Göteborg: Senior Scientist - Biocatalysis

Hitta ansökningsinfo om jobbet Senior Scientist - Biocatalysis i Göteborg. Är det intressant kan du gå vidare och ansöka jobbet. Annars kan du klicka på arbetsgivaren eller yrkesbenämningen för att se alla jobb i Göteborg inom den kategorin.

Publicerad: 2024-04-02 // Varaktighet: Heltid

AstraZeneca is a global, science-driven biopharmaceutical company dedicated to discovering, developing, and delivering innovative, meaningful medicines and healthcare solutions that enrich the lives of patients. Working here means being entrepreneurial, thinking big and working together to make the impossible a reality.

We push the boundaries of science to deliver life-changing medicines.

Pharmaceutical Sciences is a function within the AstraZeneca's Biopharmaceuticals R&D unit that works across all aspects of CMC development to ensure implementation of intelligent design of medicines and delivery systems to the early portfolio. The function has four departments: Early Chemical Development, Advanced Drug Delivery, Early Product Development and Manufacturing, and Data Science and Modelling.

Early Chemical Development (ECD) is a World-Class CMC department with responsibility for early phase Drug Substance Manufacturing. The department's responsibilities span from early engagement with Discovery Chemistry groups up to manufacturing of Phase II Clinical material, and its key skill areas include Analytical Chemistry, Crystallisation, Isotope Chemistry, Large-Scale Laboratory (Kilo-Lab) Manufacturing, Process Chemistry, Process Design, Process Engineering, Route Design and Separation Science.

In Early Chemical Development, an exciting opportunity has arisen for a Senior Scientist - Biocatalysis to support the investigation and implementation of enzymatic steps within the Route Design activities based at our Gothenburg site.

You will be a key member of the team with the task to identify and validate opportunities in the early project portfolio by performing screening of enzymes towards desired biocatalytic reactions and implement reactions at scale to enable manufacturing for preclinical studies.

You will bring a strong understanding of biocatalysis to the design and development of robust enzymatic manufacturing steps. This role will work cross-functionally with internal and external partners and with medicinal chemists, process chemist colleagues, and the broader biocatalysis and enzyme engineering team.

The role is primarily laboratory based and will involve working flexibly across laboratories and our Large-Scale Laboratory (up to 100 litres) for non-GMP manufacture of drug substance. This will also involve advising our development teams and our Contract Development and Manufacturing Organisations (CDMOs).

ECD is committed to personal development and as such ensures that every individual has opportunities to grow within the business towards more senior roles.

Typical Accountabilities

The role will be primarily lab based, focused on developing steps for up to 5 kg manufactures.

The candidate will have the following accountabilities:

* Develops and delivers enzymatic steps for drug substance manufacturing at 0.1 to 5 kg scale according to project timelines.
* Contributes to larger scale enzymatic syntheses in collaboration with process chemist colleagues.
* Works with discovery chemistry colleagues to define and evaluate opportunities according to project priority.
* Responsible for tech transfer to external CMOs and CROs for biocatalytic step investigation, implementation and delivery of manufacturing campaigns
* Assesses, reviews and reports data from own work, with a clear understanding of its reliability, interprets findings and draws authoritative conclusions and recommendations so that their significance can be appreciated
* Maintains up-to-date knowledge of technical advances in biocatalysis, identifying potential benefits for the business
* Grows relationships with internal and external partners towards technological and scientific developments. Ensures pioneering technology is applied, delivering new ways of working to improve project delivery and driving innovation
* Presents information for discussion at project teams and across other functions
* May work as a member of cross-functional teams, with a large degree of independence representing own department or area of expertise
* Ensures own work is performed in accordance with appropriate Safety, Health & Environment (SHE), quality and compliance standards

Education, Qualifications, Skills and Experience


* Ph. D. degree or equivalent experience in a relevant field or BSc/MSc or equivalent experience with relevant industrial experience to an equivalent level
* Recent practical experience in the area of biocatalytic chemistry.
* Ability to plan, prioritize and perform work independently, including problem-solving and seeing opportunities
* Understanding of the principles and concepts in pharmaceutical science
* Good understanding of the R&D operating model and the contribution Pharmaceutical Development makes to development and launch of new medicines
* Excellent English both spoken and written


* Experience scaling up (bio)catalytic reactions to multi-gram and higher, including downstream processing and product isolation
* Experience in discovery and the early development phases of the drug development process
* Experience of High-Throughput Experimentation in organic synthesis, either in traditional chemistry or in biocatalytic transformations
* Experience in bacterial transformation and flask-based enzyme production
* An interest in analytical science to develop and run UPLC and SFC analysis
* Understanding of patent and IP issues

Specialist and functional area expertise, specifically in the following skills:

* Biocatalysis
* Synthetic organic chemistry
* Analytical chemistry and assay development: proficient with MS, NMR and other analytical techniques needed to evaluate enzyme performance

So, what's next? We welcome your application no later than April 17th, 2024.

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Andra jobb i Göteborg som Kemist

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg som Kemist.

Postdoktor i neurokemi

Läs mer Apr 10
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Vid Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi vid Sahlgrenska akademin bedrivs omfattande forskning och undervisning över stora kunskapsområden från molekyl till människa. Verksamheten utgörs av fem sektioner; farmakologi, fysiologi, hälsa och rehabilitering, klinisk neurovetenskap samt psykiatri och neurokemi. Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi, söker nu en postdoktor, med placering vid Sektionen för psykiatri och neurokemi.

En av forskargrupperna inom sektionen är Neurokemi, här bedrivs neurokemisk forskning med inriktning på neurodegenerativa sjukdomar. Forskargruppen söker nu en positiv och driven postdoktor med stor erfarenhet av translationell forskning och laborativt arbete avseende biomarkörer för neurodegenerativa sjukdomar med särskilt fokus på mikroglia.


Patologiska kännetecken vid Alzheimers sjukdom inkluderar aggregering av specifika peptider och proteiner i hjärnan. Idag finns tre biomarkörer, som mäts i ryggvätska och blod, som används för att diagnostisera Alzheimers sjukdom men dessa återspeglar inte den viktiga roll som mikroglia spelar i sjukdomsprocessen. Således behöver vi nya markörer som återspeglar mikrogliamekanismer för att kunna ställa en tidig och korrekt diagnos.  

Arbetsuppgifterna innefattar att vara delaktig samt leda flera olika projekt och tillsammans med andra forskare etablera och validera nya metoder, att applicera dessa metoder på kliniskt neurokemiska studier och i slutändan skriva vetenskapliga artiklar. Analysmetoder inkluderar antikroppsbaserade metoder som t.ex. masspektrometri, ELISA, Simoa, men kan även innefatta ytterligare tekniker.

Behörighet för anställning som lärare regleras i Högskoleförordningen 4 Kap och Göteborgs universitets anställningsordning. 

Behörig att anställas som postdoktor är den som har avlagt doktorsexamen, konstnärlig doktorsexamen eller som har en utländsk examen som bedöms motsvara doktorsexamen. Detta behörighetskrav ska vara uppfyllt senast vid tidpunkten då anställningsbeslutet fattas.

I första hand bör den komma i fråga som har avlagt examen högst tre år före ansökningstidens utgång. Även den som avlagt examen tidigare bör komma i fråga i första hand, om det finns särskilda skäl. Med särskilda skäl avses ledighet på grund av sjukdom, föräldraledighet, förtroendeuppdrag inom fackliga organisationer, tjänstgöring inom totalförsvaret, eller andra liknande omständigheter samt klinisk tjänstgöring eller för ämnesområdet relevant tjänstgöring/uppdrag.

Behörig att anställas som postdoktor är den som innehar doktorsexamen i för anställningen relevant ämnesområde. Sökanden bör ha dokumenterad kunskap vad gäller forskning på biomarkörer för neurodegenerativa sjukdomar.

Vid bedömning av de sökandes meriter kommer mycket stor vikt att fästas vid forskningserfarenhet med fokus på metodutveckling och implementering av nya biomarkörer. Detta ska vara dokumenterat via publikationer i internationella vetenskapliga tidskrifter med referee system.

God förmåga att självständigt bearbeta data och skriva vetenskapliga publikationer är en förutsättning liksom att i övrigt vara flexibel och ha förmåga att arbeta både i grupp samt självständigt. Stor vikt kommer att fästas vid personlig lämplighet.

Anställningen är en tidsbegränsad anställning i 2 år, 100% av heltid, med placering tills vidare vid Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi. Tillträde: snarast eller enligt överenskommelse.  

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen
Har du frågor om anställningen är du välkommen att kontakta ansvarig chef professor/sektionschef Henrik Zetterberg, tfn: +46 768 672 647, e-post: henrik.zetterberg@clinchem.gu.se

Ansökningshandlingar skickas inte till kontaktpersonerna.

Fackliga organisationer
Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här: ?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar

Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag. 

Intyg om doktorsexamen bifogas med ansökan.

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2024-05-02

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser.

Ansök nu

Teknisk chef till Institutionen för kemi och molekylärbiologi

Läs mer Mar 27
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid. 

Institutionen för kemi och molekylärbiologi vid Göteborgs universitet bedriver högkvalitativ forskning och utbildning inom kemiska vetenskaper och molekylära livsvetenskaper. Vår grundutbildning är inriktad mot kemi, molekylärbiologi och farmaci. Därtill erbjuder vi forskarutbildning, samt forskningsanknutna kurser och program på avancerad nivå. Där tar vi oss an viktiga samhällsfrågor såsom antibiotikaresistens, cancer, miljöproblem och klimatförändringar.

Institutionen är en typisk akademisk miljö, med en organisationskultur i det komplexa gränslandet mellan akademisk frihet och den statliga värdegrunden. Institutionen har totalt cirka 200 medarbetare, varav majoriteten utgörs av forskande och undervisande personal. Cirka 30 medarbetare arbetar inom verksamhetsstödet, varav 7 medarbetare ingår i den tekniska sektionen. Institutionens tekniker har en central funktion att stödja framför allt den laborativa verksamheten avseende både utbildning och forskning.

Institutionen har nyligen flyttat till helt nya toppmoderna lokaler i huset Natrium på Medicinareberget. Ett nytt hus innebär även förändringsprocesser och nya utmaningar. Teknikergruppens utformning och funktion är under utveckling. Flera tekniker har bland annat fått nya uppdrag gällande husgemensam samverkan. Vi söker här en teknisk chef med huvuduppgift att säkerställa ett effektivt och professionellt tekniskt verksamhetsstöd vid institutionen, samt vara del i denna förnyelseprocess.

Som teknisk chef har du det övergripande ansvaret för organisation och arbetsformer för den tekniska delen av institutionens verksamhetsstöd och ingår i ledningsgruppen. Du har personal- och arbetsmiljöansvar för den tekniska sektionen av verksamhetsstödet och rapporterar till prefekt. Tekniska sektionen består i dagsläget av 7 medarbetare, varav 5 forskningsingenjörer, 1 forskningsassistent och 1 instrumentmakare.

Som teknisk chef har du förmåga att agera både strategiskt och operativt för att stödja verksamheten. I arbetet ingår att:

• Säkerställa ett resurseffektivt, professionellt och kompetent tekniskt verksamhetsstöd som utformas efter kärnverksamhetens behov.
• Ansvara för och koordinera säkerhetsarbete (inkl. Laboratorie- och IT säkerhet), fastighetsfrågor, IT system och accesser, bistå med kompetens gällande datahantering, samt säkerställa uppföljning och inventering av anläggningar och lokaler.
• Administrera och följa upp verksamhetens tillstånd gällande exempelvis laboratorie- och brandsäkerhet avseende uppdateringar, dokumentation och regelefterlevnad.
• Budgetering och koordinering av organisation och inköp inom ramen för tilldelad budget
• Agera rådgivare och stöd till kärnverksamhet och ledningsgruppen, samt genomföra och medverka i utredningar och beredningsarbete i tekniska frågor.
• Samverka med kollegiala organ och administrativa forum på olika nivåer i organisationen för att koordinera och effektivisera rutiner och processer som innefattar både administrativt och tekniskt verksamhetsstöd.
• Genomföra och medverka vid kompetensutveckling av personal inom såväl verksamhetsstödet såsom kärnverksamheten.

Även andra arbetsuppgifter kan förekomma. Anställningens innehåll och förutsättningar kan komma att förändras över tid, där den tekniska chefens medverkan i utvecklingsarbetet är en viktig del.


För att se annonsen i sin helhet samt ansöka vänligen gå till Göteborgs universitets hemsida för lediga jobb: https://www.gu.se/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar

Direktlänk till annonsen: https://web103.reachmee.com/ext/I005/1035/job?site=6&lang=SE&validator=3038fcf1516ea1184a6da70a891f87da&job_id=33822


Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2024-04-18 


Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser.

Ansök nu

Quality Assurance Specialist

Läs mer Apr 3
Your new company

Quality Assurance Advisor AstraZeneca is a global, innovation-driven biopharmaceutical business that focuses on the discovery, development and commercialization of prescription medicines for some of the world's most serious diseases. But we're more than one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies.

At AstraZeneca, we're proud to have a unique workplace culture that inspires innovation and collaboration. Here, employees are empowered to express diverse perspectives - and are made to feel valued, energized and rewarded for their ideas and creativity. The arena Are you interested in a challenging opportunity within the Development Quality function in one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies. The Development Quality function is responsible for quality oversight of the pharmaceutical development activities in AstraZeneca.

We are now looking for a Quality Advisor with GMP focus to our Gothenburg team. AstraZeneca's pharmaceutical development organizations manage all facets of the process of turning a molecule into a medicine which can be safely and effectively used by patients. The Quality Advisor role has a broad range of responsibilities to ensure all internal and external requirements are fulfilled for the AstraZeneca projects in the development phase.

The role

As a Quality Advisor, you will work with early product development manufacturing and packaging teams and be responsible for Development Quality release of externally manufactured Drug Product and Investigational Medicinal Product for clinical trials. You are expected to assure that activities and processes across the development chain are delivered to appropriate standards to meet regulatory expectations and assure product integrity and acceptability. You will develop and maintain a knowledge of the quality regulations and guidelines applicable to your area and a deep scientific understanding of the products that you are supporting. In your role you will have interactions with internal and external stakeholders.

Typical Accountabilities:

* Responsible for quality Release of manufactured Drug Product, Investigational Medicinal Product for clinical trials
* Providing quality input to Manufacturing, Packaging, Labelling & Distribution activities
* Providing proactive quality advice to support the development, implementation and continuous improvement of GMP quality systems across the Clinical Supply functions and support implementation of agreed global standards
* Support the pharmaceutical development functions with investigations of deviations, changes and other quality and compliance decisions in the development projects
* Provide appropriate Quality Assurance input to business improvement projects
* Operate as part of a global organisation with an integrated mindset to create an organisation with common processes and ways of working.

Ansök nu

Director Strategic Advice - R&D Quality Assurance

Läs mer Mar 19
Do you have expertise in, and passion for Quality? Would you like to apply your expertise influencing strategic directions on quality and compliance being the GxP expert related to clinical activities in a company that follows the science and turns ideas into life changing medicines? Then AstraZeneca might be the one for you!

At AstraZeneca we're dedicated to being a Great Place to Work. Where you are empowered to push the boundaries of science and unleash your entrepreneurial spirit. There's no better place to make a difference to medicine, patients and society. An inclusive culture that champions diversity and collaboration. Always committed to lifelong learning, growth and development.

We are now recruiting for a Director Strategic Advice position to join our Strategic Advice team within R&D Quality Assurance. R&D QA is an independent global assurance function in AstraZeneca R&D maintaining the R&D Quality Management System and assessing quality based on audits, inspections and self-reported quality issues. We promote and strive towards a state where everyone acknowledges that quality is a competitive advantage, and that quality arises from every individual's contribution to a 'right-from-me' mentality. If you enjoy challenging the way things are done want to pioneer a new future to meet global healthcare challenges this is the place for you.

What you'll do

* Working closely with stakeholders in R&D and providing leadership in influencing strategic direction on quality and compliance through responsive and proactive GxP expert advice related to clinical activities. This will include effective compliance reporting to senior management and relevant quality governance forums.
* Investigating critical Quality Issues as well as delivering end-to-end regulatory inspection strategy and management. We're looking for people driven by making a difference to patients' and society, dedicated to doing the right thing.

With that in mind the role is best suited to candidates with a high degree of integrity and strategic thinking agility. It is also important to have a 'solutions focused' attitude and the ability to generate simple solutions to complex challenges. Importantly, you will need to have a proactive 'Business Partnering' mindset and the personal credibility to effectively communicate and establish trust with senior stakeholders and leadership teams across the globe. This is critical to enable you to influence decisions and thereby sustain the Quality Mindset.

Having strong collaborative, influencing and interpersonal skills and that you are curious and willing to understand business environment is crucial.

Essential for the role


Bachelor's Degree required, preference for life science degree

Proven experience in pharmaceuticals or a related life-science industry

A thorough understanding and experience of GxP and quality assurance/management

Excellent analytical, written and oral communications skills

Proficient in written and spoken English

High ethical standards, trustworthy, operating with absolute discretion

Skilled at managing & using technology

Ability to maintain and create professional networks with stakeholders

Experience in managing regulatory health authority GxP Inspections

Desirable for the role


Project management

Key Account management

Experience in Six Sigma/Lean/Process improvement tools

Audit expertise

Experience in digitalization

Why AstraZeneca?
At AstraZeneca, you will be valued. Not only for your unique contribution, skills and background, but because we recognise people are our greatest asset. Here we are dedicated to being a Great Place to Work. Thrive in an energising environment where challenging work goes hand in hand with development. With opportunities, recognition and bright minds, there's no better place to unlock learning and build a long-term career. Most importantly, we do meaningful work that changes lives. It's our purpose that drives us, every day. Interested? Come and join our journey.

So, what's next?
Are you already imagining yourself joining our team? Good, because we can't wait to hear from you.
We will go through the applications continuously so please apply as soon as possible but no later than 9th April, 2024. Welcome with your application!

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Andra jobb i Göteborg från Astrazeneca AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Göteborg från Astrazeneca AB .

DMPK Project Leader

Läs mer Apr 17
Are you an experienced scientist with expertise in pharmacokinetics, pharmacology and drug metabolism (DMPK)? Would you like to apply your expertise in a global company that follows the science and turn ideas into life changing medicines? Then you could be the new colleague we are looking for!

Our team is growing, and we are now looking for a motivated individual with experience in Biologics and/or small molecule drug development and PKPD, to join us as a DMPK Project Leader, from candidate selection to registration and beyond. This position is placed at AstraZeneca's dynamic R&D site in Gothenburg, Sweden. Working at AstraZeneca means being entrepreneurial, following the science, scrutinizing data and details simultaneously with holistic thinking and through teamwork make progress.

Respiratory & Immunology (R&I) is one of the three main therapeutic research areas within AstraZeneca. Early R&I is a global function, with research units in Gaithersburg (US), Cambridge (UK) and Gothenburg (Sweden), and delivers candidate drugs into clinical development. DMPK interacts with other functions in supporting Early R&I projects all along the value chain, from target selection all the way to market launch and Life cycle management.

What you'll do?
With a true passion for drug discovery you will support our portfolio within the R&I therapeutic area as a subject matter expert. In the DMPK project lead role you will work collaboratively with project representatives from other disciplines. These may include biology, safety , clinical pharmacology, pharmaceutical sciences, antibody Discovery/Protein Engineering and medicinal chemistry, where your task is to influence candidate profiling by providing the necessary DMPK support for clinical investigations.

It is your responsibility to ensure delivery of all DMPK related activities throughout the value chain in accordance with regulatory requirements. These include preclinical PK experiments, in vitro ADME and biotransformation to yield pharmacokinetic understanding. Furthermore, assisting design of pharmacodynamic studies that ultimately delivers a pharmacological assessment underpinning human dose prediction and emerging clinical experience.

You will work as the development DMPK representative on project teams from candidate selection to registration and beyond. We believe that you have a solid understanding of DMPK, a working knowledge of pharmacology, and that you will be able to provide expert advice and interpretation of complex nonclinical and clinical data.

Main duties and responsibilities;


Communicate scientific progresses both externally and internally

Deliver DMPK input and data to projects within agreed timelines and to the right quality

Responsible for delivering and produce the nonclinical pharmacokinetic documentation to support clinical progression

Apply an understanding of DMPK to support/influence compound profiling, project progression and project strategy

Define and deliver a translational quantitative PKPD strategy in projects, so that effective conclusions can be made

Contribute to estimation of safety margins and report results and interpretations to project teams and internal governance bodies

Responsible for leading, coordinating and engaging with R&I DMPK colleagues in project related activities

Prepare clear presentations related to the above for internal governance bodies

Your level of professional experience will be relevant for your initial career level (Associate Principal Scientist or Principal Scientist).

?Essential for the role


PhD or equivalent experience in a relevant field

Expert in DMPK sciences with profound knowledge of drug discovery and development processes

Broad experience in biologics drug development (PK & Bioanalysis)

Have PK modelling skills, experience of human PK and dose prediction, as well as an understanding of disease biology and PKPD

Experience with regulatory submissions for biologics and/or small molecules

Knowledge of all DMPK assays including the use of in silico tools for PK prediction

Experience in project leadership

Collaborative mindset

Team player

Proactive in providing expert support to project team and excellent communication skills

Work policy
When we put unexpected teams in the same room, we unleash bold thinking with the power to inspire life-changing medicines. In-person working give us the platform we need to connect, work at pace and challenge perceptions. That's why we work, on average, a minimum of three days per week from the office. But that doesn't mean we're not flexible. We balance the expectation of being in the office while respecting individual flexibility. Join us in our unique and ambitious world.

What's next!
If you are ready to make a difference - apply today, and we'll make it happen together! We welcome your application until May 31, 2024. For more information about the position, please contact recruiting manager Lassina Badolo at Lassina.Badolo@astrazeneca.com

Where can I find out more?
Our Gothenburg site: https://www.astrazeneca.com/our-science/gothenburg.html
Life in Gothenburg: https://www.movetogothenburg.com/
Culture and atmosphere of the Gothenburg site: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6496327311678410752/
Relocate to Gothenburg: https://www.astrazeneca.se/om-oss/verksamheten-i-sverige/goteborg/relocate-to-gothenburg.html

Ansök nu

Postdoc Fellow

Läs mer Apr 24
Are you interested in an industry postdoc? Do you have a recent PhD in computer science or data science? We have an exciting opportunity for someone passionate about the power of data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a catalyst for change.

AstraZeneca Oncology R&D, collaborating with Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark are seeking a talented postdoctoral data scientist to develop risk assessment methodology to guide personalized treatment decision-making for blood cancer patients. This role will be based in Gothenburg Sweden.

The successful candidate will collaborate with the Copenhagen University Hospital, Professor Niemann laboratory to leverage advanced analytical techniques including machine, deep learning and graph theory utilizing Danish National CLL registry and internal AstraZeneca data.

At AstraZeneca, we are united by a common purpose: to push the boundaries of science to deliver life-changing medicines. Every single day, we make a difference by delivering potentially life-changing medicines to millions of people worldwide. A significant investment in state-of-the-art data science and AI is at the forefront of our drive to make hearts healthier, help people breathe easier, and ensure more people survive cancer.

About the Opportunity:
Moderate to severe adverse events may lead to treatment changes which may lower the quality of life and increase the economic burden related to their management. Accurate, individualized, predictive algorithms that can identify patients that will develop serious adverse events on treatment can be used to inform patient management strategies and lead to better patient outcomes.

The goal for this postdoc will be to:

* Work alongside technical and domain experts, including drug project teams and the burgeoning Data Science and AI community across AZ and Rigshospitalet.
* Contribute to scientific strategies & provide a rationale for targeting specific patient cohorts in studies
* Develop algorithms that can be implemented to improve benefit-risk for treatment based on individualized decision support
* Employ a range of machine learning techniques to reveal unique patterns and actionable insight impacting research and clinical practices.
* Publish cutting edge research, code and scientific discoveries in high-impact journals, meetings and repositories.

Minimum Requirements

* A PhD in a quantitative discipline (Computer Science, Data Sciences, Mathematics, Physics,
Computational Statistics or similar)
* Excellent communication and presentation skills
* Expertise solving big/complex data problems with state-of-the-art analytical techniques,
* particularly in machine/deep learning (preferably for biological/health data e.g., genomics)
* High programming proficiency (Python and/or R)

Desired Qualifications

* Experience working with pre-clinical or clinical biological data
* Experience contributing to the research community through re-useable code and publication

Don't miss out on this opportunity!

Why AstraZeneca?
At AstraZeneca when we see an opportunity for change, we seize it and make it happen, because any opportunity no matter how small, can be the start of something big. Delivering life-changing medicines is about being entrepreneurial - finding those moments and recognizing their potential. Join us on our journey of building a new kind of organization to reset expectations of what a bio-pharmaceutical company can be. This means we're opening new ways to work, pioneering cutting edge methods, and bringing unexpected teams together. Come and join our journey.

So what's next?
Ready to bring new ideas and fresh thinking to the table? Fantastic! We have a seat available, and we hope it's yours. We are going through applications on a regular basis so please apply as soon as possible.

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Patient Centered Science Director, CVRM Area

Läs mer Apr 30
Join our vibrant strategic R&D site in Gothenburg, Sweden or Gaithersburg, US as a Patient Centered Science (PCS) Director. Our mission is to generate impactful evidence about patient outcomes, experiences, behaviors and preferences. We aim to positively impact lives by amplifying the patient voice in healthcare decision-making. Do you want to join us on our exciting journey?

At Patient Centered Science our purpose is to generate impactful evidence about patient outcomes, experiences, behaviors and preferences. By using qualitative and quantitative methods and research, PCS supports a patient-focused drug development by identifying what is important to patients and how to best capture those patient experiences by selecting, modifying, or developing Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) and other Clinical Outcome Assessments (COA). We support the needs of patients, as well as regulators, payers and health-care professionals and we work across the drug development phases from early phase to real world evidence studies.

What you will do

As a PCS Director, you will set and lead project-level and therapeutic area-level PRO and patient experience strategies. You will direct execution of these strategies to deliver high-quality evidence supporting products' regulatory approval, commercialization, and reimbursement. You will drive patient-focused drug development, develop and deliver projects and therapeutic area PCS strategies. You will lead evidence generation to support fit-for purpose PRO/COA and ensure PCS strategy is implemented through cross-functional collaborations. You will also lead interactions with health authorities and health agencies, disseminate PCS-related evidence in scientific publications, and drive methodological innovations that advance patient-centered science.

Essential for the role


Master's degree in relevant field (outcomes research, health services research, epidemiology, health policy or related fields)

Experience in the biopharmaceutical industry or other relevant experience

Comprehensive experience of developing and implementing patient-centered science strategies

Experience of conducting background research, landscape assessments, and literature reviews, and applying qualitative and quantitative research methods

Knowledge and experience of clinical development and/or real-world evidence

Experience of cross-functional collaboration and leading without authority

Desirable for the role


Doctoral degree in relevant field is preferred

Participating in external partnership

Experience of regulatory and health agency interactions

Experience of working within the cardiovascular, renal, or metabolic area

About AstraZeneca's Biopharmaceuticals Business Unit

At AstraZeneca's Biopharmaceuticals Business Unit, we use our unique position as medical leaders across our enterprise and the healthcare ecosystem to shape the future of Healthcare. We provide medical leadership across the whole product lifecycle - from Research & Development, to pre-launch scientific efforts and accelerating evidence based healthcare changes in the real world.

So, what's next?

Join a diverse, talented, and agile team that focuses on what really matters. We're interested in exploring the direct link between what we do, how this helps to accelerate the business and, ultimately, how this benefits peoples' lives. If this seems interesting and you want to join a team that also wants to have fun at work, take the chance to apply now!

Welcome with your application, no later than May 19, 2024. For more information about the role please contact Anna Niklasson (Patient Centered Science Group Director CVRM) at anna.niklasson@astrazeneca.com

When we put unexpected teams in the same room, we unleash bold thinking with the power to inspire life-changing medicines. In-person working gives us the platform we need to connect, work at pace and challenge perceptions. That's why we work, on average, a minimum of three days per week from the office.

Additional information

Our Gothenburg site: https://www.astrazeneca.com/our-science/gothenburg.html

Life in Gothenburg: https://www.movetogothenburg.com/

Culture and atmosphere of the Gothenburg site: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6496327311678410752/

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Senior Scientist - Histology of immune-mediated diseases

Läs mer Apr 18
Are you an experienced scientist ready to apply your skills in a diverse and dynamic company? If you can envision providing scientific expertise in a role that can impact patients' lives - join us now!

Our team is growing and we are now looking to recruit a Senior Scientist experienced in histology with a background in image analysis and ideally experience with pathological assessment of immune-mediated diseases. If you have a drive for innovation and idea generation as well as excellent laboratory skills, this is a great opportunity to join the Bioscience In Vivo Department within Early Respiratory and Immunology. The role is located at our vibrant R&D site in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Respiratory & Immunology is one of AstraZeneca's main therapy areas. From a research perspective we work to understand, treat, modify and ultimately cure respiratory and autoimmune diseases such as asthma, COPD, IPF, IBD, RA and SLE.

The successful candidate will join a highly motivated team that works closely together with other departments focusing on Target Translational Science, Bioscience In vitro assays and Drug Metabolism/Pharmacokinetics to support discovery projects and to drive new exciting research. Are you ready to join us?

What you'll do?
As a Senior Scientist you will be a vital member of the department and in various working teams to progress our respiratory and immunological drug discovery projects. You will actively take part in scientific discussions, gain input from others and be involved in multiple project meetings to present and discuss experimental plans and data.

This is a partly lab-based role where you will be actively involved in experimental phase of histological analyses, with responsibility to coordinate, perform and evaluate experiments as well as drive the establishment of new techniques. Characterization and validation of target expression and subsequent evaluation of engagement of the target by drug treatment in both patient and in vivo tissue samples will be key areas of your daily work. You will independently assess and report data with a clear understanding of its reliability, interpretation of findings and draw appropriate conclusions with input from others.

We are looking for a great teammate with strong background in histology and related image analysis techniques with a specific focus on autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases, ideally complemented by some experience in pathology and pre-clinical drug discovery processes.

Essential for the role


PhD in a relevant field (area of Bioscience/Immunology) ideally complemented with experience of working in a drug discovery environment

Strong experimental histology skills in performing immunohistochemistry, istochemistry, in situ hybridization (including RNAscope) with automated machines (e.g. Ventana Discovery Ultra and Leica Bond)

Experience with immune cell identification and characterization (cluster of differentiation antigens, transcription factors, cytokines, etc)"

Knowledge in histology scoring and histomorphometry

Proven knowledge and experience in image analysis platforms (e.g. Visiopharm and Halo)

Understanding of statistical methods, quality control and data reporting/archiving

Be respectful, communicate openly and show effective collaborative behavior to obtain high quality study results

Excellent written and oral communication skills, including presentation skills. You are organized and incorporate the views of others in your communication and collaboration

Desirable for the role


Knowledge of immune-mediated diseases, with a specific focus on gut, skin, joint, liver and/or kidney immunity including target and mechanism knowledge and basic understanding of pharmacokinetics

Some experience in pathology

Good understanding of pharmacology, physiology and immunology

Familiarity with deep learning image analysis methods, e.g. image segmentation and classification

Practical experience with a scripting language (Phyton, R) modelling tools

Knowledge in advanced histological techniques such as spatial transcriptomics, hyperplex staining and tissue optical clearing

Why AstraZeneca?
At AstraZeneca we're dedicated to being a Great Place to Work. Where you are empowered to push the boundaries of science and unleash your entrepreneurial spirit. There's no better place to make a difference to medicine, patients and society. An inclusive culture that champions diversity and collaboration. Always committed to lifelong learning, growth and development.

What's next?
If you are ready to make a difference - apply today, and we'll make it happen together! We welcome your application until May 10, 2024.

Where can I find out more?
Our Gothenburg site: https://www.astrazeneca.com/our-science/gothenburg.html
Life in Gothenburg: https://www.movetogothenburg.com/
Culture and atmosphere of the Gothenburg site: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6496327311678410752/
Relocate to Gothenburg: https://www.astrazeneca.se/om-oss/verksamheten-i-sverige/goteborg/relocate-to-gothenburg.html

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Senior Scientist - In Vivo Immunology

Läs mer Apr 18
Are you an experienced in vivo Scientist ready to apply your skills in a diverse and dynamic company? If you can envision providing scientific expertise in a role that can impact patients' lives - join us now!

We are looking for a Senior Scientist to join the In vivo Bioscience team within Research and Early Development, Respiratory & Immunology (R&I) in Gothenburg, Sweden.

This is a great opportunity to be part of a highly dynamic team that works closely with other departments, focusing on Translational Science, Bioscience In vitro, Cell Therapy, and Drug Metabolism/Pharmacokinetics, to support drug discovery projects and drive new exciting research.

Respiratory & Immunology is one of AstraZeneca's main therapy areas. From a research perspective, we work to understand, treat, modify and ultimately cure respiratory and autoimmune diseases. In this role, you will mainly focus on mouse models of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

What you'll do?

As a Senior Scientist you are a vital member of the in vivo community and you will contribute to identifying novel targets and progress drug discovery projects. You will actively take part in scientific discussions, represent the department in project meetings and gain input from other functions to incorporate in vitro, pharmacokinetic and translational data into the experimental design.

This is a partially lab-based role where you will design, plan, execute and analyze pre-clinical in vivo studies with a specific focus on IBD models. You will independently assess and report data from in vivo studies with a clear understanding of its reliability, interpret findings and plan next steps. In this role you are an immunology expert, able to give advice and influence critical decisions to move projects forward. To strengthen team capabilities, you will lead internal and external collaborations (academic partners and CROs).

Essential for the role


PhD in immunology, ideally complemented by postdoctoral and/or industry experience.

Profound knowledge in innate and adaptive immunity in the context of autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases.

Hands-on ability to independently design and perform in vivo disease and mechanistic models with a particular focus on gut immunology and IBD

Experience with in vivo adoptive T cell transfer (naïve, Treg, CAR T) and subsequent ex vivo analysis.

At last 5 years of experience with regular FACS analysis of mouse samples (organ processing and digestion, cell staining, antibody panel set up, proficient in the use of BD FACS DIVA machines and Flowjo).

Experience with various cellular and molecular biology techniques for measuring proteins and gene expression to analyze ex vivo samples generated from in vivo studies.

Experience in maintaining the highest standards of animal welfare and ethical compliance. Familiar with using Good Statistical Practice in animal research and applying the 3R's.

The successful candidate needs to show great time management and interpersonal skills in combination with excellent written and oral communication skills in English.

Desirable for the role


Valid education required for compliance to work with live animals in Sweden.

Good understanding of pharmacology and PK/PD relationship in the context of in vivo studies.

Good written and oral communication skills in Swedish and experience in writing ethical applications for animal work in Sweden.

Experience in sorting cells at BD Cell Sorters.

Understanding practical aspects of the drug discovery process in the pharma industry.

Why AstraZeneca in Gothenburg?

Our Gothenburg site is one of AstraZeneca's three strategic R&D sites. Here, you'll feel a global atmosphere in a multinational environment. Collaboration comes in all forms - across teams, functions, countries and even companies.

With more than 2,900 employees from over 70 countries, our vibrant Gothenburg site is a truly inspiring place to work. Here, the history and future of scientific breakthrough come together. We believe that the diversity of our people is crucial to bringing new discoveries to life.

What's next?

If you are ready to make a difference - apply today, and we'll make it happen together! We welcome your application until May 10, 2024.

Where can I find out more?
Global Gothenburg: https://www.astrazeneca.se/om-oss/verksamheten-i-sverige/goteborg/relocate-to-gothenburg.html
Our Gothenburg site: https://www.astrazeneca.com/our-science/gothenburg.html
Life in Gothenburg: https://www.movetogothenburg.com/

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Enterprise Architect, R&D Patient Safety

Projektledare, IT
Läs mer Apr 23
At AstraZeneca, we are dedicated to being a Great Place to Work. Where you are empowered to push the boundaries of science and unleash your ambitious spirit. We currently have a new opportunity for an Enterprise Architect (EA), you'll be working with ground breaking technology. Care to join?

The marriage between our purposeful work and the use of high-tech platforms is what sets us apart. We have an ambitious goal to lead the way in digital healthcare - from exploring data and AI, to working in the cloud on new technologies. You will join a team at the forefront. It's a dynamic and challenging environment to work in - but that's why we like it. Shape your own path, with support all the way. Diverse minds that work cross-functionally and inclusively together. Be part of a team that has the backing to innovate, disrupt an industry and change lives.


As an Enterprise Architect, you will be accountable for the IT capability and road map (1-5 years) for patient safety within R&D. Currently Patient safety is going through transformation form inhouse tools to cloud solutions that you will need to drive. This role is pivotal in contributing to the R&D patient safety domain and ensuring it is aligned with enterprise architecture across AstraZeneca. You will also be involved app rationalization, portfolio review, and architecture framework development.

As an EA, you will ensure that common architecture decisions support both business and IS strategy within a domain focus. You will provide Enterprise Design thinking & support to AZ's Enterprise in one of the below focused domains of architecture: Business, Data, Application, Infrastructure. You will participate in Architecture Assessments & Reviews either as Reviewing Architect or as a Subject Matter Expert in the review team. You will also contribute to the development of the Architecture Capability within IS, by documenting and sharing knowledge and best practices with peer Architects and developing/maturing services aligned to architecture.

Essential Skills/Experience:

* Relevant technical degree or equivalent
* Demonstrated technical depth & experience in at least one technical or architectural domain.
* Experience influencing solution direction and standard adoption through the use of architecture capability building blocks, strategies, and roadmaps
* Experience developing and leading innovative business capability definition and creation activities within one or more technical or architectural domain.
* Proven experience influencing change and challenging approaches/ideas.
* Experience developing and managing relationships with business stakeholders & third party suppliers
* Experience working within and developing policies, procedures and guidelines within a secure, quality, and compliance environment
* Strong collaboration skills with good internal/external links
* Strong communication, facilitation and relationship building skills
* Ability to interpret and communicate technical information into business language

Desirable Skills/Experience:

* Demonstrate initiative, strong customer orientation, and cross-cultural working
* Understanding of the pharmaceutical/healthcare industry and of competitor activity, on a particular architecture and Information Management

Technology at AstraZeneca is a home for purposeful disruptors!


Are you already imagining yourself joining our team? Good, because we'd love to hear from you! Click the link to apply no later than May 6, and we'll be in touch as soon as we can.


Our Social Media, Follow AstraZeneca on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/1603/

Follow AstraZeneca on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/astrazenecacareers/

Why AstraZeneca?

As Architects at AstraZeneca, we connect the dots across the business to improve the agility and functionality of our processes to accelerate AstraZeneca to the next level. We are champions of our Technology ecosystem, making sure the rest of the business experiences the true benefits of our systems. Uniting diverse areas and simplifying the way we work, changing mindsets and behaviours along the way. Our reach goes beyond technology. We are a collective of technical experts, bringing deep specialism and forward thinking to resolve complex ideas. We are curious about new ways of doing things to get to better solutions. For the business and our patients. Connecting the dots is what we do everyday, we are right at the heart of AstraZeneca's exciting digital transformation journey.

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