Göteborg: Solid State Scientist

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Publicerad: 2025-02-04 // Varaktighet: Heltid

Solid State Scientist - AstraZeneca - Gothenburg - 10-month consultancy assignment

Scientist Pharmaceutical Sci - Solid State

Do you have knowledge in the area of solid-state development for drug products, characterisation techniques and an understanding of solid-state properties? Would you like to apply your expertise to make an impact in a company that follows the science and turns ideas into life-changing medicines? Then AstraZeneca might be the place for you!

AstraZeneca is a global, innovation-driven biopharmaceutical business that focusses on the discovery, development and commercialisation of prescription medicines for some of the world's most serious diseases. But we're more than one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies. We are currently looking for a solid-state scientist to join our team in Global Product Development (GPD) in Gothenburg, Sweden, a subdivision of Pharmaceutical Technology and Development (PT&D). We believe that you have fundamental scientific knowledge and hands-on experience in the solid-state characterisation techniques, e.g. X-ray diffraction techniques, thermal analysis, moisture sorption analysis, etc. Basic understanding of pharmaceutical development is an additional advantage.

In PT&D, we are the bridge between brilliant science and innovative medicines that help millions of people. We work across the entire value chain, designing and delivering active ingredients, formulations and devices required to support new medicines - from supplies for use in early toxicology studies and clinical trials to developing the technology to ensure drugs can be scaled up for commercial manufacture.

At GPD, we focus on the fields of Oral, Inhaled and Parenteral Drug products. We work on the next generation of medicines and play a key role in the development of new medicinal products.

What you'll do:
The role is laboratory based, and you will work in cross-functional, cross-skilled pharmaceutical development project teams and be an integral part of sub-teams to deliver key results to support pharmaceutical project activities relating to the solid state of materials.

In this role you will:
* Analyse drug substances and drug products using solid state characterisation methods.
* Evaluate solid state properties of materials in relation to pharmaceutical formulations and processes using both experimental and computational methods to support product development.
* Contribute to developing the solid-state area as part of a global community. Develop personal performance by actively seeking feedback and support from peers.
* Contribute with scientific discussion in solid-state skill area during the different drug product development stages and in external collaborations.

The role holder will typically have:
* Hands-on experience in solid state characterisation with expertise in methodology and an enthusiasm for laboratory-based work.
* Basic knowledge of computational approaches related to solids, with a keen interest in contributing to the development of new methods that integrate computation and experimentation to enhance our capability in supporting the development of new medicines.
* Collaborative communication skills, agile mindset, and ability to adjust to dynamic changes in project demands to ensure optimal physical form assessments during development to meet project and patient needs working as a member of cross-functional teams.

Why AstraZeneca?
At AstraZeneca, we follow the science to explore and innovate. We are unlocking the power of what science can do, working towards treating, preventing, modifying and even curing some of the world's most complex diseases. If you're driven by curiosity and courage, inspired by the possibility of doing things that have never been done before, this is the place for you.

What you need to do now

If you're interested in this role, click 'apply now' to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.

If this job isn't quite right for you, but you are looking for a new position, please contact us for a confidential discussion on your career.

Alla platsannonser →

Andra jobb i Göteborg som Molekylärbiolog

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg som Molekylärbiolog.

Director, Gene Editing Technologies

Läs mer Feb 7
Are you ready to lead the future of gene editing technologies? We are on the hunt for a visionary Director of Gene Editing Technologies to spearhead our innovative gene editing technology team. This role is perfect for someone with a robust background in gene editing, proven line management experience, and a track record of developing novel gene editing technologies.

Take the opportunity to join the Genome Engineering team within our Discovery Sciences department at our strategic R&D site in Gothenburg, Sweden.

What you'll do?
As the Director of Gene Editing Technologies, you will be responsible for leading and managing the gene editing team, providing strategic direction for gene editing projects as well as mentor and develop team members, fostering a culture of innovation and excellence. You will develop and implement innovative gene editing technologies, focusing on CRISPR and other advanced methodologies. You will also collaborate with our rare disease unit to discover, functionally characterize, and advance in the preclinical and clinical development of new genomic targets. Your leadership will be crucial in projects focused on rare diseases, from target identification through to preclinical development. ?

Your job accountabilities will also include overseeing the development and validation of gene editing assays and protocols, and fostering collaborations with internal and external partners to advance gene editing research and applications. Additionally, you will be responsible for developing and optimizing robust, reliable and therapeutically relevant delivery tools for gene editing technologies. You will furthermore be responsible for ensuring that all projects are conducted in compliance with regulatory standards and ethical guidelines, and for managing project timelines, budgets, and resource allocation to ensure successful project outcomes.

Essential for the role


Ph.D. in Molecular Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry, or a related field

Demonstrated line management experience and excellent leadership, communication, and project management skills

Minimum of 5 years of experience in gene editing

Demonstrated ability to lead a team developing gene editing technologies

Proven track record in leading therapeutic projects focused on rare diseases

Ability to work collaboratively in a fast-paced, multidisciplinary environment.

Strong publication record

Desirable for the role


Experience with both in vitro and in vivo non-viral (LNP, VLP) delivery of CRISPR, TALENs, ZFNs, and other gene editing tools

Preferential experience in DNA repair and manipulation of DNA repair systems

Experience in drug development and translational research

Expertise in functional genomics and target identification

Experience with artificial intelligence (AI) applications in gene editing and protein design

About AstraZeneca

At AstraZeneca, we are driven by our desire to understand and reveal new insights. We are committed to making a difference by fusing data and technology with the latest scientific innovations to achieve the next wave of breakthroughs. Our inclusive environment allows us to work seamlessly as one, uniting the best from academia, biotechs, and the industry. We are always learning from those living with diseases and harness digital, data science & AI to fast-forward our research. This is the place to go beyond discovery and make a real difference in patients' lives across the world.

What's next?
Are you ready to push the boundaries of science to deliver life-changing medicines? Apply now and join us in our mission to improve patient access to healthcare globally!

If this sounds like your next challenge - welcome to join us at AstraZeneca. Please include a resume and cover letter highlighting your previous experience of importance for this role. We welcome your application no later than February 28, 2025. For further details around this position, you are welcome to contact hiring manager Marcello Maresca at marcello.maresca@astrazeneca.com

Additional information
Our Gothenburg site: https://www.astrazeneca.com/our-science/gothenburg.html
Life in Gothenburg: https://www.movetogothenburg.com/
Make a move to Global Gothenburg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-Iqbb4aw38
About BioPharmaceuticals R&D: https://www.astrazeneca.com/r-d.html

Ansök nu

Forskare inom Genomik, Core Facilities

Läs mer Feb 3
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Bioinformatics and Data Centre (BDC) är den enhet inom Core Facilities vid Göteborgs universitet (www.cf.gu.se) som tillhandahåller specialistkompetens inom bioinformatik och statistik till forskargrupper på Göteborgs Universitet samt till utvecklingsprojekt på Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset. BDC är också del av Science for Life Laboratory Clinical Genomics plattform), en nationell resurs bestående av 100+ experter som främjar kliniknära forskning vid landets lärosäten och stödjer metodutveckling och implementering av nya diagnostiska metoder inom sjukvården. För mer information om BDC och Clinical Genomics, se gu.se/core-facilities/bdc.

Denna anställning är kopplad till Centrum för Medicinsk Genomik vid Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset. Där utförs laborativ genetisk utredning för samtliga laboratoriespecialiteter och forskare. Enheten består av fem laborativa sektioner; provhantering och preanalys, cytogenetik, kvantitativ och kvalitativ PCR, sanger och fragment, samt NGS (Next generation Sequencing).

Vi söker en skicklig forskare specialiserad inom genomiska tekniker till teamet vid Bioinformatics and Data Centre (Göteborgs universitet). Du bidrar med din expertis inom sekvensering inom forskningsfrågeställningar. Detta är en spännande möjlighet att utveckla och tillämpa toppmoderna tekniker och interagera med ledande forskare och klinisk personal över hela Sverige.


Som forskare på BDC kommer du arbeta i olika tvärdisciplinära team med flera projekt samtidigt. En stor del av arbete är experimentellt baserat med fokus på djupsekvensering där det bland annat ingår att erbjuda en service till forskare samt hjälpa till med utvecklingen av nya metoder och dess implementering. Arbetet utförs självständigt eller tillsammans med andra gruppmedlemmar och samarbetspartners vilket kräver flexibilitet och förmågan att anpassa sig till uppgifterna. Dessutom är det viktigt att kunna genomföra experiment baserat på forskarnas vetenskapliga krav på ett tidseffektivt och kvalitetsmedvetet sätt.



• Du måste ha en doktorsexamen i molekylärbiologi, biomedicin, bioteknik eller motsvarande ämnen som arbetsgivaren upplever som relevanta.


Nödvändigt för rollen:

• Minst två års erfarenhet av molekylärgenomiskt laboratoriearbete. Det innebär:

• Biblioteksförberedelse för NGS-protokoll.
• Kvalitetskontroll och kvantifiering av nukleinsyror.
• Drift och hantering av sekvenseringsinstrument.
• Metodutveckling och implementering av nya tekniker.
• Användarstöd såsom rutinanalyser, data tolkning och projektutveckling mot skräddarsydda lösningar.
• Erfarenhet av ultrakänslig sekvensering såsom SiMSen-Seq.

• Goda teoretiska kunskaper av molekylärbiologiska och genomiska metoder.
• En god förmåga att hantera och prioritera uppgifter effektivt.
• Förmåga att självständigt leverera data/projektrapporter enligt överenskomna tidslinjer är ett måste.
• Förmåga att arbeta effektivt i en multidisciplinär forskningsmiljö.


Meriterande kvalifikationer: 

• Starka färdigheter inom experimentell design.
• Postdoktorerfarenhet. 


Stor vikt läggs vid personlig lämplighet, samt god kommunikations- och samarbetsförmåga. Du är självgående och serviceinriktad samt har en resultatinriktad och problemlösande inställning. Du har utmärkt kommunikationsförmåga i engelska samt god kommunikationsförmåga, både skriftligt och muntligt, på svenska eftersom vissa projekt är i samarbete med sjukvården.


Anställningen är på heltid (100%) och tidsbegränsad på 11 månader, placerad vid Bioinformatics and Data Centre, Göteborgs universitet. Anställningsstart snarast enligt överenskommelse.

Anställningsbenämning: Forskare


Sökande kommer att utvärderas utifrån bifogade dokument, intervjuer och referenser. Särskild vikt läggs vid kunskap inom laboratoriearbete och praktisk erfarenhet.


Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
För frågor om anställningen är du välkommen att kontakta Marcela Dávila, enhetschef vid Bioinformatics and Data Centre, marcela.davila@gu.se.? 


Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande 


Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att klicka på knappen "Ansök". Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag. 

Ansök genom att skicka in en elektronisk ansökan (kan skickas in på engelska), vilken ska innehålla:

- ett personligt brev med beskrivning av varför du söker tjänsten (max 1-2 sidor)

- ditt fullständiga CV inklusive lista över publikationer och patent

- tre referenser (namn, telefon, relation)

- kopia av examensbevis

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2025-02-24 


Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser.

Ansök nu

Postdoktor i radiobiologi

Läs mer Jan 29
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper är en av sex institutioner vid Sahlgrenska akademin vid Göteborgs universitet. Vid institutionen bedrivs forskning och utbildning som sätter människans hälsa och livskvalitet i fokus. Vi representerar 16 olika ämnesområden och är indelade i fyra sektioner. Genom ett berikande samarbete med sjukvården och Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset har vi utvecklat samprojekt och mötesplatser som gynnar både vården och forskningen.

Vi söker en motiverad forskare till en postdoktortjänst i vår forskargrupp. Vårt arbete syftar till att ta fram ny kunskap för att förebygga, minska och/eller bota de kroniska tarmproblem som kan uppstå efter strålbehandling av bäckenet vid olika cancersjukdomar. Dessa problem påverkar många canceröverlevare och deras livskvalitet negativt.

Vår forskargrupp driver tre projekt med målet att förbättra livskvaliteten för canceröverlevare:

• Ett projekt kartlägger förändringar i tarmslemhinnan och symtom kopplade till strålbehandling, med målet att förstå underliggande mekanismer och identifiera strategier för prevention och nya behandlingar.
• I det andra projektet undersöker vi hur kosten påverkar förekomsten och svårighetsgraden av tarmrelaterade symtom efter strålbehandling.
• Det tredje projektet syftar till att utvärdera en farmakologisk intervention mot dessa besvär.

Vårt laboratorium kombinerar -omik-analys med grundläggande laboratorietekniker för att fördjupa förståelsen av de patofysiologiska processer som uppstår efter strålbehandling. Genom denna forskning ökar vi möjligheterna att identifiera framgångsrika strategier för att hjälpa denna stora patientgrupp.


Postdoktoranställningen är inriktad på radiobiologi med fokus på att förstå och mildra de kroniska tarmproblem som kan uppstå efter strålbehandling av bäckenet vid cancersjukdomar. Forskningen kombinerar avancerade -omik-analyser, såsom RNA-sekvensering och proteomik, med kliniska och laboratoriebaserade metoder för att identifiera underliggande biologiska mekanismer och utveckla strategier för prevention och behandling. Projektet syftar till att förbättra livskvaliteten för canceröverlevare genom att koppla molekylära förändringar till kliniska symtom och utvärdera potentiella interventioner. 

Som postdoktor kommer du att arbeta med att analysera, tolka och sammanställa -omicsdata, såsom RNA-sekvensering och TMT-masspektrometri, från prover från strålbehandlade canceröverlevare. Du kommer även att utföra laboratorieanalyser med hjälp av grundläggande metoder som immunohistokemi, Western blotting och relaterade tekniker. Vidare kommer du sammanställa och analysera data från klinimetriska frågeformulär för att koppla molekylära fynd till kliniska resultat, i syfte att studera de underliggande biologiska processerna som leder till symtom och kliniskt mätbar påverkan. Dessutom ingår att presentera forskningsresultat i manuskript för publicering i vetenskapliga tidskrifter samt vid vetenskapliga konferenser. 

Behörig att anställas som postdoktor är den som har avlagt doktorsexamen, konstnärlig doktorsexamen eller som har en utländsk examen som bedöms motsvara doktorsexamen. Detta behörighetskrav ska vara uppfyllt senast vid tidpunkten då anställningsbeslutet fattas.

I första hand bör den komma i fråga som har avlagt examen högst tre år före ansökningstidens utgång. Även den som avlagt examen tidigare bör komma i fråga i första hand, om det finns särskilda skäl. Med särskilda skäl avses ledighet på grund av sjukdom, föräldraledighet, förtroendeuppdrag inom fackliga organisationer, tjänstgöring inom totalförsvaret, eller andra liknande omständigheter samt klinisk tjänstgöring eller för ämnesområdet relevant tjänstgöring/uppdrag.  

För anställningen krävs doktorsexamen inom biostatistik, alternativt molekylärbiologi, biomedicin eller relaterad disciplin. Du ska ha gedigen expertis och erfarenhet från -omik-analyser, gärna med fokus på transkriptomik- och proteomikdata med kunskaper inom mjukvaror som EdgeR, Clusterprofiler, Perseus. Erfarenhet inom antingen gastrointestinal forskning, ischemi eller mitokondriell dysfunktion likaså erfarenhet av laboratoriearbete är meriterande, men ej nödvändigt. Du behöver ha god samarbetsförmåga i en multidisciplinär miljö samt utmärkta kunskaper i både skriftlig och muntlig engelska. 

Anställningen är en tidsbegränsad anställning på 100% i 24 månader, med placering vid Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper, onkologi. Tillträde: Enligt överenskommelse 

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Har du frågor om anställningen är du välkommen att kontakta docent Cecilia Bull på mail: cecilia.bull@gu.se

Fackliga organisationer 
Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande  

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att klicka på knappen ”Ansök”. Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag.  

 Intyg om doktorsexamen ska bifogas med ansökan.

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2025-02-19 

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser.

Ansök nu

Postdoktor för att studera lipid-/membranhomeostas i C. elegans

Läs mer Jan 15
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid. 

Institutionen för kemi och molekylärbiologi bedriver högkvalitativ forskning och utbildning inom kemiska vetenskaper och molekylära livsvetenskaper. Vår forskning och utbildning fokuserar på en djup förståelse av kemiska och biologiska processer i celler och i miljön. Vi ansvarar för forskarutbildning inom ämnesområdet Naturvetenskap med inriktning mot kemi, biofysik, biologi och utbildningsvetenskap. Därtill är institutionen värd för utbildningsprogram i molekylärbiologi, genomik och systembiologi, kemi, organisk kemi och läkemedelskemi samt receptarieutbildningen.  Institutionen är en internationell miljö med tvärvetenskapliga samarbeten inom både forskning och utbildning, och bidrar starkt till Göteborgs universitets topprankning inom life science. Institutionens verksamhet bedrivs i Natrium, Medicinareberget i Göteborg.

Prof. Marc Pilons grupp utför grundforskning om molekylära vägar som reglerar lipidmetabolism och membranhomeostas med mestadels nematoden C. elegans som modellorganism.

Den postdoktorala forskaren förväntas utföra oberoende/semioberoende forskning som utnyttjar insamlingen av mutanta C. elegans-alleler och/eller Pilon-gruppens expertis för att ytterligare främja vår förståelse av lipid/membranhomeostas. Uppgiften kommer sannolikt att inkludera hypotesformulering, att ställa in och utföra fram genetikscreeningar med C. elegans och karakterisering av vägar med hjälp av kombinationer av genetiska interaktionsstudier, mikroskopi, CRISPR/Cas9-genomredigering bland andra metoder. 

Behörig att anställas som postdoktor är den som avlagt doktorsexamen, eller utländsk examen som bedöms motsvara doktorsexamen, inom anställningens ämnesområde och som avlagts högst tre år före ansökningstidens utgång. Om det finns särskilda skäl kan doktorsexamen ha avlagts tidigare.

Övriga krav:

• Mycket goda kunskaper i engelska, i tal och skrift.
• Doktorsexamen, eller internationell examen som bedöms likvärdig med doktorsexamen, inom det allmänna området cell- och molekylärbiologi, avlagd högst tre år före sista ansökningsdag.
• Minst en förstaförfattarpublikation inom det allmänna området cell- och molekylärbiologi.


• Tidigare erfarenhet av att arbeta med C. elegans.
• Tidigare erfarenhet av arbete med lipid/membranhomeostas.

Anställningen är tidsbegränsad på 2 år (en förlängning med ytterligare ett år kan vara möjlig) på heltid (100%) med placering på Institutionen för kemi och molekylärbiologi vid Göteborgs universitet. Startar våren 2025. 

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Har du frågor om anställningen är du välkommen att kontakta Marc Pilon, marc.pilon@cmb.gu.se. 

Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande 

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att klicka på knappen "Ansök". Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag. 

Ansökan ska skrivas på engelska och innehålla:

• Meritförteckning/CV inklusive publikationslista.
• En generell beskrivning av tidigare forskningsarbete och framtida forskningsintressen (max tre sidor).
• Kontaktuppgifter till minst två referenser.
• Kopia av examensbevis för doktorsexamen samt ev. andra intyg/betyg som du önskar åberopa. De åberopade meriterna ska vara dokumenterade, bestyrkta och översatta till engelska.

Samtliga bilagor ska vara namngivna på ett sätt som tydligt visar dess innehåll.

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2025-02-17


Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser.

Ansök nu

Formulation/Analytical Scientist

Läs mer Feb 4
Formulation/Analytical Scientist - AstraZeneca - Gothenburg - 12-month consultancy assignment

Formulation/Analytical Scientist, Pharmaceutical Sciences

At AstraZeneca, we turn ideas into life-changing medicines and strive to continuously meet the unmet needs of patients worldwide. Working here means being entrepreneurial, thinking big and working together to make the impossible a reality. If you are swift to action, confident to lead, willing to collaborate, and curious about what science can do, then you're our kind of person.

Pharmaceutical Sciences at AstraZeneca deliver the therapies of the future through scientific leadership in drug delivery, design of synthetic routes, and manufacturing of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) across all the AstraZeneca therapy areas.
Our vision is to be "pharmaceutical science leaders, creating innovative and cost-effective solutions, shaping the diverse therapies of the future".

Are you an enthusiastic, innovative, and motivated Formulation/Analytical Scientist seeking a unique opportunity? Join our small molecule formulation team in Advanced Drug Delivery at AstraZeneca's vibrant R&D site in Gothenburg, Sweden. We offer the experience to collaborate with dedicated team members and to work closely with other skill experts delivering AstraZeneca's early portfolio.

This is a lab-based role where you will support several drug project teams and provide your technical and scientific expertise in formulation development. You will develop and deliver different formulation systems for oral, inhaled and parenteral use, with a focus on liquid formulations. You will also perform essential characterisation work e.g. content, stability, homogeneity, impurity, pH, and particle size measurements, supporting projects in the discovery and preclinical development phase. The role requires close collaboration with other internal functions to further build our capabilities within advanced drug delivery.

You are expected to perform lab-based experimental work in accordance to project timelines, appropriate Safety, Health & Environment (SHE), quality and compliance standards, and in close collaboration with other formulators and analysts, as well as other skill experts (solid state and biopharmaceutical experts). The work should be documented carefully and to the right quality and standard, and clearly communicated to your project team.


* MSc degree in a scientific discipline relevant to analytical and formulation science (e.g., chemistry, pharmaceutical technology, or equivalent qualifications).
* Basic understanding of liquid formulations and basic knowledge of analytical methodologies such as spectrometry and separation science (U/HPLC).
* Genuine interest in experimental work and hands-on problem-solving.
* Delivery focused with the ability to utilise scientific and innovative thinking.
* Great communication skills in English, both orally and in writing.

Desirable skills/experience:
* Technical competence in the field of drug product formulation development for oral and/or parenteral delivery.
* Experience in working with formulation development or similar product development, or other laboratory skills of relevance.
* Good understanding of suitable quality standards and regulatory frameworks

If your passion is science, and you want to be part of a team that makes a bigger impact on patients' lives, then there's no better place to be. Join us at AstraZeneca, where we truly understand science and apply it every day to strengthen and grow our pipeline.

What you need to do now

If you're interested in this role, click 'apply now' to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.

If this job isn't quite right for you, but you are looking for a new position, please contact us for a confidential discussion on your career.

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Andra jobb i Göteborg från Hays AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg från Hays AB .

Formulation/Analytical Scientist

Läs mer Feb 4
Formulation/Analytical Scientist - AstraZeneca - Gothenburg - 12-month consultancy assignment

Formulation/Analytical Scientist, Pharmaceutical Sciences

At AstraZeneca, we turn ideas into life-changing medicines and strive to continuously meet the unmet needs of patients worldwide. Working here means being entrepreneurial, thinking big and working together to make the impossible a reality. If you are swift to action, confident to lead, willing to collaborate, and curious about what science can do, then you're our kind of person.

Pharmaceutical Sciences at AstraZeneca deliver the therapies of the future through scientific leadership in drug delivery, design of synthetic routes, and manufacturing of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) across all the AstraZeneca therapy areas.
Our vision is to be "pharmaceutical science leaders, creating innovative and cost-effective solutions, shaping the diverse therapies of the future".

Are you an enthusiastic, innovative, and motivated Formulation/Analytical Scientist seeking a unique opportunity? Join our small molecule formulation team in Advanced Drug Delivery at AstraZeneca's vibrant R&D site in Gothenburg, Sweden. We offer the experience to collaborate with dedicated team members and to work closely with other skill experts delivering AstraZeneca's early portfolio.

This is a lab-based role where you will support several drug project teams and provide your technical and scientific expertise in formulation development. You will develop and deliver different formulation systems for oral, inhaled and parenteral use, with a focus on liquid formulations. You will also perform essential characterisation work e.g. content, stability, homogeneity, impurity, pH, and particle size measurements, supporting projects in the discovery and preclinical development phase. The role requires close collaboration with other internal functions to further build our capabilities within advanced drug delivery.

You are expected to perform lab-based experimental work in accordance to project timelines, appropriate Safety, Health & Environment (SHE), quality and compliance standards, and in close collaboration with other formulators and analysts, as well as other skill experts (solid state and biopharmaceutical experts). The work should be documented carefully and to the right quality and standard, and clearly communicated to your project team.


* MSc degree in a scientific discipline relevant to analytical and formulation science (e.g., chemistry, pharmaceutical technology, or equivalent qualifications).
* Basic understanding of liquid formulations and basic knowledge of analytical methodologies such as spectrometry and separation science (U/HPLC).
* Genuine interest in experimental work and hands-on problem-solving.
* Delivery focused with the ability to utilise scientific and innovative thinking.
* Great communication skills in English, both orally and in writing.

Desirable skills/experience:
* Technical competence in the field of drug product formulation development for oral and/or parenteral delivery.
* Experience in working with formulation development or similar product development, or other laboratory skills of relevance.
* Good understanding of suitable quality standards and regulatory frameworks

If your passion is science, and you want to be part of a team that makes a bigger impact on patients' lives, then there's no better place to be. Join us at AstraZeneca, where we truly understand science and apply it every day to strengthen and grow our pipeline.

What you need to do now

If you're interested in this role, click 'apply now' to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.

If this job isn't quite right for you, but you are looking for a new position, please contact us for a confidential discussion on your career.

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Associate Director Validation, site Quality

Biomedicinsk analytiker/BMA
Läs mer Feb 3
Associate Director Site Quality - AstraZeneca - Gothenburg - 12-month consultancy assignment

Associate Director Validation, site Quality

Join us in our Site Quality Team! We provide Quality oversight in the development of investigational products and have the responsibility for Licence to Operate at our development site and play an important part in the commercialisation of new medicines. Development Quality is a Global group, with teams located in Gothenburg (Sweden), Macclesfield, (UK) and Durham (North Carolina, US). With a portfolio encompassing both small and large molecules, combination products and ground breaking technologies you will be a part of providing novel life-changing medicines to our patients around the globe.

Are you ready to take the lead in ensuring patient safety and maintaining License to Operate across our Development functions? As an Associate Director in Site Quality, you will be the prime source for quality/compliance advise on validation activities and provide quality leadership to Development functions. You will interpret AZ regulatory and GMP standards into appropriate quality standards and provide guidance to ensure AstraZeneca and Regulatory requirements are met. The role requires independent operation, risk management and lean skills, and decision-making against a background of varying regulations and standards. Your responsibility will extend to internal assets and GMP compliance decisions, having a major impact on AZ's business.

Your role
As an Associate Director, you will develop and maintain in-depth knowledge of the quality regulations and guidelines applicable to your area. You will mentor and support junior colleagues, build strong customer relationships, and participate in GxP audits/initiatives. You will also be responsible for developing and approving GMP documentation and QA risk assessments, providing Quality input into business improvement projects, and be part of external Regulatory Authority GMP inspections. You will work closely with the leadership teams of our customers to set strategic direction for quality within that area, maintaining quality oversight and driving continuous improvement.
Most appreciated in the role is the ability to lead projects, to improve processes or ways of working and support different functions with your subject-matter expert knowledge. Working in a development environment makes your role versified and enables lifelong learning in everyday tasks.

Essential for the role:
* Appropriate scientific degree with extensive experience (5-10 years) of working with validation, in a pharmaceutical GMP environment, preferably within a pharmaceutical development organisation
* Extensive experience from working with all types of validation including, equipment, automation and IT systems.
* A broad and comprehensive understanding of Quality Systems and GMP and good knowledge and reputation in the QA arena and specifically in GMP matters
* A comprehensive understanding of the pharmaceutical/drug development process is essential. A detailed scientific understanding of the Product types being supported is desirable
* Experienced of leading projects, making decisions, acting courageously and communicating with conviction and inspiration and in building excellent relationships both internally and with external suppliers or service providers
* Understanding of Supply Chain processes is desirable

Soft skills:
*You thrive when you work independently, when leading projects and take pride in structuring your day, knowing that the diverse workload can change the schedule with little notice.
* You are a problem solver who can look at solutions in a pragmatic way - coming up with creative solutions whilst still following our strict regulations.
* Excellent team working and networking skills
* Demonstrates independent judgement and uses risk management in complex situations
* Capable of making decisions, acting courageously and communicating with conviction and inspiration
* Demands excellence (sets high bar) and delivers
* A good communicator with experience of interacting effectively across interfaces

Why AstraZeneca?
At AstraZeneca, we take Quality seriously. Our work is important, valued, and at the forefront of discovery, development, and commercialisation. We are always innovating, trialing the latest models and technologies to improve reliability and excellence in our processes. We are proactive, science-based, and driven by our ambition to go far. We are a team of ambitious people who want to achieve. We work together as a team, get our pipeline out to patients sustainably, reliably, and safely. We follow evidence to reach outcomes that benefit patients and AstraZeneca.
Make a difference! Apply now and join us in our journey to push the boundaries of science and make a real-life difference to patients.

About AstraZeneca Gothenburg Hub
Our stunning campus in Gothenburg is one of AstraZeneca's three strategic science centres. The site is home to over 2,500 employees, from 50 different nationalities. Gothenburg includes the complete range of functions, and as such offers plenty of development opportunities for a wide range of professionals. Our science teams in Gothenburg collaborate with academic and industry partners in Sweden and globally. And the site itself has been designed with collaboration in mind. From the Coffee Lab to exercise areas, we've built a series of environments where innovation can happen.

What you need to do now

If you're interested in this role, click 'apply now' to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.

If this job isn't quite right for you, but you are looking for a new position, please contact us for a confidential discussion on your career.

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Separation Scientist

Läs mer Feb 3
Separation Scientist - AstraZeneca - Gothenburg - 6-month consultancy assignment

Separation Scientist - High Throughput & Automated Purification

Do you have hands-on experience with the purification of small molecules? Are you interested to further push the boundaries of automated analytical chemistry and separation sciences at a company where we are committed to lifelong learning, growth and development? Welcome to AstraZeneca!

We are seeking a specialised separation scientist that will play an important part in our iLAB team, focusing on the analysis and purification of chemical libraries. You'll have the opportunity to drive and extend the high-throughput purification capabilities within a pioneering automation platform at AstraZeneca in Gothenburg and directly impact drug discovery projects across various therapeutic areas.
We are a global, science-led BioPharmaceutical company and our innovative medicines are used by millions of patients worldwide. With our ground-breaking pipeline comes a bright future - a secure job, exciting opportunities, and varied work. You will be valued. Not only for your unique contribution, skills, and background, but because we recognise people are our greatest asset. Here we are dedicated to being a Great Place to Work.

What you will do:
As Separation Scientist, you will be part of a team of highly motivated scientists contributing to analysis, preparative separation, and characterisation of small molecule chemical libraries.

In this laboratory-based position, you will be specifically responsible for ensuring the delivery of automated analytical and preparative chromatography solutions to drive the delivery of pure compounds to the different projects across our therapy areas within AstraZeneca. You will get the opportunity to work with state-of-the-art chromatographic equipment and liquid handlers.

You will be expected to have effective levels of communication and scientific drive, coordinating effectively with the other members of the analytical and synthesis teams to drive sample progression.

Experience and technical knowledge of chromatographic separations within a drug discovery environment would be an advantage.

Responsibilities for the role:
* Provide hands-on separation science support to drug discovery chemistry using state-of-the art chromatographic instrumentation
* Deliver automated analysis and purification of novel compounds using Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
* Ensure reliability, performance and data quality of analytical instrumentation and automation platforms
* Work within the team to suggest process and infrastructure improvements
* Contribute to a vibrant and entrepreneurial organisation focused on innovation & project delivery; collaborating closely with scientists across the discovery organisation

Why AstraZeneca Gothenburg?
With more than 2,400 employees from over than 50 countries, our vibrant Gothenburg site is a truly inspiring place to work. Here, the history and future of scientific breakthroughs come together. We believe that the diversity of our people is crucial to bringing new discoveries to life.

What you need to do now

If you're interested in this role, click 'apply now' to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.

If this job isn't quite right for you, but you are looking for a new position, please contact us for a confidential discussion on your career.

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Quality Advisor

Biomedicinsk analytiker/BMA
Läs mer Feb 3
Quality Advisor - AstraZeneca - Gothenburg - 12-month consultancy assignment

AstraZeneca is a major international healthcare business engaged in the research, development, manufacture and marketing of prescription pharmaceuticals and the supply of healthcare services. AstraZeneca is proud to offer a unique workplace culture that inspires innovation and collaboration. Co-workers are empowered to express diverse perspectives - and are made to feel valued, energised and rewarded for their ideas and creativity.

The arena
Are you interested in a challenging opportunity within the Development Quality function in one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies?
The Development Quality function is responsible for quality oversight of the pharmaceutical development activities within AstraZeneca. We are now looking for a Quality Advisor with GMP focus for our Gothenburg team.

AstraZeneca's pharmaceutical development organisations manage all facets of the process of turning a molecule into a medicine which can be safely and effectively used by patients. The Quality Advisor role has a broad range of responsibilities to ensure all internal and external requirements are fulfilled for the AstraZeneca projects in the development phase.

We have an exciting opportunity for a 12-month temporary assignment as Quality Advisor, in the Site Quality Gothenburg team, who'll be the prime source for quality & compliance advice and providing quality support to the science functions and throughout the drug development process chain.
This is a great opportunity for you who are strong in quality and like to work close to development, Good Manufacturing Practice and making sure quality is assured when delivering new products.

The role
Working in the Site Quality team means you will work closely with the internal assets/facilities, team up with the pharmaceutical development functions and be involved in cross-business processes. To build strong relationships with these functions, knowing their business is key, to give support to projects and develop ways of working that builds for success.

The ability to interpret and trend compliance data to measure and improve quality standards is key. You will develop and maintain a knowledge of the quality regulations and guidelines applicable to your area and a deep scientific understanding of the products that you are supporting.
Whilst taking on your own specialist areas and making good quality decisions, you will be encouraged to think strategically and use your problem-solving skills to resolve any quality issues. You will participate and contribute to continuous improvement projects with the aim to standardise and simplify our internal processes.

Typical Accountabilities:
* Responsible for quality release of manufactured Drug Product, Investigational Medicinal Product for clinical trials
* Support the pharmaceutical development functions with investigations of deviations, changes and other quality and compliance decisions in the development projects related to drug products
* Providing proactive quality advice to support the development, implementation and continuous improvement of GMP quality systems across the Clinical Supply functions and support implementation of agreed global standards
* Operate as part of a global organisation with an integrated mindset to create an organisation with common processes and ways of working

Minimum requirements - Education and Experience
* MSc in pharmacy or engineering (specialising in Pharmaceuticals) with at least 3 years' experience of working within a pharmaceutical GMP environment
* Demonstrates understanding of international quality systems regulations, concepts, industry practices to adopt best in class processes
* A comprehensive understanding of GMP regulations, the pharmaceutical development process and supply chain process would be advantageous
* Experience of interacting effectively across interfaces, collaborating internally in a good communicative way
* Fluent in written and spoken English

Required soft skills:
* Ability to work in a fast-paced environment, meet deadlines, and balance multiple priorities. Independently motivated, detail-oriented, and "can-do" attitude
* Excellent team working and networking skills and encourages team effectiveness
* A good communicator with experience of interacting effectively across interfaces and collaborating internally

About AstraZeneca Gothenburg Hub
Our stunning campus in Gothenburg is one of AstraZeneca's three strategic science centers. The site is home to over 2,500 employees, from 50 different nationalities. Gothenburg includes the complete range of functions, and as such offers plenty of development opportunities for a wide range of professionals. Our science teams in Gothenburg collaborate with academic and industry partners in Sweden and globally. And the site itself has been designed with collaboration in mind. From the Coffee Lab to exercise areas, we've built a series of environments where innovation can happen.

What you need to do now

If you're interested in this role, click 'apply now' to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.

If this job isn't quite right for you, but you are looking for a new position, please contact us for a confidential discussion on your career.

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Scientist in the Microphysiological systems (MPS) Team

Läs mer Jan 28
Scientist in Microphysiological Systems - AstraZeneca - Gothenburg - 12 month consultancy assignment

Do you have strong experience in cell culture, and you would like to apply your expertise to a company that is accelerating innovative science and turn ideas into life-changing medicines? Join our Microphysiological systems (MPS) team to discover future preclinical models that can support development of new medications for Cardiovascular, Renal and Metabolic diseases!

At AstraZeneca, we are harnessing advanced cell models, microfluidic chip technologies, multi-omics screens, and mathematical modelling to help us achieve the next wave of breakthroughs - here we do things that have never been done before. Are you excited to contribute, then you might be the person we are looking for!

This role will be based in the MPS team at the Early Cardiovascular, Renal and Metabolism (CVRM) department in our dynamic R&D site in Gothenburg, Sweden. The MPS team establishes and applies state-of-the-art MPS platforms to support the CVRM portfolio with emerging therapeutic area needs and new drug modalities. Our mission is to improve translatability from in vitro models to humans and accelerate drug discovery and development.

What you'll do:
You will execute and provide input into the practical delivery of MPS studies and support the development, characterisation, and optimisation of new models.

Responsibilities include:
* Take part in the design, conduct, interpretation and reporting of studies with advanced cell models and MPS.
* Carry out various downstream analyses from the cell culture samples with versatile in-vitro analytical methods such as, but not limited to, ELISA's, qPCR, staining and imaging.
* Join further model development activities to support drug projects with MPS data for resolving mechanisms of action, target identification, and candidate drug evaluation.
* Effectively communicate and collaborate across the Early CVRM and with the key stakeholders in other functions.

Requirements for the role:
* Master's degree + 2 years of relevant experience.
* Background in Pharmacy, Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Medical Biosciences, Bioengineering or similar
* Strong hands-on cell culture experience
* Experience with primary cells or hPSCs
* Versatile in-vitro analytical methods (e.g., qPCR, staining and high-content imaging, plate-based assays e.g., ELISAs)
* Independent study design, laboratory work, and data analysis
* Data visualisation and statistical analysis
* Excellent interpersonal skills and excellent communication skills in English, both verbal and in writing
* Strong ability to engage and collaborate across boundaries with a problem-solving attitude and focus on delivery

Desired for the role:
* Experience in 3D cell culture, i.e., spheroids, organoids, or multicellular co-cultures
* Experience with one or more of cell models for liver, kidney, cardiac, pancreas, or adipose tissue
* Experience of culturing immune cells
* Handling microfluidic chips
* RNA-Seq and proteomics
* Workflow automation e.g. robotic liquid handling
* Experience of the pharmaceutical industry

Why AstraZeneca?
At AstraZeneca, we follow the science to explore and innovate. We are unlocking the power of what science can do, working towards treating, preventing, modifying and even curing some of the world's most complex diseases. If you're driven by curiosity and courage, inspired by the possibility of doing things that have never been done before, this is the place for you.

What you need to do now

If you're interested in this role, click 'apply now' to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.

If this job isn't quite right for you, but you are looking for a new position, please contact us for a confidential discussion on your career.

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