkins, Global People & Culture Lead Electromobility  

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Veterankraft i Göteborg söker en Platschef!

Läs mer Okt 7
Som Platschef på Veterankraft är du en central del i att driva och utveckla verksamheten inom ett geografiskt område. Du har personalansvar över dina medarbetare vilket inkluderar rekrytering, ledning, kompetensutveckling och resultatuppföljning. Du förväntas ha en djup förståelse för den lokala marknaden och kundernas behov, vilket gör det möjligt för dig att bygga långsiktiga kundrelationer och anpassa verksamheten efter lokala förutsättningar. Låter det som du? Läs mer nedan! ????

Vad gör en Platschef?
Som Platschef har du ett brett operativt ansvar där du driver processen med att tillsätta medarbetare på uppdrag hos såväl nya som befintliga kunder inom ditt område. Du hanterar rekrytering och offboarding av Veteraner, samt ansvarar för resursplanering och att säkerställa en god balans mellan personal och uppdrag. Du leder och fördelar arbetet i området, planerar teamaktiviteter för att stärka sammanhållningen och engagemanget. Du coachar, utbildar och följer upp din medarbetargrupp. Dessutom har du ansvar för medarbetarsamtal, lönesamtal och arbetsmiljöfrågor.
Din roll innebär också att aktivt bygga och vårda långsiktiga kundrelationer, samtidigt som du har en djup förståelse för den lokala marknaden, kundernas behov och konkurrenternas aktiviteter. När det gäller resultat och uppföljning sätter du mål i samarbete med din närmsta chef och följer upp områdets resultat och budget. Du säkerställer god resurstillgång för att möta kundbasens utveckling och arbetar kontinuerligt med nyckeltal som medarbetarnas välmående, personalomsättning och kundnöjdhet.

Vem är vår nästa Platschef?
Vi söker dig som är relationsskapande, affärsdriven och målinriktad. Du har alltid kunder och medarbetare i fokus och är lyhörd, flexibel och serviceinriktad. Ditt ledarskap präglas av att motivera och utveckla teamet så att alla trivs och mår bra. Med din positiva inställning ser du möjligheter snarare än problem och arbetar aktivt för att hitta lösningar.
För att summera ser vi att du har:
Minst 5 års erfarenhet i en ledande roll med personalansvar
Dokumenterad erfarenhet av att utveckla och leda team mot uppsatta mål
God lokalkännedom och förståelse för marknadens dynamik i området
Erfarenhet av kundkontakt och försäljning, gärna i en lokal kontext
Stark kommunikations- och förhandlingsförmåga
Förmåga att arbeta strukturerat och självständigt i en snabbrörlig miljö
Relevant eftergymnasial utbildning eller motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet

Så, är du vår nästa Platschef på Veterankraft?
Tjänsten är en heltidstjänst med provanställning och start enligt överenskommelse. Vi hanterar ansökningarna löpande och likaså intervjuer. Skicka in din ansökan så snart som möjligt - vi stänger ned annonsen när vi hittat vår stjärna. ????
Har du några frågor angående tjänsten eller vår rekryteringsprocess är du varmt välkommen att höra av dig till hr@veterankraft.se

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Inbound Group Manager

Läs mer Okt 11
Jobbify är en jobbplattform för vassa kandidater.
För kunds räkning har vi publicerat denna annons, vill du komma i kontakt med den slutgiltiga arbetsgivaren kan du klicka dig vidare till annonsen:
Are you a digital marketing leader with an entrepreneurial drive?

Do you thrive in fast-paced environments, and are you ready to spearhead one of our business units in a growth-focused company? If so, Brightvision might be the perfect place for you!

About Brightvision

Brightvision's corporate culture is built on transparency, teamwork, and personal development. Our vision is to become the largest and most trusted growth partner for B2B technology brands because we believe in the power of technology to solve humanity's challenges. You can learn more about our culture in our Culture Handbook, which is available for you to read.

Brightvision is a B2B growth agency specializing in results-driven marketing for tech companies. We have a team of around 100 employees across the globe, working with some of the largest and most innovative companies in the tech industry. While our main office is in Gothenburg, Sweden, most of our team, including managers, work remotely, giving you the flexibility to live and work from anywhere in the world.

Job Overview

As we head into a new period of growth, Brightvision is seeking a Group Manager to lead one of our business units with a focus on digital marketing.

As a Group Manager within Brightvision, you will be an entrepreneurial leader responsible for driving the growth of your unit, with a focus on financial performance, team management, and customer satisfaction. You will have full ownership of your unit's success, working closely with your team to build, develop, and deliver outstanding results.

Being an entrepreneur within Brightvision will give you the opportunity to run a business within a business—developing and growing our offering, ensuring quality service, and building long-term client relationships. To support you, you’ll have access to a dedicated team handling most of the backend parts of a company such as accounting, marketing etc.

We understand that job-hunting can be stressful, and we seek to make the recruitment process as easy and transparent as possible. That said, we want to fully get to know you, and hear about your ideas and goals—so we encourage you to submit a cover letter that genuinely reflects your vision for this role.

Key Responsibilities:

Profit & Loss Management: Oversee the full P&L for the business unit, ensuring financial targets are met and costs are controlled.

Revenue Growth: Develop and execute strategies to drive revenue growth within the unit, focusing on both customer retention and acquisition.

Sales: You are responsible for the sales within the unit and you are expected to make sales yourself as well as being an account manager for bigger accounts.

Employee Engagement & Satisfaction: Foster a positive, high-performance culture by supporting employee development, engagement, and satisfaction.

Operational Efficiency: Continuously improve internal processes to increase efficiency and productivity, while ensuring deliveries are made with great quality and very satisfied customers.

Strategic Planning: Collaborate with senior leadership to set business objectives and create actionable plans that align with the company’s overall goals.

Market Insights: Stay informed on industry trends, competitive landscapes, and customer feedback to adapt strategies and maintain a competitive edge.

Stakeholder Collaboration: Work closely with cross-functional teams (e.g. Marketing, IT, and New Client Sales) to ensure alignment and support in achieving business objectives.

Compliance & Risk Management: Ensure the business unit adheres to company policies, regulatory requirements, and risk management protocols.

Ideal Candidate Profile:

Entrepreneurial mindset

A minimum of 3 years of leadership experience in a similar role.

At least 2 years experience in growing revenues in a team/business.

At least 5 years experience working in a fast-paced digital marketing environment.

Experience in analyzing data from digital campaigns/advertising

Previously worked in an agency in a role where you had a lot of customer contact

Have an understanding of Digital Marketing & Growth Marketing

Be used to working towards deadlines

Be comfortable in a project-based environment

Ansök nu

Inbound Group Manager

Läs mer Sep 25
Jobbify är en jobbplattform för vassa kandidater.
För kunds räkning har vi publicerat denna annons, vill du komma i kontakt med den slutgiltiga arbetsgivaren kan du klicka dig vidare till annonsen:
Are you a digital marketing leader with an entrepreneurial drive?

Do you thrive in fast-paced environments, and are you ready to spearhead one of our business units in a growth-focused company? If so, Brightvision might be the perfect place for you!

About Brightvision

Brightvision's corporate culture is built on transparency, teamwork, and personal development. Our vision is to become the largest and most trusted growth partner for B2B technology brands because we believe in the power of technology to solve humanity's challenges. You can learn more about our culture in our Culture Handbook, which is available for you to read.

Brightvision is a B2B growth agency specializing in results-driven marketing for tech companies. We have a team of around 100 employees across the globe, working with some of the largest and most innovative companies in the tech industry. While our main office is in Gothenburg, Sweden, most of our team, including managers, work remotely, giving you the flexibility to live and work from anywhere in the world.

Job Overview

As we head into a new period of growth, Brightvision is seeking a Group Manager to lead one of our business units with a focus on digital marketing.

As a Group Manager within Brightvision, you will be an entrepreneurial leader responsible for driving the growth of your unit, with a focus on financial performance, team management, and customer satisfaction. You will have full ownership of your unit's success, working closely with your team to build, develop, and deliver outstanding results.

Being an entrepreneur within Brightvision will give you the opportunity to run a business within a business—developing and growing our offering, ensuring quality service, and building long-term client relationships. To support you, you’ll have access to a dedicated team handling most of the backend parts of a company such as accounting, marketing etc.

We understand that job-hunting can be stressful, and we seek to make the recruitment process as easy and transparent as possible. That said, we want to fully get to know you, and hear about your ideas and goals—so we encourage you to submit a cover letter that genuinely reflects your vision for this role.

Key Responsibilities:

Profit & Loss Management: Oversee the full P&L for the business unit, ensuring financial targets are met and costs are controlled.

Revenue Growth: Develop and execute strategies to drive revenue growth within the unit, focusing on both customer retention and acquisition.

Sales: You are responsible for the sales within the unit and you are expected to make sales yourself as well as being an account manager for bigger accounts.

Employee Engagement & Satisfaction: Foster a positive, high-performance culture by supporting employee development, engagement, and satisfaction.

Operational Efficiency: Continuously improve internal processes to increase efficiency and productivity, while ensuring deliveries are made with great quality and very satisfied customers.

Strategic Planning: Collaborate with senior leadership to set business objectives and create actionable plans that align with the company’s overall goals.

Market Insights: Stay informed on industry trends, competitive landscapes, and customer feedback to adapt strategies and maintain a competitive edge.

Stakeholder Collaboration: Work closely with cross-functional teams (e.g. Marketing, IT, and New Client Sales) to ensure alignment and support in achieving business objectives.

Compliance & Risk Management: Ensure the business unit adheres to company policies, regulatory requirements, and risk management protocols.

Ideal Candidate Profile:

Entrepreneurial mindset

A minimum of 3 years of leadership experience in a similar role.

At least 2 years experience in growing revenues in a team/business.

At least 5 years experience working in a fast-paced digital marketing environment.

Experience in analyzing data from digital campaigns/advertising

Previously worked in an agency in a role where you had a lot of customer contact

Have an understanding of Digital Marketing & Growth Marketing

Be used to working towards deadlines

Be comfortable in a project-based environment

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Andra jobb i Göteborg från Devport AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg från Devport AB .

Underhållsingenjör till Fordonsindustrin!

Civilingenjör, tillverkningsindustri
Läs mer Okt 9
DevPort söker nu en erfaren Underhållsingenjör för ett spännande uppdrag inom fordonsbranschen!

Som underhållsingenjör ansvarar du för att förbereda vår kunds underhållssystem, samt att se till så att designen på produkter går att underhålla på ett sätt som är både enkelt och säkert. Projektet har en kort startsträcka och därför söker vi någon med erfarenhet sedan tidigare. Arbetsuppgifterna inkluderar bland annat:

• Vara med på design review av layout och utrustningar för att granska underhållsmässighet.
• Lägga in utrustningar i underhållssystem.
• Reservdelsberedning.
• Förebyggande underhåll.

Vi söker någon som har:

• En ingenjörsexamen inom maskinteknik, industriell teknik eller annat relaterat område.
• 5 eller fler års relevant arbetslivserfarenhet.
• Gedigen erfarenhet av underhållssystem.
• Arbetslivserfarenhet inom tillverkningsindustrin, gärna med ökat ansvar över tid.

Det är meriterande om du har:

• Erfarenhet av fordonsindustrin.
• Erfarenhet av underhållssystemet Maximo.


• Det är viktigt att du behärskar både svenska och engelska, i både tal och skrift, då dessa språk används i det dagliga arbetet.

Vad vi erbjuder:

• Mångsidiga och utmanande uppdrag: Delta i spännande projekt hos olika kunder och industrier där dina färdigheter värdesätts högt.
• Flexibel ersättning: Välj mellan högre lön eller mer semestertid—det är ditt val!
• Inspirerande arbetsmiljö: Delta i roliga aktiviteter och konferensresor som stärker teamet och skapar minnesvärda upplevelser.
• Kontinuerlig utveckling: Utveckla dina färdigheter genom våra specialprojekt och lunchföreläsningar som täcker ämnen från sociala färdigheter och stresshantering till avancerad batteriteknik.
• Innovativa arbetsuppgifter: Arbeta med banbrytande produkter och den senaste teknologin i en miljö som främjar kreativitet och innovation.


Om detta låter som något för dig, ansök genom att följa stegen nedan.

Har du några frågor, skicka ett mejl till Samuel Bogeryd på Samuel.bogeryd@devport.se.

Vi ser fram emot att läsa din ansökan!

Om DevPort

DevPort är ett teknikkonsultbolag i en expansiv utvecklingsfas med huvudkontor i Göteborg och kontor i Stockholm, Linköping, Jönköping, Helsingborg och Karlskrona. DevPort har sin kärnkompetens inom fordonsindustrin och sysselsätter över 500 personer inom tre kompetensområden – digitala lösningar, produktionsutveckling och produktutveckling.

Vi är stolta över våra medarbetare och vårt samarbete med flera av världens ledande fordonsproducenter, företag inom försvarsindustrin och andra utvecklingsintensiva industrier.

Vi kännetecknas av en familjär kultur med entreprenörskap, kompetens, trygghet och en gemenskap som genomsyrar verksamheten och bidrar till en trevlig och inspirerande arbetsplats.

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Senior developer for visualizing digital twin

Läs mer Sep 12
DevPort is looking for a Senior Developer for visualizing digital twins on a website. Are you experienced with working within 3D image pipelines within Python? Then this could be the perfect opportunity for you!

In this role, you are a consultant and part of our area of digital solutions in Gothenburg. You will be working at our client within the automotive industry, visualizing a digital twin on their website.

One of the teams creates 3D images for different options that the user can make to the car. As a developer in this role, you will gather and visualize these images on our client's website, using Python to build a pipeline for these 3D objects.


• At least 3 years of experience in building pipelines of 3D objects within Python
• Experience in C++
• Experience in Maya and Omniverse
• Efficient in Linux
• Fluent in both speaking and writing in English.

What We Offer:

• Diverse and Challenging Assignments: Engage in exciting projects with various clients and industries where your skills will be highly valued.
• Flexible Compensation: Choose between a higher salary or more vacation time—it's your choice!
• Inspiring Work Environment: Participate in fun activities and conference trips that strengthen the team and create memorable experiences.
• Continuous Development: Enhance your skills through our special projects and lunch lectures covering topics from social skills and stress management to advanced battery technology.
• Innovative Tasks: Work with cutting-edge products and the latest technologies in an environment that fosters creativity and innovation.

If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, apply by following the steps below.

If you have any questions, send an email to Samuel Bogeryd at Samuel.bogeryd@devport.se

We are looking forward to reading your application!

About DevPort
DevPort is a technology consulting company in an expansive development phase with headquarters in Gothenburg and offices in Stockholm, Linköping, Jönköping, Helsingborg, and Karlskrona. DevPort has its core competence in the automotive industry and employs more than 500 people in three competence areas—Digital solutions, production development, and product development.

We are proud of our employees and of collaborating with several of the world's leading vehicle manufacturers, companies in the defence industry, and other development-intensive industries.

We are characterized by a family culture with entrepreneurship, competence, security, and a community that infuses the company's operations and contributes to a pleasant and inspiring workplace.

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Frontend-web-developer to DevPort!

Läs mer Sep 9
DevPort is looking for a Frontend Web Developer to join us, where you will work on assginments within the automotive industry. Are you experienced in software development and also someone who excels at understanding needs and collaborating with others? Then this could be the perfect opportunity for you!

As a Frontend Web Developer, you will be involved in developing a robust platform for our client, enabling expert users and content creators to work more efficiently and productively in the creation of service information. The role and project will involve collaboration with other teams aswell as interaction with stakeholders to understand their needs.


Minimum 8 years of experience in front-end software development in either Javascript/typeScript, Python, Node, React, Next

Experience in CI/CD

Experience in Docker, Kubernetes

Experience in Bash or similar

Experience in or other databases

• Fluent in spoken and written Swedish, since it is used in the daily work

What We Offer:

• Diverse and Challenging Assignments: Engage in exciting projects with various clients and industries where your skills will be highly valued.
• Flexible Compensation: Choose between a higher salary or more vacation time—it's your choice!
• Inspiring Work Environment: Participate in fun activities and conference trips that strengthen the team and create memorable experiences.
• Continuous Development: Enhance your skills through our special projects and lunch lectures covering topics from social skills and stress management to advanced battery technology.
• Innovative Tasks: Work with cutting-edge products and the latest technologies in an environment that fosters creativity and innovation.

If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, apply by following the steps below.

If you have any questions, send an email to Samuel Bogeryd at Samuel.bogeryd@devport.se

We are looking forward to reading your application!

About DevPort
DevPort is a technology consulting company in an expansive development phase with headquarter in Gothenburg and offices in Stockholm, Linköping, Jönköping, Helsingborg and Karlskrona. DevPort has its core competence in the automotive industry and employs more than 500 people in three competence areas - Digital solutions, production development and product development.

We are proud of our employees and of collaborating with several of the world's leading vehicle manufacturers, companies in the defence industry and other development-intensive industries.

We are characterized by a family culture with entrepreneurship, competence, security, and a community that infuses the company's operations and contributes to a pleasant and inspiring workplace.

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Logistics and Supply chain to DevPort!

Läs mer Sep 12
DevPort is now looking for driven people within Supply Chain Mangement and Logistics to join us for assignments with our clients!

Are you looking for a workplace with good development opportunities where you get to work with exciting products and the latest technologies? Then you are the one we are looking for!

As a consultant at Devport, you will work on-site at one of our clients. With a background in Supply Chain Management or logistics, you may work with, among other things, purchasing, materials handling, production planning, or transport planning.

We are looking for someone who:

• Has a master’s or bachelor’s degree in Supply Chain Management, Logistics, or equivalent field
• Has experience in working with Supply Chain Mangement or Logistics
• Enjoys learning new things and taking on new roles with our clients
• Is a team player but also independent and self-driven
• Is proactive and has good communication skills
• Is proficient in both speaking and writing in Swedish and English, since both languages are used in the daily work

It is advantageous if you have:

• Completed a thesis or internship in the automotive industry
• An interest in the automotive industry, as most of our clients are in or around this sector

What We Offer:

• Diverse and Challenging Assignments: Engage in exciting projects with various clients and industries where your skills will be highly valued.
• Flexible Compensation: Choose between a higher salary or more vacation time—it's your choice!
• Inspiring Work Environment: Participate in fun activities and conference trips that strengthen the team and create memorable experiences.
• Continuous Development: Enhance your skills through our special projects and lunch lectures covering topics from social skills and stress management to advanced battery technology.
• Innovative Tasks: Work with cutting-edge products and the latest technologies in an environment that fosters creativity and innovation.

If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, apply by following the steps below.

If you have any questions, send an email to Samuel Bogeryd at Samuel.bogeryd@devport.se

We are looking forward to reading your application!

About DevPort
DevPort is a technology consulting company in an expansive development phase with headquarter in Gothenburg and offices in Stockholm, Linköping, Jönköping, Helsingborg and Karlskrona. DevPort has its core competence in the automotive industry and employs more than 500 people in three competence areas - Digital solutions, production development and product development.

We are proud of our employees and of collaborating with several of the world's leading vehicle manufacturers, companies in the defence industry and other development-intensive industries.

We are characterized by a family culture with entrepreneurship, competence, security, and a community that infuses the company's operations and contributes to a pleasant and inspiring workplace.

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Production engineers to DevPort!

Produktionsingenjör, maskin
Läs mer Sep 9
Devport is now looking for Production Engineers to join us for assignments with our clients!

As a production engineer, you are responsible for planning, monitoring, and optimizing manufacturing processes across various industries. Your main goal is to ensure efficiency, quality, and cost-effectiveness in the production processes. Here are some of the common tasks and responsibilities of a production engineer:

• Process planning and design
• Quality assurance
• Optimization of production processes
• Technical support
• Cost analysis
• Implementation of new technology
• Planning and scheduling

As a production engineer, you play a key role in ensuring smooth and efficient manufacturing processes as well as maintaining high quality and cost-efficiency in the products. Your work spans multiple areas, including engineering, economics, and management.

We are looking for someone who has:

• A degree in engineering, such as mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, or a related field.
• 5 or more years of relevant work experience
• Experience in production planning and process optimization
• Work experience in the manufacturing industry, preferably with increased levels of responsibility over time

Technical skills:

• Knowledge of manufacturing processes and production methods.
• Experience working with production and planning systems.
• Skills in using various tools and techniques for process optimization.

The following personal qualities:

• Strong communication skills to collaborate with other departments and report on results and improvements.
• Flexibility; the ability to adapt to changing production requirements and handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
• Team player; experience working in teams and coordinating activities with different departments.


It is important that you are proficient in both Swedish and English, in both speech and writing, since it is used in the daily work.

What We Offer:

• Diverse and Challenging Assignments: Engage in exciting projects with various clients and industries where your skills will be highly valued.
• Flexible Compensation: Choose between a higher salary or more vacation time—it's your choice!
• Inspiring Work Environment: Participate in fun activities and conference trips that strengthen the team and create memorable experiences.
• Continuous Development: Enhance your skills through our special projects and lunch lectures covering topics from social skills and stress management to advanced battery technology.
• Innovative Tasks: Work with cutting-edge products and the latest technologies in an environment that fosters creativity and innovation.

If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, apply by following the steps below.

If you have any questions, send an email to Samuel Bogeryd at Samuel.bogeryd@devport.se

We are looking forward to reading your application!

About DevPort
DevPort is a technology consulting company in an expansive development phase with headquarter in Gothenburg and offices in Stockholm, Linköping, Jönköping, Helsingborg and Karlskrona. DevPort has its core competence in the automotive industry and employs more than 500 people in three competence areas - Digital solutions, production development and product development.

We are proud of our employees and of collaborating with several of the world's leading vehicle manufacturers, companies in the defence industry and other development-intensive industries.

We are characterized by a family culture with entrepreneurship, competence, security, and a community that infuses the company's operations and contributes to a pleasant and inspiring workplace.

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