Göteborg: Professional Home Cleaner at HomeWork® AB (Minimum Salary 164,64 SEK/h)

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Publicerad: 2025-02-04 // Varaktighet: Heltid

HomeWork® AB is one of Sweden’s largest home cleaning companies, with clients in Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, and Lund. We have focused exclusively on home cleaning since 2007, that is, for more than 17 years.
As a professional home cleaner with HomeWork, your work consists of cleaning our clients’ homes weekly, biweekly, and four-weekly. Normally you have two clients per day, sometimes three, but never more. The clients remain the same and so become ’your’ clients.
To work as a professional home cleaner with HomeWork, you should be motivated, and skilled in home cleaning, and, preferably, have professional experience as a cleaner. Being skilled in cleaning means you should have good knowledge about cleaning materials and cleaning methods, be able to work meticulously and efficiently, be organized, and have an eye for details.
In addition to cleaning skills, we look at your skills in communication, customer service, administration, and security. Because we only employ personnel who want to work with cleaning as a real profession, we request that you work a minimum of 25% of full-time (that is, at least about 10 hours per week).
If you have the skills we’re looking for, we can offer you a very stable job, friendly clients, and a well-organized and helpful administration. We can also offer better employment terms than many other cleaning companies, including:
• Higher salary than in collective agreements
• Full-time work if you want to work full-time
• Compensation for travel by car or public transportation
• Business phone with free calls and free internet
• Bonus program for recommendations to new clients and cleaners
• Healthcare/fitness subsidies
• Up to six weeks of vacation per year
We pay between 164,64 and 174,64 SEK/h (147 and 155,93 SEK/h plus 12% vacation salary), depending primarily on your clients' ratings. Our minimum salary is higher than in collective agreements, and more than many other cleaning companies pay.
For those who aren't familiar with the salary system in Sweden, it's worth to add that we, like all employers in Sweden, also pay social fees of 31.42% of your salary, which include a fee for your retirement. The retirement fee is 10.21% of your salary, and is paid to you by the Swedish government when you retire, irrespective of whether you still live in Sweden or not.
To be eligible to apply, you should:
1. Be motivated, and skilled in home cleaning
2. Be reliable, friendly, and service-minded
3. Speak good Swedish or English (Please note that Swedish is NOT a requirement)
4. Have a residence or work permit in Sweden
5. Plan to work for HomeWork at least 25% of full-time for at least 12 months
6. If requested, present a certificate from the Swedish criminal registry (Belastningsregistret)
Please note that having a driver’s license is NOT a requirement.
To learn more about the position, and to apply online in less than three minutes, please visit homework.se/apply.
Please note that we confirm, read, and reply to ALL online applications.
We look forward to hearing from you. )
Between 164,64 and 174,64 SEK/h (147 and 155,93 SEK/h plus 12% vacation salary) plus other compensation (see above)

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Andra jobb i Göteborg som Städare/Lokalvårdare

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg som Städare/Lokalvårdare.

Copy of Service staff in the cleaning sector - Part time

Läs mer Jan 28
Dedicated service staff in the cleaning sector
Are you a driven and meticulous person who is passionate about creating clean and pleasant environments? Do you have an eye for detail and want to have ameaningful work? Then you may be the person we are looking for to strengthen our team as a dedicated service staff in the cleaning industry!
About us Städalliansen is growing and we are now looking for more talented employees in Gothenburg who want to work with cleaning.
Städalliansen is a medium-sized Swedish cleaning company specializing in both private and corporate cleaning. We are about 50 employees and we offer companies and private individuals everything in cleaning.
About the roleAs service personnel in our company, you will play a key role in ensuring that our customers are always met by a clean and welcoming home or premises. The tasks vary from daily maintenance cleaning to larger cleaning projects and special assignments.
We are looking for you who: Have experience in cleaning work or a strong desire to learn
Are thorough, responsible and self-motivated
Have a positive attitude and are service-oriented
Are flexible and can adapt to changing tasks and working hours
Have at leastbasic language skills in Swedish and/or English
We offer: Varied tasks in a growing industry
Great colleagues from all over the world
Good salary according to collective agreement, training and education and the possibility for personal development
Liability insurance, health insurance, pension insurance and wellness allowance
Flexible work schedule - You can choose to work weekdays or weekends, mornings or afternoons. Perfect to combine with school, such as SFI.

We process applications on an ongoing basis and the position may be filled before the deadline, so don't wait to send in your application!
We look forward to hearing from you and welcome you to join our dedicated team!

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Copy of Servicepersonal inom städbranschen - Deltid

Läs mer Jan 28
Engagerad servicepersonal inom städbranschen
Är du en driven och noggrann person som brinner för att skapa rena och trevliga miljöer? Har du öga för detaljer och vill göra ettmeningsfullt arbete? Då kan du vara den vi söker för att förstärka vårt team som engagerad servicepersonal inom städbranschen!
Om ossStädalliansen växer och vi söker nu fler duktiga medarbetare till Göteborg som vill jobba med städning.
Städalliansen är ett medelstort västsvenskt städföretag med inriktning både mot privat och företagstäd. Vi är ca 50 medarbetare på fält och vi erbjuder företag och privatpersoner allt inom städning.
Om rollenSom servicepersonal i vårt företag kommer du att spela en nyckelroll i att säkerställa att våra kunder alltid möts av ett rent och välkommande hem eller lokaler.Arbetsuppgifterna varierar från daglig underhållsstädning till större städprojekt och speciellauppdrag.
Vi söker dig som: Har erfarenhet av städarbete eller stark vilja att lära
Är noggrann, ansvarsfull och självgående
Har en positiv inställning och är serviceinriktad
Är flexibel och kan anpassa dig till skiftande arbetsuppgifter och arbetstider
Har grundläggande språkkunskaper isvenska och/eller engelska
Vi erbjuder: Omväxlande arbetsuppgifter inom en växande bransch
Härliga kollegor från hela världen
Marknadsmässig lön enligt kollektivavtal, utbildning samt möjlighet till personlig utveckling
Ansvarsförsäkring, sjukförsäkring, pensionsförsäkring och friskvårdsbidrag
Flexibilitet i arbetsschema - Du kan välja att jobba vardag eller helg, förmiddag eller eftermiddag. Perfekt att kombinera med skola, exempelvis SFI

Vi behandlar ansökningar löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag, så vänta inte med att skicka in din ansökan!
Vi ser fram emot att höra från dig och välkommen att bli en del av vårt engagerade team!

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Hemstädare till Stor-flyttstäd i Göteborgs län - Hemfrid

Läs mer Jan 20
We are looking forbig house- / house moving cleaners,to join our team in Gothenburg. Are you our next star?
Your profile
We love making our customers’ everyday lives easier – and so should you. We are looking for someone who likes to work independently and is driven by quality and customer service. You are punctual and responsible, with an eye for details and a positive attitude.
You should:
Have previous experience from working within service. A strong merit within big house -/house moving cleaning and window cleaning.
Speak and understand basic Swedish or English.
Be able to work flexible hours, Monday – Friday, between 7 – 17. Weeked work may occur.
Have a valid B driving license.

We offer
Our goal is clear – we want to be the best employer in the industry. We believe our employees are the heart of the company, and we are dedicated to providing good working conditions.
Among others, we offer:
A permanent position with a 50-75 % employment rate.
Collective agreement and favorable terms of employment.
Liability insurance, health insurance, and pension insurance.
Wellness allowance.
Training in home cleaning, with a focus on your development.
Great career opportunities and growth within Hemfrid.
Free mobile subscription.
One of Sweden’s greatest teams of colleagues from all over the world.

About the role
As a big house- / house moving cleanerat Hemfrid, you are responsible for cleaning our customers’ homes to the highest quality. Your mission is always to provide the best service possible. Youareresponsible for your clients’ satisfaction.
Your work tasks include, among others:
Vacuuming and dusting.
Mopping floors and cleaning surfaces.
Cleaning windows and glazed balconies may occur.About Hemfrid

Hemfrid is Sweden's leading provider of home services. We help our customers with cleaning, laundry, ironing, moving, gardening, and more. By working as a team and providing easy access to first-class home services, we unlock people's quality of life.
Our process
After completing the application, you will be contacted by the HR department regarding the recruitment process for your application.
As part of our recruitment process, we always do a background check. You need to have a Swedish personal number or a coordination number to be eligible for this position.
Are you ready to unlock people's quality of life? Great! So are we. We look forward to your application.
Welcome to Hemfrid!
Vi letar efter stor- flyttstädaretill vårt team i Göteborgs län. Är du vår nästa stjärna?
Din profil
Vi älskar att göra våra kunders vardag enklare – det borde du också göra. Vi söker efter någon som tycker om att arbeta självständigt och som drivs av kvalitet och kundservice. Du är punktlig och ansvarstagande, med ett öga för detaljer och en positiv inställning.
Du bör:
Ha tidigare erfarenhet av ett serviceyrke. En starkt merit inom stor- flyttstädningar och fönsterputs.
Tala och förstå grundläggande svenska eller engelska.
Kunna arbeta flexibla timmar, måndag – fredag, mellan 7 – 17. Viss helgjobb kan förekomma.
Ha ett giltigt B-körkort.

Vi erbjuder
Vårt mål är tydligt – vi vill vara branschens bästa arbetsgivare. Vi tror att våra anställda är företagets hjärta, och vi är dedikerade till att erbjuda bra arbetsförhållanden.
Bland annat erbjuder vi:
En tillsvidareanställning med 50- 75 % sysselsättningsgrad.
Kollektivavtal och bra anställningsvillkor
Ansvarsförsäkring, sjukförsäkring och pensionsförsäkring.
Utbildning inom hemstädning, med fokus på din utveckling.
Goda möjligheter att utvecklas och växa inom Hemfrid.
Gratis mobilabonnemang.
Ett av Sveriges härligaste team med kollegor från hela världen.

Om rollen
Som stor-flyttstädare påHemfrid ansvarar du för att städa våra kunders hem med högsta kvalitet. Ditt uppdrag är att alltid erbjuda bästa möjliga service. Du arbetar självständigt och i grupp och är ansvarig för att säkerställa att dina kunder är nöjda.
Dina arbetsuppgifter består bland annat av:
Dammsugning och dammtorkning.
Moppning och rengöring av ytor.
Strykning, vikning och tvätta kläder.
Putsa /tvätta fönster, och även inglasade balkonger kan förekomma.

Om Hemfrid
Hemfrid är Sveriges ledande aktör för tjänster i hemmet. Vi hjälper våra kunder med städning, tvätt, strykning, flytt, trädgårdsarbete och mycket mer. Genom att arbeta som ett team och ge våra kunder enkel tillgång till våra toppklassiga tjänster förbättrar vi deras livskvalitet.
Vår process
Efter genomförd ansökan kommer du att bli kontaktad av HR- avdelningen angående rekryteringsprocessen för din ansökan.
Som en del av vår rekryteringsprocess genomför vi bakgrundskontroller. För att vara kvalificerad för den här tjänsten behöver du ha ett svenskt personnummer eller ett samordningsnummer.
Är du redo att förbättra människors livskvalitet? Bra! Det är vi också. Vi ser fram emot din ansökan.
Välkommen till Hemfrid!

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Läs mer Jan 27
Vi söker dig som vill arbeta med lokalvård!
Trappstädning, kontorsstädning, hemstädning, storstädning, flyttsädning mm.
Den vi söker skall vara ansvarstagen, ha känsla för renhet och service.
Du ska behärska det svenska språket så du förstår arbetsinstruktioner.
B körkort är ett krav.

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Lokalvårdare Göteborg

Läs mer Jan 10
Välkommen hem!
På SBC förstår vi att ett hem är mycket mer än fyra väggar. Det är en plats där liv byggs, minnen skapas och drömmar uppfylls. Det är därför vi strävar efter att vara ledande inom vår bransch – att tillhandahålla säkra och trygga hem för människor.
Det är våra kunniga medarbetare som är drivkraften bakom vår framgång. Vi strävar efter att skapa en gemenskap av människor som delar värderingar om samverkan och kundservice.
Så om du letar efter ett jobb där du kan sätta dina kunskaper i arbete – Välkommen hem!
Ditt jobb och ansvarVi på SBC söker nu efter drivna och prestigelösalokalvårdaremed ett högt servicetänk. I rollen som lokalvårdarekommer du självständigt utföra städning av allmänna utrymmen som trapphus, tvättstugor och cykelrum etc. Vi växer teamet med lokalvårdare i Göteborg med ytterligare kollegor. Du kommer i den här rollen att arbeta både självständigt och i grupp i SBC förvaltade bostadsrättsföreningar. Vi söker nu efter personer med tidigare erfarenhet av lokalvård. Vi tror att du är duktig på att strukturera och organisera ditt egna arbete. Du är lösningsorienterad och handlingskraftig samt har tidigare vana att dokumentera ditt arbete.
Detta har du Tidigare erfarenhet av lokalvård och/eller utemiljö-arbete.
B-körkort. (Krav)
Tidigare erfarenhet av att dokumentera ditt arbete.
Kan kommunicera i tal och skrift på bådeSvenska och Engelska.
God datorvana
Meriterande Tidigare erfarenhet av att ha arbetat med bostadsrättsföreningar.
Erfarenhet av fönsterputsning.
Erfarenhet av golvvård.
Erfarenhet av trädgårdsarbete och markskötsel.
Fakta kring tjänsten B-körkort krävs.
Placeringsort Göteborg
Vad händer framåt Bekräftelse på din ansökan.
Vi går igenom ansökningarna löpande, går du vidare så är nästa steg intervjuer, tester och referenstagning.
Återkoppling på din ansökan.

Om oss
SBC grundades 1921 och är en helhetsleverantör inom förvaltning av bostadsrättsföreningar och fastigheter. Vi har experter inom ekonomisk och teknisk förvaltning, energirådgivning, projektledning av ombyggnation och renoveringar samt juridisk rådgivning. Vi har kontor på fem orter i landet med över 450 anställda och är en del av den globala koncernen Odevo. Förutom förvaltning, är innovation och tech viktiga områden som driver oss framåt och gör oss till en stark aktör inom branschen.

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Andra jobb i Göteborg från Homework AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg från Homework AB .

Professional Home Cleaner at HomeWork® AB (Minimum Salary 156,80 SEK/h)

Läs mer Jul 29
HomeWork® AB is one of Sweden’s largest home cleaning companies, with clients in Göteborg, Malmö, and Lund. We have focused exclusively on home cleaning since 2007, that is, for more than 16 years.
As a professional home cleaner with HomeWork, your work consists of cleaning our clients’ homes weekly, biweekly, and four-weekly. Normally you have two clients per day, sometimes three, but never more. The clients remain the same and so become ’your’ clients.
To work as a professional home cleaner with HomeWork, you should be motivated, and skilled in home cleaning, and, preferably, have professional experience as a cleaner. Being skilled in cleaning means you should have good knowledge about cleaning materials and cleaning methods, be able to work meticulously and efficiently, be organized, and have an eye for details.
In addition to cleaning skills, we look at your skills in communication, customer service, administration, and security. Because we only employ personnel who want to work with cleaning as a real profession, we request that you work a minimum of 25% of full-time (that is, at least about 10 hours per week).
If you have the skills we’re looking for, we can offer you a very stable job, friendly clients, and a well-organized and helpful administration. We can also offer better employment terms than many other cleaning companies, including:
• Higher salary than in collective agreements
• Full-time work if you want to work full-time
• Compensation for travel by car or public transportation
• Business phone with free calls and free internet
• Bonus program for recommendations to new clients and cleaners
• Healthcare/fitness subsidies
• Up to six weeks of vacation per year
We pay between 156,80 and 166,80 SEK/h (140 and 148,93 SEK/h + 12% vacation pay), depending primarily on your clients' ratings. Our minimum salary 156,80 SEK/h is higher than in collective agreements, and more than many other cleaning companies pay.
For those who aren't familiar with the salary system in Sweden, it's worth to add that we, like all employers in Sweden, also pay social fees of 31.42% of your salary, which include a fee for your retirement. The retirement fee is 10.21% of your salary, and is paid to you by the Swedish government when you retire, irrespective of whether you still live in Sweden or not.
To be eligible to apply, you should:
1. Be motivated, and skilled in home cleaning
2. Be reliable, friendly, and service-minded
3. Speak good Swedish or English (Please note that Swedish is NOT a requirement)
4. Have a residence or work permit in Sweden
5. Plan to work for HomeWork at least 25% of full-time for at least 12 months
6. If requested, present a certificate from the Swedish criminal registry (Belastningsregistret)
Please note that having a driver’s license is NOT a requirement.
To learn more about the position, and to apply online in less than three minutes, please visit homework.se/apply.
Please note that we confirm, read, and reply to ALL online applications.
We look forward to hearing from you. )
Between 156,80 and 166,80 SEK/h (140 and 148,93 SEK/h + 12% vacation pay) plus other compensation (see above)

Ansök nu

Professional Home Cleaner at HomeWork® AB (Minimum Salary 156,80 SEK/h)

Läs mer Jun 5
HomeWork® AB is one of Sweden’s largest home cleaning companies, with clients in Göteborg, Malmö, and Lund. We have focused exclusively on home cleaning since 2007, that is, for more than 16 years.
As a professional home cleaner with HomeWork, your work consists of cleaning our clients’ homes weekly, biweekly, and four-weekly. Normally you have two clients per day, sometimes three, but never more. The clients remain the same and so become ’your’ clients.
To work as a professional home cleaner with HomeWork, you should be motivated, and skilled in home cleaning, and, preferably, have professional experience as a cleaner. Being skilled in cleaning means you should have good knowledge about cleaning materials and cleaning methods, be able to work meticulously and efficiently, be organized, and have an eye for details.
In addition to cleaning skills, we look at your skills in communication, customer service, administration, and security. Because we only employ personnel who want to work with cleaning as a real profession, we request that you work a minimum of 25% of full-time (that is, at least about 10 hours per week).
If you have the skills we’re looking for, we can offer you a very stable job, friendly clients, and a well-organized and helpful administration. We can also offer better employment terms than many other cleaning companies, including:
• Higher salary than in collective agreements
• Full-time work if you want to work full-time
• Compensation for travel by car or public transportation
• Business phone with free calls and free internet
• Bonus program for recommendations to new clients and cleaners
• Healthcare/fitness subsidies
• Up to six weeks of vacation per year
We pay between 156,80 and 166,80 SEK/h (140 and 148,93 SEK/h + 12% vacation pay), depending primarily on your clients' ratings. Our minimum salary 156,80 SEK/h is higher than in collective agreements, and more than many other cleaning companies pay.
For those who aren't familiar with the salary system in Sweden, it's worth to add that we, like all employers in Sweden, also pay social fees of 31.42% of your salary, which include a fee for your retirement. The retirement fee is 10.21% of your salary, and is paid to you by the Swedish government when you retire, irrespective of whether you still live in Sweden or not.
To be eligible to apply, you should:
1. Be motivated, and skilled in home cleaning
2. Be reliable, friendly, and service-minded
3. Speak good Swedish or English (Please note that Swedish is NOT a requirement)
4. Have a residence or work permit in Sweden
5. Plan to work for HomeWork at least 25% of full-time for at least 12 months
6. If requested, present a certificate from the Swedish criminal registry (Belastningsregistret)
Please note that having a driver’s license is NOT a requirement.
To learn more about the position, and to apply online in less than three minutes, please visit homework.se/apply.
Please note that we confirm, read, and reply to ALL online applications.
We look forward to hearing from you. )
Between 156,80 and 166,80 SEK/h (140 and 148,93 SEK/h + 12% vacation pay) plus other compensation (see above)

Ansök nu

Professional Home Cleaner at HomeWork® AB (Minimum Salary 156,80 SEK/h)

Läs mer Feb 2
HomeWork® AB is one of Sweden’s largest home cleaning companies, with clients in Göteborg, Malmö, and Lund. We have focused exclusively on home cleaning since 2007, that is, for more than 16 years.
As a professional home cleaner with HomeWork, your work consists of cleaning our clients’ homes weekly, biweekly, and four-weekly. Normally you have two clients per day, sometimes three, but never more. The clients remain the same and so become ’your’ clients.
To work as a professional home cleaner with HomeWork, you should be motivated, and skilled in home cleaning, and, preferably, have professional experience as a cleaner. Being skilled in cleaning means you should have good knowledge about cleaning materials and cleaning methods, be able to work meticulously and efficiently, be organized, and have an eye for details.
In addition to cleaning skills, we look at your skills in communication, customer service, administration, and security. Because we only employ personnel who want to work with cleaning as a real profession, we request that you work a minimum of 25% of full-time (that is, at least about 10 hours per week).
If you have the skills we’re looking for, we can offer you a very stable job, friendly clients, and a well-organized and helpful administration. We can also offer better employment terms than many other cleaning companies, including:
• Higher salary than in collective agreements
• Full-time work if you want to work full-time
• Compensation for travel by car or public transportation
• Business phone with free calls and free internet
• Bonus program for recommendations to new clients and cleaners
• Healthcare/fitness subsidies
• Up to six weeks of vacation per year
We pay between 156,80 and 166,80 SEK/h (140 and 148,93 SEK/h + 12% vacation pay), depending primarily on your clients' ratings. Our minimum salary 156,80 SEK/h is higher than in collective agreements, and more than many other cleaning companies pay.
For those who aren't familiar with the salary system in Sweden, it's worth to add that we, like all employers in Sweden, also pay social fees of 31.42% of your salary, which include a fee for your retirement. The retirement fee is 10.21% of your salary, and is paid to you by the Swedish government when you retire, irrespective of whether you still live in Sweden or not.
To be eligible to apply, you should:
1. Be motivated, and skilled in home cleaning
2. Be reliable, friendly, and service-minded
3. Speak good Swedish or English (Please note that Swedish is NOT a requirement)
4. Have a residence or work permit in Sweden
5. Plan to work for HomeWork at least 25% of full-time for at least 12 months
6. If requested, present a certificate from the Swedish criminal registry (Belastningsregistret)
Please note that having a driver’s license is NOT a requirement.
To learn more about the position, and to apply online in less than three minutes, please visit homework.se/apply.
Please note that we confirm, read, and reply to ALL online applications.
We look forward to hearing from you. )
Between 156,80 and 166,80 SEK/h (140 and 148,93 SEK/h + 12% vacation pay) plus other compensation (see above)

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