Göteborg: Openstack Cloud Engineer

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Publicerad: 2025-02-04 // Varaktighet: Heltid

About Etraveli Group
Etraveli Group is a globally leading company in tech solutions and fulfillment capabilities for online flight sales. Our mission is to simplify travel and connect millions of travelers around the world with their desired flights. As part of our journey, we own and operate multiple online travel agency brands such as Mytrip, GoToGate, and Flight Network, and we exclusively serve Booking.com with flights. We have also established strategic partnerships with industry giants like Skyscanner, Google Flights, and TUI.
At Etraveli Group, we believe in creating a culture of growth and innovation. With a team of over 2000 talented professionals worldwide, we strive to provide an environment that fosters continuous learning and personal development. Our major offices are located in Sweden (HQ), Canada, Greece, India, and Poland.
Life at Etraveli Group
We are currently seeking a skilled and motivated OpenStack Cloud Engineer to join our growing team in Gothenburg. As an OpenStack Cloud Engineer, you will play a crucial role in designing, implementing, and maintaining our OpenStack cloud infrastructure. You will collaborate with our development and operations teams to ensure efficient and reliable delivery of cloud solutions.
Your Responsibilities
Design, deploy, and maintain OpenStack-based cloud infrastructure using Ceph as storage backend
Collaborate with development and operations teams to understand project requirements and translate them into scalable and reliable cloud solutions
Implement and manage virtualized environments utilizing OpenStack components
Monitor and optimize the performance, availability, and scalability of OpenStack infrastructure
Design and implement automation solutions for deployment, configuration, and management of OpenStack resources
Create and maintain documentation related to OpenStack architecture, configurations, and procedures

Proven experience as an OpenStack Cloud Engineer or similar role
Experience with Ceph storage
In-depth knowledge of OpenStack architecture, components, and APIs
Experience with virtualization technologies such as KVM and Docker
Proficiency in scripting languages (e.g., Python, Bash) for automation tasks
Strong understanding of networking concepts and technologies
Experience with network virtualization technologies
Familiarity with configuration management tools (e.g., Ansible)
Excellent problem-solving and troubleshooting skills
Good communication and collaboration abilities

If you are passionate about cloud technologies and want to be part of a dynamic and innovative team, Etraveli Group is the place for you. We offer a challenging and rewarding work environment, where you will have the opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of our company.
At Etraveli Technology, you will be part of a gang of +200 people, all with different cutting-edge skills and personalities. We believe that it is precisely the differences that make us a good team because we share the same ambition - we strive for the same goals, are passionate about what we do and work hard.
Etraveli Group is a company that really wants to contribute to you reaching your full potential.
Our office is located in central Gothenburg, a stone's throw from public transport and lunch restaurants.
We love gaming and after work activities.
We know the value of personal development and continuous training.
Hackatons and Dev Weeks - We believe in promoting creativity and trying new things. That's why we have recurring Hackaton and Dev weeks where the teams decide what they want to work on.
Wellness allowance - Each employee receives a maximum allowable amount each year according to the Swedish Tax Agency to spend on health-promoting activities.
Through partners, we offer comprehensive pension and health insurance so that you can quickly get help if the accident occurs.
We have a hybrid working model so once you are onboarded you have the flexibility to work from home two days a week.
And we serve breakfast every morning.

At Etraveli Group we value diversity; we pride ourselves on being a company represented by people of all different backgrounds. During hiring, we are committed to ensure equality and promote diversity in the workplace at every selection stage. As such, we provide the same opportunities for all candidates regardless of race, religion or belief, gender, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or any other characteristic protected under any anti-discrimination law or regulation.
Welcome to Etraveli Group.

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Andra jobb i Göteborg som Nätverkstekniker

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg som Nätverkstekniker.

Junior Nätverkstekniker

Läs mer Dec 11
Har du en utbildning inom nätverksteknik men inte så många års arbetslivserfarenhet? - se hit!Vi på Nexer Infrastructure söker alltid efter nästa talang inom IT och nu söker vi dig som har nätverkskompetens och är redo för spännande uppdrag tillsammans med oss och våra kunder i Göteborg.
Vi erbjuder dig
Trygga anställningsvillkor och en fast månadslön
Goda utvecklingsmöjligheter som konsult och en långsiktig plan hos Nexer
En familjär atmosfär och teambuildingaktiviteter med dina Nexer-kollegor

I rollen som junior nätverkstekniker hos någon av våra kunder kommer du arbeta med grunderna inom nätverksteknik och bygga på din kompetens. Du kommer arbeta med områden som routing, switching, LAN, WLAN och brandväggar. Du kommer vara delaktig i kundens pågående projekt och vara en viktig del i attbidra till ett framgångsrikt arbete.Kanske kommer du vara en del av en av våra kunders NOC-team(Network Operation Center)och arbeta med övervakning av nätverk.
Vi ser gärna att du
Har avslutade och godkända studier på etttekniskt program på gymnasienivå
Har kunskap om bland annatLAN, WLAN, IP och CCNA
Har möjlighet att arbeta skift
Du behöver ha stor förståelse för säkerhet & sekretess och kan komma behöva genomgå en säkerhetsprövning
Behärskar svenska och engelska obehindrat i tal och skrift

Det är meriterande om du har eftergymnasial utbildning inom nätverksteknik samttidigare erfarenhet av att arbeta med nätverk.
För att trivas i rollen som konsult hos oss tror vi att du har god analytisk förmåga, tar initiativ och är ihärdig när det gäller felsökning och problemlösning. Vi tror även att du har god samarbetsförmåga och trivs med att arbeta både individuellt och i grupp, eftersom du som konsult kan komma att arbeta i olika sammanhang.
Mer om Nexer InfrastructureNexer Infrastructure (vi hette då Sigma IT Tech) startade sin verksamhet 2018 och är specialister på en sak – talanger inom drift, support och IT-infrastruktur. Vi hjälper företag att växa och att framtidssäkra sin kompetens med hjälp av flexibla konsulttjänster. Bland våra kunder finns många välkända aktörer som är marknadsledande inom sina respektive branscher.
Som IT- konsult hos oss blir du väl omhändertagen och vi är måna om att du ska trivas. Vi lägger stor vikt vid att upprätthålla den goda stämningen i vår grupp, bland annat genom gemensamma aktiviteter som föreläsningar, after works och gemensamma lunchträffar. Blir du konsult hos oss lyssnar vi till dig, dina behov och i vilken riktning du vill utvecklas.AnsökanDå urval sker löpande ser vi gärna att du skickar in din ansökan så snart som möjligt. Vi ser fram emot att läsa den!

Ansök nu

Sway Process

Läs mer Dec 5
Vi söker nu en Infrastruktursexpert till vår IT-avdelning inom Group IT/DevOps/Network & Hosting. Du kommer att spela en nyckelroll i att säkerställa drift och underhåll av vår nätverksinfrastruktur samt bidra som teknisk expert i strategiska projekt.
Ansvara för nätverksinfrastruktur, inklusive hantering av switchar (Cisco) och routrar/brandväggar.
Utföra underhåll och uppgradering av hårdvara.
Arbeta med nätverkshanteringsverktyg för att övervaka och optimera tjänster.
Hantera serviceförfrågningar kopplade till nätverks- och infrastrukturkomponenter.
Bidra till design, planering och implementering av ny nätverksinfrastruktur.
Säkerställa att nätverkstjänster är tillförlitliga, säkra och anpassade efter verksamhetens behov.
Stödja livscykelhantering och interna projekt rörande nätverksplattformar.

Minst 4+ års erfarenhet av arbete med infrastruktur, säkerhet och nätverksdrift, särskilt inom routing och switching.
Certifiering: CCNP eller motsvarande kunskaper.
Tidigare erfarenhet från produktions- och fabriksmiljöer.
Flytande språkkunskaper i svenska och engelska, både i tal och skrift.
Minst 2 års erfarenhet av att arbeta med nätverksoperationer och säkerhetslösningar.

Personliga egenskaper:
Stark förmåga att kommunicera och samarbeta med olika intressenter.
Du är en lagspelare som trivs i en dynamisk miljö och kan ta egna initiativ.
Strukturerad och organiserad med förmåga att hantera flera uppgifter samtidigt.
Analytisk och lösningsorienterad med ett helhetsperspektiv på problem och utmaningar.

Praktisk information:
Start: Så snart som möjligt.
Längd: 6 månader med möjlighet till förlängning upp till 12 månader.
Omfattning: Heltid, 39 timmar/vecka.
Plats: Göteborg med resor till Kungälv och andra anläggningar i Europa.

Sway Sourcing är en innovativ rekryteringspartner som specialiserar sig på att matcha rätt talang med rätt företag – snabbt och effektivt. Vårt huvudfokus ligger inom Ekonomi, Administration, HR, Marknad och IT, men vi har även den breda expertis och flexibilitet som krävs för att leverera skräddarsydda rekryteringslösningar inom alla branscher.
Trots att vi är en relativt ny aktör har vi redan byggt förtroende hos många av Sveriges största företag och arbetar både nationellt och internationellt. Med baser i Sverige och Spanien erbjuder vi en unik kombination av lokal expertis och global räckvidd. Vårt starka nätverk och djupa branschinsikter gör oss till en självklar partner för företag som vill ligga steget före i sin rekrytering.

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IT-säkerhetsspecialist inom cybersäkerhet

Läs mer Jan 27
Har du erfarenhet av IT- eller informationssäkerhet och ett starkt driv att skapa säkra lösningar? Är du van vid att arbeta med standarder som ISO 27000 eller är du certifierad inom CISSP? Nu söker vår kund i Göteborg en säkerhetskonsult som vill bidra med sin expertis till kundens framgångsrika team inom cybersäkerhet.
Som konsult på Centric får du en trygg anställning och samlar på dig värdefull arbetslivserfarenhet på uppdrag hos våra kunder. Din konsultchef stöttar dig i din utveckling där du hela tiden fyller på med nya erfarenheter och kunskaper. En utmärkt möjlighet att göra karriär.


I denna roll får du arbeta nära kundernas verksamheter för att säkerställa att deras säkerhetsprocesser och kravspecifikationer uppfyller branschens högsta standarder. Fokus ligger på att erbjuda konsulttjänster inom IT- och informationssäkerhet och hjälpa kunder att bygga robusta säkerhetsstrukturer.
Arbetsuppgifterna inkluderar:
Rådgivning och implementering av säkerhetsramverk, exempelvis ISO 27000
Verifiering och granskning av säkerhetskrav inom IT- och informationssäkerhet
Genomföra riskanalyser och föreslå förbättringar i säkerhetsprocesser och rutiner
Incidenthantering och rådgivning vid intrång eller andra säkerhetshot
Stötta kunder med certifieringsprocesser och efterlevnad av säkerhetsstandarder

Din profil och kvalifikationer

Vi söker dig som har:
Erfarenhet av att arbeta med IT- eller informationssäkerhet, gärna i en konsultroll
Certifieringar som CISSP, ISO 27000 eller liknande
En bred förståelse för säkerhetsarbetets tekniska och organisatoriska delar
Förmågan att arbeta både strategiskt och operativt med säkerhetsfrågor
Självgående och initiativrik – du tar ansvar för dina uppdrag och bygger förtroende hos kunder
Erfarenhet av att arbeta i eller med Security Operations Center
Certifieringar som CEH eller liknande
Kunskap om säkerhetslösningar i molnmiljöer som Azure eller AWS
Vem är du?
Vi söker dig som är analytisk, lösningsorienterad och har en naturlig nyfikenhet för säkerhet och teknik. Du trivs med att arbeta i en föränderlig miljö och har förmågan att sätta dig in i kundernas behov för att skapa långsiktiga och effektiva lösningar. Du har ett stort engagemang för IT-säkerhet och drivs av att ligga steget före i en bransch där hotbilderna ständigt utvecklas. Din förmåga att kombinera teknisk expertis med en god förståelse för affärsnytta gör dig till en värdefull partner för våra kunder.
Vad vi erbjuder

På Centric får du de verktyg du behöver för att nå dina mål. Vi erbjuder alla våra konsulter kvalificerade utbildningar och certifieringar inom den senaste tekniken. Vi tycker nämligen att våra medarbetare hela tiden ska fortsätta att utvecklas. Därför erbjuder vi dig möjligheten att lägga upp en individuell utbildningsplan, där vi bekostar såväl studiematerial som själva certifieringarna. Under din utveckling kommer vi matcha din kompetens mot rätt uppdrag i takt med att du avancerar. Vi genomför regelbundet spännande aktiviteter där du som konsult får möjlighet att träffa och umgås med dina kollegor under roliga och avslappnande former.
Mer om oss
Centric är ett IT-företag med 380 anställda, med kontor i Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö och Linköping. Vi specialiserar oss på uthyrning av generalister och förmedling av specialister samt erbjuder outsourcing och systemlösningar inom retail. Vi är medlem i Almega Kompetensföretagen och följer deras tecknade kollektivavtal med Unionen.
Era Zylfijaj
+46 734 159 352

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Nätverksspecialist (Cisco)

Läs mer Nov 4
Techster Solutions befinner i dagsläget sig i en spännande tillväxtfas och söker nu fler kollegor, inledningsvis dig med minst 3+ års erfarenhet och som kan stärka teamet.
Du kan förvänta dig en omväxlande miljö, dagarna kan se väldigt olika ut - men en sak är säkert, här får du använda dina kompetenser och sätter själv gränsen för hur mycket du vill utvecklas. Som ett kunskapsbolag är det viktigt för oss att våra specialister delar med sig av sin kompetens och får kollegorna att växa.
Vi söker en kvalificerad Nätverksspecialist med erfarenhet av drift och underhåll av nätverksinfrastruktur i en Cisco-miljö. Som nätverksspecialist kommer du att vara ansvarig för att säkerställa en stabil och säker nätverksdrift, inklusive hantering av brandväggar, VPN-profiler samt grundläggande konfiguration och övervakning av nätverksenheter. Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter: · Drift, underhåll och övervakning av företagsnätverket, med fokus på Cisco-enheter (switchar, routrar, accesspunkter). · Konfigurering och administration av brandväggar och nätverkssäkerhet, inklusive regeluppsättningar och policys. · Skapande och hantering av VPN-profiler för både anställda och externa samarbetspartners. · Felsökning och åtgärdande av nätverksproblem för att säkerställa hög tillgänglighet och prestanda. · Implementering och uppdatering av nätverksdokumentation, inklusive nätverkskartor och konfigurationsguider. · Genomföra rutinmässigt underhåll och uppdatering av nätverksinfrastrukturen för att säkerställa systemens integritet och tillförlitlighet. · Arbeta nära andra specialister för att lösa incidenter och genomföra förbättringar av nätverksarkitekturen. · Säkerställa att nätverkslösningar följer företagets säkerhetspolicys och branschstandarder.

Ansökan Tror du att du är Techster Solutions nästa stjärna? Tveka då inte att skicka in din ansökan redan nu. Urval sker löpande och tillträde sker enligt överenskommelse.
Arbetsplats och kulturVi är ett entreprenördrivet IT företag, med både produktkunskap och försäljning (Techster AB) och konsultativa tjänster (Techster Solutions AB). Det innebär att vi är mycket öppna för nya tekniska lösningar, kunskapsutbyte och ständigt lärande. Att ha roligt och samtidigt behålla den familjära andan utan hierarkier är lika viktigt.
Vi vill skapa det konsultbolag som du alltid velat jobba för, men kanske inte hittat ännu. Redan idag har vi en blandning av seniora och yngre medarbetare, såväl som män och kvinnor. Det vill vi fortsätta att bygga på. Så välkommen med din ansökan!

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Andra jobb i Göteborg från Etraveli Group AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg från Etraveli Group AB .

Senior Fullstack Developer

Läs mer Jan 22
About Etraveli Group
Etraveli Group is the globally leading company for tech solutions and fulfillment capabilities for online sales of flights. We are here to solve complexity, by connecting millions of flights and travelers across the globe, from search and selection to trip and beyond. We hold consumer online travel agency brands like Mytrip, GoToGate & Flight Network and exclusively serve Booking.com with flights. Etraveli Group has also established strategic partnerships with companies like Skyscanner, Google Flights and TUI.
Every day we strive to make the world smaller for our customers and bigger for our people. Our diverse team of more than 2000 passionate professionals is what makes us the industry’s tech wonder and the best in the world at what we do. Our major offices are in Sweden (HQ), Canada, Greece, India, Poland.
Life at Etraveli Group
Depending on how you want to grow, we want to listen in on your future career plan. To be able to inspire you to be your best within a fast moving industry we work hard to provide for the best prerequisites to make you feel that you belong together with us on our journey.
Do you want to be part of it?
We are currently looking for an experienced Fullstack developer with heavy front-end focus, to join one of our teams in Gothenburg working on internal customer service tools, where we are continuously looking to find new ways of working, implement changes that decrease complexity and provide the tools for our colleagues to do their best work.
What you will be doing
You will be working in a customer-facing team, with initiatives related to corporate expansion projects. Your day-to-day responsibilities will involve developing/maintaining our front-end software systems and facing fresh challenges along with your team members. The successful candidate must be knowledgeable in the field of software development and eager to contribute & work in a fast-paced, ever changing environment.
You will be part of a cross-functional agile team responsible for the entire development life cycle including analysis, design, implementation and testing.
You will work closely with other software developers, product owners and UX designers.
You will be reviewing code, and your code will be reviewed.

Our stack:
You will be using various technologies such as React, Javascript, TypeScript, NextJS, Java, Jest, Git, Redux, Playwright, but not just that; you will be experimenting with innovative ones as well.
Of course you don't have to be familiar with all of our tech stack. We will support you in your journey with us.
8+ years professional experience of web development.
Professional experience of working with JavaScript, Typescript and React.
Experience in backend development, especially with Java - testing, troubleshooting and automation techniques.
You take pride in and set high standards for your work.
As a team player you are keen to learn and share your knowledge efficiently with the rest of your team.
Professional proficiency in English.

It’s also nice if you have
A university degree in Computer Science or equivalent
Experience in NextJS and search engine optimization
Experience in developing with Accessibility in mind

When working at Etraveli Group you will always feel that you are trusted and that you can rely on others to help you. To work together as a team and feel that you are challenged in a way that helps you evolve within your profession. You will have awesome colleagues together with whom you will solve complex problems in a fast-moving business. But not just that.
What else do we offer?
Brand New Office in the City, located in the heart of Gothenburg at Merkurhuset, close to public transport and great lunch spots
Inclusive Culture Celebrating Diversity; a vibrant team representing many nationalities and cultures as well as regular cultural events and celebrations to share traditions from around the world
Afterworks & social gatherings to unwind, socialize, and strengthen team bonds
Breakfast at the Office every morning to start the day right
Conferences, Workshops and other opportunities for personal and professional growth
Wellness Benefit; annual healthcare allowance for gym memberships, massages, or other wellness activities, as per Swedish Tax Agency guidelines.
Comprehensive Pension and Health Insurance; full coverage through partners, ensuring quick assistance in case of illness or injury.
Hackathons and Dev Week

At Etraveli Group we value diversity; we pride ourselves on being a company represented by people of all different backgrounds. During hiring, we are committed to ensure equality and promote diversity in the workplace at every selection stage. As such, we provide the same opportunities for all candidates regardless of race, religion or belief, gender, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or any other characteristic protected under any anti-discrimination law or regulation.
Welcome to Etraveli Group.
As part of this recruitment process, we will be conducting background checks. You will be able to read more information and give your consent to this process in the application form.

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Data Engineer

Data Warehouse specialist
Läs mer Jan 20
About Us
Etraveli Group is the globally leading company for tech solutions and fulfilment capabilities for online sales of flights. We are here to solve complexity, by connecting millions of flights and travellers across the globe, from search and selection to trip and beyond. We hold consumer online travel agency brands like Mytrip, GoToGate & Flight Network and serve exclusively Booking.com with flights. Etraveli Group has also established strategic partnerships with companies like Skyscanner, Google Flights and TUI.
Every day we strive to make the world smaller for our customers and bigger for our people. Our diverse team of more than 2500 passionate professionals is what makes us the industry’s tech wonder and the best in the world at what we do. Our major offices are in Sweden (HQ), Canada, Greece, India and Poland.
Life at Etraveli Group
Depending on how you want to grow we want to listen in on your future career plan. To be able to inspire you to be your best within a fast moving industry we work hard to provide for the best prerequisites to make you feel that you belong together with us on our journey, by giving you a lot of work freedom, time for self studies, having recurring Hackathons, Dev weeks and a lot other fun activities together within the team and across the company to foster a great culture.
Do you want to be part of the next step in our growth journey?
Our innovative IT DSR team (Data Science and Research) drives the transformation of our data platform. As we replace our existing infrastructure and integrate with broader data warehouse initiatives, we are looking for a skilled Data Engineer to play a pivotal role in shaping our evolving data landscape.
As our new Data Engineer you will be working closely with our other DSR team members developing data solutions for our ML and BI products for the Sales and Fintech departments. You will develop and optimize data pipelines, champion data quality and governance and contribute to a culture of technical excellence utilizing our growing dynamic data infrastructure. You will also play a crucial role in sharing competences with other team members, promoting best practices in data engineering, and contributing to a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the team.
Main Tasks
Interpret and analyse data from various source systems to support machine learning, data integration and data reporting needs.
Design, develop and maintain ETL and streaming pipelines according to business and ML solution needs for pricing, conversion and revenue optimization.
Define and ensure data quality standards and assist in implementing relevant monitoring solutions.
Assist in selecting, evaluating and integrating industry leading frameworks and tooling that are required within our DE platform, ensuring scalability, performance, maintainability and associated documentation.
Optimize and create new data pipelines together with Machine Learning Engineers and core engine backend developers.
Work with internal and external stakeholders to prioritize business and information needs.
Opportunity to assist in data operations and machine learning engineering.
Plan, communicate and share status updates together with your fellow colleagues and IT Dev developers creating synergies and using best practice.

Learning Curve
In this role you will be using the best selection of tools and processes in the DE domain. The role enables you to learn even more about creating, developing and implementing standards for DE applications, and get deep knowledge about DE concepts and frameworks. You will also have the possibility to learn more about (and get hands-on experience of) adjacent fields like Data Science, ML Pipeline Architecture and Platform Engineering.
5+ years of experience in data engineering or comparable relevant work including
Creating, maintaining and testing data pipelines both using batch processing and streaming (Scala, Spark, )
Data Modelling and mapping business requirements towards data solutions
Ingestion Systems
Processing and Transformation (Spark, Dremio)
Metadata Management
Data formats (parquet, avro, json, csv)
Table formats (Iceberg, Delta)
Data lakes and storages (S3 compatible like Ceph)
Distributed messaging systems (Kafka)
Orchestration (Airflow)
CI/CD (Jenkins, Artifactory)
Monitoring and alerting(Grafana, Kibana)
Data pipeline performance tuning
Data quality management
Kubernetes, Linux and secrets management (Vault) is a merit

At Etraveli Technology, you will be part of a gang of +200 people, all with different cutting-edge skills and personalities. We believe that it is precisely the differences that make us a good team because we share the same ambition - we strive for the same goals, are passionate about what we do and work hard.
Etraveli Group is a company that really wants to contribute to you reaching your full potential.
Our brand new office is located in Merkurhuset in Gothenburg, a stone's throw from public transport and lunch restaurants.
We love gaming and after work activities.
We know the value of personal development and continuous training.
Hackathons and Dev Weeks - We believe in promoting creativity and trying new things.
Wellness allowance - Each employee receives a maximum allowable amount each year according to the Swedish Tax Agency to spend on health-promoting activities.
Through partners, we offer comprehensive pension and health insurance so that you can quickly get help if the accident occurs.
We have a hybrid working model so once you are onboarded you have the flexibility to work from home two days a week.
And we serve breakfast every morning.

At Etraveli Group we value diversity; we pride ourselves on being a company represented by people of all different backgrounds. During hiring, we are committed to ensure equality and promote diversity in the workplace at every selection stage. As such, we provide the same opportunities for all candidates regardless of race, religion or belief, gender, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or any other characteristic protected under any anti-discrimination law or regulation.
Welcome to Etraveli Group.
As part of this recruitment process, we will be conducting background checks. You will be able to read more information and give your consent to this process in the application form.

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Machine Learning Engineer

Data Warehouse specialist
Läs mer Jan 20
About Us
Etraveli Group is the globally leading company for tech solutions and fulfilment capabilities for online sales of flights. We are here to solve complexity, by connecting millions of flights and travelers across the globe, from search and selection to trip and beyond. We hold consumer online travel agency brands like Mytrip, GoToGate & Flight Network and serve exclusively Booking.com with flights. Etraveli Group has also established strategic partnerships with companies like Skyscanner, Google Flights and TUI.
Every day we strive to make the world smaller for our customers and bigger for our people. Our diverse team of more than 2500 passionate professionals is what makes us the industry’s tech wonder and the best in the world at what we do. Our major offices are in Sweden (HQ), Canada, Greece, India and Poland.
The Team
Data Science and research (DSR) is a team that creates and delivers machine learning based solutions towards internal stakeholders. At a high level, we receive billions of trips daily from search requests and other various requests and process the data through pipelines to produce results such as revenue estimation, conversion analysis or pricing automation. We currently have approximately 50 models in production that are all trained and monitored regularly.
Do you want to be part of the next step in our growth journey?
We are in search of a Machine Learning Engineer with the ability to work in an energetic and interactive environment. You must be a self-starter with a passion for crafting innovative ML solutions and as part of our team work closely with our data scientists and data engineers. You will regularly learn and implement new technologies, and play an active role in developing, proving out, and (re)assessment of existing machine learning architectures. You will also be in close collaboration with our DevOps and system engineers in order to consciously improve our infrastructure and our CI/CD environment and process.
Main tasks
Design, build and train robust machine learning models using appropriate algorithms and techniques. This includes experimenting with different architectures and hyperparameters to optimize performance for specific business needs.
Modify/tune existing models, data pipelines and related functionality according to market fluctuations or stakeholder needs.
Clean, transform and prepare large and complex datasets for model training. You'll also identify and engineer relevant features to improve model accuracy and efficiency.
Rigorously evaluate model performance using various metrics, conduct thorough validation and ensure models are reliable and generalized well before deploying them into production.
Design, implement and maintain scalable and reliable infrastructure for model training, testing and deployment, including using our on-prem platform, CI/CD pipelines and containerization technologies.
Deploy trained models into prediction services, monitor performance and proactively troubleshoot issues to ensure model accuracy and uptime.
Work closely with data scientists, data engineers, software engineers and business stakeholders to define requirements, design end-to-end solutions and drive impact through data-driven applications.
Continuously optimize models for speed, memory consumption, and overall efficiency, ensuring cost-effective and scalable operations.
Keep up with state-of-the-art research, tools and techniques in the field of machine learning and share your learnings with the team.

Learning curve
In this role you will be using the best selection of tools and processes in the ML domain. The role enables you to learn even more about creating, developing and implementing standards for ML applications, and get deep knowledge about ML concepts and frameworks. You will also have the possibility to learn more about (and get hands-on experience of) adjacent fields like Data Engineering and Data and ML Platform Architecture.
5+ years experience with Python development
University degree in a STEM discipline. A PhD is a merit
Strong analytical and quantitative skills
Proven ability to apply ML to business challenges
Data Analytics, Exploration and Modelling (Pandas, Jupyter, Python, )
ML modelling and tuning frameworks (sklearn, lightgbm, pytorch, optuna)
ML training pipelines (Python)
Model management (MLflow)
ML model services (Python, docker, flask, gunicorn)
Orchestration (Airflow)
CI/CD (Jenkins, Harness, ArgoCD)
Service monitoring and alarms (Grafana, Kibana)
Secrets management (Vault)

At Etraveli Technology, you will be part of a gang of +200 people, all with different cutting-edge skills and personalities. We believe that it is precisely the differences that make us a good team because we share the same ambition - we strive for the same goals, are passionate about what we do and work hard.
Etraveli Group is a company that really wants to contribute to you reaching your full potential.
Our brand new office is located in Merkurhuset in Gothenburg, a stone's throw from public transport and lunch restaurants.
We love gaming and after work activities.
We know the value of personal development and continuous training.
Hackathons and Dev Weeks - We believe in promoting creativity and trying new things.
Wellness allowance - Each employee receives a maximum allowable amount each year according to the Swedish Tax Agency to spend on health-promoting activities.
Through partners, we offer comprehensive pension and health insurance so that you can quickly get help if the accident occurs.
We have a hybrid working model so once you are onboarded you have the flexibility to work from home two days a week.
And we serve breakfast every morning.

At Etraveli Group we value diversity; we pride ourselves on being a company represented by people of all different backgrounds. During hiring, we are committed to ensure equality and promote diversity in the workplace at every selection stage. As such, we provide the same opportunities for all candidates regardless of race, religion or belief, gender, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or any other characteristic protected under any anti-discrimination law or regulation.
Welcome to Etraveli Group.
As part of this recruitment process, we will be conducting background checks. You will be able to read more information and give your consent to this process in the application form.

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Backend Development Team Lead

Läs mer Jan 10
About Etraveli Group
Etraveli Group is the globally leading company for tech solutions and fulfillment capabilities for online sales of flights. We are here to solve complexity, by connecting millions of flights and travelers across the globe, from search and selection to trip and beyond. We hold consumer online travel agency brands like Mytrip, GoToGate & Flight Network and serve exclusively Booking.com with flights. Etraveli Group has also established strategic partnerships with companies like Skyscanner, Google Flights and TUI.
Every day we strive to make the world smaller for our customers and bigger for our people. Our diverse team of more than 2300 passionate professionals is what makes us the industry’s tech wonder and the best in the world at what we do. Our major offices are in Sweden (HQ), Canada, Greece, India and Poland.
The Role
We are currently seeking a Team Lead to join and guide one of our development teams in Gothenburg. Specifically, team Supplier Payments (SUPA), works with the critical backend service that optimizes supplier payments and incorporates a sophisticated rule engine to select the best options in every case. SUPA’s code is split between our core Internet Booking Engine (IBE) and a standalone service.
This is a hands-on leadership role where you will leverage your technical expertise and leadership skills to guide a talented group of developers while fostering collaboration and innovation.
What you will be doing
Lead a team of skilled Java developers, providing technical guidance, mentorship, and support.
Collaborate on the design and architecture of scalable and efficient backend services.
Bridge communication between technical and non-technical stakeholders, explaining complex concepts in an approachable way.
Foster a positive and collaborative team culture with a "yes, we can" mindset.
Ensure alignment with Etraveli Group's strategic goals while empowering your team to deliver their best work.
Be hands-on with development, contributing code and driving architectural decisions.
Maintain and improve the team's workflows, emphasizing continuous delivery, high-quality code, and strong unit testing practices.

Who You Are
A senior-level developer with a passion for backend development, particularly in Java.
Experienced in designing and building scalable, high-performance systems.
Skilled at explaining technical concepts to non-technical audiences in a clear and engaging way.
A team player with a humble attitude, ready to collaborate with highly skilled team members.
Comfortable working in dynamic, fast-paced environments with a problem-solving mindset.

Our current tech stack includes:
Languages: Java
Databases: My
Messaging and Integration: Artemis, Kafka
Tools: Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Linux, IntelliJ
While familiarity with this stack is beneficial, we're more interested in your ability to learn and adapt to our technologies.

6+ years of experience in Java development, with exposure to system design and architecture.
Proven leadership or mentorship experience in a technical role.
A degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or equivalent experience.
Strong problem-solving and decision-making skills.
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills to build bridges between technical and business teams.

When working at Etraveli Group you will always feel that you are trusted and that you can rely on others to help you. To work together as a team and feel that you are challenged in a way that helps you evolve within your profession. You will have awesome colleagues together with whom you will solve complex problems in a fast-moving business. But not just that.
What else do we offer?
Brand New office in the City – We are located in Merkurhuset in central Gothenburg, just a stone's throw away from public transport and lunch restaurants.
Conferences – We believe in personal development and continuous education. We continuously organize internal trainings and workshops so that we can learn from each other.
Healthcare allowance – Each employee receives a maximum allowable amount each year according to the Swedish Tax Agency to spend on health-promoting activities such as a gym card, massage etc.
Pension and health insurance – Through partners we offer a comprehensive pension and health insurance so that you can get help quickly in case of an accident.
Hackaton and Dev week – We believe in fostering creativity and testing new things.
To kick the day off just right, we serve breakfast at the office every morning.

At Etraveli Group we value diversity; we pride ourselves on being a company represented by people of all different backgrounds. During hiring, we are committed to ensure equality and promote diversity in the workplace at every selection stage. As such, we provide the same opportunities for all candidates regardless of race, religion or belief, gender, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or any other characteristic protected under any anti-discrimination law or regulation.
Welcome to Etraveli Group.
As part of this recruitment process, we will be conducting background checks. You will be able to read more information and give your consent to this process in the application form.

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Database Administrator

Läs mer Dec 23
About Us
Etraveli Group is the globally leading company for tech solutions and fulfillment capabilities for online sales of flights. We are here to solve complexity, by connecting millions of flights and travelers across the globe, from search and selection to trip and beyond. We hold consumer online travel agency brands like Mytrip, GoToGate & Flight Network and serve exclusively Booking.com with flights. Etraveli Group has also established strategic partnerships with companies like Skyscanner, Google Flights and TUI.
Every day we strive to make the world smaller for our customers and bigger for our people. Our diverse team of more than 2300 passionate professionals is what makes us the industry’s tech wonder and the best in the world at what we do. Our major offices are in Sweden (HQ), Canada, Greece, India and Poland.
Do you want to be part of the next step in our growth journey?
In alignment with the growing targets and needs, we are currently on the lookout for a Database Administrator to become part of our tight-knit team in Gothenburg. In the DBA Team in our data driven company we work constantly with what is the core of the company business. As Database Administrators we combine high work ethics, pushing the boundaries of how we can develop the database environment and learning while having fun.
As a DBA at Etraveli Group we have the opportunity to get deep knowledge of new technology, to learn more about how to create the optimal database environment, at a rapidly growing company that is world leading in its business. Working with us means you'll have access to a team of highly competent professionals and ample resources to foster your personal and professional growth. We face the challenges of the day working for a company that goes the extra mile to ensure that we have fun at, and outside, the office.
Key Responsibilities
As a Database Administrator in our team, your primary focus will be on maintaining the stability and performance of our production application. You will work closely with your team members to:
Maintain, monitor, and develop our database environments
Automate our processes to meet the demands of our rapid growth using Bash scripting
Collaborate with developers to support their projects and test environments
Automate our processes to meet the demands of our rapid growth
Utilize cutting-edge database technology, including My InnoDB cluster, Singlestore, Server, Hadoop, ScyllaDB, Postgre and Couchbase

A solid understanding of Database Administration
Experience in administering My databases
Knowledge of Disaster Recovery (DR) principles
Expertise in Linux and extensive experience with shell (bash) scripting to streamline database management tasks and optimize performance
Experience with Vitess and/or Database sharding to support large-scale distributed database systems
Meritorious experience in administering Server, Hadoop, Singlestore, Postgre
Familiarity with Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible and Git

When working at Etraveli Group you will always feel that you are trusted and that you can rely on others to help you. To work together as a team and feel that you are challenged in a way that helps you evolve within your profession. You will have awesome colleagues together with whom you will solve complex problems in a fast-moving business. But not just that.
What else do we offer?
Brand New Office in the City, located in the heart of Gothenburg at Merkurhuset, close to public transport and great lunch spots
Inclusive Culture Celebrating Diversity; a vibrant team representing many nationalities and cultures as well as regular cultural events and celebrations to share traditions from around the world
Afterworks & social gatherings to unwind, socialize, and strengthen team bonds
Breakfast at the Office every morning to start the day right
Conferences, Workshops and other opportunities for personal and professional growth
Wellness Benefit; annual healthcare allowance for gym memberships, massages, or other wellness activities, as per Swedish Tax Agency guidelines.
Comprehensive Pension and Health Insurance; full coverage through partners, ensuring quick assistance in case of illness or injury.
Hackathons and Dev Week

At Etraveli Group we value diversity; we pride ourselves on being a company represented by people of all different backgrounds. During hiring, we are committed to ensure equality and promote diversity in the workplace at every selection stage. As such, we provide the same opportunities for all candidates regardless of race, religion or belief, gender, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or any other characteristic protected under any anti-discrimination law or regulation.
Welcome to Etraveli Group.
As part of this recruitment process, we will be conducting background checks. You will be able to read more information and give your consent to this process in the application form.
Please note that due to the holiday season, all recruitment activities will resume on January 7th. We appreciate your patience and will be in touch after this date.

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